Councilmember Urges City Department to Deny Sludge Permit
News Release from Office of Councilmember Kymberly Marcos Pine Sept 10, 2013
(HONOLULU) — City Councilmember Kymberly Marcos Pine today sent a letter to the Director of the Department of Planning and Permitting – George I. Atta – requesting the Department deny future permit applications to dump sludge from the Hawaii Kai Marina on the Leeward Coast, and investigate reports of landowners or tenants using agriculture-zoned land for industrial work and/or waste disposal.
“It’s simply unacceptable for commercial enterprises and individuals to continue to use the Leeward Coast as their dumping ground. There is absolutely no justification for these violations, which is why I will be introducing measures to strengthen the penalties for these egregious acts,” Councilmember Pine said.
Councilmember Pine is working closely with the community to come up with solutions to stop illegal dumping along the Waianae Coast. One solution is to charge higher fees for grading and dumping violations. “Improper waste dumping and grading must stop immediately, and those responsible must be held accountable. My proposals will provide the Department of Planning and Permitting with the tools to pressure commercial enterprises and individuals to end these practices,” Councilmember Pine continued.
Councilmember Pine represents residents of District One (Ewa, Ewa Beach, Kapolei, Honokai Hale, Ko Olina, Nanakuli, Maili, Waianae, Makaha, Keaau, Makua) and chairs the Intergovernmental Affairs and Human Services Committee.
Full text of the letter below:
September 10, 2013
Mr. George I. Atta, FAICP, LEED AP, CEI, Director
Department of Planning and Permitting
City and County of Honolulu
650 South King Street, 7th Floor
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Dear Director Atta,
I am writing to strongly urge your department to deny any permits relating to the dumping of sludge from the Hawaii Kai Marina along the Leeward Coast.
Many of my constituents have approached my office concerned with surface water runoff and possible contamination of our streams and near shore waters.
Large quantities of material such as sludge from the dredging of the Hawaii Kai Marina should be tested per load prior to any permitted disposal.
I also request the Department of Planning and Permitting’s assistance in investigating whether some landowners or tenants of land zoned as AG-1 or AG-2 agriculture, are engaging in non-permitted uses under the provisions of Chapter 21, Revised Ordinances of Honolulu. We are in receipt of reports of industrial work and/or waste disposal being conducted on these parcels.
Together we have an opportunity to partner to prevent future illegal dumping from occurring along the Leeward Coast.
Mahalo for your continued service to the people of the City and County of Honolulu. Please contact me at 768-5001 if you would like to discuss this matter in further detail.

Kymberly Marcos Pine
Councilmember, District 1
UPDATE September 13, 2013: Response from Hawaii Kai Marina Association
Councilmember Pine Demands Debris be Returned to Hawaii Kai
News Release from Office of Councilmember Kymberly Marcos Pine Sept 6, 2013
(HONOLULU) — Responding to community concerns that tons of sludge is being dredged from the Hawaii Kai Marina and dumped in Waianae, Councilmember Kymberly Marcos Pine is demanding that the Hawaii Kai Community Association remove all of the debris and return it to holding areas in Hawaii Kai.
The City has cited SER Trucking, which was hired to truck and store the materials, for not having a proper grading permit. However, Councilmember Pine does not believe this is enough to stop the potentially illegal dumping.
“I will make sure that I do everything in my power, including exploring all legislative options to stop this private marina from dumping its sludge in our community and ensure that this unchecked dumping never happens again,” Councilmember Pine said.
Waianae residents are upset that the sludge is being dumped in their community and expressed their concerns. Responding to the community, Robert Clark, president of the Hawaii Kai Marina Community Association referred to Waianae residents’ concerns as “total ignorance,” saying, “if they were aware of what that material was, they would say please let me have more of it," (Hawaii News Now).
Councilmember Pine also responded to Mr. Robert Clark’s statements today, saying “I take great offense to Mr. Clark’s statement and demand that he apologize to the people of Waianae for his comments. The people of Waianae are smart innovative citizens who care deeply about their ‘aina.”
Councilmember Pine represents residents of District One (Ewa, Ewa Beach, Kapolei, Honokai Hale, Ko Olina, Nanakuli, Maili, Waianae, Makaha, Keaau, Makua) and chairs the Intergovernmental Affairs and Human Services Committee.
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