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Tuesday, October 4, 2011
October 4, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:23 PM :: 12251 Views

Sovereignty Scammers accused of Elder Abuse, Gain Control of $70M Estate  

SA: In 2010, according to the documents, Kanuha introduced Dorcy to a neighbor he identified as "Henry Rice," a supposed financial and business adviser from a well-known Maui kamaaina family who could help guide Dorcy's finances.

In reality, "Henry Rice" was Petro T. Hoy. He and his ex-wife, Leatrice Lehua Hoy, were indicted by the FBI in May for their role in Ko Hawaii Pae Aina, a Native Hawaiian sovereignty group that allegedly sold fake treasury bonds and bogus property titles to people behind on their mortgages. (NOTE: They get away with it because of political correctness.)

"Nevertheless, Hans decided to introduce Mr. Dorcy to the very same criminals who purportedly defrauded Hans and many other native Hawaiians out of their life savings toward the end of December 2010 and the beginning of January 2011, and induced Mr. Dorcy to employ them as his most trusted confidants," according to court documents.

Kanuha also introduced Dorcy to his new caregiver, Hoy's ex-wife. She previously worked at McDonald's and as a circus dancer….

On Jan. 20, Dorcy executed a second will that made Kanuha the recipient of his assets, estimated at $70 million.

Then on April 4, Dorcy adopted Kanuha.

In his own court filings, Kanuha wrote, "It appears I believe the Court has already decided without a basis in fact that I am a con man, scam artist, a financial predator who had lied, cheated and exerted undue influence on Laurence H. Dorcy, who was erroneously perceived by the court to be mentally deficient, a feeble-minded old man who was unable to handle his financial affairs since 2008. …

Back home in Kula on March 24, Dorcy could no longer walk. He was moaning and had pain in his chest. Dorcy's housekeeper demanded that he receive medical help. Kanuha and the Hoys then met behind closed doors for approximately six hours before they finally called an ambulance that took Dorcy to Maui Memorial Hospital.

Background: Naming names: Who are the alleged Sovereignty-mortgage scammers?

read … Sovereignty Scammers

Abercrombie claims to be victim of Bullying

Also at the news conference, Gov. Neil Evercrummy recounted his own experiences with bullying as a child growing up in Buffalo, N.Y., where he said he was singled out because he wasn’t Polish, Irish or Italian.

“When somebody picks on you because of your name, let me tell you, that’s rough,” Abercommie said.

He added, "When you treat someone else disrespectfully it doesn't make you bigger. It makes you smaller." (Is that why he is so short?)

read … Bully

Assisted Suicide Back on Legislative Agenda

It's October, which means that the prologue to the next lawmaking session is starting to pick up steam. Example: Physician-assisted suicide, a perennial topic at the Legislature, is the topic of a panel discussion set for noon to 2 p.m. tomorrow in the state Capitol auditorium. State Rep. Blake Oshiro, the House majority leader, is chairing the session.

read … Not Dead Yet

More Predictions of Doom and Gloom for Hawaii Republicans From the Pundits

Hawaii Republicans are weaker than they have been in a long time, and they are moving in the wrong direction. Right now there are no Hawaii Republicans in Congress or the Senate. The governor is a Democrat, and the state Legislature has only a handful of Republicans, fewer than it had when Linda Lingle was elected governor in 2002.

In state legislative elections since 2002, Republicans have lost some previously strong Republican areas in East Oahu and the Windward Side and have not gained any previously Democratic seats. Even worse news for state Republicans, 2010 was a terrific success for the party everywhere in the country except in Hawaii where Charles Djou and Duke Aiona lost elections that many people, and not just Republicans, thought they would win.

Judging by state election results, Hawaii Republicans are now weaker across the state than they were 10 years ago. Hawaii is more Democratic than ever.

Political parties get stronger in two ways. The first way is to transform the electorate, build the party from the grassroots. That is what Jonah Kaauwai wanted to do, but in the short run that is impossible. In fact dramatic and stable movements from one party to another rarely happen anywhere, and when they do, they take years…. (That was always the plan. To take years.)

Overall, then, Hawaii Republicans approach 2012 with a couple of good if flawed candidates and a party that right now is going nowhere. Can Lingle and Djou pull it off under these circumstances? Sure. After all, considering the economy and President Obama’s approval rating, 2012 could really be a big Republican year.

But so was 2010.

Related: Church-based voter drive brings 15000 to polls

read … Do Hawaii Republicans Have a Future?

Thielen Joins Carlisle Administration

Honolulu Mayor Peter Carlisle has named Laura H. Thielen, the former director of the state Department of Land and Natural Resources under Gov. Linda Lingle, as the city’s agricultural liaison.

The agricultural liaison serves in the managing director’s office and is an advocate for the agricultural community.

Read … Thielen

Hawaii Education Scores Rank Poor When Compared Globally

A what is being "first of its kind study", released by the George W. Bush Institute, shows how Hawaii and other school districts throughout the United States stack up against global competitors.

The Global Report Card for America’s schools (GRC) found that American students, even those in affluent suburban school districts, lag behind their global peers with "mediocre" results.

Hawaii also ranks poorly. In 2007, the latest data available, Hawaii scores a 29 percent in math and a 39 percent in reading.

read … Hawaii Education Scores Rank Poor When Compared Globally

Honolulu Rail Construction Delays Will Paralyze Traffic for Decade

One thing that the public has not understood and the City has never explained or quantified is this: The impact of construction on daily traffic flow for 6 to 12 years.

Let's say that all attempts to stop the proposed heavy rail for Honolulu fail and the rail as shown in the picture above is going to full implementation. There will be 21 approximately football sized stations 40 ft. or higher in the air.

This will require extensive lane closures and in make cases long term full road closures. In addition to the stations there will be 20 miles of guideways in the middle of major arterial streets such as Farrington Hwy., Kam Hwy., Dillingham Blvd., Queen St. Their traffic will have to divert to other (already congested) parallel roads. Congestion will be paralyzing for a decade.

read … Decades

'Graying Hippies' in Hilo Join NY City Allies in Protest of 'Corporate Greed and Influence'

A small group of what some bystanders described as "graying hippies" gathered outside the Merrill Lynch building in Hilo, Hawaii, on Monday afternoon to back the "Occupy Wall Street" movement that has been building and spreading to other cities since it started in New York City two weeks ago.

The benign radicals sat listlessly on stools and chairs holding signs reminiscent of Woodstock that read Stop the Wars and Make Love Not War. They even threw in a handful of signs protesting corporate greed and occasionally walked in the road to stop traffic.

Maui News: What do we want? No freaking clue

HTH Photos: Residents protest Wall Street

HR: Rosanne Barr, Comedian Turned Hamakua Mac Farm Owner, Tells Russian Media that American Bankers Should Be 'Beheaded'

read … Greying Hippies

Fidell: Hawaii’s Energy Future is based on Solar, Wind and Mililani Trask

The state has considered various sources over the last three years, and by now we should be able to choose well. Some are clearly out of the running: However inexpensive, nuclear is scary and coal is dirty. New technologies could make them more politically correct, but not yet.

Let’s start with two renewables that have traction, namely wind and PV. Wind is a proven technology that has been successfully installed all over the world. Hawaii has magnificent wind. It runs around the clock but produces only half as much at night. At scale it can light our cities.

PV is also proven technology and particularly promising in sun-rich Hawaii. We can put it unobtrusively on residential, business and government buildings. Before tax credits, PV is fairly expensive and doesn’t run at night, but we know it can generate utility-scale power.

That considered, wind and PV are certainly serious enough to serve as the first two legs of the clean-energy stool. Since they are nonfirm, they need the help of a third leg, a third source of power that is both firm and dispatchable and can fill in the gaps when production from the first two legs drops off. So what sources can we use to drive the third leg? …

Geothermal could be a great source for the third leg. It’s firm and could provide both dispatchable and base load power to back up the first and second legs. Puna could be expanded, and Mililani Trask’s IDG project could provide even more. (More of what? Hot air?) We’ll need a second cable to transmit it west from Hawaii island, but so far cable technology isn’t ready to make the trip.

read … How to Hustle the Most Bucks

Styrofoam: Civil Beat Identifies Enemy Supply Lines in War on Restaurant Industry

Hawaii’s foam food containers probably come from California, says Mark Spencer, business manager for sustainability at Pactiv. That's because finished plastic foam products are mostly made of air - so they take up a lot more space than the resin does, Spencer says. He says it's cheaper to ship the resin as close to Hawaii as possible before molding it into containers and insulation.

Just how much foam do we import?

It’s hard to say. Major Hawaii restaurant suppliers either didn’t return phone calls or said they didn’t have answers. (REMEMBER: Name, Rank, and Serial Number!)

Related: Study: Styrofoam Better for Environment than Tree Killing Paper Products

read … Friend or Foam: How Does Most Plastic Foam Get to Hawaii?

Program aims to help homeowners stay out of foreclosure

The new dispute resolution program establishes a system and that neutral third party that helps owner-occupants meet directly with lenders to see if a loan modification or other alternative could work.

"If there are families in Hawaii who want to fight to save their home, this program will help them get a fair shot at saving their home if they're in foreclosure," said Kim Harman of Faith Action for Community Equity.

It applies to lenders considering a non-judicial foreclosure. the department of commerce and consumer affairs says it should be faster than the court-based alternative called a judicial foreclosure.

"From start to finish it's a little over 4 months. Currently the process for the judicial foreclosures is at minimum 8 months," said Kealii Lopez of the Department of Commerce & Consumer Affairs.

The program will eventually sunset in the fall of 2014. The cost to a lender is $550, all documents from both sides get filed online so nothing can be lost in processing. the dcca says there's nothing that guarantees every home will be saved -- a borrower still must fulfill their responsibilities.

For more information visit or

SA: Bankruptcies in Hawaii plummet in September (due to reduction in foreclosures)

read … Foreclosure

Adult School Principals seeking funding propose fewer locations and higher class fees

The number of adult community schools would shrink to four from 11, and students would have to pay $20 or more for classes that are now free, under a plan to save adult education services that would also require the state to restore more than half of the $5 million in funding cut from the program for next year.

Adult school principals, who will present the plan to a Board of Education committee today, say without the funding restoration the schools stand to lose an additional $2.5 million in federal money, which must be matched by state funds.

read … Principals

Hokulia Bypass road protest dead-ends at Supreme Court

A South Kona property owner's protest of a county land acquisition has hit the end of the road.

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday denied the Charles Coupe family's request for a writ of certiorari. Had the high court granted the motion, it would have brought Hawaii County's condemnation action under one final review.

read … Hokulia

Judge Orders Release of Four 911 Tapes

A state judge has ruled that the city must release recordings of five 911 calls related to the June 3 highway shooting spree that left one dead and two wounded.

But Circuit Judge Edwin Nacino turned down the Honolulu Star-Advertiser's request for four other 911 calls, including three from the victims.

The judge indicated the release of the victims' calls would be an invasion of privacy.

Still, the judge ruled that the city must pay the newspaper's attorney fees and costs for prevailing on the request for the five tapes.

Jeffrey Portnoy, Star-Advertiser attorney, said he was disappointed the judge did not order the release of all the tapes.

But he noted that because the city failed to provide any of the tapes prior to the newspaper filing a lawsuit, the city is going to have to pay fees and costs he estimated would be more than $7,500.

read … 911 Tapes

Former Prisoners Face Employment Challenges

Paul McDowell used to be a career criminal, in and out of the prison system since 1974. "I planned to live my life in the institution, because I was mad. I did what I wanted without any regard to the consequences," said McDowell.

He also committed robberies, eventually earning two life terms behind bars.

When he finally gave up his life of crime and got out prison, he couldn't talk employers into giving him a second chance.

read … But they make Great Legislators

Honolulu Federal prison probe seeks answers on contraband

Federal prison officials found the contraband hidden in slippers Joseph was wearing after a family visit in February. The slippers were not of the kind available to inmates at the facility.

Officials later found another pair of slippers in Joseph's possession that had been altered in the same way as the other pair but did not contain contraband.

Joseph admitted receiving contraband and providing some to Souza.

Loo said Souza admitted sending $100 to one of Joseph's family members to pay for the tobacco and marijuana.

The state routinely rents space at the federal prison near the airport when state prisons are at capacity.

read … Contraband

Judge rules Army didn't test seaweed near Makua

A federal judge has ruled the Army's study of contamination of seafood harvested near Makua Valley was satisfactory except for two ways.

U.S. District Court Judge Susan Oki Mollway ruled the Army didn't test seaweed and other marine life eaten by residents of the Waianae Coast to determine whether they pose health risks from live-fire military training at Makua.

read … Its Delicious

SA: Let private sector run public housing

At the heart of the problem is a seeming revolving door at the authority's top office. The most recent executive director, Denise Wise, is the eighth to hold the job since 1998, and last week she announced she would be the latest to leave. Wise cited personal reasons for her departure, but yet another turnover at this point is surely going to prolong intolerably the process of putting things right.

The authority's board, Wise said, is working on a comprehensive review of housing conditions statewide. Clearly the goal should be the reduction of state-run housing inventory. Even setting aside the past decade of managerial upheaval, a government agency like HPHA lacks the incentive to handle the upkeep and rental of units with the efficiency of a private owner with some capital invested in the project.

There is a model in place that the state should watch carefully and, if it is successful in the next few years, replicate for its other holdings. This is the sale of the KPT and Kuhio Homes buildings to Michaels Development Co., a New Jersey company with broad expertise in housing management. It is the lead partner in the site redevelopment and renovations that began in May; the state retains ownership of the land and in the deal set the minimum number of units that must remain affordable.

The city also is pursuing a program of privatization for its stock of rental properties. Advocates such as Faith Action for Community Equity favor this trend, even if the redevelopment includes some market-priced housing, but rightly assert that long-term affordability of the current housing stock should be assured.

read … Housing

Hawi Ag Park To Be Exempt from All Zoning, Construction Standards

With County Council approval, the agriculture park could be exempt from all planning, zoning and construction standards for subdivisions, development and land improvement, as well as building construction. That approval must happen within 45 days of the applicant submitting the preliminary plans and specifications to the council; if no action is taken, the plan is automatically approved after the 45th day, according to state law.

The plan includes a 1993 site evaluation that estimated the park would be fully occupied by 2000. Kobayashi said much of that report, including discussion of the area's climate, geography, soil conditions, flora and fauna, haven't changed in the 18 years since the first draft was put together.

The new funding covered updating the costs for the 500-acre park and paid for a site map and creating new plans for the park, she added.

A nonprofit organization formed in 2010, Kahua Paa Mua Inc., will eventually run the park, which is to be located makai of Akoni Pule Highway, about one mile west of Hawi. Kahua Paa Mua Inc. President David Fuertes had not seen the updated master plan released Monday.

According to the updated master plan, Kahua Paa Mua will manage the agricultural resource center. The center will employ a manager, two half-time engineers to run poi and meat processing facilities, an administrative assistant and a natural farming technician….

read … Exempt

Hughes Corp. revives plan for Kakaako

Howard Hughes Corp., which owns Ward Centers and 60 acres of prime Kakaako land, announced today that it has secured a $250 million loan to help kick-start development of the area.

A master plan, approved by the state in 2009, called for adding 20 residential towers with 4,300 units, 100 new retail tenants, five acres of pedestrian plazas, 700,000 square feet of industrial space and a station for the city's mass-transit project

read … KSBE $$$

Natatorium is a problem that just won't go away

This 84-year-old blight on the Waikiki shoreline has been on the verge of municipal ministrations since 1996, when then-Mayor Jeremy Harris announced an $11 million restoration plan.

The restoration should have started in 1928, which is when city officials discovered their splendid new pool didn't flush and drain seawater as designed, turning the water inside into a murky, stagnant, disease-breeding slop.

read … Natatorium


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