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Wednesday, May 30, 2012
May 30, 3012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:00 PM :: 17366 Views

Complete List of 2012 Gut and Replace Bills

Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted May 29, 2012

Abercrombie Releases CIP for School, Water Projects

Obama Admin Asks Supreme Court to Reject DHHL Property Tax Challenge

Hawaii Ranks 46th in Forclosures

DoJ Details Admissions of Criminal Pfluegers

CoR: Payments to Solar Scammers Drain Money from Collective Bargaining, Social Services

HNN: So after much discussion and debate, the council's latest forecast was kept solid for the remainder of this fiscal year ending June 30th. But, next fiscal year economic growth is not as good as once thought, and the forecast was lowered by 2 percent.

"The word is the economy is doing well, that's what it is,” said Richard Kahle, chair of the Council on Revenues. "It's the tax law that is jerking us around."

Kahle says the biggest issue has to do with solar and energy tax credits. In some cases people are claiming three tax credits for a single project.

"The thing too every house built has to have a solar on it or some kind of PV that means every house gets a tax credit. Just multiply that by two to three per house you got a problem and that's where we are we have a problem,” said Kahle.

That problem means that the State should anticipate $106 million less in general fund revenue in the upcoming fiscal year than was previously planned.

“It means restricting Medicaid payments to hospitals, all of the grant in aids that were recently approved by the legislature, aid to community health centers, assistance to domestic violence shelters,” said Rep. Marcus Oshiro of the Finance Committee….

“This will definitely have an impact on their collective bargaining positioning when they go in, right now as they look over the next several years,” said Oshiro.

Full Text: General Fund Forecast - May 29, 2012

As Explained: Why Stop at $500K? DoTAX Quietly Multiplies Hawaii Solar Tax Credit

read … You will die waiting at Emergency Room Because of Solar Scammers

Star-Adv: Senate Race Just Like 2002

SA: Emotions are running high in the Democratic race to fill the vacancy to be created by the retirement of U.S. Sen. Daniel Akaka. The nominee will face former Republican Gov. Linda Lingle — and with the winner likely to represent Hawaii in the Senate for years to come, the personal confrontations must make way for specific political game plans.

The Mazie Hirono-Ed Case matchup in this Democratic primary is similar to the gubernatorial contest a decade ago; then, Hirono beat Case but lost to Lingle in the general election. The personal undercurrents this time around have grown more complex….

read … just like 2002

Retirees Banned from City Firehouses over Cayetano Endorsement

HR: The Hawaii Firefighters Association and the Honolulu Fire Department have retaliated against the Honolulu Fire Department Retirees Association because they endorsed former Governor Ben Cayetano for mayor. (see the video of the endorsement here)

That according Honolulu Fire Department Retirees Association President Donald Chang, who said he received a letter from current Fire Chief Kenneth Silva that informed the retirees they are "no longer allowed to step foot in the Honolulu Firefighters facilities, can no longer hold meetings there or even pick up their mail."

The Hawaii Firefighters Association had already endorsed former city managing director Kirk Caldwell before the retirees' endorsement of Cayetano. Honolulu Mayor Peter Carlisle, Cayetano, Caldwell are the primary contenders for Honolulu mayor in the August 11 primary election.

“We retirees differ with the HFFA over its endorsement for mayor,” Chang said. “I can understand the union’s disappointment but I think I speak for all retirees when I say we are very disappointed in the way Hawaii Firefighters Association and the Honolulu Fire Department have acted.”

"This is like throwing one’s parents out of their own house,” Cayetano added.

read … Retaliation

Carlisle: Kill Rail And DC Will Never Take Honolulu Seriously Again

SA: At a forum put on by Mufi’s Hawaii Lodging and Tourism Association at the Hilton Hawaiian Village, Carlisle said the $5.27 billion rail proj­ect and the transit-oriented development around rail stations would be an engine of urban renewal. While not mentioning by name former Gov. Ben Caye­tano, who opposes the proj­ect, Carlisle said that if Hono­lulu backs out now, the city would lose relationships with federal transit leaders.

Cayetano did not attend the Mufi forum because of a scheduling conflict.

"We need to go forward with (Mufi’s) rail," Carlisle said. "I am not going to stop. I am not going to equivocate, maybe I'm not going to do rail, maybe I'm going to do rail. This over here" — nodding toward an empty space in reference to Caye­tano — "‘I'm never going to do rail, I'm going to kill it off.' The second he does that, he rips up a $1.55 billion check and makes sure that the federal government will never take Hono­lulu, Hawaii, seriously one more day in their life. "Not one more day in their life."

read … One more benefit of killing rail

150 Join Lingle for Hilo HQ Opening

HTH: Former Gov. Linda Lingle mingled among her East Hawaii supporters at the opening of her Hilo headquarters.

Tuesday evening, on a day that her opponents for the U.S. Senate spent tangling at a candidate forum in Honolulu, Lingle untied a maile lei, posed for pictures with friends and blew out the candles on a large cake.

At the former Island Chevrolet car lot, a crowd roughly estimated at 150 or more listened to Lingle, a Republican, tell her supporters how she would represent one of the bluest states in the country. Dinner for the first of five “birthday bash” fundraisers” was a $25 plate lunch with rice, corn, cole slaw and teriyaki chicken.

Lingle is trying to be a rare creature in the Senate — a moderate Republican in the mold of Maine Sen. Susan Collins — who would not be beholden to Senate Republican leaders or a president of either party.

read … Grand Opening

Filing deadline nearing for November elections

KGI: As the deadline to file for November elections approaches, only about one-third of candidates who pulled papers for various county positions have filed for office.

The deadline is 4:30 p.m. Tuesday.

Kaua‘i’s senator in the state Legislature, Democrat Ron Kouchi of Lihu‘e, pulled papers April 11, but has yet to file. He will likely face Republican William Georgi of ‘Ele‘ele. Georgi pulled papers Friday, but has yet to file.

All three state representatives — Reps. Derek Kawakami, D-14th District, James Tokioka, D-15th District and Dee Morikawa, D-16th District — have pulled papers, but only Kawakami has filed them.

As of Tuesday morning, no one had challenged the state representatives.

read … June 5

Case: Lazie Mazie Had Six Years to Solve China Visa Problem

KHON: "You know, we've talked about China at nauseum right now," said Ed Case, candidate for U.S. Senate.

Case counted the number of times Congresswoman Mazie Hirono brought up her Visit USA Act. He said Hirono talked about the bill to ease the visa process for Chinese visitors, six times. But he claims:

"She didn't do anything for almost five years, so my perspective, this is something that she did because she's running for the Senate," Case said.

SA: Case noted that the bill that Hirono introduced in November has just six co-sponsors and has not moved from a House subcommittee. He questioned why Hirono waited to introduce the bill…. Case said Hirono had five years in Congress to introduce the bill but did not until she was running for the Senate. "Drafting and introducing a bill is very simple," he told reporters. "Doing something about it after you do it is what the issue is."

KITV: Click the following links to watch the hour-long forum:

· Hawaii U S Senate Forum - Part 1

· Hawaii U S Senate Forum - Part 2

· Hawaii U S Senate Forum - Part 3

Hirono Talks Trash, Runs Home to Mommy

Shapiro: Nothing he said could reasonably be taken as derogatory to her mother, but Hirono whined that he "crossed the line that we do not cross in Hawaii" and demanded that he "leave my mother out of it."

This from a candidate who brings her mother into virtually every speech she gives.

To accuse an opponent of denigrating her mother when he did nothing of the kind is the cheapest kind of politics.

The most overheated rhetoric in this campaign so far has come from Hirono and her surrogates.

Her suggestion that Case was un-local for mentioning her mother was more incendiary than anything he said in the statement she cited.

And her camp repeatedly paints a cartoonish picture of Republican Linda Lingle as a lackey of Sarah Palin and Karl Rove who would destroy Social Security, wage war on women and hand the country to the rich.

In her weekend speech to the Demo­cratic convention, Hirono described Lingle as "anti-family, anti-workers, anti-unions, anti-keiki, anti-Native Hawaiians."

She can't seriously expect to get away with dishing out trash talk like that and then run crying to mommy when opponents challenge her to answer for her own rec­ord.

read … It's time for Hirono to stop hiding behind her mother

Debate: Mufi’s HLTA Slips in ‘Republican’ Campaign Headed by Mufi Operative

The HTLA debate has long been billed as a Case-Hirono debate. But without notice HTLA puts John Carroll on the stage. Carroll's manager is Mufi operative Keith Rollman. HLTA President is Mufi. Don't be a sap. Do the math.

read … Civil Beat takes Hook, Line, Sinker

DiGeronimo for Congress: The Same, But Different

CB: Matt DiGeronimo embodies some of the basic tenets of today's traditional Republican. He's a retired Navy officer, devout Christian and small business owner.

But the 2nd Congressional District candidate also loves Pink Floyd, worries about sustainability and has his own thoughts on gay marriage.

He doesn't see why he can't have these multiple dimensions and win the open seat in November to represent rural Oahu and the Neighbor Islands.

read … DiGeronimo for Congress: The Same, But Different

TheBus Reductions

SBH: During June, a number of major changes with TheBus route scheduling and directions will be "tried out." Patrons at Neighborhood Board meetings so far not impressed. This is part of the overall plan to downgrade TheBus while forcing passengers-and revenues-into TheRail. (OTS personnel publicly deny this). TheBus is frequently recognized as the best bus service in America. What's that about, "if its not broken, don't...?"

read … Price of Rail

Farmers Given Reprieve Again

SBH: Attorney General David M. Louie announced that the State will allow the Haleiwa Farmers' Market ("HFM") to remain at its present location for two more weeks, through June 10, 2012.

The State had previously provided HFM with an extension to operate until May 27, 2012. This additional extension to June 10th is being provided because HFM has been making progress in finding and moving to a new location. The State wants to facilitate that move by providing this further extension.

read … So Generous of them, eh?

Matson to Hike Rates July 1

SBH: Hawaii's Department of Transportation, Harbors Division, is implementing the fourth of several planned wharfage increases on July 1, 2012. As is Matson's current practice, Matson passes on fees that are charged by Hawaii's DOT, Harbors Division.

The increase will be applied by island and equipment size, as well as by commodity in some instances. As one example, the Hawaii wharfage fee for a 40-foot container moving from the U.S. Mainland to Honolulu will increase from the current $136.62 to $150.28 on July 1. The Hawaii wharfage fee for a 40-foot container moving from the U.S. Mainland to any neighbor island beyond Honolulu will increase from the current $236.86 to $273.80.

The increased fees will be published in Matson's tariffs and become effective on July 1, 2012.

read … Jones Act

Abercrombie Hacks Provide ‘Nonpartisan’ Analysis of Bills’ Financial Impact

CB: In law, there is a state fiscal budget office to provide fiscal notes and nonpartisan analysis on the costs and benefits of every bill and budget proposal?

Notes: The Hawaii Department of Budget and Finance serves this function, providing analysis of bills and budget proposals. But it is not a nonpartisan analysis. The department is headed by an appointee of the governor and is part of the Governor's Office.

The Department of Budget and Finance is headed by an appointee of the governor and is part of the Governor's Office. ( It would be difficult to classify this office as "nonpartisan" or "independent."

read … Abercrombie Hacks

Taxpayers forced to Contribute $145K to Perpetual Candidates

CB: Seven candidates for Hawaii County Council on the Big Island are taking advantage of public financing through a three-election-year pilot program in its second year.

The candidates — including two incumbents — have together received more than $145,000 for their primary campaigns. A total of a dozen candidates signed up to participate in the so-called Comprehensive Public Funding program.

read … Welfare for Unelectable Losers

Honolulu reporters crossing over to PR and communications

PBN: As news organizations attempt to do more with less, a handful of print and television reporters in Hawaii have left or are leaving the news business for jobs in communications and public relations.

Those reporters include Ron Mizutani of KHON, Minna Sugimoto of Hawaii News Now, Jodi Leong of KITV, and most recently, Gene Park of the Honolulu Star-Advertiser….

read … revolving door

Ecos’ Psy-Ops to Brainwash Military Personnel, Families

SA: The kilowatt-hour target works out to an energy-use reduction of 1.5 percent.

The program, set in 36 neighborhoods mostly on Oahu, is the state's first large-scale effort to transform entire communities to "achieve an energy-efficient lifestyle," said Lt. Gov. Brian Schatz. The housing is operated by Forest City Military Communities, a private-sector provider. If successful, the initiative could serve as a model for the broader community, he said.

The key to getting program participants to change their energy-use behavior will be education and repeatedly supplying them with information about how to save electricity, said Will Boudra, vice president of development at Forest City.

read … Behavior Modification

Panos Proposes Underpasses to Break Gridlock

HR: Honolulu would greatly benefit from at least three express underpasses. One from Nimitz to Alakea and Halekawila, another on Kapiolani Boulevard at the Kapiolani/Date/Kamoku intersection by Iolani School, and a third by having a lane of Kalakaua Avenue go under Kapiolani Boulevard.Here is a video of our traffic simulation that explains the one lane express underpass from Nimitz to Alakea and Halekauwila.

read … Alternative to Rail

Big Island Police ‘Have Received a Lot of Information’ About Attack on GMO Papayas

News Release: On June 30, 2010, and again on July 19, 2011, many acres of papaya trees were cut down on Alohilani Road in the Kapoho area. Police have received a lot of information about these cases, but not enough that would lead to an arrest. In the meantime, police are trying to prevent any new incidence of agricultural vandalism.

read … Eco-Terrorism?

Eradication: Government War on the Environment

SA: The federal and state governments have declared war on the environment today. Tens of thousands of acres of wilderness are being fenced, sprayed with poisons to kill introduced plants, and stripped of wildlife.

Pigs, deer and goats will be caught in snares or traps, or poisoned. Others will die of thirst when fencing blocks the way to water. Shooters from helicopters will slaughter animals on the run, killing some and wounding many others who will die slowly and painfully.

Naturally, you would expect public opposition to this carnage. Surprisingly, the biggest opponents are hunters. Hunting and gathering is an important practice in Hawaii, especially by the rural, local culture. These hunters are the predators necessary to keep Hawaii's wildlife from becoming a nuisance.

But the government now considers the hunters themselves a nuisance, since their centuries-old lifestyle of hunting and gathering is reliant on species that are now considered "invasive."

My view of hunters has changed over the years, now that I live with animals and in the wild. The hunter is a necessary predator in the food chain. If not for the hunter, then disease, starvation and environment destruction would be the result of these fast-reproducing animals.

Hunters are doing what other carnivorous predators do. And while they are invested in the kill, they are also invested in perpetuating the species for the future. Like other predators, they do not eliminate their prey.

The government, however, wants complete eradication. Areas of the wild are to be fenced and "cleansed" of nonnative species. It has no mercy. It wants no future for these animals.

read … Eradication

Kona hospital under lockdown

WHT: Kona Community Hospital is reportedly under a lockdown status. Early reports indicated an individual, reportedly armed, was on site, threatening hospital staff. Police have been dispatched; calls went out shortly after 9:30 a.m.

read … Lockdown




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