Project POKE (Providing Opportunities for Keiki in Engineering)
an amazing opportunity for Middle and High School keiki to build satellites in their classrooms!
by Samuel Wilder King II
'Ohana Kilo Hōkū (OKH), a 501(c)(3) non-profit Native Hawaiian organization that supports astronomy and space programs in Hawaii and beyond, is teaming up with Hawaii Space Flight Lab (HSFL), STEMWorks, Mauna Kea Observatories, the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, and the Hawaii Science and Technology Museum, to promote Project POKE.
Run by 'Ohana Kilo Hōkū mentor, HSFL avionics engineer Amber Imai-Hong, Project POKE wants to help educators build satellites in their Middle and High School classes!
Educators that sign up will receive a 1U hardware kit, a basic lab tools kit, and enrollment into a 3 credit UHM online course to help integrate the kit into their classroom lessons at no cost. This hardware kit will include a 3D printed structure, a battery pack, a Power Distribution Unit, an On-Board Computer board, BeagleBone Black, Raspberry Pi Zero, IR Camera, and solar panels with embedded torque coils. The lab tools kit will help students to test the CubeSat kit hardware. The course is provided to get technical assistance from HSFL engineers and provide more information about aerospace design.
You can find out more about the project at their website here:
If you have questions, please contact Amber Imai-Hong at
If you are interested in signing up, please click the button below. If you know any educators who may be interested, please forward this email on to them!
Project POKE Interest Form
Find out more about Project POKE sponsors by clicking on their logos below…
OKH Opportunities
If you know any students interested in learning Python programming, participating in a 10 week science internship program, weaving native cultural knowledge into their scientific studies, and more, please check out our Opportunities page at
Finally, if you like what you are hearing about 'Ohana Kilo Hōkū, please consider donating today! Better yet, become a monthly donor. ANY amount helps!
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