Tuesday, October 15, 2013 |
Rally Oct 28: "Let the People Decide on Marriage"
By News Release @ 3:07 AM :: 5390 Views :: Family
Dear Friends: Oct 14, 2013
As President of Hawaii Family Advocates (a 501C4 organization associated with Hawaii Family Forum), I wanted to take a moment to personally thank you for your continued efforts in the community to protect life, natural marriage and religious freedom. The response from the community to our current efforts has been phenomenal.
What you may not know is that Hawaii Family Advocates has been doing many things in the community to help educate people about issues that are currently facing the people of Hawaii. Let me just give you a brief overview of the some of our most successful efforts over the past few weeks.
- We have been featured in news stories asking the legislature to “let the people decide on marriage”
- We have conducted trainings in several locations educating pastors and leaders about the proposed same-sex “marriage” bill
- We have coordinated a community rally for October 28, 2013 at 4:00 p.m.
- We have encouraged people to make direct contact with their legislators (click here to send a message to your representative if you have not done so already)
- We are chairing the Coalition To Let The People Decide On Marriage
- We are within that Coalition organizing community volunteers on all the islands to support the Coalition to “Let The People Decide On Marriage” by organizing their local communities to sign waive with HFA provided signs, organize a local October 28th rally, and send emails and make phone calls to the House member that represents them.
Here is how you can help right now:
1) Educate your friends and family about the ramifications of redefining marriage and encourage them to make contact with their legislators to LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE ON MARRIAGE. If you are a pastor or church leader, contact me directly if you are interested in coordinating this very important informational session in your church community
2) Volunteer to join hundreds of people statewide who are making a difference in their local communities
3) Partner with Hawaii Family Advocates by making a donation to help pay for the signs, rally, lobbying and other expenses (deductions to HFA are not deductible – click here for more information)
4) Plan to come to the rally on October 28th from 4 to 7 p.m and wear NAVY BLUE as a sign of unity. Work with your church leaders and coordinate busses and transportation.
Thank you for standing with us.
Jim Hochberg
Hawaii Family Advocates