Proud to be an American Dinner
by Miriam Hellreich, NCW -- Chair, HRP Capital Campaign Committee
The Hawaii Republican Party Honors War Hero, Captain Jerry Coffee, U.S. Navy (RET.), at the Proud To Be An American Dinner on October 27, 2015.
Captain Jerry Coffee, U.S. Navy
The Hawaii Republican Party is honored to host the Proud to Be An American Dinner with keynote speaker, New Mexico Governor, Susana Martinez, the first Hispanic female governor in our country and a possible 2016 vice presidential candidate.
A highlight of the evening will be a presentation honoring Captain Jerry Coffee, U.S. Navy (RET.), a former POW who was imprisoned for 7 years in Vietnam. Jerry Coffee is a true American hero whose message of hope, faith, courage and honor have inspired thousands of people worldwide ( The program will salute all veterans and service members who have served their country and helped to maintain the freedom we all enjoy today.
Invite your friends to this exciting event! Reserve your seats today.
Click here to purchase tables and seats online or click here to download printable reply form to mail.
If you would like to sponsor tickets or tables for veterans, please indicate on the registration form.
For more information, call the GOP Headquarters at (808) 593-8180. We look forward to seeing you on October 27!
