From Office of Councilmember Kym Pine August 29, 2013
A number of concerns and issues have been brought to my attention in the past few months including complaints of excessive and incorrect billing from the Board of Water Supply.
Water bill complaints increase for Board of Water Supply (KITV)
Earlier this year the Board of Water Supply (BWS) changed their billing cycle from bi-monthly to monthly. After this change, many households were sent estimated bills, some for several billing periods in a row.
BWS was also short staffed which had an impact on the accuracy of the billing due to a lack of auditors. They have since hired additional staff to assist with increased customer service demand.
Here’s a story of a family who received a bill over $900 after not being charged correctly during the estimated months:
Waimanalo family gets big bill despite no water leak (KHON)
At the City Council Meeting held on August 7, 2013, Resolution 13-177 was introduced, which initiates a proposed Charter Amendment.
YouTube - Board of Water Supply
BWS - Estimated Readings Information
If adopted, the proposed Charter Amendment would allow the City Council to review and approve the Board of Water Supply's operating and capital improvement budgets.
Please consider attending the September 11, 2013 Council meeting at Honolulu Hale to share your voice on Resolution 13-177. If you cannot attend, but would like to submit written testimony on this issue, you can send your testimony via email by contacting me at or by calling my office at 768-5001.
