Democrats for Education Reform: Hon. Tony Payton, Jr.
From Grassroot Institute, August 3, 2015
Host Keli'i Akina speaks with former Pennsylvania legislator Tony Payton (Democrats for Education Reform) about working to reform the public education school system.
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News Release from Grassroot Institute July 29, 2015
Milton Friedman's 103rd Birthday Dinner
Hon. Tony Payton Jr. & Dr. Ben Chavis
Friday, July 31 | 6:30PM - 8:00PM | Manoa Grand Ballroom
LINK >>> Buy Tickets

Hon. Tony Payton Jr. of Democrats for Education Reform is a former state representative from PA.
He is known for his support of education reform, and principal empowerment.
Mr. Payton worked on a education reform, health care, and transportation while in the House.

Dr. Ben Chavis is a former principal and outspoken leader in the education reform movement.
He was featured in the John Stossel special, Stupid In America, and has been a regular on Fox Business News.
He is also the author of Crazy Like a Fox; One Principal's Triumph in the Inner City.
He was also in the award winning documentary Flunked.
Opening Remarks by:

Keli'i Akina, Ph.D.
President CEO
Grassroot Institute of Hawaii
Milton Friedman was a great advocate for school choice, and we wish to honor his work on school choice heroes on July 31st at the Milton Friedman 103rd Birthday Dinner. In the 8 years since the first Friedman Legacy Day, a wide variety of events have been held to celebrate the life, legacy, and ideas of Milton Friedman with a focus on education reform and school choice.

We hope you can come participate in this amazing event!
Friday, July 31 | 6:30PM - 8:00PM | Manoa Grand Ballroom
Have questions about Power to the Local School!? Contact Grassroot Institute of Hawaii