Hearing Protection Legislation Passes Out of Committee; Anti-Gun Bill Scheduled for Committee Hearing Next Week
From NRA-ILA, February 17, 2017
On Thursday February 23, at 9:15am the Senate Committee on Judiciary and Labor will hear Senate Bill 898. SB 898 is a misguided gun control bill that would permanently strip an individual of their Second Amendment rights, not based on a criminal conviction or mental adjudication, but based on a quasi-criminal proceeding.
The committee will NOT be taking oral testimony at this hearing. It is imperative that you submit written testimony to the committee through the Hawaii Legislature website voicing opposition to this dangerous and misguided legislation. In order to submit testimony, you will need to create an account. For help creating an account and submitting testimony, click here. To email committee members, click the “Take Action” button below.

SB 898 allows for firearms to be seized based on an ex-parte warrant application based on the low evidentiary standard of probable cause. An individual is entitled to a hearing, however that hearing may not take place for up to 30 days. At the hearing, the seized firearms can be retained and a permanent firearm prohibition can be put in place, not because of a disqualifying offense but merely the risk of one. No one wants dangerous individuals to have access to firearms, however this is not about dangerous people. This bill sets to ignore the normal rules of criminal procedure in order to promote the anti-gun agenda of the political elites and others.
Last Friday, February 10, the House Water and Land Committee heard and unanimously passed House Bill 1589 with amendments. HB 1589, sponsored by Representative Ryan Yamane (D-37), would allow the use of sound suppressors while hunting in the state of Hawaii. Currently, 40 states allow the use of suppressors while hunting. Sound suppressors attached to firearms (less accurately called "silencers") are an additional tool available to help protect hearing, increase accuracy and safety, and reduce noise complaints by surrounding residents. While suppressors do not eliminate the sound of a firearm, they do reduce the muzzle report of a firearm, reducing the risk hearing damage. Additionally, suppressors help increase accuracy by reducing felt recoil and shot “flinch.” Suppressors also help reduce noise complaints from neighbors, which are frequently used as an excuse to close hunting lands throughout the country. HB 1589 is now awaiting a hearing in the House Committee on Judiciary.
Please continue to check your email and www.nraila.org for updates.
Hawaii Senate Committee on Judiciary and Labor:
Chairman Gilbert S.C. Keith-Agaran
(808) 586-7344
Vice Chair Karl Rhoads
(808) 586-6130
Senator Mike Gabbard
(808) 586-6830
Senator Donna Mercado Kim
(808) 587-7200
Senator Laura Theilen
(808) 587-8388