Maui Luncheon: Government Mandates on Local Farmers
by Joe Kent, Grassroot Institute, Jan 23, 2017

The future of agriculture in Hawaii is uncertain, and government bureaucrats are putting more hurdles on our local farmers and ranchers. Baylen Linnekin is the author of Biting the Hand that Feeds Us, which uncovers how government over-regulation has led to food waste, hunger, inhumane livestock conditions and disappearing fish stocks.
Mr. Linnekin argues that government rules have handcuffed Hawaii’s most sustainable farmers, while rewarding practices that are anything but sustainable. Join us for this important look at food sustainability in Hawaii.
Tickets available here!
Join us at a special Maui luncheon: How to make Hawaii’s food system more sustainable
Wednesday, January 25th | 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Maui Arts & Cultural Center
Alexa Higashi Meeting Room
One Cameron Way, Kahului
$20 includes lunch
Tickets available here!