The Cost of Public Employment
by Grassroot Institute of Hawaii, Feb 19, 2017

County public employees in the state of Hawaii make among the highest wages in the nation, even after adjusted for Hawaii’s high cost of living. Where is the money going?
Steven Greenhut is the author of “Plunder! How public employee unions are raiding treasuries, controlling our lives and bankrupting the nation”. He will open the books on police and fire departments across the country, and show that the problems of pension spiking, overtime, and Cadillac benefits are also happening in Hawaii.
As Hawaii’s public employee unions attempt to boost salaries and benefits this year, Steven Greenhut will show that it’s in the best interest of all Hawaii’s citizens to bring public worker pay in line with what taxpayers can afford.
In addition, we will be releasing our study which shows that county workers in the State of Hawaii are among the highest paid in the nation, even after adjusting for cost of living.
Register below for Maui or Oahu:
- Maui: Friday, February 24th, 11:30am – 1pm at the Maui Country Club, 48 Nonohe Place, Paia , HI 96779, $20 includes lunch
- Oahu: Monday, February 27th, 6pm, 1132 Bishop St #1585, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813, $10, wine and cheese event