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Friday, September 30, 2022
Tourist Spending Up 14%, Tourist Count Down 10%
By News Release @ 2:47 AM :: 1920 Views :: Hawaii Statistics, Tourism


Visitor arrivals for August 2022 continued to lag August 2019

News Release from DBEDT, September 29, 2022

HONOLULU—According to preliminary visitor statistics released by the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism (DBEDT), total visitor spending as measured by nominal dollars was $1.71 billion in August 2022, an increase of 13.8 percent compared to the $1.50 billion reported for August 2019.

(EDITOR's NOTE: 13.8% growth without accounting for 3 yrs of inflation which is about 16%.)

A total of 829,699 visitors arrived by air service in August 2022, mainly from U.S. West and U.S. East. There were no out-of-state cruise activities during the month. A total of 926,417 visitors (-10.4%) came in August 2019 and all arrived by air service. The average length of stay by visitors in August 2022 was 9.07 days, up from 8.46 days (+7.1%) in August 2019. The statewide average daily census¹ was 242,692 visitors in August 2022 compared to 252,916 visitors (-4%) in August 2019.

In August 2022, 466,849 visitors arrived from the U.S. West, an increase of 11 percent compared to 420,750 visitors in August 2019. U.S. West visitors spent $864.7 million in August 2022, up 49.3 percent from $579.3 million in August 2019. Daily spending by U.S. West visitors in August 2022 ($224 per person) was much higher compared to August 2019 ($167 per person, +34%).

There were 217,214 visitors from the U.S. East in August 2022, an 8.8 percent growth compared to the 199,659 visitors in August 2019. U.S. East visitors spent $507.3 million in August 2022, up 33.8 percent from $379.1 million in August 2019. Daily spending by U.S. East visitors in August 2022 ($243 per person) increased significantly in comparison to August 2019 ($206 per person, +18.2%).

There were 28,384 visitors from Japan in August 2022 compared to 160,728 visitors (-82.3%) in August 2019. Visitors from Japan spent $53 million in August 2022 compared to $236.9 million (-77.6%) in August 2019. Daily spending by Japanese visitors in August 2022 ($227 per person) was flat compared to August 2019 ($228 per person, -0.7%).

In August 2022, 27,472 visitors arrived from Canada compared to 28,672 visitors (-4.2%) in August 2019. Visitors from Canada spent $61.4 million in August 2022, compared to $57.2 million (+7.3%) in August 2019. Daily spending by Canadian visitors in August 2022 ($194 per person) increased compared to August 2019 ($178 per person, +9%).

In August 2022, there were 89,779 visitors from All Other International Markets, which included visitors from Oceania, Other Asia, Europe, Latin America, Guam, Philippines and the Pacific Islands. In comparison, there were 116,608 visitors (-23%) from All Other International Markets in August 2019.

In August 2022, a total of 5,350 trans-Pacific flights with 1,142,106 seats serviced the Hawaiian Islands, compared to 5,469 flights (-2.2%) with 1,212,926 seats (-5.8%) in August 2019.

Through the first eight months of 2022, total visitor spending was $12.87 billion, up 6.8 percent from $12.06 billion in the first eight months of 2019. A total of 6,180,185 visitors arrived in the first eight months of 2022 which was a decrease compared to the first eight months of 2019 at 7,092,809 visitors (-12.9%).

Other Highlights

U.S. West: In August 2022, 390,468 visitors arrived from the Pacific region and 76,303 visitors came from the Mountain region. Most of the U.S. West visitors in August 2022 have been to Hawaii before (77.2%) while 22.8 percent were first-time visitors. In terms of accommodations, 52.8 percent of the U.S. West visitors in August 2022 stayed in hotels, 17.5 percent stayed in condominiums, 12.5 percent stayed in rental homes, 10.6 percent stayed with friends and relatives, and 9.4 percent stayed in timeshares.

Through the first eight months of 2022 there were 3,618,403 visitors from the U.S. West compared to 3,141,739 visitors (+15.2%) in the first eight months of 2019.

U.S. West visitors spent $6.76 billion in the first eight months of 2022 compared to $4.69 billion (+44.4%) in the first eight months of 2019.

The average daily visitor spending in the first eight months of 2022 was $217 per person, up considerably from $173 per person (+25.7%) in the first eight months of 2019. Lodging, food and beverage, transportation, shopping, and entertainment and recreation expenses by U.S. West visitors were all higher compared to the first eight months of 2019.

U.S. East: In August 2022, South Atlantic (51,269 visitors), Mid Atlantic (45,266 visitors), and West South Central (43,141 visitors) were the three largest regions in terms of visitor arrivals. Over half of U.S. East visitors in August 2022 have been to Hawaii before (54%) while 46 percent were first time visitors. In terms of lodging, 60.7 percent of the U.S. East visitors in August 2022 stayed in hotels, 14.4 percent stayed in condominiums, 12.7 percent stayed in rental homes, 10.6 percent stayed with friends and relatives, and 7.7 percent stayed in timeshares.

Through the first eight months of 2022, 1,731,075 visitors arrived from the U.S. East, compared to 1,629,517 visitors (+6.2%) in the first eight months of 2019. U.S. East visitors spent $4.26 billion in the first eight months of 2022 compared to $3.30 billion (+29.1%) in the first eight months of 2019.

Daily visitor spending in the first eight months of 2022 rose to $248 per person compared to $209 per person (+18.5%) in the first eight months of 2019. Spending on lodging, food and beverage, transportation, shopping, and entertainment and recreation all increased compared to the first eight months of 2019.

Japan: Of the 28,384 visitors in August 2022, 27,447 arrived on international flights and 937 came on domestic flights. Most of the Japanese visitors in August 2022 were repeat visitors (83.2%) while 16.8 percent were first-time visitors to the islands. In terms of lodging, 57.6 percent of the visitors in August 2022 stayed in hotels, 25.4 percent stayed in condominiums, 20.7 percent stayed in timeshares and 4.1 percent stayed with friends and relatives.

Through the first eight months of 2022 there were 86,442 visitors from Japan compared to 1,029,549 visitors (-91.6%) in the first eight months of 2019. Visitors from Japan spent $182.4 million in the first eight months of 2022 compared to $1.46 billion (-87.5%) in the first eight months of 2019.

Daily visitor spending in the first eight months of 2022 decreased to $230 per person from $238 per person (-3.3%) in the first eight months of 2019. Visitors from Japan spent more on lodging, food and beverage, and transportation, but less on shopping, and entertainment and recreation compared to the first eight months of 2019.

Canada: Of the 27,472 visitors in August 2022, 17,060 visitors arrived via direct air service from Canada and 10,412 visitors came on domestic flights. Over half of Canadian visitors in August 2022 were repeat visitors (52.9%) while 47.1 percent were first-timers to Hawaii. In terms of lodging, 53 percent of Canadian visitors in August 2022 stayed in hotels, 28.5 percent stayed in condominiums, 16.7 percent stayed in rental homes, 9.6 percent stayed in timeshares and 4.1 percent stayed with friends and relatives.

Through the first eight months of 2022 there were 244,290 visitors from Canada compared to 371,146 visitors (-34.2%) in the first eight months of 2019. Visitors from Canada spent $561.5 million in the first eight months of 2022, compared to $750.1 million (-25.2%) in the first eight months of 2019.

Daily visitor spending in the first eight months of 2022 rose to $184 per person from $166 per person (+10.4%) in the first eight months of 2019. Lodging, transportation, and food and beverage expenses were higher, while shopping, and entertainment and recreation expenses were similar to the first eight months of 2019.

Island Highlights

Oahu: There were 457,495 visitors to Oahu in August 2022 compared to 575,070 visitors
(-20.4%) in August 2019. Visitor spending was $799.4 million compared to $732 million (+9.2%) in August 2019. The average daily census on Oahu was 111,277 visitors in August 2022 compared to 126,206 visitors (-11.8%) in August 2019.

Through the first eight months of 2022, there were 3,208,900 visitors to Oahu compared to 4,199,292 visitors (-23.6%) in the first eight months of 2019. For the first eight months of 2022, total visitor spending was $5.62 billion (+2.1%) compared to $5.51 billion in the first eight months of 2019.

Maui: There were 265,410 visitors to Maui in August 2022 compared to 273,638 visitors (-3%) in August 2019. Visitor spending was $472.9 million compared to $404.7 million (+16.9%) in August 2019. The average daily census on Maui was 65,263 visitors in August 2022 up from the 64,553 visitors (+1.1%) in August 2019.

Through the first eight months of 2022, there were 1,976,346 visitors to Maui compared to 2,104,005 visitors (-6.1%) in the first eight months of 2019. For the first eight months of 2022, total visitor spending was $3.85 billion compared to $3.52 billion (+9.5%) in the first eight months of 2019.

Kauai: There were 120,651 visitors to Kauai in August 2022 compared to 120,030 visitors
(+0.5%) in August 2019. Visitor spending was $191.2 million compared to $159 million (+20.2%) in August 2019. The average daily census on Kauai was 28,691 visitors in August 2022, up from 26,865 visitors (+6.8%) in August 2019.

Through the first eight months of 2022, there were 902,920 visitors to Kauai compared to 945,726 visitors (-4.5%) in the first eight months of 2019. For the first eight months of 2022, total visitor spending was $1.49 billion compared to $1.32 billion (+12.2%) in the first eight months of 2019.

Hawaii Island: There were 147,290 visitors to Hawaii Island in August 2022 compared to 157,544 visitors (-6.5%) in August 2019. Visitor spending was $231.4 million compared to $193.1 million (+19.9%) in August 2019. The average daily census on Hawaii Island was 36,092 visitors in August 2022 compared to 33,989 visitors (+6.2%) in August 2019.

Through the first eight months of 2022, there were 1,129,687 visitors to Hawaii Island, compared to 1,211,805 visitors (-6.8%) in the first eight months of 2019. For the first eight months of 2022, total visitor spending was $1.78 billion compared to $1.57 billion (+13.6%) in the first eight months of 2019.

Flights and Air Seats to Hawaii

U.S. West: There were 4,318 scheduled flights with 868,303 seats in August 2022 compared to 3,895 flights with 779,414 seats in August 2019.

There was reduced service from Los Angeles (240,878 seats, -5.5%), Oakland (51,639, -5.1%), Portland (23,292, -16.8%), and San Francisco (135,486, -7.5%); and there was no service from Anchorage (-4,929 seats) compared to August 2019. Offsetting these reductions was increased service from Las Vegas (60,649 +176.2%), Long Beach (22,379 +282%), Phoenix (52,788 +27.4%), Sacramento (24,503 +29.1%), Salt Lake City (7,846, +27.2%), San Diego (44,903, +40.6%), San Jose (64,372, +63.8%), and Seattle (96,946 +5.5%). Recently added service from Ontario, California (+5,670 seats, started March 2021) and Santa Ana, California (+3,906 seats, started June 2021) also contributed to the growth in flights and seats in August 2022 compared to August 2019.

U.S. East: There were 401 scheduled flights with 111,880 seats in August 2022 compared to 398 flights with 112,001 seats in August 2019.

There was reduced service from Boston (4,726 seats, -37%), Chicago (34,026, -1.9%), Houston (10,920, -3.2%), and Washington D.C. (4,080, -23.7%); and there was no service from Dallas (-4,920 seats) compared to August 2019. These reductions entirely offset increased service from Atlanta (7,846 seats, +2.9%) and Newark (10,226, +37.4%); and recently added service from Austin, Texas (+3,336, started April 2021) and Orlando, Florida (+3,614, started March 2021).

Japan: After being suspended since March 2020, service from Tokyo-Narita to Kona resumed in August 2022 with 13 scheduled flights and 2,587 seats. In August 2019, there were 44 scheduled flights with 9,783 seats from Japan to Kona.

Overall, there were 280 scheduled flights with 70,141 seats from Japan to Honolulu and Kona in August 2022 compared to 666 scheduled flights with 179,764 seats in August 2019. In August 2022, there was increased service from Tokyo-Haneda (27,426, +10.3%); reduced service from Nagoya (1,592 seats, -89%), Osaka (10,848 seats, -68.8%), and Tokyo-Narita (30,275, -70.1%); and no service from Sapporo (-4,448) compared to August 2019.

Canada: There were 124 scheduled flights with 21,266 seats in August 2022 compared to 93 scheduled flights with 17,391 seats in August 2019. Only flights from Vancouver to Honolulu and from Vancouver to Kahului operated in August 2022 and in August 2019.


Australia: There were 60 scheduled flights with 18,219 seats from Melbourne (3,015 seats) and Sydney (15,204) in August 2022. In August 2019, there were 95 scheduled flights with 29,876 seats with service from Brisbane (3,892 seats), Melbourne (4,355) and Sydney (21,629).
New Zealand: There were 26 scheduled flights with 7,432 seats from Auckland in August 2022, compared to 38 scheduled flights with 10,684 seats in August 2019.

Other Asia:

China: There have been no direct flights from China to Hawaii since service ended in early February 2020. In comparison, there were 38 scheduled flights with 10,491 seats in August 2019 with service from Beijing (2,607) and Shanghai (7,884).
Korea: There were 71 scheduled flights with 22,968 seats from Seoul in August 2022 compared to 100 flights with 32,579 seats in August 2019.
Taiwan: Direct air service from Taipei has been suspended since April 2020. There were 13 scheduled flights with 3,978 seats in August 2019.

Other Markets:

Guam: There were 31 scheduled flights with 10,850 seats from Guam in August 2022 compared to 31 flights with 11,284 seats in August 2019.
Philippines: There were 18 scheduled flights with 5,562 seats from Manila in August 2022 compared to 21 flights with 6,489 seats in August 2019.
Samoa: Direct air service from Apia continued to be suspended in August 2022. There were five flights with 736 seats in August 2019.
Kiribati: Direct air service from Christmas Island continued to be suspended in August 2022. There were four flights with 488 seats in August 2019.
Marshall Islands: There was one scheduled flight with 166 seats from Majuro in August 2022 compared to 17 flights with 2,822 seats in August 2019.
Fiji: There was no direct service from Nadi in August 2022. There were four flights with 530 seats in August 2019.
American Samoa: There were nine scheduled flights with 2,502 seats from Pago Pago in August 2022 compared to 13 flights with 3,614 seats in August 2019.
French Polynesia: There were four scheduled flights with 1,112 seats from Papeete in August 2022 compared to five flights with 1,390 seats in August 2019.

In the first eight months of 2022, there were 41,078 trans-Pacific flights and 8,613,239 seats compared to 41,879 flights and 9,217,268 seats in the first eight months of 2019.

Cruise Ship Visitors

The months of June through August are typically a slower period for out-of-state cruise ships entering Hawaii. No cruise ships came to the islands in August 2021 or in August 2019.

In August 2022, there were 4,422 visitors who flew to the state to board the Hawaii home-ported cruise ship, Pride of America. In August 2019, 11,766 visitors came by air to board the Pride of America.

For the first eight months of 2022, 29,181 visitors entered Hawaii via 21 out-of-state cruise ships. There were 4,983 visitors who came by air to board turnaround tours on out-of-state cruise ships and another 22,833 visitors came by air to board the Pride of America.

In the first eight months of 2019, 77,035 visitors came to Hawaii by way of 37 out-of-state cruise ships and 86,188 visitors flew to Hawaii and boarded the Pride of America.

Statement by DBEDT Director Mike McCartney:

Due to strong airlift, we are continuing to see recovery in the visitor industry with U.S. travelers leading the way on visits and spending. The Japanese government reopened their country so we will see the return of the Japanese visitors beginning in October.

The per person per trip spending is up $461 more than 2019 with the daily visitor count up by 20,626 visitors from the U.S. mainland between 2019 and 2022. Although international travel is down from 2019, which has affected Oahu the most, we will begin to see a positive upward movement at the second half of 2022.

Hawaii is on pace to a full recovery in 2025 with the return of international visitors. We will have to compete for the type of visitors we want as pent-up demand moderates and travel patterns settle in. While improving our destination and monitoring global events, we must be flexible and adjust our plans so that we can compete with other destinations as the world opens for travelers.

DBEDT has a projection of 9.2 million visitors for the entire 2022, that represents an 88.5 precent recovery from 2019, generates $2.2 billion in state tax revenue and supports 195,000 jobs. We are confident in the return of a managed visitor industry in 2025 that balances the needs of the community and businesses.

Statement by HTA President and CEO John De Fries:

The Hawaii Tourism Authority is focused on visitor spending, as tourism dollars are recirculated in our economy, supporting local businesses, retailers, restaurants and attractions throughout the state. Our steadfast efforts also remain on visitor education and destination management, to preserve our natural and cultural resources for future generations.

1/ Average daily census measures the number of visitors present on any given day.

# # #

View the August 2022 tables here.

KHON: Are Hawaii visitors spending more, traveling less?  

SA: Spending soars, but Hawaii arrivals lag behind 2019 level


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