Hawaii: Two Anti-Gun Bills Scheduled for Hearing Tomorrow
From NRA-ILA, February 9, 2016
Tomorrow, February 10, two anti-gun bills are scheduled to be heard in the Hawaii State Legislature. The first of which, Senate Bill 2647, is scheduled for a joint hearing in the Senate Committee on Water, Land and Agriculture/Judiciary and Labor at 3:20pm. Additionally, House Bill 2632 is scheduled for a hearing in the House Committee on Health at 10:00am. Please contact the members of these committees immediately and urge them to oppose these anti-gun bills!
SB 2647 is one of several bills introduced this session which are related to the trafficking of animal parts, and specifically aimed at the trafficking of ivory and ivory products. SB 2647 is a misguided effort being pushed through the Hawaii Legislature that goes far beyond law-abiding gun owners and would adversely impact anyone who owns ivory and products from a wide variety of animals by significantly diminishing the value of lawfully acquired property.
SB 2647 would ban the import, sale, purchase, barter, and possession with intent to sell of any ivory (defined to include mammoth ivory), ivory product, rhinoceros horn, rhinoceros horn product and products from various other animal species. While the NRA applauds serious efforts to stop poaching and the illegal wildlife trade, banning the trade and sale of legally owned, pre-ban ivory will not save one elephant.
This bill would, however, harm those who have no part in these activities. American collectors, sportsmen, hunters, and recreational shooters have legally purchased firearms, knives, art and other objects that have incorporated ivory features for decades. These include some of America’s most historically-significant and collectible guns.
Once again, please contact the members of Senate Committee on Water, Land and Agriculture/Judiciary and Labor and urge them to OPPOSE SB 2647.
HB 2632, would expand the list of possible prohibited possessors to include anyone who has undergone emergency hospitalization. This expansion for emergency hospitalization is vague and could entrap a person who has suffered something as common as diabetic shock to suddenly lose their Second Amendment rights, without due process of the law, simply for receiving care. Please contact the members of the House Committee on Health and urge them to OPPOSE HB 2632.
Please stay tuned to http://www.nraila.org/ and your email inbox for further updates on these bills as the Hawaii Legislature’s 2016 session progresses.