Hawaii bill to add more LGBTQ recruitment to sex education advances
SA: … A bill is advancing at the state Legislature to require Hawaii public schools to include “positive and accurate representations” of LGBTQ+ people, people of color and disabled people in sex education curriculum, but some people are protesting that it will legitimize explicit information they feel is inappropriate for schools.
House Bill 1697 would require the state Department of Education “to provide comprehensive training for teachers and educational officers on sexual health topics that include positive and accurate representations of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, asexual, other sexual orientations and gender identities, persons of color, and disability communities to destigmatize and promote sexual health.”…
The measure passed its third reading in the state House on Friday. Of the 51 state representatives, there were only four “no” votes, three “ayes” with reservations, and three excused absences. It has been sent to the Senate Education Committee for consideration….
State schools interim Superintendent Keith Hayashi testified to the Legislature that the state Department of Education supports the intent of HB 1697. The department is requesting $2.2 million to cover the training and provide substitute teachers….
KITV: Hawaii parents angered by proposed sex education bill HB 1697
Shapiro: Bob McDermott knows how to get to the bottom of things
read … Hawaii bill to add LGBTQ information to sex education advances
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HB1697 Sex Ed Bill Update and Rally
from Hawaii Family Forum, March 11, 2022
HB 1697 HD1 Relating to Education, requires DOE to offer comprehensive training for teachers and educational officers on sexual health topics that include positive and accurate representations of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, asexual, other sexual orientations and gender identities, persons of color, and disability communities to destigmatize and promote sexual health. Requires sexual health education programs to include similar sexual health topics to destigmatize and promote sexual health. Effective 7/1/2050. (HD1)
STATUS: On March 4, 2022 Passed Third Reading in the House.
Yes Votes (40):
- Yes with Reservations: (4) Representative(s) Gates, Holt, Okimoto, Quinlan
- No Votes: Representative(s) Har, Kong, Matsumoto, Ward (MAHALO!!!!)
- Excused: Representative(s) Matayoshi, McDermott, and Nakashima
The bill will now crossover to the Senate and the process will begin all over again. If you are interested in weighing in on this bill, please let me know.

Eva and Jim share with viewers about the HB 1697, the horrific sex education bill before the Hawaii legislature.

Originally aired on Wednesday, March 9, 2022.
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Aloha Parents of Hawai’i Students:
The radical left and social engineers' goal is to teach our children that gender is "fluid", and that it is normal for kids to change orientation and identities. Kids will be told that notions of being male and female are myths, and are stereotypes foisted upon the young by a repressive culture. In the politically correct word, one's anatomical structure is irrelevant compared to one's "gender identity".
"The new law mandates sexual health topics that include positive and accurate representations of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, asexual, other sexual orientations and gender identities, persons of color, and disability communities to destigmatize and promote sexual health."
Make no mistake about it: The purpose of "Sexuality Education" is to indoctrinate children with the politically correct view of Planned Parenthood and the LGBT advocacy organizations: That homosexuality, transsexuality, and promiscuity are viable lifestyle choices that are on par with heterosexual monogamy. This bill will have teachers and educational officers trained in this new gender ideology, so that they can inculcate our children with the radical non-traditional views.
This stuff is gross folks. They are going to teach kids that things like anal sex and distended rectums are ok! Because the law mandates a positive representation, rest assured nothing negative will be said about these bizarre behaviors despite the astronomical health risks. "Sexuality Education" is not about health; it is about promoting a specific, far-left worldview that is at odds with the principles of risk avoidance and basic human anatomy. So, criticism about dangerous behavior is forbidden.
Behaviors such as mouth on anus will be presented on par with male/female reproduction. And on and on it goes. Let 's make this clear: This is not the old "sex education" program that taught kids about reproduction, hygiene, and condom use as a matter of public health. This is "Sexuality Education," which conditions the young child 's mind to accept odd, bizarre, and unhealthy behaviors as normal.
In closing, I am going to be called ridiculed for speaking the truth . Please believe me when I tell you that as a father of 8, a grandfather of 9 young toddlers, a USMC Gulf War Veteran, and regular church goer, that I am telling you the truth. It is gross, uncomfortable and there is no reason for it to be in the public schools. I will do my best to expose it.
Please join us 10:30AM on Monday in front of Queen Lili'uokalani's statue for a Press Conference covering this matter.
With much aloha,
Bob McDermott
State House Representative, District 40
HB1697: Text, Status "Requires DOE to provide comprehensive training for teachers and educational officers on sexual health topics that include positive and accurate representations of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, asexual, other sexual orientations and gender identities, persons of color, and disability communities to destigmatize and promote sexual health. Requires sexual health education programs to include similar sexual health topics to destigmatize and promote sexual health. Effective 7/1/2050. (HD1)"