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Entries for June 2013

Sunday, June 30, 2013
June 30, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:49 PM :: 4611 Views
  1. Need to Make Everyone Pay Their Fair Share for Roads
  2. Various laws and budgets take effect on Monday
  3. Buying Second Term: Lobbyist Leads 500 at Million Dollar Abercrombie Fundraiser
  4. Abercrombie Poops on Everything
  5. Protesters rally for religious freedom at State Capitol
  6. Bond Financing to Reduce Housing Cost
  7. Obamacare: Rich Get Private Doctors, Everybody Else Gets Socialized Medicine
  8. Slater: Give Incentives to Medical Consumers
  9. Prisoners do not receive timely medical treatment, lawsuits say
  10. Hospital infections 'considerably' low for local patients
  11. Waikiki Residents Organize to Drive out Criminals
  12. VIDEO: Pro-GMO rally encircles Hilo government buildings
  13. Disgusting Organic Berries Sicken 127 and Counting
  14. Sailors Win, Matson Forced to Pay for Its Own Overpriced Jones Act Ships
  15. More Kakaako Schemes
  16. New School for Kapolei
  17. Anahola DHHL Blocks BioMess Tree-Burning Scheme
  18. Progressives Angered Because Hanaubsa Hasn't Voted to Destroy Hawaii's Last Cane Plantation
  19. Wailuku Post Office: Mayor Attempts to Head Off Phony Scandal

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Saturday, June 29, 2013
June 29, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:16 PM :: 3701 Views
  1. Religious Liberty: Federal Court Blocks Abortion Mandate
  2. Obama: Churches Will not be Required to Conduct Gay Marriages
  3. Premature Action: 9th Circuit Illegally Allows Gay Marriages to Begin
  4. In Sudden Reversal, HIRA Comes out Against Gay Marriage
  5. Abercrombie Signs Four More Bills, Defends Shark Fin Ban
  6. Guam: Legislators, Media Protest Jones Act 'Monster of the Pacific Rim'
  7. The People Don't Want This: Fearing Angry Voter Backlash, Legislators Consider Special Session to Force Gay Marriage on Hawaii
  8. Matson: Workers Must Take Pay Cut so we can Pay for Overpriced Jones Act Ships
  9. Zunin: Health Care Reform Causing More Problems than it is Solving
  10. Star-Adv: DHHL needs fed oversight
  11. Obama Causes Hawaii personal income to fall for first time in nearly 4 years
  12. City to enforce new homeless law
  13. Lunatics, Criminals to be Barred from Employment as Security Guards, Deadline Monday
  14. HPD Sickout Caused by Demand Officers Show up for Work on Time
  15. HB998 on Veto List: Bird Recue Seeks to Tap Bankrupt Barrel tax Fund
  16. Obsession: Thousands Testify, DLNR Then Bans Spear Fishing
  17. Commission shoots down plan to burn trees for energy
  18. Data a sign that hotel, food and other prices are too high

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Friday, June 28, 2013
June 28, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:46 PM :: 3783 Views
  1. Voting Rights: Hawaii Moves to Top of Enforcement List?
  2. Truth in Accounting: Hawaii worst place in country to do business
  3. EFF Sues FBI For Access to Hawaii Facial-Recognition Records
  4. Full Text: DoD ‘Briefing Card’ on Same Sex Benefits
  5. Rep. Ward seeks assurance that public data will be protected under SB1003
  6. Snakes in the Budget: Bite Estimated at $300M
  7. Study: Most of Hawaii's commercial seafood is imported
  8. Can the Median Household afford the Median Home on Oahu?
  9. Auditor: Continued state regulation of amateur boxing is unnecessary
  10. State Senate Shakes Up Committee Structure
  11. Nevada, Hawaii marriage cases Will Give Supreme Court Opportunity to Mandate Nationwide Gay Marriage
  12. Gay Marriage: Abercrombie Prefers Litigation to Legislation
  13. Slom: Republicans Need Contested Primaries
  14. Feds Commit Another $250M for Honolulu Rail
  15. Scared Progressives Try to Jawbone Hanabusa out of Primary
  16. Hawaii Lawmakers Awarded $12,000 Pay Hike
  17. Ethics: Will Contractors Be Allowed to Buy Dinner for 100s of State Employees?
  18. Foreclosure fight, potential class action lawsuit?
  19. Officers call in sick After Commanders Force them to Patrol
  20. Guard Helped Samoan Prison Gang
  21. Freedom to Farm Rally Against Luddites
  22. 3 more cases of hepatitis A in isles linked to Organic berry mix
  23. AARP Holds Statewide Forums on Social Security & Medicare
  24. Voting Rights: Racism Still Alive ... In Hawaii?
  25. Washington D.C. fed court dismisses Samoa citizenship lawsuit
  26. Willie: Increase Property Taxes on Ag Subdivisions or I Quit
  27. Former teacher gets 10 years in meth case
  28. Civil Beat Visits NSA, Does Restaurant Review

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Friday, June 28, 2013
Letters to the Editor June, 2013
By Letters to the Editor @ 6:47 PM :: 5075 Views
  • Honolulu to Look Like Hong Kong
  • Governor plans to hand OHA 2014 to incumbents 
  • Roz Baker, Queen of Union Puppets
  • The Evil in America Today
  • Major Tragedy And Disgrace - Iwi Kupuna at Ewa Plantation Cemetery
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Thursday, June 27, 2013
June 27, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:37 PM :: 5253 Views
  1. The Supreme Court’s Marriage Decisions by the Numbers
  2. Abercrombie: Supreme Court Ruling Supports My Position in Hawaii Gay Marriage Lawsuit
  3. NRDC: Hawaii Ranked 4th in Beachwater Quality
  4. Abercrombie Signs Seven Ag Bills
  5. Animal Cruelty: Abercrombie Signs Six Bills
  6. Mizuno Capitulates as Gay Democrats Threaten 11 Legislators With Expulsion
  7. Gay Advertiser Dreams of Hawaii Case Being Used to Mandate Gay Marriage Nationwide
  8. Dems, Gays, Media Plan Gay Marriage Agenda
  9. Danger: Honolulu Officials Planning Massive Property Tax Hikes
  10. Loss of services drives up mental illness costs
  11. Trans-Pacific Partnership: Sugar a Big Loser in Secret Trade Negotiations
  12. GMOs: 600 Intelligent People face off with Morons, Luddites
  13. 6,700 Hawaii security guards Ignore Criminal Background Check deadline
  14. Deaf community to get service center after lobbying nearly 50 years
  15. Waikiki Homosexual Murder Ends in Conviction
  16. Conservationists asking for transparency over Hanauma Bay money
  17. Mililani top ‘booming’ suburb in Hawaii
  18. $100M in State Bonds to Back Solar Scammers
  19. Maui Low Income Housing Project Owes $8M
  20. WMSA: Death of a Profitable NonProfit
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Wednesday, June 26, 2013
June 26, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:31 PM :: 3554 Views
  1. Vogue: Tulsi Gabbard Urged to Run for Governor
  2. Tax fraud, obstruction of justice no obstacle to Honolulu cop’s pension
  3. Hawaii: An Energy and Economic Analysis
  4. Act 137: Abercrombie Creates New HGEA Bargaining Unit
  5. Jones Act: Horizon, USCG Agree to Use of Foreign Shipyards for LNG Conversion
  6. Hawaii Family Forum: Gay Marriage Decision ‘Disappointing’
  7. Full Text US Supreme Court Gay Marriage Decisions
  8. Reaction to Gay Marriage Decision
  9. Slom proves he's bipartisan by being quarrelsome to all
  10. 26,000 Receive Estimated Water Bills -- Could Take Months to correct
  11. PUC Special Fund Keeps Hawaii's Electric Bills High
  12. KOS: Will ILWU Endorse Hanabusa?
  13. Exodus of Rep. Gabbard's Senior Staff May Cloud Political Star's Rise
  14. Another $2,000-A-Head Fundraiser For Abercrombie
  15. GMOs: Luddites Attack on Two Fronts
  16. Reclaiming sidewalks a priority
  17. City to scrap towing firm contract
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Tuesday, June 25, 2013
June 25, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:54 PM :: 4772 Views
  1. Productivity and Innovation: Hawaii Tumbles from ‘A’ to ‘F’
  2. Governor plans to hand OHA 2014 to incumbents 
  3. Governor Signs School Readiness Bill, Early Learning Director Quits
  4. Abercrombie Sends Notice of ‘Intent to Veto’ 9 Bills, Line-Item 10th
  5. Honolulu Traffic: Most ‘Lane-Deficient’ City in USA
  6. Schatz “Mind Numbingly Stupid”
  7. Akaka Bill Back Door?  Schatz, Danner, Obama Push DoI to Oversee DHHL
  8. Waikiki Hotels Flooded With Homeless Up to 3rd Floor
  9. "Compassionate disruption" to Drive Bums off Streets into Shelters
  10. New law falls short of the governor's call for a universal education readiness initiative
  11. Bills Abercrombie Plans to Sign 
  12. Solar Scammers: PUC Decision Means More Money for Us
  13. Gabbard: Joe Trippi Saved me from Myself many Times
  14. Sam Slom Gets Trippi
  15. Babes Against Biotech Flip Out
  16. Proposed pesticide regulation by Kauai County draws fire
  17. Councilmember questions fairness of water billing fee
  18. Embattled Hawaii Nonprofit Enjoyed Tens of Millions in Military Dollars
  19. Nobody Interested in Abercrombie's Sequestration Task Force
  20. Brainwashing: Students Learn to Support Gay 'Marriage' But they Don't Know What a 'State' is
  21. Newsflash: Waikiki, HNL Airport Built by Global Warming Deniers
  22. Bills would expand smoking bans
  23. Kauai Councilor Proposes 833% Hike in Dog Taxes
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Monday, June 24, 2013
June 24, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:31 PM :: 4629 Views
  1. LA Times: California ‘Non-Partisan’ Primary ‘Weakened Democracy’
  2. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted June 24, 2013
  3. DLNR Seeks Savings on Dead Whales
  4. Kids Count: Hawaii Ranks 25th in Children's Well-Being
  5. Rail Forum: What Happens When Transit Consumes 19%?
  6. Dog Fight: Inouye's Enforcer Sabas, Boylan sign on to Hanabusa Campaign
  7. Six Weeks Left and Still No Teacher Evaluation Plan
  8. Geothermal: OHA Gives Money to Cronies in Grab for $5B
  9. Tax credits: "Basically nobody really understands"
  10. Public Utilities Commission Order to Transfer Money to Green Energy Scammers
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Sunday, June 23, 2013
June 23, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:24 PM :: 4015 Views
  1. Needed Services Should be Paid by Users of the Service
  2. Kailua HS Underwater Robotics Team Heads to International Meet
  3. Star-Adv: Hawaii Must Adopt Louisiana Jungle Primary or Risk Becoming a Two-Party Democracy like Alaska
  4. Hirono a Complete Failure in Immigration Debate
  5. Anderson: City Will do Just Fine Without Double-Dipping, Vacant Positions
  6. Unannounced item removals could begin by month's end
  7. HCDA Fast Tracking Four More Projects for Kakaako
  8. UH College of Education: We are like Country Music Singer, so Just Ignore Rankings
  9. How to Kiss up to Mercado Kim
  10. UH Manoa Marxists Work to Block Hawaiian VP Due to Military Ties
  11. After All Mitsunaga's BS, Kobayashi Delivers UH Hilo Dorm on Time 
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Saturday, June 22, 2013
June 22, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:08 PM :: 3444 Views
  1. Schatz: Believe in Global Warming or "Be Run Out of Town"
  2. Limbaugh: Hirono Creates Pathway to Welfare for Illegals
  3. Molokai’s Larry Helm dies
  4. Was Honolulu Rail Designed by Global Warming Deniers?
  5. Caldwell Takes a Stand for Vacant Positions, Double Dipping
  6. Abercrombie Signs SB1025 Loosening Home Loan Qualifications
  7. Low Unemployment in Hawaii, But We’re Still Broke
  8. Jobless rate lowest in five years, but many construction workers still benched
  9. Caldwell to let city budget take effect without his signature
  10. Maui News: Council Knew Post Office Was Going to be Demolished
  11. Energy cost negates electric car savings for isle residents
  12. Solar Scammers Get 90% Curtailment Protection in Latest Deal
  13. Trash chute boy fell down was cited for violation
  14. Supreme Court To Hear Oral Arguments In Pflueger Pila`A 400 Runoff Case
  15. Nurse files racial discrimination lawsuit against Queen's Medical Center
  16. Drug Dealer 100 lbs gets 2 years
  17. Kona Overrun with Homeless Panhandlers

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Friday, June 21, 2013
June 21, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:39 PM :: 3742 Views
  1. Rep McDermott: Dep't of Health Obstructing VA Loans
  2. HI unfunded liabilities: Unpredictable tsunami or government-made disaster?
  3. Schatz Immigration Bill Amendment: Embrace Global Warming Hype to Enter USA
  4. Narcissism as a Marketing Strategy: PepsiCo Says Honolulu 9th Most Susceptible
  5. Town Hall Meeting on the ‘Ewa Development Plan
  6. Feds Release Economic Report on U.S. Shipyards
  7. Governor Releases $134.7 Million for Hawaii Schools
  8. 1978: Waihee, Souki, Ihara, Fukunaga Endorse Closed Primary
  9. Matson Strike Looms: July 1 Deadline
  10. TRICARE: Lack of Telemarketers Behind Failure to Approve Medical Care for Thousands
  11. 43 Positions Created for Hawaii Health Exchange
  12. Civil Beat: Mazie Hirono is a Rockstar
  13. Kakaako: More Development News
  14. Local Enough To Be UH Prez? Take Our Quiz!
  15. Former police officer faces drug charges after raids on his house
  16. FBI looking into Dinnan case
  17. Hooser introduces GMO Moratorium bill
  18. Island Air to Buy Go!
  19. New Kapolei Refinery Owner Also Owns H-Power
  20. Bakken Boom Cutting West Coast Imports of Crude
  21. US Trafficking in Persons Reports omit notable failures of prosecution in Hawaii
  22. Hawaii County increases park fees
  23. Bridges: Maui Leads State in Structural Deficiency
  24. Councilmember Pine Launches New District One Website
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Thursday, June 20, 2013
June 20, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:44 PM :: 3524 Views
  1. Rothenberg: Gabbard Could Challenge Abercrombie
  2. Stop Rail Appeal Hearing Set for August 15
  3. Importing Boston’s Failures to Honolulu
  4. Hawaii Insurance Agents Debate Obamacare
  5. HECO Plans to Give Away Millions to Wind Scammers, Lock in Ultra-High Rates
  6. Pilot project reducing institutional placement of at-risk youths
  7. Obamacare: HHSC EMRs to Punch $100M Hole in State Budget
  8. Council Budget Challenges 'Personal Services Contract' Scam
  9. Matson Strike Deadline July 1
  10. Will Kakaako boom stress its infrastructure?
  11. Kakaako Development Schemes Erupt Everywhere
  12. Oi: Dems Primary Lawsuit Splits Party behind Rigid Facade
  13. Governor approves 2 bills on super PAC disclosures
  14. Caldwell Snubs the 98.5%: Suggests Eliminating Traffic Lane on King Street
  15. Regents Focus on Local Non-Academic Hire for UH President
  16. CNN: Counting Welfare Queens, Hawaii is Very Entrepreneurial
  17. Progressives Eager to Grab Non-Profit Money Previously Reserved for Old Boys
  18. Feds: Hawaii Must Repay Half-Million Dollars in Stimulus Money
  19. Representative McDermott calls press conference to challenge Abercrombie administration’s obstruction of VA loans. 

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Wednesday, June 19, 2013
June 19, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:49 PM :: 3923 Views
  1. Republicans: Our Primary Will Remain 'Open' as Hawaii Democratic Party Sues for Closed Primary
  2. Full Text: Hawaii Democrats' Lawsuit Demanding Closed Primary
  3. Joe Trippi to Speak in Hawaii: "Better Schools Aren't a Partisan Issue"
  4. Spying: Obama Loses 17% Among Youth
  5. Hu Honua Biomass Construction Halted as Pipefitters, Boilermakers Fight for Control
  6. Oahu Karst Cave Videos and Photos
  7. NCTQ Report: UH Education Departments Among Nation's Worst
  8. National Governors Assoc to Assist Hawaii Early Learning Program
  9. HART West Oahu Community Meetings to Discuss Rail Station Design
  10. Gays Behind Closed Primary Suit: Opposed by Virtually All elected Democrats
  11. Five Days to Deadline, 200 Bills Await Abercrombie Signature
  12. UH Ed School Pushes Back Against 'Worst-in-Nation' Rap
  13. Making Waves: Kelii Akina and The Grassroot Institute of Hawaii
  14. Abercrombie Administration Spying on You?
  15. Former Inouye chief of staff to be Honolulu rail 'Dealmaker'
  16. Tesoro Refinery a 'Trophy Asset'?
  17. Hanabusa, Gabbard Vote for Late Term Abortion
  18. Obama's DoD Joins Push for Abercrombie's Pre-K
  19. Plenty of Swag for Hawaii In Defense Bills
  20. Oahu Part of Okinawa exit Plan?
  21. Hawaii Co Council Raises Salaries While Increasing Bus Fares, Car Regist Fees
  22. LUC Asked to De-Zone Turtle Bay
  23. Long-term Kakaako plans already displacing tenants
  24. Hawaii Teacher: My Descent Into Homelessness
  25. Hawaii Public Utilities Commission: Big Issues Mark 100th Birthday
  26. Coffield Tried to Weaken Solicitation of Minors Law
  27. OCCC guard dies alone at post after delay in getting him help
  28. Study: The More States Ban Discrimination Against Gays, The More Discrimination they Face
  29. Government to Regulate Food Scraps Next
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Tuesday, June 18, 2013
June 18, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:20 PM :: 4250 Views
  1. After Years of Talk, Hawaii Democratic Party Finally Sues for Closed Primary
  2. Tesoro Finds Buyer to Own, Operate Kapolei Refinery
  3. ‘Bureaucratic abuse’: Molokai vets wait a decade for center, services
  4. UHERO: Hawaii Costs 16% More than US Average
  5. Honolulu Tops USA: 9 years Income to Buy a Home
  6. Hawaii Foreclosure Starts up 108%
  7. Abercrombie Signs 37 Bills into Law
  8. Hawaii AG Joins 'Secure Our Smartphones' Initiative
  9. Supreme Court to Review Kawaiahao Church Cemetery Case
  10. SB482: Cutting Red Tape Helps Small Business, Honey
  11. Elected Democrats Outraged by Closed Primary Lawsuit
  12. Hanabusa has Inouye, Memories of Broken Trust
  13. Star-Adv: Cut Taxes on Rich to Help Poor
  14. Nonprofits competing for dwindling funds
  15. Med Quest Enrollment Reopened Without Waianae HMSA Agreement
  16. Number of solar photovoltaic permits falls on Oahu in May
  17. Ko Olina Using Boot to Restrict Beach Access
  18. City golf course Players Flee as fees rise
  19. Ban truck-bed riders, officials say
  20. Hawaii fishermen say development, not Fishing, is hurting reefs
  21. WSJ: Larry Ellison's Fantasy Island
  22. Maui Council Votes 6-3 to Create Fake Scandal
  23. Kauai Officials Scheme to Give Themselves Pay Hikes
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Monday, June 17, 2013
June 18, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:29 PM :: 3385 Views
  1. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Rules Hawaii Schools Can’t Pass-the-Buck
  2. Call for Audit: 51,000 Water Dep't Customers May Have Been Overcharged
  3. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted June 17, 2013
  4. So Far All the Major Unions Have Backed Schatz
  5. Hanabusa Reacts to HGEA Endorsement of Schatz
  6. $12M Tax Cut: Deduction cap may be lifted for charitable donations
  7. Grants and contracts awarded nonprofit agencies can raise red flags
  8. Hawaii lobbyist reports say little about influence of money on Hawaii politics; most report $0
  9. Souki, Kim Given Veto Power Over Hawaii Auditor Contracts
  10. Asbestos charges need investigation
  11. Ron Menor: City Website to Give Money to Bums
  12. Embarrassing mayor seems to be the goal of sand ‘sale’
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Sunday, June 16, 2013
June 16, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:23 PM :: 3809 Views
  1. Lawsuit: Hawaii Gambling Machine Contract Guaranteed ‘No problem from Vice-Squad’
  2. Abercrombie Quietly Orders More Pay Hikes, Publishes HGEA, UPW Contracts
  3. Neither Age nor Disability is an Indication of Financial Need
  4. Sylvia Luke Next House Speaker?
  5. Finance panel’s summer work puts heat on budget
  6. Water board should be investigated
  7. Hanabusa Loses Big as HGEA Endorses Schatz
  8. Karst Caves Basis for New Stop Rail Lawsuit?
  9. Ernie Martin, Kirk Caldwell and the Cesspool 
  10. ORI Timeline
  11. Gun enthusiasts attend 20th Annual Shooting Sports Fair
  12. MECO wants to Replace Kahului plant by 2019
  13. Star-Adv: $300M for Solar Scammers
  14. Prostitution: Legislature Passes Four Bills

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Saturday, June 15, 2013
June 15, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:04 PM :: 3942 Views
  1. Tea Party Maui leaders call for special prosecutor to investigate IRS
  2. Hawaii Appeals Court Thwarts State's Massive Land Grab
  3. Survey Shows Slipping Confidence in Hawaii County PD
  4. Want Land? DLNR Will Buy it for You
  5. JSC Announces Nominees for 1st Circuit Court
  6. IRS scandal driving interest in Hawaii GOP
  7. $15M new tax credit excludes most local film productions
  8. City Hikes Building Permit Fees 20%, Makes Excuse
  9. Sovereignty Activists Bust Competing Drug Dealer
  10. Medicaid Buy-In Task Force to Meet 
  11. State tax revenues up 9.9 percent, latest figures show
  12. Hawaii hotel occupancy declines, rates rise more than 10%
  13. Epic Fail: Solar Scammers Thrown Out of Court
  14. Obama's Big Mouth May Set 100s of Military Rapists Free
  15. Star-Adv Helps Hanabusa Tout $400M in Military Construction
  16. Hawaii leads way in ethnicity data
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Friday, June 14, 2013
June 14, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:53 PM :: 4433 Views
  1. Heritage: Tulsi Gabbard Most Conservative, Schatz, Hirono are Zeroes
  2. Lawsuit: Act 163 Discriminates Against Disabled Students
  3. Hawaii Home Health Medicare Margins on Steep Decline
  4. Census: Asians Fastest Growing Group in US
  5. Deadline to apply for City grants next week
  6. State Set to Lose $55M as Act 221 Scam Companies Implode
  7. Rail Math Challenge: Plan to Boost Seats by running Half as Often Twice as Long  (2/2=4?)
  8. How Kenoi Steers Contracts to Contributors
  9. Outrigger CEO: In Hawaii, ‘it’s just hard to make the numbers work’
  10. State failed Maui special-needs student, federal court says
  11. Former Waianae charter school clerk pleads not guilty to theft
  12. Fifth Prosecution for Stealing School Money Since 2010
  13. DoE Brass Push for More Pay Hikes
  14. KCC managers accuse their chancellor of discrimination
  15. Another Day, Another Spy
  16. Hee's seat belt law causing confrontations in Taxis
  17. City Begins installing LED Street lights
  18. Green Energy Scammers Push Back Against PUC
  19. MECO Appeals Rate Hike Decision

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Thursday, June 13, 2013
June 13, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:15 PM :: 4785 Views
  1. Email Chain Reveals Hawaii Obamacare Leaders Debating “Inevitable Failure”
  2. What does a buck get you? A strange deal, ex-Hawaii regent says
  3. Hawaii’s GE tax mark-up
  4. Video: Debating Same-Sex Marriage on Island Insights
  5. Hawaii Rifle Assn. 20th Annual Shooting Sports Fair
  6. Before Waikiki Shooting, Chris Deedy in Benghazi
  7. Slom All Alone: "Yippee!"
  8. 51,000 Water Dept Customers May Have Been Overcharged
  9. Green Energy Scammers Promise themselves $300M from Hawaii 
  10. Navy Solar Scam EIS Comments Open Thru June 24
  11. PUC: HECO Must Give More Money to Green Energy Scammers
  12. Schatz vs Hanabusa on FISA Spying
  13. Star-Adv Lobbies for COFA Funding in DOA Immigration Bill
  14. Abercrombie Raising Money on Mainland
  15. Affordable Housing Provider Retaliates after Asbestos Discovered
  16. Kahoolawe Commission Burns Thru $44M, Looks for Handoff to Akaka Tribe
  17. Dinnan Case: Lawyer Changes Story
  18. UH Study: Yellow Tang Population Jumps 14%
  19. NOAA Rules May Overturn Hawaii Shark Fin Ban
  20. KSBE Shopping center plan called off
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Wednesday, June 12, 2013
June 12, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:19 PM :: 4075 Views
  1. Open Letter: Hawaii MDs Challenge “Severely Dysfunctional” Medicaid Program
  2. Akaka Bill Coming Back? Schatz Demands US Treat Hawaiians Just as Badly as American Indians
  3. Honolulu Revealed As Highest-Priced U.S. City This Summer
  4. Martin signed loan documents After Receiving Contributions
  5. City Budget Gives Martin $8M to Play With
  6. Media Flacks for Abercrombie, 2014 Edition
  7. Varona Squalor Thanks to Theft of Ewa Villages Redevelopment Fund
  8. Schatz, HCDA, UH Team Up to Create new Generation of Obama Community Organizers
  9. A Mother's Day Nightmare: Foster Home Failure?
  10. NOAA to Use Seal Meat as Bait in Shark Killing Program
  11. Crane that Installed Maui Wind Turbines Won't be Around to Remove Them When they Fail
  12. More GMO Articles
  13. Cockfighting is illegal, but everything else related is fair game in Hawaii
  14. DoH: Homosexuals Spreading Syphilis Around State
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Tuesday, June 11, 2013
June 11, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:58 PM :: 4345 Views
  1. Kamehameha: The Founding of the Hawaiian Kingdom
  2. Thanks to Pensions, Hawaii Retiree Income Tops Nation
  3. Feds Approve Hawaii Health Connector
  4. Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted June 10, 2013
  5. Jones Act Adds 30% To Price of Paradise
  6. Hawaii Unemployment Figures Skewed by Large Number of Part-Time Jobs
  7. Act221 Finale: $400M Solar factory built with Hawaii Tax Dollars produces nothing, may be dismantled for scrap
  8. 2 investigations examining nonprofit’s handling of federal funds
  9. Hawaii Delegation Postures Against Spying
  10. Democrat Manufacturing Fake Scandal in Effort to Dump Maui's Republican Mayor
  11. Interim UH presidents seem to do pretty well
  12. PUC Promises HECO a Microscope and a Big Stick
  13. Hawaii Teacher: Where is Education's Steve Jobs?
  14. Tropical flower growers hope to benefit from GMO boon
  15. Councilmember Offers $40M Bribe for Anti-GMO Vote
  16. Editor wants Weekly to rise again
  17. Parents Without Partners Nears End?
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Monday, June 10, 2013
June 10, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:54 PM :: 3223 Views
  1. Hawaii Based NSA Worker Exposes Obama Spying, Flees to Hong Kong
  2. Bottled Water Battle: A Decade of OHA Harassment Continues
  3. A&B Purchase of Grace Means Roads Will Now be Fixed
  4. Star-Adv: HART Should Prepare to Dump Ansaldo
  5. Neighborhood Board Voting Dropped Sharply When Paper Ballots Were Abandoned
  6. Clayton Hee, Myopic Media Baiter
  7. WHT Runs 3 More Articles on GMOs
  8. OHA Invests in Trask's Geothermal Scam
  9. Without Inouye, Alaska and Hawaii can only Tinker With Board
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Sunday, June 9, 2013
June 9, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:31 PM :: 4178 Views
  1. Electronic Health Records: Monopoly 'Scare tactics' Driving Hawaii Doctors into Retirement
  2. Number of Special Funds Should be Curtailed
  3. City Corruption Places Millions of Federal Dollars at Risk
  4. $8M scandal involving ORI draws odd city response
  5. Tsutsui Talks Up 2018 Campaign for Governor
  6. Campaign Spending Violator Leads Charge for 'Clean Elections'
  7. DoE Brass Think they're Worth More Money
  8. Bill that applies ethics rules to transit workers advances
  9. Water Dep't Rate Hikes Needed to Pay for Bill Collection
  10. 'Insane' Plan Put $331M Tsunami Center at Sea Level
  11. Hawaii One of Only Five States Which go Soft on Child Molesters
  12. W Maui to Finally Get Hospital?
  13. GMO:$243 million seed industry largest in state’s ag sector
  14. Plan to tax online hotel bills stalled
  15. U.S. District Court in Hawaii dismisses lawsuit challenging applicability of Jones Act in Hawaii
  16. 10 Priors, Gets Probation, Now Most Wanted  

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Saturday, June 8, 2013
June 8, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:12 PM :: 3213 Views
  1. HSTA’s ‘Multi-Front War’ Against ‘Rogue Teachers’
  2. Hiram Fong First Asian-American Senator, An R From Hawaii
  3. NFIB: So Where Do We Stand As A State?
  4. Pulpit Freedom Sunday: Hawaii Pastors Join Nationwide Challenge to IRS
  5. Mayor Wright Housing: FACE Grabs for Seat at Redevelopment Table
  6. UPDATE: Organic Berries Cause 79 Cases of Hepatitis
  7. Abercrombie Quietly Orders Pay Hikes
  8. Governor Signs Bill Establishing 'Civil Liberties and the Constitution Day'
  9. Disgrace - Iwi Kupuna at Ewa Plantation Cemetery
  10. NYT: Obama 'has Lost All Credibility' on Spying
  11. Obamacare Solution: Build 'Integrative Care Team' Without 'Expensive Doctors'
  12. Opponents appeal permit for telescope
  13. Hilo Saddened by End of Furlough Fridays
  14. Waimanalo public housing unit used as storage shed
  15. Kalapana: Strangled Camper, Boyfriend Threatened by Rival Tour Guides
  16. Medical Examiner Changing Story on Dinnan Case?
  17. Sun Mei, Brother of Sun Yat Sen

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Friday, June 7, 2013
June 7, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:12 PM :: 4219 Views
  1. Hawaii Obamacare: As Doctors Quit, Telemarketers paid $480K each
  2. 9th Circuit Debates Seizure of Abandoned Property from Homeless Camps
  3. Governor Releases $41.2 Million for Various CIPs Statewide
  4. HUD Orders End to Non-Profit Contracting Kickbacks
  5. Lower Electric Rates?  LNG Is The Way
  6. Hawaii Has Less to Gain from Obamacare
  7. UH Profs to Students: Leave Hawaii
  8. Wanted: University of Hawaii president who can manage Transition from Kobayashi to Mitsunaga
  9. Rail route is still sound, extra report says
  10. Maui Council Approves Tax Hikes
  11. Hanabusa Backed Obama on Spying, Schatz Opposed Obama
  12. Kaiser, HMSA Eager for 100,000 New Customers
  13. Kalihi Road Will not be Repaved for 50 Years
  14. Sheriff Department Cruising in Hummer
  15. City, Neighborhood Board Attack Wedding Business
  16. Transsexual Babysitters Force their Way into Home
  17. Oahu child advocate charged with sexual assaulting minor
  18. DoD: Homosexuals Rape Dozens of Soldiers Daily
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Thursday, June 6, 2013
June 6, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:59 PM :: 4933 Views
  1. Paychecks Hawaii Rates Legislators
  2. Ed Week: Hawaii DoE Dropout Rate Jumps to 32.8%
  3. HSTA Appoints Team to Tackle Teacher Evaluations
  4. Hawaii's Forgotten Internment Camps
  5. Lanai Video: Money for Murdock, Rate Hikes for Oahu
  6. Caldwell Hires Private Detective to Investigate Ernie Martin
  7. New Union Contract Mandates Paid Campaign Rallies in County Facilities
  8. Lanai: Is Big Wind Dead?
  9. Did Hawaii's Energy Reform Leave Consumers Vulnerable?
  10. HART Railcars to Come from Ansaldo Factory Which Built Junk Belgian Trains
  11. Kakaako agency poised to vote on 803 Waimanu high-rise
  12. OHA Kakaako Plans Sputter
  13. Council Approves $2.16B Budget With Slushfund, Without Tax Hikes
  14. Regents vote to form UH presidential selection committee
  15. Help UH students graduate on time
  16. Are Hawaii Lawmakers Weakening Support for the Elderly and Disabled?
  17. California Elder Abuser Comes to Hawaii, Steals Old Man's Money
  18. Alleged Drunk Signmakers Lose Defamation Case Against Former Elections Chief
  19. Family of Stephen Dinnan believe police used excessive force
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Wednesday, June 5, 2013
June 5, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:51 PM :: 3923 Views
  1. IRS probes former GOP leader’s ties to Maui Tea Party
  2. HART releases Supplemental EIS in response to court order
  3. Native Hawaiian Advancement: Dr. Kelii Akina Speaks in Hilo
  4. Losing One Of The Good Guys
  5. Mortgage Settlement: Hundreds of Hawaii Borrowers to get $1480
  6. Seniors in Poverty: Hawaii Ranks #3 in Nation
  7. ORI Mismanagement Comes Back to Haunt Ernie Martin, Throws Wrench In City Budget
  8. Martin is the Biggest Earmarker
  9. ORI: HUD Hires Community Organizers to Show Us How its Done
  10. PUC Decision Aims to Force HECO to Pay More to Wind, Solar Scammers
  11. Dutch, Belgians Dump Honolulu Rail Contractor Ansaldo
  12. Millions spent on out-of-state travel by Dept. of Education
  13. Matayoshi Whines about DoE Executive Salaries
  14. Obama Will Give $7M to Get Hawaii Hooked on Free Preschool
  15. Public gets its say on rules to contest sidewalk violations
  16. Bill would apply city ethics policies to transportation workers
  17. Probation That Works
  18. Is This The End of 50-Yard-Line Shmooze Seats?
  19. House Approves Military Construction Bill With $400M for Hawaii
  20. How Abercrombie Came to Hawaii and How to Avoid Similar Situations in the Future
  21. Kawanakoa: Only a Small Number of Mortgage Foreclosures Warranted on DHHL
  22. CNHA Hosts Hawaii-Alaska Summit in DC
  23. Honolulu Weekly Pau for Now
  24. Military Homosexual Rapists to Win Protection? 

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Tuesday, June 4, 2013
June 4, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:38 PM :: 4723 Views
  1. Guam Testimony Favors Jones Act Reform
  2. Hawaii Data Sharing: 2.2 Million Layers of Information on You
  3. Class Action Lawsuit Seeks To End Hawaiian Electric Industries Monopoly
  4. Hawaiian Electric Cuts Earnings After PUC Orders Consumer Refund
  5. Caldwell Encourages 'Qualified' Non-Profits to Apply for Grants
  6. Transform Hawaii Gov: Tech Mavens Point to Success in Other States
  7. CoR Releases General Fund Forecast
  8. OHA ramps up its online presence with new site
  9. Abercrombie Signs Seven More Bills into Law
  10. Feds Nail Ernie Martin, Demand $8M from City
  11. Local culture: Don't Piss Off Neil and Donna
  12. Hawaii's Obamacare Doctor Shortage: Got Cancer?  Wait till you can't ignore it
  13. Hawaii lawmakers to examine $5.7B special funds
  14. Teachers Lose Two Weeks of Instructional Time
  15. Shimabukuro, Oshiro: Worst legislative attendance records
  16. State Super-Minorities Lead to Hawaiian ‘Lone Ranger’ Movie Trip
  17. Kamehameha Schools to present mixed-use Salt project to HCDA
  18. Espero to Propose Legalizing Boot
  19. Justice Reinvestment: One Day After Release, Brutal Rape
  20. Heroin, Oxy and 98lbs of Marijuana Equals Probation
  21. Abercrombie to Sign Bills Making MDs into Marijuana Dealers
  22. Sheriff shortage causing courthouse concerns
  23. Solution for State's Dirtiest Waterway? Stop Testing it
  24. Will 33-year Old Waianae Bridge Collapse?
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Monday, June 3, 2013
June 3, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:33 PM :: 4705 Views
  1. Feds Bust Sandwich Isles Com: $25M/year Funneled to Hee Company
  2. Sick Organic: Frozen Organic Berries Linked to Hepatitis Outbreak
  3. UH Study: 92% of Global Warming Climate Models Fail
  4. KSBE Trustees Tied to Sandwich Isles Scam
  5. Sandwich Isles Spent $480K in Lobbying and Political Contributions
  6. Want To Run For Congress? Political Insiders Only, Please
  7. House Finance Committee to Study Special Funds
  8. Should The City Earmark Millions For Favored Nonprofit Groups?
  9. Obama Launches 'Furlough Fridays' for 15,000 Fed Workers in Hawaii
  10. Cultural differences aside, standards are a must
  11. State Claims Reduction in youth suicide rate
  12. City kills attempt to reduce habitual 911 calls
  13. HECO:  One Plan for Entire State
  14. After A123 Bankruptcy, Maui Windfarm Finally Gets Battery
  15. Star-Advertiser editorial opposes city budget item to fund public toilets in Chinatown
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Sunday, June 2, 2013
June 2, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:02 PM :: 4068 Views
  1. No Good Intention Goes Without Consequences
  2. HIRA Candidate for GOP Chair Stars in Gay Pride Parade
  3. Hawaii Rifle Association Supports Council Resolution 13-74
  4. Hawaii Obamacare Leaders tell 'Scary Truth': System Strained to the Breaking Point
  5. Abercrombie Holds Secret HGEA-HHSC Meeting
  6. Bill would raise vehicle tax, fees
  7. Honeymoon Over at Honolulu Hale
  8. Abercrombie and Caldwell go together like rice and poi
  9. Watson: New Federal Judge Not 'Activist'
  10. Tsutsui leasing space for Maui office from county
  11. Task Force Reports Gather Dust
  12. Graduation rate still 'awful'
  13. Hawaii Among only 7 States to Eliminate Welfare Asset Limit
  14. Mayor Wright: Ouansafi Orders Tenants Not to Listen to FACE
  15. Vermont Legalizes Terminal Elder Abuse, Star-Adv Celebrates by Lying about Hawaii Law
  16. End of protest period clears way for new Handi-Vans
  17. Moth Eats All the Koa on Big Island
  18. Napoopoo Landing was once a busy port, now You need Permit for Paddleboard
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Saturday, June 1, 2013
June 1, 2013 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:29 PM :: 6350 Views
  1. New AIS Testimony: Rail Route Illegally Damages Hawaiian Cultural Properties
  2. More Flooding in Kakaako's Future
  3. NRA Debunks Ammo Shortage Rumors
  4. .05% Solution: Abercrombie Quietly Appoints DUI Taskforce
  5. Abercrombie Angered by "Damn Idiot who got Stoned and drove off bridge"
  6. Shortage: No More TB Tests at Child Care Centers
  7. Supreme Court: Medicated Potheads May Smuggle Up to 3 oz on Airplanes
  8. Elections Coming: Maui Council Members Attack Arakawa
  9. Aquarium Collecting: Ecos Lose First Round in Court
  10. Honolulu Official: Synagro Bankruptcy Won’t Impact City
  11. 17,000 Hawaii students borrow $64M subsidized college loans
  12. Ben Jay Backs Apple, Calls for New Stadium
  13. First Time Since 2001 No Hawaii-Based Army Units in Mid East
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