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Entries for March 2019

Sunday, March 31, 2019
March 31, 2019 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:19 PM :: 3453 Views
  1. Judgments Aren’t Necessarily the End of Litigation
  2. JSC Seeks Applicants for Judicial Vacancy – District Family Judge, First Circuit
  3. Got Milk? DoH Consent Decree Requires Shut Down of Big Island Dairy
  4. Trump Tax Cut Lowers Electric Bills--HECO Gave Back the Least
  5. Hawaii Family Forum Legislative Week in Review
  6. Legislators Raise Taxes to Boost State Workers Minimum to $17—in the middle of contract reopener
  7. Legislative Pay Hike Needed to Attract More Layabouts
  8. Kim talks management during meeting with Ige, other officials about mountain’s future
  9. HART work went off the rails, report says
  10. MECO Another 3.8% Rate Hike—Utility Squeezed by Alt-Energy Schemers
  11. Bureaucratic Infighting, Money and Positions--Turf War over public preschools
  12. HB748: Reform Asset Forfeiture
  13. Police Could Save Millions by Dumping Subsidized Vehicles
  14. Halawa: Prisoner Commits Suicide After Being Raped by Homosexual for 5th Time
  15. Big Island: Where the Anti-Vaxxers Are
  16. Tour Boat operated by Anti-Superferry Activists Runs over (yet another) Baby Whale
  17. Lihue: Mainland Homeless Build Tent City Next to Shopping Center


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Sunday, March 31, 2019
Letters to the Editor March, 2019
By Letters to the Editor @ 12:39 AM :: 3660 Views
  • Ozawa, Waters Lucky They Didn’t Run in Bad Old Days
  • How to cause a train wreck?
  • Salvage Contract for Failed Plastic Boom in Hilo Bay?
  • HART Spends Money to Prove Spending Money is a Good Idea
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Saturday, March 30, 2019
March 30, 2019 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:30 PM :: 5621 Views
  1. Court: OHA LLCs Subject to UIPA
  2. Akina: OHA spending rate unsustainable
  3. Complaint Filed in NRA-supported Challenge to Hawaii Concealed Carry Law
  4. PEW: Hawaii Pension Fund Positioned to Withstand Next Recession
  5. ‘Backward budgeting’ wrong way to move forward
  6. Honolulu Rail Cars Fail Fire Test
  7. Contempt of Court: Judge issues stern warning to new City Prosecutor Nadamoto
  8. Kealoha Attorney: Ken Lawson’s OJ Simpson Innocence project Defends other Criminals, What about mine?
  9. SA Editorial: Pay raises Make Legislators Disconnected, Illogical
  10. Department of Hawaiian Home Lands director to step down after failing to win Senate support
  11. Proposal to curb Affordable Housing deemed to be ‘monster houses’ ready for final Honolulu City Council vote
  12. Homeless Plans before funding (part 2)
  13. Water Rights Bill Affects Many Small Farmers And Ranchers
  14. Trump Budget Zeroes out OHA Cronies Cash Flow (again)
  15. DOH: 2017 Mumps Epidemic Caused by Anti-Vaxxers
  16. 9th Circuit Moves Dopers Closer to Winning Right to Drive Forklift
  17. Incident at Work Results in Lack of Staff, Closures of Transfer Stations
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Friday, March 29, 2019
March 29, 2019 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:33 PM :: 6205 Views
  1. Auditor Rips Rail Oversight: DAGS 'Busy Work Gives False Sense of Assurance'
  2. Environmental Review for Aloha Stadium Tear-Down Begins
  3. Tourist Numbers Up, Spending Down (again)
  4. Busted: Former ILWU Boss to Rat out other Criminals in Union?
  5. Legislators Pass Death Tax, Internet Sales Tax
  6. SB301: REIT Tax Will Cost State a Fortune
  7. Maui: 100% Against Mileage Tax
  8. Faculty union blasts UH president
  9. Kauai Council pretends to be divided on raises
  10. Fraudster Gets 30 days Jail for Ripping off Charter School
  11. Developer Builds Affordable Units Despite City Obstacles
  12. Waikiki Homeless Stab Tourists Again and Again, Defecate on Beach
  13. City Contractor Violates Agreement, Feeds Homeless at Kakaako Makai
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Thursday, March 28, 2019
March 28, 2019 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:38 PM :: 3079 Views
  1. Ala Wai? Corps of Engineers has Long History of Corruption and Cost Overruns
  2. Auditor: Transportation Division Books a Mess
  3. Federal Investigation Forces Hawaii AG to Back off Mandatory Abortion Stance
  4. Nominations Open for Commission on Water Resource Management
  5. Six Solar Schemes Approved by PUC
  6. First phase of grid modernization plan approved--Ratepayers Soaked to Funnel More Money to Silicon Valley Billionaires
  7. Reforming Rental Car Excise Taxes
  8. Billion Dollar Give-A-Way: Legislators Consider ‘Unlimited’ Tax Credits for Hollywood Movie Moguls
  9. Ballots for the Dead and Mainlanders
  10. Djou: A Vote For Ozawa Is A Check On Caldwell
  11. City council considering raising TheBus and Handi-Van fares for adults, seniors and those with disabilities
  12. Hawaii County GE Tax Hike to Fund 72 new ‘Positions’
  13. SB856: Audit the DoE
  14. Feds Want Testimony From Katherine Kealoha’s Aging Grandmother Before It’s Too Late
  15. Meth Up: Police and courts dealing with more mental health cases
  16. Colonized: Hawaii PUC Submits to California Control—More Hawaii Ratepayer Dollars to be Sent to Silicon Valley Billionaires
  17. SB666: Legislation aims to make management of seven Hawaii airports more efficient
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Wednesday, March 27, 2019
March 27, 2019 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:38 PM :: 3616 Views
  1. Hawaii: Anti-Gun Bills to be Heard This Week
  2. Anti-Vaxxer Charter School May Lose Charter over Financial Irregularities
  3. Kouchi, Saiki Behind Massive Pay Hikes for Hawaii Legislators 
  4. Public Employee Unions: 1,600 Members Making Less than $15/hour
  5. Residents report more ballot abnormalities in hotly-contested City Council race
  6. Rocky start to Special Election mail-in ballots raises eyebrows with some voters
  7. 'Gross incompetence or worse’: Rail purchase of reinforced steel questioned
  8. Hawaii County’s outstanding debt stands at $475M—up 33%
  9. Raises proposed for Kauai county officials
  10. Star-Av: Time to Clamp Down on Anti-Vaxxers
  11. Kaiser Suicide Squad Pushes for Easy Drugs
  12. Bill Could Make It Easier To Pursue Sexual Harassment Claims In Court
  13. HB307: Redefining Renewable Energy
  14. Public Safety admits less-lethal options are on hand — but not for use in the field
  15. Firefighters rescue Drunken Belligerent homeless ‘man’ from Kapalama Canal
  16. The Twisted History Of Honolulu Traffic Engineering
  17. On a day dedicated to the ‘people’s prince,’ GOP pushes a re-branding in his honor
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Tuesday, March 26, 2019
March 26, 2019 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:16 PM :: 3941 Views
  1. Prince Kuhio’s Fight to Americanize Hawaii
  2. Pearl Harbor Profligacy
  3. UH Class Constitutes "material support of a Foreign Terrorist Organization"?
  4. Hilo Has the Highest Food Prices in America
  5. The hypocrisy of minimum-wage laws
  6. Tulsi Gabbard says Mueller clearing Trump is 'a good thing for America'
  7. Hawaii: Worst Taxpayer Return on Investment in USA
  8. Maui Mayor Proposes $869.5M Budget
  9. Hawaii More drug deaths than traffic fatalities 
  10. Hawaii Democrats Propose Ranked-Choice Voting in Presidential Preference Poll
  11. Lawmakers Move Swiftly On Spending Plan, But That’s Not The End Of The Debate
  12. HB1191: Amended Minimum Wage Bill a Lot Tougher on Small Business
  13. Homeless: Ohana Zones Money Begins to Flow—No Tent Cities Yet
  14. Honolulu councilwoman seeks $21M to Build Massive Festering Homeless Tent Cities in Every District
  15. Special East Honolulu election further scrutinized after a voter is mailed 2 ballots  
  16. Child Molester Internet sting nets retired police officer looking for 13-year-old Boy
  17. EMS staffing shortage leads to units closing down on Oahu
  18. Hawaii hotels report February as worst monthly performance in about a decade
  19. Volcano Effect on Tourism -- ‘Like 9-11’
  20. Coco Palms Defaults
  21. Blue Planet: We Must Destroy the Environment to Stop Climate Change
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Monday, March 25, 2019
March 25, 2019 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:11 PM :: 2880 Views
  1. Best States for Doctors? Hawaii Ranks 46th
  2. Hawaii Family Forum Legislative Week in Review
  3. Iowa Poll: Gabbard Surges to 1%
  4. How to cause a train wreck?
  5. Lawmakers Must Stop New Tax Increases
  6. Bill to put solar farms on prime ag land elicits stiff opposition
  7. Permits for Thirty Meter Telescope Canary Islands Location proceed amid Mauna Kea obstacles
  8. Hearing Set for possible Final Draft of Hawaii County Vacation rental rules
  9. The Boat People Of The Ala Wai Fear They’re Getting Forced Out
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Sunday, March 24, 2019
March 24, 2019 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:04 PM :: 2968 Views
  1. Ethics: Board Member May Not Negotiate Spouse's Union Contract
  2. DHHL Releases Draft 2019 Native Hawaiian Housing Plan
  3. Hawaii Ranks 40th for Neighborhood Watch Programs
  4. Post Those Tax Returns, Darn It!
  5. Honolulu Council Kills Homeless on our Freeways
  6. Cost grows for delayed upgrade at Halawa Correctional Facility
  7. Honolulu police chief Susan Ballard's evaluation report released
  8. HB1326: East Maui streams are protected regardless of permit decision
  9. Case allegedly exposes flaws in Hawaii’s child-abuser registry, critics say
  10. Waiahole Valley preservation pact frays as state considers remedies to homestead issues
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Saturday, March 23, 2019
March 23, 2019 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:06 PM :: 3069 Views
  1. WSJ: How a Train Through Paradise Turned Into a $9 Billion Debacle
  2. High medical costs another threat to Hawaii taxpayers
  3. Hawaii GOP Speaker Cleared of Hatch Act Violation
  4. Lawmakers pass $8 billion budget – Will Focus on Tax Hikes
  5. Kauai Drivers Say ‘No’ to DoT Road Mileage Tax Scheme
  6. Bus ridership slide points to ‘Fraud’ in Rail Ridership Estimates  
  7. Lyon Bribery Could be Next Major Corruption Scandal in Hawaii
  8. Anti-Geothermals Go to Enviro Court to Block Re-Start of Plant
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Friday, March 22, 2019
March 22, 2019 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:14 PM :: 4939 Views
  1. How high is too high? What’s known and unknown about minimum wage increases
  2. Hawaii PUC approves special rates for Al Gore's electric buses
  3. Hawaii Sues Trump (again) Over Abortion (again)
  4. HB942: Legislators Approve $60K Settlement After Failing to Force Churches to Promote Abortion
  5. Salvage Contract for Failed Plastic Boom in Hilo Bay?
  6. Micronesian official to plead guilty in bribery scandal
  7. Homeless Activist Has Change of Heart
  8. $2.5M Program Gives Mainland Newcomers $500/mo for Rent
  9. State Sen. Donna Kim drops plan to cut 121 UH-Manoa faculty positions
  10. Ex-chief's request granted for lawyer in mailbox framing
  11. Cue Progressive Freakout: Ige Turns To Private Prison Firm (other than UPW, Inc) For New Oahu Jail
  12. Department of Public Safety and Reentry Commission complete plans for Convict Reentry
  13. More is Less: Privatized Maui Hospital Recruits More Doctors Thereby Reducing Need for State Subsidy
  14. Electric Car Free Parking ‘Not Sustainable’
  15. Snorkel Rentals Kill: Two In Distress, One Rescuer Dead
  16. 9th Circuit Hands Tool to anti-GMO Hypesters
  17. DoH: How Many Anti-Vaxxers in Your School?
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Thursday, March 21, 2019
March 21, 2019 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:52 PM :: 4803 Views
  1. Hawaii Supreme Court Rejects Rail Surcharge Lawsuit
  2. How to Solve the Hawaiian Homelands Problem
  3. Disabled Inmates: Feds Reach Agreement with Hawaii DPS
  4. Report: Hawaii Congressional Delegation Extremely Partisan, Except Gabbard
  5. Trump Ties Federal Funds for Colleges to Free-Speech Pledge
  6. Angry drivers blast state’s proposal to nix fuel tax for road usage surcharge
  7. Lyon contract scandal leaves Hawaii government officials scrambling  
  8. Hawaii Nearly Alone: 2/3 of Legislative Races Uncontested
  9. Hawaii legislative committees reject plastics ban proposals
  10. EVs costing state millions, blamed for airport parking congestion
  11. 42 sweeps in 90 days and still volatile encampment plagues neighborhood
  12. 16 more MCCC inmates transferred to Halawa Correctional Facility
  13. Councilmembers Call for Patrick Wong’s Resignation
  14. HPD Chief Ballard Says Allegations Of Doctored Test Scores Are Unfounded
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Wednesday, March 20, 2019
March 20, 2019 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:02 PM :: 3818 Views
  1. OHA Kakaako Makai Plans Begin With Sewage Plant
  2. Grant Supports Drive to make UH, Chaminade, Kauai CC 100% Tobacco Free
  3. Buying a House? Need Money? Honolulu can help
  4. House Resolution Seeks Return of Hawaiian Airlines Call Center
  5. Falls of Clyde to be Restored at Closed British Shipyard?
  6. US DoT Inspector General Investigating Honolulu rail concerns raised in (yet another) whistleblower suit
  7. Senate Committees Approve More Money for OHA Insiders to Steal
  8. Mauna Kea a Mountain of Moolah for OHA
  9. Flood control plan for Ala Wai strongly opposed at meeting
  10. More housing would boost Maui tax revenues
  11. Stolen Stuff Hawaii to hold anti-crime rally at the state Capitol
  12. Outdated Wang Technology Hampers Investigations Into Hawaii Professionals
  13. Woman accused of stealing $760,000 from Homeless Shelter to face charges (after all)
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Tuesday, March 19, 2019
March 19, 2019 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:33 PM :: 2881 Views
  1. HART Plan to Control Expenses-Pay Robbins Crony $85K per Month
  2. Senate Committee to Hear Anti-Gun Bills
  3. The last time Congress created a new state
  4. HART Spends Money to Prove Spending Money is a Good Idea
  5. Hawaii State Government -- 2nd-Lowest Federal Dependency Ranking
  6. Liberty and Economics -- Hawaii Together with Keli'i Akina
  7. Pentagon IDs $452M in Hawaii military funding for border wall plan
  8. SB1428: Let Hawaii County Fritter Away GET funds on Anything
  9. Bureaucratic Turf Fight Holds Toddlers Hostage: Ige Backs Team DoE
  10. Inmate: Broken phones a starter for ‘riot’ at jail
  11. Soft on Crime Meets Hot Lead: 51 Convictions Out on streets—gets shot dead
  12. Bill 89: 4,000 TVR Permits
  13. Unused vehicles raise spending concerns at EMS
  14. Settlement reached in lawsuit against the city in firefighter’s death
  15. Hawai`i Can Reach 100% Renewable Energy by Clearcutting Forests
  16. Tourists Required to Convert to Eco-Religion Before Tour
  17. Ocean Plastic Cleanup Boom Still Stranded in Hilo Bay
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Monday, March 18, 2019
March 18, 2019 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:02 PM :: 2894 Views
  1. The last time Congress created a new state
  2. Honolulu Council Special Election Ballots to be Mailed March 21
  3. GE Tax Hike: How They Voted
  4. Legislative Preview: Week 9
  5. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted March 17, 2019
  6. Innovation? Hawaii Ranks 45th
  7. Lesbian Home Invasion: Supreme Court Will Not Hear Hawaii Case
  8. Star-Adv Says We Need Tax Hikes … Because Economy is Slowing
  9. DPS Still Can’t Figure out how to Release Prisoners on Time
  10. Kealoha and Puana expected in court for drug related charges
  11. Judge Orders Release Of More Records In Case Of HPD Officer Who Beat Girlfriend
  12. Moldy Honolulu Council: $1.4M Plan to Go Alii with HART
  13. Federal Mandate forcing Hawaii to Overhaul Disabled Programs
  14. Isle taxpayers take loss on failed Kauai dairy plan
  15. Oceanfront Homes Keep Going Up Despite Rising Seas – Because Nobody Believes in Sea Level Rise
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Sunday, March 17, 2019
March 17, 2019 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:06 PM :: 3613 Views
  1. Blank the Amount, Defect the Date
  2. Hawaii Family Forum Legislative Week in Review
  3. Will Federal Investigation Wreck HART’s P3 Plan for Rail Past Middle Street?
  4. Senator Donna Kim pushes to fire 121 Underperforming UH Manoa faculty
  5. Lawmakers Looking Closely At Public Safety Director’s Performance
  6. Police chief owes answers on expensive lawsuit deal
  7. Pension ‘spiking’ costing Kauai county
  8. SB33: Millions More for Hollywood Movie Moguls
  9. Hana: ‘Electric Airplane’ Exposed as a Hybrid
  10. Star-Adv Genius Plan: Let Lots of Criminals out on Streets so they Won’t Riot in our Jails
  11. Hawaii Needs Municipal Governments Below County Level
  12. Politicians See Homeless Issue as Way to Pander to Voters, Nothing More
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Saturday, March 16, 2019
March 16, 2019 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:22 PM :: 3617 Views
  1. Restore flexibility for delivery of public services
  2. Lava Tube Dishonor goes to Hawaii County Civil Defense
  3. Infested: Honolulu Ranks #2 for Termites
  4. Rep Rida Cabanilla Hires Convicted Child Molester--Then Complains About Catholic Church sexual abuse
  5. Star-Adv: Telescope Protesters Can Cash in on Sustainable Future
  6. SB887: $100 for Carton of Tobacco Cigarettes
  7. Dispatchers say valuable time wasted during 911 calls
  8. Star-Adv: Can Activists Exploit PRP Poll to Keep the Homeless Homeless 
  9. State wants to build huge affordable housing projects with units on 99-year leases
  10. Hawaii National Guard soldiers headed soon to Afghanistan
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Friday, March 15, 2019
March 15, 2019 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:16 PM :: 18700 Views
  1. Lesbian Home Invasion: Supreme Court Considering Whether to hear Hawaii Case
  2. House Committee to Hear Anti-Gun Bills
  3. Judge Allows OHA, UH to Scrap for Mauna Kea Money
  4. Seeking Applications for Independent Grand Jury Counsel – Second Circuit
  5. State won’t pay rail invoices subject to subpoena by feds
  6. Pacific Club Shindig: More Political Insiders Get Behind Kahele for Congress
  7. Spending soars in special election race for City Council seat
  8. Nadamoto claims Kaneshiro not in Charge
  9. SA Editorial: HPD settlement needs explanation
  10. $500 Red Light Camera Tickets
  11. Hawai‘i Businesses Speak Out Against Proposed Minimum Wage Increase
  12. Bottles, utensils and bags: Lawmakers are coming for your single-use plastics
  13. State proposes permanent villages of tiny homes for the hardest to house
  14. Ballard Pushing Homeless Tent Cities Modeled on Chinatown ‘Success’
  15. Ala Wai project will affect 37 private properties
  16. Bill To Create An Airport Corporation Advances — With A Very Big Catch
  17. Times of the signs: Holiday Inn still waiting, 5 years later, for sign approval
  18. GIA: Legislators Feel Their Power Over Nonprofits​
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Thursday, March 14, 2019
March 14, 2019 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:23 PM :: 3396 Views
  1. Massive Pay Hike for Hawaii Legislators?
  2. HB118: Republicans Explain Vote to Kill Rail Audit
  3. After Konno: How Hawaii Can revive contracting as policy option
  4. State’s use of contractors just a hint of what could be
  5. UH Legislative Update
  6. Forgotten Voices: The Inadequate Review and Improper Alteration of Our National Monuments
  7. Poll: 45% Thinking of Leaving State or Know Someone who is
  8. Hawaii County Council passes $50M/year general excise tax hike
  9. Keith Kaneshiro put himself on paid leave. So why is he showing up at the office?  
  10. State Deputy Sheriffs Still Aren’t Accredited — 8 Years After the Law Required It
  11. Names, Ranks And Salaries Of Honolulu Cops Are Still Secret
  12. HB593: The Era of Hawaii Agriculture is Over
  13. City has collected more than 4.6 million pounds of homeless garbage from city streets and parks—14,276 Shopping Carts
  14. 21 inmates identified in MCCC riot; transferred to Halawa Correctional Facility
  15. Roads: Kauai Council Actually Considering Preventative Maintenance!
  16. Lifeguards work in deteriorating towers as brand new ones sit unused
  17. American Samoa Governor in Coma After Surgery
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Wednesday, March 13, 2019
March 13, 2019 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:11 PM :: 2962 Views
  1. Road Usage Charge: HDoT Community Meetings on Latest Tax Hike Scheme
  2. Auditor: Every Special Fund Proposed by Legislators Fails to Meet Criteria
  3. The Difference Between Real and Fake Energy Policy
  4. HART to Defy Federal Subpoena?
  5. Hawaii's predicted to bring in about $80 mil fewer dollars in tax revenue this fiscal year  
  6. Nearly all state jails operating over capacity
  7. Take longer view on Hawaii infrastructure
  8. Official charged with enforcing building codes didn’t get permits for residence
  9. School Chief Chooses Some Of The People Helping To Evaluate Her
  10. One judge approves sale of Kealohas’ home; another reschedules their fraud trial
  11. Judge rules bank fraud evidence can't be used in Kealoha corruption trial
  12. Legislator: Calls Run 30-0 Against Sanctuary State
  13. Investigation: No laws were broken when athletes skied down a snow-less Mauna Kea
  14. Biomass is not Carbon Neutral
  15. Gabbard Among ‘Those Going Nowhere’
  16. Did Hawaii Company Funnel Malaysian Money to Trump Campaign?
  17. Arrested in Waikiki: Coach Helped Rich Liberals get their Idiot Children into the Colleges They won’t let you attend
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Tuesday, March 12, 2019
March 12, 2019 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:09 PM :: 3889 Views
  1. Legislative Preview: Week 8
  2. Another Poll Puts Gabbard at 0% in Iowa
  3. Honolulu Council Special Election: Thursday Deadline to Register to Vote
  4. 557 Candidates Register for Honolulu Neighborhood Board Elections
  5. I Was America’s First ‘Nonbinary’ Person. It Was All a Sham. 
  6. Nishihara: Senate Will Vote on Espinda When I Have 13 Votes Against Him
  7. Criminals Light Fire in Maui Jail because TV Broken
  8. Cost to transport, house Hawaii inmates on the mainland is skyrocketing—But its Still Cheaper than UPW-Controlled Halawa Prison
  9. Shining Sunlight On The Honolulu Police Chief’s Performance
  10. Honolulu Prosecuting Attorney Keith Kaneshiro’s paid leave approved by his appointee
  11. City attorney to help hammer out how process for impeachment petition works
  12. Maui Councilmember Calls for Top Lawyer’s Resignation
  13. HPD Lieutenant who investigated financial crimes pleads guilty to tax charges
  14. Illegal immigrant sanctuary bill dies in state legislature
  15. SB663: Robot Cops to Give Tickets at Red Lights
  16. HB593: Replacing Prime Agricultural Land With Solar Panels
  17. Homebuyers should not be forced to choose solar over gas
  18. Honolulu Diocese Should Identify All Credibly Accused Priests
  19. Soft on Crime: Incompetent Prosecutors Let Homeless Lunatic Get Away With Murder—Literally
  20. Downtown Bumfights Leave two Stabbed
  21. Rich Tweeker Has 25-year Criminal Record—Keeps Getting Bail
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Monday, March 11, 2019
March 11, 2019 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:41 PM :: 8131 Views
  1. Rep Quinlan to Constituent: "Get the F*** Out!"
  2. Defense Attorneys Part of Kealoha Conspiracy, Coverup    
  3. Maui Corp Counsel Girlfriend ‘Transferred out to Avoid Appearance of Nepotism’
  4. Lawsuit Claims HPD Officer Sexually Assaulted Woman    
  5. HB210: Lower Voter Participation by Making Hawaii Elections More Complicated and Annoying 
  6. SB557: Hawaii to not likely become Second ‘Sanctuary State’ for Illegals
  7. HB1464: HMSA Underpays Doctors
  8. Manipulating Renewable Energy Definitions to Achieve Goals
  9. Gabbard declines to call Syria's Assad a war criminal
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Sunday, March 10, 2019
March 10, 2019 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:53 PM :: 3663 Views
  1. TelAbortion: Hawaii Doctors, Lawyers Plan the Abortion Future
  2. The Jones Act: High Steaks
  3. Can’t You Spare Half a Penny for Education?
  4. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted March 9, 2019
  5. Rent Control: How Not to Create Affordable Housing
  6. GET increase will add to Hawaii’s high cost of living
  7. Ninth Circuit Wants To Know The Statute Of Limitations For Takings Claims In Hawaii
  8. Hirono: Gabbard Tied to David Duke, Steve Bannon, Russia
  9. Maui County’s top lawyer arrested for physical abuse
  10. Marijuana: Shiny Object Confused with Priority 
  11. Product Bans are for the Silver Spoon People 
  12. HB1326: Failure to Pass would Harm Electric Coop, Small Farmers 
  13. A grand bargain on vacation rentals?

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Saturday, March 9, 2019
March 9, 2019 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:31 PM :: 2903 Views
  1. GE Tax Hike a Lose-Lose Proposition
  2. SB931: Tourism Industry Aims to Shut Down Aquarium Fishery
  3. FSM Election 2019 Certified Results
  4. Legislation Introduced to Repeal Jones Act
  5. DPP: Shortage of New Affordable Housing Triples
  6. Legislation Introduced to Repeal Jones Act
  7. While Collecting Honorifics from Chinese Communists, UH Manoa Also Gets Spyware
  8. HART’s disarray shows need for more oversight, not less
  9. Mauna Kea: OHA Still Grifting for Money
  10. Honolulu residents one step closer to paying for trash pickup
  11. Small Boat Harbors Need New Management: DLNR Wants More Money But Hasn’t Earned It
  12. For city officials on paid leave, taxpayers pay now or pay a lot more later
  13. The Kealohas Could Lose Their Taxpayer-Funded Lawyers
  14. Public Safety chief appears headed for a fight at Legislature to keep his job
  15. Former HPD officer accused of sexually assaulting a military wife
  16. Soft on Crime: Shoot a Weed Dealer Get 5 Years
  17. Maui Organic Food Activist is a Child Molester
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Friday, March 8, 2019
March 8, 2019 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:02 PM :: 3511 Views
  1. SCR42: After Partying with Mafia Hitman, Sen Stanley Chang Proposes Repeal of 2nd Amendment
  2. Hawaii Infrastructure Receives D+ Grade from Civil Engineers
  3. HB893 Guts DHHL Funding
  4. Earth Just-us: Eco-Lawyer Drives Up Your Cost of Living
  5. Hawaii lawmakers move to decriminalize pot possession
  6. Rape, Kidnapping Plea Bargain:  Gets 5 Years After Marijuana Growers Threaten Rape Victim
  7. City Poised To Pay $550,000 To Cop Who Claimed Ballard Doctored Female Recruits’ Test Scores
  8. UH should be wary of Confucius Institute
  9. Consumer Advocate Urges Rejection of Solar Project on Kunia Ag Land
  10. Identity politics does not fit well in Hawaii
  11. WaPo: Deathwatch for Tulsi Gabbard Campaign
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Thursday, March 7, 2019
March 7, 2019 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:22 PM :: 7566 Views
  1. Lyon Bribery: Preliminary Election Results Show FSM President May Lose Seat
  2. Prosecutor Kaneshiro Take Leave of Absence on Deadline to Respond to Supreme Court
  3. Kanuikapono School: Will Teachers be Fired to Cover Up FBI Investigation?
  4. Hawaii Sues Trump Over Abortion Sales Pitch
  5. DBEDT Projects Slower Economy, Rising Unemployment
  6. Crossover: Anti-Gun Bills Make it to the Other Side
  7. House Passes Election Changes, Ethics, Campaign Spending Reforms
  8. DoH Launches Marijuana Sales to Tourists
  9. How Much Does Your State Collect in Corporate Income Taxes Per Capita?
  10. Carbon Tax Crosses over to House
  11.  Ozawa Helped Kealoha Pal Miske
  12. Kealoha lawyer seeks city funding for fees
  13. Solar Bid Rigging: Yamamoto Caliboso Secretly Represented All 7 Winning Bids
  14. State fires firm auditing rail change orders
  15. Rail officials want a multi-million dollar do-over for a station entrance they once decided to scrap
  16. Secret Plan to Convert Waianae Shelter into Massive Festering Homeless Tent City Behind Oahu’s 20% drop in sheltered homeless
  17. Queens Overrun by 1,700 Lunatics: Legislators Consider Doing a Study
  18. Rare Polynesian artifacts stolen from OHA CEO's home
  19. Soft on Crime: 31-Time Loser Gets 10 Years—Could be out in 1 Year
  20. HB287 / HB1557: Clear Squatters out of Foreclosed Homes
  21. Advocates Want to Legalize Child Prostitution
  22. DLNR Takes over Surf School Permits, Gives only one out
  23. Building More Suburbs Could Help Millennials Stay In Hawaii
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Wednesday, March 6, 2019
March 6, 2019 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:12 PM :: 4451 Views
  1. Hawaii GE Tax Hits Poor 255% Harder than Rich
  2. It's legislative season again, so taxpayers beware!
  3. Tokuda-Connected Recycler Busted for Fraud
  4. Technology Transformation: Priority Bills on the Move
  5. New Reports Detail the Jones Act’s Cost to Puerto Rico
  6. South Dakota law school: Hawaiian Day is offensive. Hawaii state rep: No it's not.
  7. Hirono Suggests She Was Joking When She Criticized the Green New Deal
  8. Crossover: House Sends 497 Bills to Senate
  9. Legislators Response to Federal Rail Probe: Cancel State Audits
  10. DAGS Rejects 11% of HART Invoices—HDoT Scheme to Milk Rail Budget May be Jeopardy
  11. Senate Approves 11% GE Tax Increase
  12. Pre-K: DoE Bureaucrats Squabble over Lucrative New Fiefdom
  13. Caldwell’s Latest Tax Hikes to create 110 new positions
  14. Mystery: BioFuel Scammers Behind HB307
  15. Dairy Shelves Empty in Hawaii Thanks to Anti-Dairy Activists, Jones Act and Hemi-Global Cooling
  16. Will Dead Criminal Finally Do Something for Family?
  17. Hawaii Claims Lowest Average Personal Loan Balance Among States
  18. 7th Annual Vietnam Era Patriot Recognition
  19. Hawaii Tests Abortion by Telephone
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Tuesday, March 5, 2019
March 5, 2019 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:34 PM :: 7858 Views
  1. Crossover: House Sends 197 Bills to Senate
  2. City-Funded Survey Tries Out Excuses for Tax Hikes
  3. Suddenly Transsexual at 50--Former Dude Scores $95K from New Age Guru 
  4. Kealoha Tied to former M Nightclub Owner
  5. HART board and City Council Reject forensic rail audit (again)
  6. Massive Festering Homeless Tent Cities Coming Thanks to Josh Green: HPD chief says yes to ‘temporary refuge areas’
  7. HB1552: Independent Commission of Soft-on-Crime Activists to Oversee Prisons?
  8. Administrator who oversaw Hawaii State Hospital during high-profile escape to leave post
  9. Annual homeless census’ leader resigns
  10. A controversial ban on single-use plastics is up for a vote at the state capitol
  11. Oligopoly Drug Dealers Move 1,569 lbs of Weed, Score $12.9M in Revenue—Expect More when Tourists Can Score
  12. 85% of Medicated Dopers Have …uh… ‘Severe Pain’
  13. Legislature Considers Sex Abuse Investigation Of Catholic Church
  14. Kauai Emergency Proclamation Saves TVRs from Losing Legal Status
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Monday, March 4, 2019
March 4, 2019 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:27 PM :: 3114 Views
  1. HB664 / SB674: Legislators Push Sex Change for Autistic Children
  2. Legislative Preview: This Week's Bills on the Move
  3. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted March 3, 2019
  4. Cancer Gambit Pays Off--Kealoha Trial Delayed Until May
  5. The Drug-Addicted Lawyer
  6. Lawmaker wants answers on Public Safety Dept.'s polices, procedures
  7. State trying to raise boat harbor fees excessively
  8. Expedia: SB1292 Illegal Spying on Vacation Rentals
  9. Challenge to City Council race about seeking a fair election
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Sunday, March 3, 2019
March 3, 2019 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:34 PM :: 4096 Views
  1. Trump knocks 'crazy female senator' Mazie Hirono for comments on men
  2. Beware of Tax Software?
  3. Grassroot Institute Plans Events on Oahu, Maui
  4. Leaving Hawaii: Biggest Outflow in Last Year
  5. Hawaii Family Forum Legislative Week in Review
  6. Rail: Is FTA a Target of Grand Jury—Will Feds Freeze Funds as a Result?
  7. Rail scrutiny goes from questions of urban planning to criminal culpability
  8. Plotting GE Tax Hike Behind closed doors: Council holds secret budget meeting, discussions off agenda
  9. Cut Cost of Living Instead of Hiking Minimum Wage
  10. Green Energy Scammers Driving up Taxes and Cost of Housing
  11. Lying: MECO Claims customers will not pay for unused power from solar farms
  12. Enviros Still Trying to Keep Paper and Plastic out of H-Power
  13. SB522 Styrofoam Ban Statewide
  14. Tourism Industry Tries to Shut Down Aquarium Fishers (again)
  15. How Maurice Arrisgado Jr. escaped OCCC before he was shot
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Saturday, March 2, 2019
March 2, 2019 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:12 PM :: 3137 Views
  1. HB210: House Republicans Unanimously Oppose Ranked-Choice Voting 
  2. Leis Banned in South Dakota
  3. WAM BAM $250M GE Tax Hike Passes Senate Committee
  4. Kim proposes budget hike, 35 new police positions
  5. Special interests driving up housing costs
  6. Dairy: Food Sustainability takes a Hit
  7. Six Steps to Universal Heath Care in Hawaii
  8. OCCC inmate attempting to escape is fatally shot
  9. 3rd Try at Medical Excuse for Katherine Kealoha 
  10. Ethics complaint targets Puna councilwoman over Bottling Plant
  11. Hawaii Decides Again Not to Legalize Marijuana
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Friday, March 1, 2019
March 1, 2019 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:25 PM :: 4229 Views
  1. Hawaii tops nation for rise in pedestrian fatalities
  2. Honolulu Rents 12th Highest in USA
  3. Help People Save by Cutting Their Taxes
  4. HCR31: Remove Oxy Dealer's Name from Smithsonian
  5. UHERO: Hawaii Economy slows markedly. Is more in store?
  6. New report urges 'building out' to ease housing crisis
  7. Gut And Replace Bills Repeal Rail Audit Requirements
  8. Whistleblower Lawsuit: HART Purposefully Mishandled More Than 100 Change Orders, Threatened Claims Managers
  9. HART Board says no to request for an independent audit of rail 
  10. Feds Will Pry Open HART’s Secrets
  11. Caldwell  Proposes Massive Tax Hikes to Pay for Rail and ‘New Positions’
  12. Federal authorities: Katherine Kealoha used cocaine while she was deputy city prosecutor
  13. Sex workers and the Honolulu Police: FBI reacts to more allegations about HPD officers
  14. Gabbard Caught Filing False Financial Disclosure Reports (again)
  15. LG Green’s Program—Massive Festering Homeless Tent Cities Everywhere
  16. Kauai Floods Exploited to Limit Tourist Numbers
  17. A Real Company is Building a New Terminal at Keahole—Why is the Legislature Funding a Fake Competitor Led by Drunk Rave Promoter Jon Riki Karamatsu?
  18. HB307: State House Sneaks in Revived Use of Undefined Definitions
  19. Pension Reform for Kauai
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