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Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Gov. Lingle vetoes four bills which "violate federal statutes"
By News Release @ 11:55 AM :: 6653 Views :: Energy, Environment
  • SB 1058 SD2 HD2 CD1 relating to controlled substances.  This bill attempts to circumvent provisions of federal controlled substances laws as enforced by the United States Drug Enforcement Administration.  Portions of this bill may also violate Section 14 of Article II of the State Constitution regarding the scope of subjects each law enacted by the Legislature may encompass.
  • SB 912 SD2 HD2 CD1 relating to permanency hearings
  • HB 1611 HD2 SD2 CD1 relating to labeling of meat and fish products
  • HB 690 HD2 SD2 CD1 relating to insurance
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Monday, July 6, 2009
Djou denounces Abercrombie's "$20B reckless fiscal maneuver"
By News Release @ 6:34 PM :: 10301 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

"This is a reckless fiscal maneuver that dramatically increases taxpayers' cost and an inappropriate use of the defense budget to spread political pork.  This is nothing more than an all too typical Congressional move to spend public money for the sake of spending money," stated Djou.  "This is exactly the reason why Hawaii needs a new voice in D.C."

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Sunday, July 5, 2009
Churches begin registering voters
By Selected News Articles @ 4:59 PM :: 8960 Views :: Energy, Environment

Honolulu AP: Several Hawaii churches are uniting to register tens of thousands of new voters in hopes of influencing 2010 elections for the Legislature and governor's office.  Hawaii Family Forum is leading the effort, which also includes several Protestant churches the Catholic Diocese of Honolulu, and the Mormon Church.

Chart compares number of union members vs adult citizen church members.  Even in the 2nd most unionized US state, churches are 64% larger than unions.

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Thursday, July 2, 2009
Response to Sakamoto ruling: Governor to Continue Negotiations, Seek Additional Cuts from Departments
By News Release @ 8:58 PM :: 4927 Views :: Energy, Environment

Governor Lingle said that she and her cabinet will be working late into the night and through the weekend to plan the next steps following Friday's court ruling on her furlough plan.

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Thursday, July 2, 2009
Unions' hand-picked Judge blocks furloughs
By Selected News Articles @ 1:18 PM :: 7504 Views :: Energy, Environment

 No surprise here.  The unions shopped for Sakamoto amidst the Hawaii Judiciary's sea of plenty.  Here are some quick hits from the local media...more updates as they become available....

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Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Gov. Lingle vetoes online tax bill
By News Release @ 4:19 PM :: 4907 Views :: Energy, Environment

Already and have officially sent out notification that they are severing their “affiliate” relationships with Hawai‘i.  Other well known internet-based firms, such as eBay are likely to do the same if prompt action is not taken.

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Wednesday, July 1, 2009
NY City Council backs closure of schools for Islamic Feast on Sept. 11th
By Andrew Walden @ 3:34 PM :: 17687 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics, World News, Family


The NY Times fails to mention that Eid al-Adha falls on Sunday, September 11 in the year 2016 and Eid al-Fitr will begin at sunset on September 9 and continue to sunset on Friday September 10 in the year 2010.

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Tuesday, June 30, 2009
After Call From Senator Inouye’s Office, Small Hawaii Bank Got U.S. Aid
By Selected News Articles @ 9:49 PM :: 17615 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

Inouye reported ownership of Central Pacific shares worth $350,000 to $700,000, some held by his wife, at the end of 2007 [5]. The shares represented at least two-thirds of Inouye's total reported assets. Inouye has requested a delay in filing his annual financial disclosure for 2008, which was due this spring, and he declined to provide the current value of his investment. Since the end of 2007, the bank's stock has lost 79 percent of its value.

Central Pacific was founded in 1954 by a group of World War II veterans including Inouye who were emerging leaders in Hawaii's Japanese American community.

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Tuesday, June 30, 2009
No Tax Increase! Rallies Honolulu July 4, July 14
By Jonah Ka`auwai @ 4:43 PM :: 10929 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment

Union leaders are playing with their members livelihoods! And they are calling for an increase in GE Taxes! The union bosses are pushing their membership to rally at the Capital June 30th, from 4:30 to 6:00 PM. We need you to call radio shows, write letters to the editor and call/email Senator Hanabusa and Speaker Say to let them know your cost of living is already too high. Want to be part of the solution? This is what YOU can do...

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Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Gov Lingle submits potential veto list to Legislature
By News Release @ 4:36 PM :: 5910 Views :: Energy, Environment

Specific areas of concern include bills that would extract more taxes from state residents (HB 1271, SB 1678 and HB 1544); impact end-of-life choices (HB 1379); curtail affordable housing choices (SB 1160 and SB 1350); and, remove the Public Utility Commission’s oversight to control basic telephone service (SB 603).

In addition, due to the unprecedented $2.7 billion revenue shortfall between now and June 30, 2011, as projected by the Council on Revenues, the Lingle-Aiona Administration has increased scrutiny of all bills for potential budgetary implications.  As a result, a number of bills were put on the potential veto list because they call for new or increased spending at a time when the State cannot afford to expand the cost of government or further deplete the State’s limited fiscal resources.  Twelve bills on the list fall into this category of potentially negative fiscal implications (HB 36, HB 343, HB 358, HB 982, HB 986, HB 989, HB 1504, HB 1809, SB 266, SB 423, SB 1248 and SB 1665).

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Monday, June 29, 2009
July 4: Hawaii Churches to kick off massive voter registration drive
By News Release @ 9:16 PM :: 7766 Views :: Energy, Environment

Unite and inspire 80% of the Christian Church to register to vote in July of 2009.  Get 80% of the Christian Church to vote Christian values in November of 2010.  

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Friday, June 26, 2009
"95% water vapour" Global warming debunked by New Zealand Meteorologist
By Selected News Articles @ 9:52 PM :: 26821 Views :: Environment

Water vapour was responsible for 95 per cent of the greenhouse effect, an effect which was vital to keep the world warm, he explained.

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Friday, June 26, 2009
Gov. Lingle considers nominees for Chief Judge Intermediate Court of Appeals: Seeks public input
By News Release @ 3:23 PM :: 6640 Views :: Energy, Environment

HONOLULU – Governor Linda Lingle today released a list of judicial nominees that was provided to her by the Judicial Selection Commission to fill the position of chief judge of the Intermediate Court of Appeals.  Governor Lingle is making the list available to the public to encourage public comment on the nominees.

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Thursday, June 25, 2009
Allegedly Naked Editor with Wings allegedly fabricated sources (endorsed twice by Advertiser!)
By Andrew Walden @ 10:07 PM :: 14209 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment

Sometimes you just have to laugh out loud at those who consider themselves to be "conscious, enlightened, and progressive".

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Governor Lingle issues Executive Order to furlough state employees
By News Release @ 9:56 PM :: 7621 Views :: Energy, Environment

“This is not something we want to do, but something we have to do to balance the state budget and address the unprecedented fiscal emergency we are in due to the projected $2.7 billion revenue shortfall,” Governor Lingle said.  “I appreciate the understanding of the State employees who will be affected by the furlough and admire the cooperation they have demonstrated in helping to ensure that state services will continue to be provided when the furlough plan begins on July 1.”

The executive order refers to the furlough plan announced on June 18, 2009, which describes furlough schedules of specific departments and agencies, and includes furlough calendars.

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Carbon Tax: House to vote Friday on another $2 trillion in waste
By News Release @ 10:13 AM :: 9611 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

Independent estimates say that families could pay $3,000 more a year on energy and the entire plan would take $2 trillion from our economy in just over eight years.

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Abercrombie nailed for $51M in "Defense" Pork
By News Release @ 9:52 AM :: 11347 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

Some of the biggest porkers in the House authorization bill were Rep. Neil Abercrombie (D-Hawaii), with 17 projects worth $51,646,000...$3,500,000 by Rep. Neil Abercrombie (D-Hawaii) for BAE Systems in Honolulu, Hawaii...$2,550,000 by Rep. Neil Abercrombie (D-Hawaii) for whale and dolphin hearing....

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Saturday, June 20, 2009
Poll shows Abercrombie leads Hawaii Governors' Race
By Selected News Articles @ 8:09 AM :: 12633 Views :: Energy, Environment

A DailyKos/Research 2000 poll conducted June 15 to June 17 showed Abercrombie leading Honolulu mayor Mufi Hannemann in a Democratic primary match up of likely voters 42 to 22 percent, but 36 percent of voters were undecided. The poll's margin of error is 4 percentage points....

The poll showed Abercrombie's general election race could be more competitive than the state's typically Democratic lean would suggest. Abercrombie, who is serving his 10th full term in office, led Republican Lieutenant Gov. James "Duke" Aiona 45 to 36 percent with 19 percent undecided in a hypothetical general election match-up.

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Friday, June 19, 2009
EPA targets Waikiki? Large hotels, hospitals to fall under EPA carbon rules
By Heritage Foundation @ 7:38 AM :: 13880 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

According to the US Chamber of Commerce, regulating carbon through the Clean Air Act would expose at least one million mid-sized commercial buildings to draconian environmental regulations. One-fifth of all food service businesses, one-third of all health care businesses, one-half of the entire lodging industry, and even 10% of all buildings used for worship would be under the EPA’s hammer.

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Thursday, June 18, 2009
Governor Lingle details furlough plan
By News Release @ 3:45 PM :: 7447 Views :: Energy, Environment


“The primary goal in developing the furlough plans for each department was to achieve the required operational savings, while minimizing disruption to public services,” said Governor Lingle.  “I recognize the impact the furloughs will have on many employees and their families.  This is not something we want to do, but something we have to do to balance the state budget.  We appreciate the public’s understanding and patience as our state employees adjust to the new schedules.”

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Monday, June 15, 2009
Re-directing the GOP: Advice from the Star-Bulletin
By Selected News Articles @ 1:42 PM :: 8664 Views :: Energy, Environment

Perhaps what we need today is a bunch of ambitious young men eager to improve the State who will decide to infiltrate and re-direct the Republican Party. 

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Friday, June 12, 2009
Blackmailed? Palau reportedly to take 17 Guantanamo detainees
By Andrew Walden @ 10:57 AM :: 12155 Views :: Environment, National News, Ethics, World News, Family

With Obama’s White House counsel Greg Craig and GTMO Shutdown Czar Daniel Fried riding shotgun—plus the detainees two personal attorneys--a US plane landed Thursday in Bermuda to offload four Chinese Muslim Uighurs who allegedly trained with al-Qaeda and were captured in Afghanistan on the field of combat at Tora Borah in December, 2001.

Palau is the Obama’s administration’s next stop. Seventeen more Uighurs from Tora Bora are to be dumped there. That will total 21 jihadi head-choppers who have been granted residence at US taxpayer expense on beautiful tropical islands after facing American soldiers in combat alongside al-Qaeda at Tora Borah.  Palauans have the right to travel and work in the United States under the terms of the Compact of Free Association. 

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Thursday, June 11, 2009
House Natural Resources Committee considers Akaka Bill
By Selected News Articles @ 12:23 PM :: 12651 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

“It’s essentially an enabling act” that would allow Native Hawaiians OHA cronies the chance to manage land and assets as they see fit, Abercrombie said. “When the land wasn’t worth anything and there was no money, nobody cared.  (When was that?  1848?  Overthrowing the Mahele, Neil?)  Now that the land is worth a considerable amount of money, now all of a sudden, everybody is OHA cronies are interested.”

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Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Greenwood named UH system President
By News Release @ 4:56 PM :: 5735 Views :: Energy, Environment

Dr. M.R.C. Greenwood, chancellor emerita of the University of California, Santa Cruz, has been named president of the University of Hawai‘i System.

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Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Executive compensation at UC: MRC Greenwood and the $871 million dollar secret
By Andrew Walden @ 8:39 PM :: 26211 Views :: Energy, Environment

Nine days after Greenwood’s resignation on November 4, the Chronicle finally began publishing a series of stories that Dynes had tried to get ahead of. Starting with the stunning fact that 8,500 staffers had collected at least $20,000 each in unreported bonuses and extra pay in the previous year, Schevitz and Wallack methodically cracked open a secret culture of executive compensation more widespread than anyone could have imagined. At the heart of the series was a blockbuster number Wallack had teased out of payroll data. According to his calculations, $871 million had been “quietly handed out” in “administrative stipends, bonuses, and other hidden cash compensation.” There was a veritable canyon between UC’s reported salaries (plus overtime) and the total payroll.

Congratulations UH!  This is who you are about to hire.

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Tuesday, June 9, 2009
State sells $725.3M in General Obligation bonds, saves $100M/year
By News Release @ 5:17 PM :: 5078 Views :: Energy, Environment

The $725.3 million bond sale included $500 million of new money proceeds to fund new capital improvement projects and $225.3 million of refunding bonds to refinance outstanding debt.  The refinancing of existing debt resulted in a reduction in debt service of approximately $100 million per year in fiscal years 2010 and 2011.  The overall interest rate for the bonds was 4.12 percent.

Standard & Poor’s Ratings Service cited, as one of the State’s credit strengths, “management’s well-established, proactive budget monitoring practices, including frequent revenue forecast updates from the Council on Revenues, which facilitates prompt identification of potential budget adjustments.”

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Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Aiona: Legislature slowed economic recovery
By Lt Gov Duke Aiona @ 1:11 PM :: 6345 Views :: Energy, Environment

The legislature voted to impose almost $521 million in new taxes on residents and visitors. It was just one in a flurry of moves that will slow economic recovery and lead to greater job losses.

Most troubling was that legislators did not have to raise taxes on our businesses and hard-working families. Our Administration provided them with a credible alternative to closing the state’s budget gap without raising taxes, cutting essential services or laying off government workers.

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Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Estate tax: Hawaii could add 7000 jobs
By News Release @ 4:30 AM :: 7917 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

Hawaii could add 7,000 new jobs at no cost to taxpayers if the federal estate tax were repealed, according to a new analysis by SmartBusiness Hawaii (SBH) and the SBH Entrepreneurial Education Foundation.

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Monday, June 8, 2009
Price of Apology: Clinton, Obama, and the Hawaiian Quid Pro Quo
By Andrew Walden @ 8:01 AM :: 15355 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

Contrary to popular opinion, Indian reservations have a history in Hawaii. An Oct. 12, 1999, article in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin describes the 1995 efforts by corrupt trustees controlling America’s largest charitable trust — Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate (KSBE) — to evade state and federal oversight. And not without reason: trustees’ salaries were over $1 million per year. KSBE money, along with trustees’ personal funds, had been invested in a pornographic website. Spending on the Kamehameha School was being cut. One trustee was running rampant in the school, micromanaging teachers and administrators. The trustees’ self-dealing and their investments with Goldman Sachs — at the time headed by current New Jersey Democratic Governor John Corzine — had brought losses of $264 million in 1994 alone. Investigators were starting to ask questions. Hawaiians were beginning to protest. The trustees’ plan? Get the IRS and the state attorney general off their backs by moving KSBE’s legal domicile to an Indian reservation.

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Monday, June 1, 2009
Lingle: "Unlike the Federal government, we cannot print money"
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 2:12 PM :: 7302 Views :: Energy, Environment

"...we now have a government that we cannot afford....

"I cannot support raising taxes because it would cause further hardship for families, businesses, and the overall economy.

"We have two options:  we can continue to tax and spend to pay for a government that we would like to have but can no longer afford, or we can take the steps necessary to create the government that we need and are able to afford.

"...delaying bills until July, instituting a statewide furlough plan, and scaling back free Medicaid benefits to low-income adults – will allow us to avoid deeper cuts in education, environmental protection, public safety, and other core services the State provides."

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Monday, June 1, 2009
Governor: DoE to establish curriculum
By News Release @ 10:34 AM :: 7809 Views :: Energy, Environment

HONOLULU – Governor Linda Lingle and State School Superintendent Patricia Hamamoto today announced Hawai‘i’s participation in a nationwide program led by the states to ensure public school students have the knowledge and skills they need to compete in the global economy.

Governor Lingle and Superintendent Hamamoto have co-signed a Memorandum of Agreement that commits Hawai‘i to participate in the process of developing a common core of state standards that are internationally benchmarked.

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Monday, June 1, 2009
Gov Lingle's budget address live via Internet
By News Release @ 6:05 AM :: 8953 Views :: Energy, Environment

Governor Lingle will address the people of Hawai‘i on the Administration’s plan to close the budget shortfall.  The address will be carried live on line at 1PM today.  Four links are available to avoid website overloads.

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Friday, May 29, 2009
Julian-Gregorian game: Islamists mark fall of Constantinople with riot in Athens
By Andrew Walden @ 10:37 AM :: 10745 Views :: Energy, Environment, World News, Family

Here is video of the latest Islamist riots in Athens.  The excuse: something about Koranic verse being written on a piece of paper torn up by an Athens police officer.  The date:  May 29, 2009 (Gregorian).  The fall (and looting) of Constantinople to the Ottomans was ...(drumroll please)... May 29, 1453 (Julian). 

Of course this is just a coincidence.  Really.  Certainly nobody would ever do such a thing in Hawaii.

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Friday, May 29, 2009
Gov. Lingle responds to Council on Revenues forecast
By News Release @ 6:15 AM :: 6955 Views :: Energy, Environment

“I will be meeting tomorrow and throughout the weekend with my staff to identify options to close the immediate shortfall projected by the Council on Revenues, as well as our projected $500 million shortfall in the fiscal 2010 – 2011 budget period that begins July 1, 2009.
“I will address the public at 1:00 p.m., Monday, June 1 on television, radio and webcast to discuss these options and to outline our path to economic recovery.”

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Washington-run health care: A matter of life and death
By News Release @ 4:53 PM :: 8050 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

Canadian Shona Holmes had a brain tumor and was told by her government health care agency to wait 6 months for treatment.  In Canada she had no choice.  The government had spoken.  So Shona mortgaged her home and came to the United States for immediate treatment--that saved her life.

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Sunday, May 24, 2009
NKorea says it has conducted a second nuclear test
By Selected News Articles @ 8:07 PM :: 13108 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics, World News, Family

At the Chinese border city of Yanji, 130 miles (200 kilometers) northwest from the test site, an emergency siren sounded shortly before 9 a.m. when officials thought an earthquake occurred. A receptionist at Yanji's International Hotel said she and several hotel guests felt the ground tremble.

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Sunday, May 24, 2009
Islam Day: “‘The Muslims are laughing’ Why, yes, we are indeed”
By Andrew Walden @ 11:39 AM :: 19009 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics, World News, Family

Aziz Poonawalla of Madison, Wisconsin May 19 writes: “Naturally, there are some (conservative, Republican) people who see this as dhimmitude incarnate. This fellow for example ... intones seriously, 'the muslims are laughing'. Why, yes, we are indeed.”

The first commenter on Poonawalla’s blog post identifies himself as Hawaii IIO webmaster Abdul Rashid Abdullah.  The Islamic Information Office (IIO) website is tied to the Hawaii-based Muslim initiators of the “Islam Day” resolution. 

The next morning “Indira” comments: “Nice work, that is also September 11 on the Julian calendar, no wonder you are laughing at kufr.” 

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Thursday, May 21, 2009
Gov Lingle releases $1M to widen Middle St Merge on H-1
By News Release @ 6:18 PM :: 8902 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment

Currently, cars exiting the Middle Street tunnel must merge onto the H-1, which creates an extreme bottleneck as cars traveling eastbound on the H-1 slow down to allow the incoming traffic.  This project will increase traffic capacity through the Middle Street merge and Vineyard Boulevard by adding a fourth continuous lane, eliminating the need to merge. The additional lane will also add a second exit lane to the Vineyard Street off-ramp.

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009
The Next Phase of Islamist Lawfare
By Selected News Articles @ 5:45 PM :: 13436 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics, World News, Family

More recently still, CAIR has demanded that Florida House Majority Leader Adam Hasner step down, for the "crime" of co-hosting a conference on free speech at which Mr.Wilders spoke. Lawsuits charging "defamation" continue to plague people who speak out against radical Islam and terrorism, including ongoing cases against Iranian-American researcher Hassan Daioleslam, Americans Against Hate founder Joseph Kaufman, and Hawaii Free Press Editor Andrew Walden. By and large, these events, and others like them, have not made the front page of any major newspaper, or been featured on broadcast television, if mentioned at all.

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009
MRC Greenwood and "A Powerful Coterie of larcenous. . . ." (UH's next system President?)
By Andrew Walden @ 8:57 PM :: 35087 Views :: Hawaii County , Honolulu County, DHHL, Maui County, Energy, Environment

When the Star-Bulletin and Advertiser write about "ethical lapses" of public officials without actually describing the lapses it is a sure sign that a good story is lurking below the surface.  Of course that is the case with MRC Greenwood, one of the two finalists selected from 600 applicants for the job of UH system President. 

This hidden story involves money-grubbing lesbians, a $30,000 dog run paid for by the UC system, former Communist Party vice-presidential candidate Angela Davis, and one suicide.  Questions Hawaii reporters should be asking Greenwood include:  "If hired, will UH be expected to also hire Ms Goff and/or your son?"  and "Will you speak up in favor of  administrators arranging cushy high-paying jobs for their lovers at UH--or was that just a UC thing?"

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Monday, May 18, 2009
Hawaii Republicans elect Kaauwai Chair
By Andrew Walden @ 6:59 PM :: 8259 Views :: Energy, Environment

Rebounding from their 2008 election drubbing, Hawai`i Republicans have recruited over 500 new members -- and it showed at the State GOP convention meeting at the Waikoloa Beach Marriott May 16. Among over 300 delegates and guests were about 100 attending their first convention.

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Monday, May 18, 2009
July 15 deadline: Governor seeks public input on veto decisions
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 3:50 PM :: 5661 Views :: Energy, Environment

Since the legislative session ended on May 8, my Administration has been carefully analyzing the 250 bills passed by the State Legislature. As Governor, I have until July 15 to sign the bills into law, veto them or let them become law without my signature. We encourage the public to provide input on the bills that are still under consideration by e-mailing , faxing 808-586-0006 or calling 808-586-0034.

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Monday, May 18, 2009
Hawaii Republicans decide on 2012 Presidential caucus
By Andrew Walden @ 11:33 AM :: 14898 Views :: Energy, Environment, Ethics

The caucuses replace Hawaii Republicans' former convention-based system of voting for Presidential-year RNC delegates. Backers of the caucus system pointed to the opportunity to recruit thousands of new Republicans as the competing Republican Presidential nominees campaign in Hawaii and encourage their supporters to vote at the caucuses.  The Hawaii Republican caucus will be held on the third Tuesday in February.

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Monday, May 18, 2009
Fisking the Star-Bulletin: Uproar over Islam undeserved
By Andrew Walden @ 7:37 AM :: 15769 Views :: Environment, National News, Ethics, World News, Family

(Today's Star-Bulletin Editorial properly Fisked by your beloved Editor) 

Legislators' near-unanimous approval of a resolution creating an Islam Day in Hawaii was greeted with anger by many people who mistook it as siding with terrorists.  (Why would they think that?  Just because it honors Sept 11 in the old Julian calendar but corresponds with exactly nothing in the Islamic calendar?  Or is it because of the 'magnificent' 7% below....)

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Sunday, May 17, 2009
Hawaii GOP Convention Coverage
By Selected News Articles @ 2:05 PM :: 10054 Views :: Energy, Environment

Advertiser: Republicans urged to unite: GOP challenged to gain seats in 2010 election by sticking to core beliefs

AP: Hawaii Republicans elect 36-year-old as new leader

KGMB: Hawaii GOP Elects New Leadership For 2009-2011

KITV: Lingle: It's Time For Younger Republicans To Lead, Aiona Says Democrats Are 'Party Of No Ideas'

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Thursday, May 14, 2009
Islam Day: Answering UH Religion Department Prof.
By Andrew Walden @ 3:31 PM :: 18999 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics, World News, Family

In response to the article “Hawaii ‘Islam Day’ secretly marks September 11” UH Manoa Department of Religion professor James D. Frankel today writes:

“Andrew Walden has uncovered no secret or nefarious conspiracy to honor the deplorable terrorism of September 11, 2001. The 12th day of Rabi ul-Awwal will fall on September 24, 2009, but will be on September 13 next year and September 2 the year after that.”

Frankel is dead wrong -- and has exposed an utterly stupendous ignorance of his own field of study.

Had Professor Frankel bothered to look at an Islamic calendar he would have discovered that the Islamic lunar calendar’s “12th day of Rabi ul-Awwal” fell on March 9, 2009 and will next year fall on February 26, 2010.

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Milk Cows may bolt: Hawaii Enacts Top Income Tax Rate of 11% on Incomes over $200,000, Highest State Rate in the U.S.
By News Release @ 7:30 AM :: 8021 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

"States that adopt new taxes on high-income earners are ones where policymakers are persuaded to ignore concerns about long-term economic growth in favor of a short-term budget fix that avoids deep spending cuts."

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Tuesday, May 12, 2009
al-Taqiyya in action: Islamic Information Office of Hawaii defends "Islam Day"
By News Release @ 11:00 PM :: 17343 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics, World News, Family

The word "al-Taqiyya" literally means: "Concealing or disguising one's beliefs, convictions, ideas, feelings, opinions, and/or strategies at a time of eminent danger, whether now or later in time, to save oneself from physical and/or mental injury." A one-word translation would be "Dissimulation."

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Sunday, May 10, 2009
Islam Day: Ron Paul Hawaii leader accuses Hemmings, Slom of "ignorance"
By Letters to the Editor @ 5:50 PM :: 12226 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics, World News, Family

I was one of those Ron Paul supporters employed in Rep. Pine’s office.  Your comment implies that I am in favor of government getting involved with religion.  I do not.  I believe government should have no place in supporting any religion.  On the other hand I do not support government officials equating Islam with terrorism.  Equating Islam with terrorism shows the ignorance of some people who refuse to take off their blinders. 

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Sunday, May 10, 2009
Hawaii Islamic Holiday Resolution Is An Insensitive Embarrassment
By Sen. Sam Slom @ 8:58 AM :: 18811 Views :: Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics, World News, Family

HCR 100, the Islamic Holiday Resolution passed by the State Senate (22-3) on Thursday, May 7, is insensitive to patriotic Americans of all religions, outrageous, and an embarrassment (once again) for the State of Hawaii.

This resolution (which does not have the force of law) proclaims September 24 as Islam Day in Hawaii. How insensitive, no matter what the original intent, can anyone get, selecting a holiday just 13 days following the 911 Islamic terrorist attack on America? Is it just me that feels the stunning inappropriateness here?

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