2021 Reapportionment Update 1
Message to Supporters from Honolulu Republican Party Oct 24, 2021
State Reapportionment
On Thursday October 14th, the State Reapportionment Committee held the first of three public hearings on their proposed redistricting plan (Meeting Information). After the public hearings, the Commission may revise the proposed plan, if necessary, then file its final legislative and congressional reapportionment plans with the Chief Election Officer no later than February 27, 2022. The 2022 elections will be based on the new redistricting plan.
Reapportionment is based on population. Basic Island Unit population average for House District is 27,026 and Senate District is 55,642 per district respectfully. Here is the link to the proposed redistricting plan by House District LINK.
Notable proposed changes to Oahu:
East Oahu will lose a seat while West Oahu will gain one.
House District 19 which covers parts of Kapahulu, Diamond Head and Kahala, would be eliminated and divided among surrounding districts under the draft plans. This would affect Rep. Bert Kobayashi.
House District 22 would be redrawn to only include Waikiki and parts of McCully bordering the Ala Wai Canal. This would affect Rep. Adrian Tam.

On the west side new House District 41 represents Kalaeloa and parts of Ewa and Kapolei. This affects Reps. Sharon Har and Matt LoPresti.

Part of House District 29 will be combined with neighborhoods in House District 27. This would affect Rep. Daniel Holt and Rep. Takashi Ohno respectfully.

Senate seats would remain the same. However, since all seats are up for reelection in 2022, the question will be which seats get the four year election term or the two year election term. This is in order to get Senate elections back on the every four year election schedule.
The next meeting of the commission is Thursday October 28th beginning at 12pm. To register to watch via zoom, submit testimony, to see all information on past committee meetings including videos, or to sign up and use the Hawaii Redistricting Online Application to create your own plan which can be submitted to the committee for consideration, click HERE.
Honolulu County Reapportionment
The County Reapportionment Committee will hold their final public hearing on Tuesday October 26th at 5pm. The meeting will be viewable:
(1) by televised live broadcast on Olelo TV Channel 54 and
(2) by internet live streaming through Olelo and
(3) YouTube.
To submit testimony and to see all information on past committee meetings including videos go to 'reapportionment.html'.
Reapportionment is based on population. Basic Island Unit population average for each Council District is 112,945. Here is the link to the proposed redistricting plan by Council District LINK.

2021 Proposal Overlaid with 2011 Lines (in red).