Protecting Your Vote
From Honolulu GOP, May 23, 2022
Last Saturday's screening of 2000 Mules was a big success! Thank you to all those who came out to join us. Tickets sold out in 2 days, an encouraging indication that many in our party are interested in understanding what happened with during the 2020 elections. The information presented in this film begs the question: Could there have been irregularities in our own Hawaii elections?

Many people and organizations have been working to answer this question, providing testimony and data to the Hawaii Office of Elections and the Elections Commission. A full history of all testimony and other evidence that has been brought before the Elections Commission by local citizens can be found on their website using this link. This includes requests for action by voters as well as by their own commissioners, along with their responses. If you want to understand where we've been and how things are going with local election Integrity efforts, all meetings are video-taped and can be viewed online. I encourage you all to watch and get involved. There is strength in numbers and if we want to make an impact, we need support. To be added to the mailing list to receive notices for upcoming Elections Commission meetings, email elections@hawaii.gov and provide your name, organization, and email address.

Upcoming Events
As part of a greater effort to educate the voters on what we can all do to Protect the Vote here in Hawai'i, there are a number of great events coming up across the Aloha State.
First up is a Paniolos, Candidates, Chili and Dr. Kelli Ward! OH MY! This 2-day event on Maui will feature Arizona GOP Chairwoman Dr. Kelli Ward.

Dr. Ward entered politics in 2012 when she was elected to the Arizona State Senate. While serving two terms in office, she continued to practice medicine in emergency departments in Lake Havasu City and Kingman, Arizona.
In July 2015, Dr. Ward announced her candidacy for the United States Senate, challenging 34-year incumbent Sen. John McCain in the Republican primary in the 2016 election. Despite being outspent 10-to-1, Dr. Ward held Sen. McCain to his lowest historical primary total ever at 51 percent.
In October 2016, Dr. Ward announced that she would run against Sen. Jeff Flake, one of President Trump’s loudest critics in the U.S. Senate, who, after overwhelming opposition decided that because he could not beat Dr. Ward in the primary election, he would leave the Senate at the end of his term. Although Kelli lost the primary election in August 2018, she remained active in Arizona politics.
In 2019, Kelli was elected as only the second woman to lead the Republican Party of Arizona as Chairman and looks forward to helping bring consistent leadership that grows our party. In 2021, with the endorsement of President Donald J. Trump, Dr. Ward was re-elected as Chairman and continues to work to lead our state party, looking for victories up and down the ballot in 2022.
For more information on how you can join Dr. Kelli Ward and meet our local candidates over Memorial Day weekend, click THIS LINK!

We are learning a lot about the veracity of our election results from local canvassing efforts by Audit the Vote Hawaii. Initial data shows irregularities between Office of Election Voter Records reports and information reported directly by voters themselves.
Former Army Intelligence officer Seth Keshel has conducted in-depth analysis of the 2020 elections in every state, including Hawai'i and has published his results. To see a snapshot of his data on Hawai'i, click We were excited to learn that Audit the Vote will be hosting Captain Keshel in person on Oahu on Saturday, June 4, 2022. "Capt. K" - as he is known to many - will also be moderating a candidate Panel Discussion on Election Integrity and will provide his Ten Points to True Election Integrity. More information and tickets can be found by clicking the flyer below:

Seth will also be speaking on Kauai and in East Hawaii. For more information, please check out the Audit the Vote website provided above or email info@Auditthevotehawaii.com.
For more information, resources and data relating to our election efforts in Hawai'i, as well as opportunities to get involved, check out our resource page Free and Fair Hawaii.
Stay plugged in and we will continue to keep you informed of events and trainings and updates on what we are doing to protect your vote right here in Hawaii.
Want to do more? Read below for more opportunities and share with friends and family!
God bless,
Laura Nakanelua
National Committeewoman, Hawai'i

Donate to Election Integrity!
From the Hawai'i Republican Party
Our election system functions best with active and engaged citizens participating in all levels of the process, from casting a ballot, to working at a counting center or voter service center, and official observer watching the process and asking questions. A strong and healthy election system is one that has high grassroots participation and withstands the highest level of scrutiny. We are flooding the Office of Elections with hundreds of volunteers to fill as many positions as possible on the frontlines of Hawai'i's elections for 2022.

Election Workers (Honolulu County)
In the ongoing effort to achieve an honest election for 2022, and as a former owner of a staffing company, Past Chair Signe Godfrey has reached out to Staffing Solutions of Hawaii. She found out they were filling the Honolulu County Election positions for 2022. She asked the owner to allow us to help fill these positions and they agreed to let refer people to them to fill these positions. Here is a detailed description of what positions are needed for the Elections:
1. Telephone and Counter Services - Answers public inquiries over the phone or at the counter on matters relating to voter registration.
2. Application Screening - Gathers all incoming voter registration applications from public and private agencies.
3. Data Entry Clerks - enters information from various source documents such as voter registration application.
4. Registration - assists voters who need help in completing an application for a ballot or need more information on voting for candidates.
5. ID Verification - verifies the identity of the voter through a picture ID.
6. Terminal Operator - checks to see if a voter is eligible to vote and from the address on the VSC application.
7. Ballot Issuance and Recording - issues the proper district and precinct ballots based on what is recorded on the VSC app.
8. Ballot Issuance and Recording - Issues the proper district and precinct ballots based on what is recorded on the VSC app.
9. Voter Information - Explains the single-party primary election system to voters who are not familiar with the requirement that only one party or nonpartisan ballot be selected for voting.
10. Voter Assistance - Assists voters who have spoiled their ballots and need new ones. Controls voter traffic. May assist voters using ballot marking devices or direct-recording electronic voting machines (training will be provided).
11. Absentee Data Entry and Mail - Checks each request for an absentee ballot against the Statewide Voter Registration System to see that the voter is registered to vote and at the residence address indicated on the request. More job descriptions are in the attachment.
12. Replacement Ballot Fulfillment - checks replacement ballot requests against the Statewide Voter Registration System in order to properly issue replacement ballots. Assists with the preparation and mailing of replacement ballot packets.
13. Voted Ballot Envelope Verification - sorts and arranges voted ballot return envelopes received via postal system or ballot dropbox collections. Compares signature against the signature found in the voter's registration record. Set aside those that do not match or do not have any signature for follow-up.
14. DropBox Collection - Assists in the collection of voted mail ballots at various regionally located drop boxes placed throughout the county. Assists in the management and flow of individual and/or vehicular queues ensure that boxes are locked correctly and on time, and conducts minor surface cleaning of boxes (as may be deemed necessary). records information, as per procedures established by Elections Division.
15. Performs other related duties as assigned.
If you’re interested in being on the frontlines of protecting our rights to vote, please contact Past Chair Signe Godfrey (Email: signe.godfrey@gmail.com or cell: (808) 226-6216) and she’ll provide your name to Staffing Solutions of Hawaii.
Staffing Solutions of Hawaii is filling these positions NOW!
Candidate Filing
Candidate filing for the 2022 Elections end June 7, 2022. An updated list of candidates will be available Monday – Friday, excluding state holidays, after 4:30pm.
2022 Candidate Report
(Bookmark this link and check it often.)
2022 Election Dates and Deadlines
Voter Registration Deadline
Primary: August 3, 2022
General: October 31, 2022
Absentee Ballot Request Deadline
Primary: August 6, 2022
General: November 1, 2022
Election Day
Primary: August 13, 2022 (Voters receive their ballots in the mail for the Primary Election by July 26, 2022)
General: November 8, 2022 (Voters receive their ballots in the mail for the General Election by October 21, 2022)
Voting closes at 7:00 p.m.
Important Links
BallotTrax New!
(Track the status of your mail ballot from mailed to accepted)
Absentee Voting New!
Contest Schedule New!
Election Security New!
Find Your Contests New!
(View Your Candidates and Ballot)
Provisional Voting New!
Office of Elections Newsletter
Voter Registration and Verification
Voter Registration FAQs
City & County of Honolulu Elections Office
2022 Primary Election Count-Down

August 13, 2022
2022 General Election Count-Down

November 08, 2022