from Hawaii Family Forum, April 22, 2022
Bills Move to Conference Committees
The legislative session will end on Thursday, May 5, 2022. That is just around the corner. After the legislative session ends, we will go back to monthly eNews so you don't have to worry that you will continue to get blasted every week! Mahalo for hanging in there all session.
This is the point in the legislative session when bills that have disagreement between the House and Senate will move to a conference committee to work out any differences. Keep in mind that you have to have voted YES on a bill to be appointed to the conference committee. That ensures that a bill has a better than average chance of passing - with agreement of both chambers.
SB 2634 Medicaid Bill: (Allows Medicaid for postpartum depression up to one year)
04/18/22: Senate Conferees Appointed: San Buenaventura Chair; Keohokalole, Misalucha Co-Chairs; Fevella.
04/20/22: House Conferees Appointed: Yamane, Tam Co-Chairs; Kapela, Ward.
HB 1823 Assisted Suicide Expansion Bill:
04/19/22: Senate Conferees Appointed: Keohokalole Chair; Baker, Rhoads Co-Chairs; Moriwaki, Fevella.
As of this eNews we are awaiting House Appointees.
There is no more public input at this time on bills, but if bills come out of the conference committee, they will be placed on the floor (of both chambers) for one final reading.
Stay tuned!
Upcoming Legislative Deadlines
APR 25- SECOND CROSSOVER FOR CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS - Deadline for adopting amended concurrent resolutions in the non-originating chamber in order to "cross back" to the originating chamber. (Measures must be filed by Friday, April 22.)
APR 28 - FINAL DECKING OF NON-FISCAL BILLS - Deadline for submitting non-fiscal bills for final reading by both chambers.
APR 29 - FINAL DECKING OF FISCAL BILLS - Deadline for submitting fiscal bills for final reading by both chambers. Fiscal bills include appropriation or spending bills, tax credits, etc., or any bill with a House Finance (FIN) or Senate Ways and Means (WAM) referral.
MAY 5 - ADJOURNMENT SINE DIE -The end of session is the deadline for Final Reading of bills and adoption of resolutions. Adjournment sine die occurs on the last day of a Regular Session and indicates a suspension of the business of the legislature indefinitely. Next, the Legislature will certify the bills whose form both chambers have agreed to and will transmit or "enroll" those bills to the Governor.
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More Governmental Shenanigans
The Department of Justice sent a memo to all State Attorney Generals on March 31 with a warning... the memo warns that.... "State laws and policies that prevent parents or guardians from following the advice of a healthcare professional regarding what may be medically necessary or otherwise appropriate care for transgender minors may infringe on rights protected by both the Equal Protection and the Due Process Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment." [Read full memo]
Watch this episode of our show Faith and Family First to find out more.