Dear Friend: August 25, 2012
Last week, to learn the lessons of '12, I asked for your thoughts on the reasons for the U. S, Senate primary result (Case '12 Result Survey; still open.)
I'm deeply grateful for all of your responses (our second highest ever), whomever you voted for.
Many of you have asked for the results. Here they are for those who voted for me and Hirono.
What were the top three reasons for your vote?
(Ranked for each candidate; percents are total voters for that candidate responding; they add up to over 100% because those voters could choose more than one.)
Case Voters
Hirono Voters
Leadership/character (64%)
Personal background/values (48%)
Party/political philosophy/agenda (41%)
Stronger candidate against Lingle (37%)
Congressional record/effectiveness (35%)
Liked more (23%)
Fix DC (10%)
Other (10%)
Grassroots campaign (9%)
Case '06 run against Sen. Akaka (6%)
Specific issues (4%)
Sen. Inouye (4%)
Endorsements (1%)
Advertising (1%)
Fundraising (1%)
Gender (1%)
Weaker candidate against Lingle (1%)
Party/political philosophy/agenda (60%)
Case '06 run against Sen. Akaka (32%)
Personal background/values (30%)
Congressional record/effectiveness (24%)
Stronger candidate against Lingle (23%)
Specific issues (19%)
Other (17%)
Leadership/character (17%)
Liked more (12%)
Sen. Inouye (8%)
Gender (7%)
Endorsements (4%)
Advertising (2%)
Grassroots campaign (2%)
Weaker candidate against Lingle (2%)
Fundraising (1%)
Fix DC (1%)
What are your political views?
Case Voters
Hirono Voters
Moderate (56%)
Liberal (30%)
Conservative (10%)
Other/? (4%)
Liberal (66%)
Moderate (29%)
Conservative (3%)
Other/? (2%)
What is your party affiliation?
Case Voters
Hirono Voters
Democratic (62%)
Independent (27%)
Republican (7%)
Other (4%)
Democratic (85%)
Independent (12%)
Republican (2%)
Other (1%)
I'm also deeply grateful to all who took the extra time and effort to add your personal comments. Thank you so much to those who sent words of support and encouragement. And a special mahalo to those who provided constructive advice and even searing criticism. I take it all very much to heart and know I'll learn and grow from it.
The lessons of '12 will take a while to settle out. But I deeply appreciate your kokua in helping me through that as I leave '12 behind and move on to my next chapters.
Again, many thanks for your thoughts and consideration. Audrey and I look forward to staying in touch and to seeing you along the path ahead.