Legislative Week in Review
From Honolulu GOP, April 4, 2021
In a previous email we warned you about SB56 (Increases the personal income tax rate for high earners and corporate income tax), while we thought this bill was on it's way to the land where bad legislation goes to fade away after a quadruple referral in the House. However, our Senators have other plans to dip into the pockets of voters. Return of the Frankenbill!
"...in a hearing notice released on March 25, the Senate Ways and Means Committee declared its intention to stuff some of the major pieces of Senate Bill 56 into House Bill 58, a bill that at the time of crossing over to the Senate only provided for the temporary reallocation of conveyance tax revenues to pay debt service that the State owes on its general obligation bonds. The Proposed Senate Draft 1 of this bill contains new parts temporarily repealing the general excise tax exemptions and juicing up the conveyance tax for properties over $4 million." Tom Yamachika Hawaii Tax Foundation
Full Story: http://hawaiifreepress.com/Articles-Main/ID/28528/Return-of-the-Frankenbill
GRIH Related Story: https://www.grassrootinstitute.org/2021/04/taxing-the-rich-spells-trouble-for-the-rest-of-us/

On March 29, 2021, the senate voted to pass the HB576 HD3 without amendments. The vote was as follows: Ayes, 22; Aye(s) with reservations: Senator(s) Kim, Misalucha; Noes, 3 (Senator(s) Fevella, Gabbard, Riviere). Mahalo to Senators Fevella, Gabbard and Riviere for standing strong to protect the unborn. The blll is now on the desk of Governor David Ige. Our last effort is to ask him to VETO HB576 HD3. Our friends at Hawaii Family Forum ask you to TAKE ACTION HERE!

Oʻahu Neighborhood Board Elections Kick Off on April 23!
Get ready to vote for your 2021-2023 Oʻahu Neighborhood Board members!
The island-wide, completely online election begins on April 23 and ends on May 21. If you are a registered voter, you will receive a passcode in the mail which will allow you to vote online. (LINK: Honolulu Neighborhood Board Election FAQs)
Online voting is simple and easy to do and will take just a few minutes to complete. To learn about your candidates, visit the Candidate Profiles page and select your district.
There are 33 Neighborhood Boards on Oʻahu that meet monthly and serve as the first line of support and information for residents with community concerns. It is also a mechanism to empower everyday people to make an impact on important issues facing our community: land use, public safety, infrastructure and development, public health, and water and natural resources planning, to name a few.
Beginning April 26, 2021 7:45 a.m. HST go to www2.honolulu.gov/nbe to vote for your next neighborhood board representatives. Voting ends May 21, 2021 11:59 p.m. HST.
Be sure to vote early but before you do, use the online “candidate profile” tool to learn more about the people who will be making decisions in your neighborhood for the next two years.
Online Voting Locations
If you require computer access to vote in the Neighborhood Board elections, the following voting sites with computer access will be open during the period of April 23 through May 21 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.:
Kapolei Hale Conference Room -- 1000 Uluʻohiʻa Street (Monday through Friday)
Kapālama Hale -- 925 Dillingham Boulevard Suite 160 (Monday through Friday)
The KEY Project in Kahaluʻu -- 47-2000 Waiheʻe Road from 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. (Monday through Friday)
Any public library on Oʻahu within the Hawaiʻi State Public Library System (see library hours)
If you need further assistance, or to request a ballot, please call the Neighborhood Board Commission office at 808-768-3763.
We encourage you to vote for these candidate:

Watch House and Senate committee hearings live or recorded via Youtube.
Hawaii House of Representatives
Hawaii Senate
Now is the time to take action and let your voice be heard with testimony in the committee hearings which begin meeting this week!
2021 Remote Testimony Procedures
2021-2022 Senate Committee Hearing Schedule
2021-2022 House Committee Hearing Schedule
Scheduled Committee Hearings Report
Legislative Session - In light of the City and County of Honolulu’s current COVID-19 restrictions, please be advised that this year there will be no in person hearings or access to legislators at the capitol building.
2021-2022 Senate Legislative Program
2021-2022 Senate Leadership and Committees
2021-2022 House Leadership and Committees
2021-2022 House and Senate Directory
Senate First Crossover
(Senate Bills Sent to House)
House First Crossover
(House Bills Sent to Senate)
Legislative Calendar
APR 8 SECOND LATERAL FOR SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS – All Senate concurrent resolutions (SCRs) with multiple referrals must move to their final committee in the non-originating chamber (the House) by this day.
APR 9 SECOND DECKING(BILLS) – Deadline for bills that have been amended by the non-originating chamber to emerge from all their committees (with committee reports filed) and be submitted to the clerk of that chamber. This “decking” ensures a mandatory 48 hour opportunity for final review by the non-originating chamber’s members before third reading.
Honolulu City Council Calendar
Honolulu City Council Members
Become A Citizen Activist
Becoming an effective citizen activist, you must learn how to track a measure you’re interested in and know how and when to submit testimony. That requires knowing how our State Legislature works. Click HERE to prepare yourself for the 2021 Legislative Session.