From Hawaii Republican Party, February 12, 2016
Hawaii's Old Boy Network is nervous.
The state's largest government employees union has just announced plans to protest outside our dinner on Tuesday, February 16 at the Ko'olau Ballrooms.

Why is the powerful HGEA spending its time and resources protesting the visit of an accomplished Republican governor from the Midwest? Well, we think it's because in the Badger state, folks who believe government should be run behind closed doors to benefit the powerful few were challenged. And they were defeated.
Before Governor Scott Walker took office, out-of-control taxes were hurting families and job creators. Under Governor Walker's leadership, Wisconsin taxpayers are saving $4.7 billion as a result of tax reductions and over 43,000 new businesses have been created. Wisconsin's unemployment rate has dropped from 7.4% when he was inaugurated to 4.3% today, the lowest in 15 years.
We are honored to welcome Governor Walker as our keynote speaker at our annual Lincoln Day Dinner. He has shown us that one person can make a positive difference in the lives of working families.
Let's take action and show our state's Old Boy Network that Hawaii is ready for real change. This is no time to back down from our Party's mission of promoting greater individual freedom, respect for the United States Constitution, and more effective participation of the people in the government of the State of Hawaii.
Will you stand with us and Governor Walker?
Get your tickets here!
