Aloha Oahu Republicans,
In less than 14 days the 2021 Legislative session will open and now is the time to prepare.
Being an engaged, active, and responsible citizen requires more than casting a ballot on voting day. Our responsibility as citizens does not end when we exit the voting booth, rather that is the moment at which the true responsibility begins. Whether or not the person for whom you voted actually gets into office should not deter you from making them work for the people.
Remember, our tax dollars pay their salaries; therefore, regardless of whether or not the person sitting in office is the one for whom you voted, they're still OUR employee. As such, it is up to each of us to ensure that they are working for the people, and not for special interests. This requires some effort on our part. This requires us to keep up on legislation on the floor and to write, call, or email our elected representatives on a regular basis. We have far more disclosure in our government than many of us may realize; every bill currently on the floor of our state and federal houses are available for our review.
As much as we want to place all of the blame on the government for failing us, "We the people", must take some of the blame upon ourselves. For too long we have remained silent. We have been complacent. We have been lackadaisical bosses. If we want our state back, if we want the political system to work in our favor then we must work for it. We must make the ultimate sacrifice, that of our time and energy. We must take responsibility and we must take action. Imagine the force "We the people" could be if all of us performed our duty as citizens, if we each wrote letters, made phone calls, or sent emails to our state representatives every month. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, so let’s be the squeaky wheel.
The political process will only work for the people if, "We the people" are willing to put in the effort to make it do so.
Brett Kulbis
Honolulu County Chair
Become A Citizen Activist
Click HERE to prepare for the 2021 Legislative Session.
LEGISLATIVE SESSION - In light of the City and County of Honolulu’s current COVID-19 restrictions, please be advised that there will be no usual opening day festivities for the upcoming first year of the 31st Biennium Legislative Session on Wednesday, January 20, 2021.
REPUBLICAN LEGISLATION - On January 4, 2021, Honolulu County submitted the following legislation drafts to Senator Fevella, Representatives Ward, McDermott, Okimoto and Matsumoto for inclusion in the 2021 session:
Note: These are House versions but a similar Senate version was submitted.
2021 Session Calendar
JAN 22–LAST DAY TO INTRODUCE ALL NON-ADMINISTRATION BILL PACKAGES – Bills bundled together by legislative caucuses (common interest groups) and accepted and labeled as a package by the clerks. You can view the various packages of legislation by clicking on the "Reports and Lists" button on capitol.hawaii.gov and selecting the "Measures by Package" bar on the left.
JAN 25–STATE-OF-THE-STATE ADDRESS – The Governor’s annual address to the assembled joint legislature. The address presents an opportunity for the Governor to report on affairs of state, and to put forth recommendations and initiatives.
JAN 25–LAST DAY TO INTRODUCE ADMINISTRATION BILL PACKAGE – This is what is known as the “Governor’s Package.” The bills are prepared by executive branch agencies for consideration by the legislature and are introduced on behalf of the executive branch by the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives. View the package of legislation by clicking on the "Reports and Lists" button on capitol.hawaii.gov and selecting the "Measures by Package" bar. The administrative package will be listed as "Governor".
JAN 27–STATE-OF-THE-JUDICIARY ADDRESS – The Chief Justice’s biannual address to the assembled joint legislature.
On January 2, 2021 at the Inaugural 2021-2022 Session of the City Council, five new members Radiant Cordero, Esther Kiaaina, Calvin Say, Augie Tulba and Andria Tupola took their oaths of office. After the oaths were taken, Tommy Waters was elected Council chairman by a 9-0 vote. Esther Kiaaina was selected vice chairwoman and Andria Tupola as floor leader.
Honolulu City Council Calendar
Honolulu City Council Members
Committee Meetings
January 12, 2021
January 13, 2021
January 14, 2021
City Council will meet Wednesday, January 27, 2021, 10:00am.
Important Links
Republican Party
Please Kokua...Let's Turn Hawaii Red in 2022!