Hawaii: More Anti-Gun Bills Introduced
From NRA-ILA, JANUARY 26, 2018
As previously reported last week, Senate Bill 2046 was introduced, aimed at criminalizing certain firearm parts, accessories and modifications. The trend continued this week as more anti-gun legislation was filed prior to the close of the bill introduction deadline. Please contact committee members and urge them to oppose these bills! Click the "Take Action" button below to contact committee members.

Senate Bill 2265, introduced by Senator Josh Green (D-3), is an omnibus bill that requires re-registration of firearms every five years; bans trigger modifications, trigger adjustments, and after-market triggers; bans certain muzzle devices; and modifications that prevent a firearm from overheating. SB 2265 has been referred to the Senate Committee on Judiciary and the Senate Committee on Public Safety, Intergovernmental, and Military Affairs. A hearing date has not been scheduled.
House Bill 1908, introduced by Representative Gregg Takayama (D-34), and Senate Bill 2406, introduced by Senator Will Espero (D-19), are both aimed at prohibiting certain trigger modifications. HB 1908 has been referred to the House Committee on Judiciary and the House Committee on Consumer Protection and Commerce, SB 2406 has been referred to the Senate Committee on Judiciary and to the Senate Committee on Public Safety, Intergovernmental, and Military Affairs. A hearing date has not been scheduled for either bill.
House Bill 2024, introduced by Representative Chris Lee (D-51), would allow for certain protective orders to remove your Second Amendment rights - not because of a criminal conviction or mental adjudication, but based on third party allegations and evidentiary standards below those normally required for removing constitutional rights. HB 2024 has been referred to the House Committee on Judiciary. A hearing date has not been scheduled.
Check www.NRAILA.org for the latest updates on issues impacting your Second Amendment rights and hunting heritage in Hawaii.