From Grassroot Institute

Why is health care so expensive?
Because third-party payers — whether private or public — like it that way. That's the argument of University of Texas law professor Charles Silver and University of Illinois law and medical professor David Hyman, authors of the 2018 book “Overcharged: Why Americans Pay Too Much for Health Care." The co-authors will elaborate further on their provocative thesis — that "third-party payers don't care about you" — at a Maui luncheon on March 14 and an Oahu luncheon on March 15.

Maui event: Who is winning the battle of ideas?
Now more than ever, the world is engaged in a debate over which economic system is the best to solve our many economic and social problems.
Mark Skousen, Presidential Fellow at Chapman University and former president of the esteemed Foundation for Economic Education, will make his case that it is the laissez-faire capitalist ideals of economist Ludwig von Mises that are best hope for a free and prosperous world.
Skousen’s presentation will take place in Morgado Hall at the Maui Arts and Cultural Center, in Kahului, on Monday, March 18.