Supreme Court Ruling on Marriage: God is Still in Control!
by James Duke Aiona, Hawaii Family Advocates, June 26, 2015
For the past three days I have been immersed in the science of embryonic biology. These lectures and discussions have impressed upon all of us the complex and intricate design of the human body. The human body is a miraculous creation which confirms and reminds us all, of God's magnificent and omnipotent power and grace. A Blessing and gift from God that everyone must appreciate and protect as stewards of life.
Today, however, as you may have already heard, the Supreme Court of the United States released an opinion stating that it is unconstitutional for any state to define marriage as between one man and one woman. The vote was 5-4, with Justices John Roberts, Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, and Samuel Alito dissenting.
Across the nation there is much rejoicing among the supporters who have fought tooth and nail to get the right to marry. What you will see in the media are same-sex couples making statements about equality and freedom. What you may not see in the media, most likely, are the millions of Americans, like us, with deeply engrained religious convictions that truly believe that marriage is the lifelong union of one man and one woman. Will we be treated with equality and freedom in their workplaces? Could non-profit organizations face revocation of their tax-exempt status if they say that marriage is between one man and one woman? When the Supreme Court heard the oral arguments on “same-sex marriage” in April of this year, Solicitor General Donald B. Verrilli Jr., who was representing the Obama administration, admitted that “it’s certainly going to be an issue.” The decision today gives us good insight into what is yet to come.
We must remain committed to the natural, moral, and biblical foundation that we stand upon, because it is the "truth"! Do not waiver or doubt for a second that your espousal of your beliefs, principles, and values relating to marriage is not contemporary or out of touch with today's world. Unfortunately, segments of today's world have embraced a new definition of marriage because of our "waiver and doubt".
We must also continue to model the beauty and value of marriage between one man and one woman. The sanctity of marriage must be lived from its inception, and thus, the need to ensure that a couple's commitment to marriage is not taken lightly or viewed as a convenience or mere contract, but rather as a lifetime covenant and commitment.
Finally, let us pray! Pray unceasingly that God will allow us to be the light that shines upon the truth of marriage! Hawaii Family Advocates and our community associate Hawaii Family Forum is committed to staying the course. We truly appreciate your willingness to stand with us.
God is still in control!
WaPo: Could religious institutions lose tax-exempt status over Supreme Court’s gay marriage case?