From Safe Streets Ohana
The Smart About Marijuana (SAM) conference held on Oahu September 21 and 22 featured Dr. Kevin Sabet, co-founder of Project SAM, an internationally known expert on marijuana and its negative effects, along with Mr. John Redman Executive Director of Californians for a Drug-Free Youth.
Also speaking was a representative of the Honolulu Police Department and Mr. Gary Shimabukuro of Laulima Hawaii a local source of drug awareness and prevention education.
If one word can be used to describe the information prevented it would be “chilling” and not in the “cruising” sense.

Marijuana already has a massively funded private equity firm prepared to peddle drugs nationwide.

Marijuana’s target group are children and youth, were its impact on their intellectual and social development is devastating.
The parallels were obvious between the push by tobacco companies in the 20th century for market development and Big Marijuana’s approach in the 21st century.
Also presented was the appalling statistic that alcohol companies makes 75% of their profits on those who consume 10 drinks or more a day!
Imagine that same level of constant intoxication by marijuana users and the potential impact on your local community?
The point was also made that there is a tipping point, when a community moves away from being a family friendly environment and begins a steep decline towards drug use, crime and gang membership.
The common denominator often appears to be drug use and acceptance.

All the information presented pointed out that the “medical” Marijuana Dispensaries Bill approved and sign into law by Governor Ige is the Trojan Horse for full or defacto legalization.

That the medical marijuana dispensary experience is negative, raising money off an addicted population and degrading communities’ wherever they are in operation.***

When overall drug use increases, its first time use, (on purpose or by accident) is pushed down to a younger and younger age group.
State legislators and the governor have approved legislation that will have a negative impact on our communities’ and will further burden police with regulatory and enforcement problems that make their jobs more difficult, and our communities less safe.
There needs to be a political accounting and a reversal of this policy before our communities’, schools and families begin to suffer the consequences of this ill conceived and corrupting drug policy.

*** Marijuana affects a part of the brain that initiates craving, for many users this craving leads to a daily habit. With THC (the intoxicating component) of marijuana being manipulated to absurdly high levels (in some dangerously refined products such as “oil” and “wax” up to 100%), this results in heavy daily drug intoxication, the classic definition of an addict.
*** Los Angeles attempted to restrict the number of “medical” marijuana dispensaries but was blocked by judicial rulings. Such dispensaries now exceed the number of Starbucks coffee shops in the L.A. area.
Background: Drug Proofing Your Kids