No Sunshine on this Cloudy Day
From Horns of Jericho Blog, February 17, 2015
While the House Committee on Health had ample opportunity to let the Honolulu Star-Advertiser know that HB631 would be granted a hearing tomorrow (Wednesday, February 18th), the committee itself could not comply with the very rules that it imposes on itself to ensure that the public has at least 48-hours of notice.
House Rule 11.5 [1] clearly states:
Meetings, including decision-making sessions, of standing committees shall be public. Notice shall be publicly posted or announced on the House floor at least forty-eight hours prior to the meeting. Except for notices posted by the Committee on Finance, notice shall be posted before 4:30 p.m. on the last day of the work week for a hearing to be held on the following Monday or Tuesday.

Rep. Della Au Belatti
While the same rule provides for shortening the period for “good cause”, it grows both increasingly tiresome and increasingly suspicious that advocates are circumventing the 48-hour notice that has been enshrined in the House Rules so that the public has sufficient notice that a hearing is taking place. What once might have been a forgivable mistake is starting to look more like a pattern of abuse.
Contrary to public perception, the Legislature has exempted itself from Sunshine Law, a provision that is intended to keep all other parts of government (state departments, neighborhood boards and city council meetings) transparent and the public informed. The Legislature exempts itself because it operates on a short 60-day timetable where five days of notice is prohibitive to getting business done. However, this provision also tends to be abused when legislators would prefer to keep the public in the dark.
While the bill is slated only for decision-making, the contempt and disdain for both transparency and open government appears part and parcel of Scott Saiki’s crusade for “open” and “transparent” government – that which was promised as part of the vacuous House Majority Package. There was ample time to notify the news media [2] that this bill was being heard, but not enough time to properly file or amend it on hearing notice. [3]

Rep. Chris Lee
While the oversight may seem petty at face value, the underlying message is quite clear: certain House Democrats (Chris Lee, Della Belatti) are more interested in the news media and publicity and less concerned with transparency and due process.
Couple this with an attempt to shroud campaign donors under a veil of secrecy and House Leadership is scoring fewer points on the transparency card than the UH football team could muster in four quarters. If the last football season was any indication, I am sure we can expect a similarly disappointing performance from the House of Representatives this season.
[1] With their devotion to transparency and openness in government, ruling Democrats have failed to update the House Rules on the Capitol website. The excerpt shown is from the 2013-14 House Rules, and is expected to be identical to what is contained in the 2015 rules.
[2] Enough notice was given for Gordon Pang to draft an entire article on the bill (in time for it to be printed and to be posted online at 1:30AM) where he also stated “The House Health Committee is scheduled to vote on the bill Wednesday.” LINK
[3] Notice of the email advising the amended hearing notice was time-stamped at 9:00AM on Tuesday, less than 24-hours in advance of the hearing
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Trannies Want Birth Certificate Change so they Can Evade Draft, Force Way into Girls Dorm Rooms
KHON: Mika Inoue was in college when she he faced some of the scariest threats against her his life as a transgender woman.
One roommate in her his (otherwise female) dormitory at the University of Hawaii at Hilo put poisonous spiders in her his bed, and another wrote a death threat and stuck it in her his door with a knife, she he said. (Real girls can be so vindictive.)
Now in a better place, Inoue, 25, is hoping to avoid those situations by getting a new birth certificate that confirms with her gender identification — female — without having to undergo surgery.
(Clue: Guys, if you think the girls are going to be happy to sleep in the same dorm with you after you get a female birth certificate, you are mistaken.)
Not having documents that reflect the preferred gender identity from an early age can affect financial aid for students, said Camaron Miyamoto, coordinator at the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Student Services Office at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. One young man female who transitioned from female to male (is now pretending to be male) was denied financial aid because he she (lied about her gender on some forms and) had not signed up for selective service (don't want all the male obligations, do you?) when he she was 18 years old, he said.
(Translation: We want boys to start using this as a way to evade the draft. We are using a story about a female pretending to be male so that you won't notice the draft evasion angle. Did it work?)
But surgery isn’t possible for many students, Miyamoto said.
(Translation: Gender is an opinion. And we can rack up lots of gender-benders if we change the rules so they don't have to sacrifice their penises.)
“Coming into the university, sometimes parental consent is not an option at all,” he said.
(Translation: They are working on trans-forming your sons next. The Legislature is helping.)
Fascinating Comment: “this is a lie, when Eiji lived here on the Big Island he never claimed to have been a women, infact he was never infatuated with even dressing as a women... as far as his bites it was just another spider bite which he is allergic too.. his roomates was really cool from what I remember he saying when he use to live here.. so why the lies im not to sure maybe to get attention.. Things people will do for publicity.. quite sad”
SA: Tranny Murder suspect dubbed 'Michelangelo of buttocks injections'
read ... Insanity on Display at the Legislature