Great News for the Campaign
Aloha, February 25, 2014
Vivian and I are very grateful for your support of our 2010 gubernatorial campaign. Without your trust and support I would never have had the opportunity to serve the people of Hawaii as Lieutenant Governor. It was a tremendous honor to serve in that role and work to bring open, honest, and effective government to our State. I have been troubled over the past three years as I watched much of that progress get turned back to the same old ways of the status quo that has failed to make our lives in Hawaii better.
As you know, standing on the sidelines has never been an option for me, so I announced my intention to run for Governor a few weeks ago. It has been a busy couple of weeks getting the campaign going but I wanted to share some important news with you in case you missed it. Recently, Hawaii News Now and the Star Advertiser released early poll numbers that show us in a great position.
According to their poll, we lead Governor Abercrombie 48% to 40%. These results clearly show that people are looking for new leadership and we are headed in the right direction.
The reality is, if people hear our message of accountable, balanced and honest government, we will win this race! But to do that, I will need to compete with the over $3 million that the Governor will have to spend.
I need your support to do this. I am grateful that you put your trust in me in the past and I am asking you to do so once again. Specifically,I am asking for you to help invest in building the early grassroots infrastructure of our campaign by making a contribution of $50, $100, $500 or the maximum of $6,000 if you can.
We have people all over the state signing up to get involved and we need to continue to get them organized, trained and equipped to overcome the machine that will try to preserve the status quo in Hawaii.
I have never seen grassroots energy like I am seeing today and I know that we can win this race and bring honest and ethical government back to the Governor’s office.
I look forward to the road ahead and will keep you posted on our campaign over the coming months.