Aloha, March 18, 2014
In the past month we have put together our campaign team and developed our campaign strategy. Our immediate focus is to begin our voter identification program and raise campaign funds.
We are so excited about the energy and support we are receiving from all of you. Together, we will succeed!
Our road to success begins with our voter identification program. DukeAiona.com provides you with the tool to participate in this very important and essential campaign program.
Click on VOTE4DUKE on our website and provide the information requested. In addition to your name and information, we need you to input all of the names and information of those who you know will Vote4Duke. In turn ask all of these people to input all of the names and information of those who they know will Vote4Duke.
If you have a phone that has access to the web, you can input the names and information of people who you meet in the super market, work, or street, who will Vote4Duke in real time.
The clock has started on this program and your kokua via our website is appreciated.
Lastly, we humbly ask for your treasure. An investment of $50, $100, $200, or the maximum of $6,000 is needed to share our message of balanced, accountable, and credible leadership with the people of Hawaii and to administer our campaign.
The energy and excitement for our campaign has not waned since we announced our intention to run for governor. It has only increased! With your continued support of our voter identification and fund raising programs,we are certain that its growth will peak on November 4, 2014!
Please also share our campaign Facebook page with your friends and encourage them to get involved or make a contribution themselves.
Mahalo nui loa for your continued support!

Duke Aiona