by Andrew Walden
11.2% of Hawaii High School students are LGBTQ. That’s the headline number from the April, 2017 Hawaii Department of Health report on “Sexual and Gender Minority Health.”
This number stands in sharp contrast to other studies of gay demographics. For instance Gallup in 2013 reported that 5% of Hawaii residents are gay and in a 2012 Gallup report found 3.4% of US adults are LBGTQ.
The DoH report is far from dispassionate science. It comes across more like a pamphlet by gay activists. The dedication page reads:
This report is dedicated to all people identifying as a sexual or gender minority in the State of Hawai'i. It acknowledges the resiliency and strength of sexual minority, and transgender and gender non-conforming people in Hawai'i, who despite having borne a disproportionate burden of adverse events in their lives, continue to strive for a better tomorrow. It remembers and acknowledges those from our community who passed too soon
So how did DoH fake the data? The trick is in the methodology:
Respondents were asked to self-identify as heterosexual/straight, gay or lesbian, bisexual, or not sure; youth who reported being “not sure” were coded as “questioning” in this report. (pg 11)
What does this really obvious scam produce? See the chart from page 44. Notice that 40.1% of the “questioning” are 9th graders who have no idea what long words like “heterosexual/straight, gay or lesbian, bisexual” mean so they checked “not sure”. Also notice that 61.5% of the LGB are female whereas other studies show that male homosexuals outnumber lesbians 2-1.

The report presents no statistics on the number of transsexuals in Hawaii high schools – probably because there are too few to perform statistical analysis.
Of course the numerical discrepancies could be taken at face value—the change from baseline studies would provide evidence that Charles Darwin was right and homosexuality is not an in-born characteristic. The lack of transsexuals might be cause to question the need for government-mandated bathroom policies. But those would be thought crimes and you would have to report for diversity training again so better just forget it.
And what will happen to HS students who really do go gay? Other gays will rape them:
“LGB adults in Hawai'i are significantly more likely than heterosexual adults to experience both physical and sexual abuse by an intimate partner. LGB adults are more than twice as likely to experience sexual abuse and nearly three times as likely to experience physical abuse in intimate relationships compared to heterosexual adults. When examined by sex, lesbian or bisexual women are significantly more likely to report physical abuse by a current or former intimate partner compared to heterosexual women. Gay or bisexual men are significantly more likely to report being sexually abused by their partners compared to heterosexual men. Additionally, LGB adults are significantly more likely to have been victims of rape or attempted rape compared to heterosexual adults.” (pg35)
Are you committing a thought crime right now?
read … Full DOH Report
SA: The hidden horror of sex assaults by K-12 students