News Release from DHHL
Gov. Neil Abercrombie, Mayor Billy Kenoi, community leaders, government officials, and future homesteaders joined Chair-designate Jobie Masagatani, Hawaiian Homes Commissioners and the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands in a groundbreaking ceremony Thursday to begin construction on what will become the future home for 83 Hawaiian Home Lands beneficiaries and their families in the second phase of the Lalamilo subdivision in Waimea.
Phase 2A, Increment 1 of Lalamilo is located on 34.7 acres of land along the South Kohala Distribution Road, approximately two miles makai of the Waimea town center. These residential lots will be offered to Hawaiian homes beneficiaries with applications dating as far back as 1965.
“This project is the result of years of hard work and decades of commitment to the vision set forth by Prince Kuhio,” Abercrombie said. “Returning Native Hawaiians to the aina creates opportunities not just for our beneficiaries, but for all Hawaiians and all Hawaii.”
“Today we celebrate with the ohana who will plant roots here at the foot of the majestic Kohala Mountains,” Masagatani said. “These ohana will lay the foundation for a growing and thriving Native Hawaiian community here in Waimea now and into the future.”
“This ceremony reminds us of what can be accomplished when we all work together,” Kenoi said. “This collaboration of federal, state, county government, and the private sector, will not only build homes, but create jobs here for the people of Moku O Keawe.”
“This is a long-awaited groundbreaking and a dream come true for many native Hawaiian families who have been patiently waiting all these years for a home. They will finally have a home to call their own,” said Solomon, who represents District 1 (Waimea, Hamakua, North Hilo, Rural South Hilo, and Hilo).
Infrastructure work includes mass grading, roadways, and installing drainage, wastewater and water systems, and other utilities. The project also includes a park, an archeological preservation lot, and a HELCO Substation easement lot.
Total infrastructure cost for this second phase of the Lalamilo subdivision is $11.3 million, a bulk of which is funded with Hawaiian Home Lands trust funds and Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act (NAHASDA) funds under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Telecommunications infrastructure is financed by Sandwich Isles Communications, Inc. (SIC).
Construction will begin November 2012, and is expected to be complete by November 2013, with home construction to follow. Goodfellow Bros., Inc., is the contractor with SSFM International, Inc. providing construction management service, and Community Planning & Engineering, Inc., providing design consultant services.
Phase I of the Lalamilo subdivision was completed in June 2011, and is currently home to 28 native Hawaiian ohana.
Project Information Sheet
PROJECT: Lalamilo Phase 2A Subdivision
BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Construct the infrastructure for DHHL Lalamilo Phase 2A, which consists of approximately 160 residential lots. Scope of work includes grading; constructing roadways; and installing drainage, wastewater and water facilities, and other utilities. Project coordinated with RCUH research to develop new deep unexploded ordnance (UXO) detection technology.
ESTIMATED COST (Increment 1): $15,500,000
ACTUAL LOW BID (Increment 1): $11,266,518.15
PROJECT STATUS: Due to DHHL budget constraints and the limited number of interested and qualified lessees, the project was recently further phased into Increment 1 and Increment 2. The current phase, Lalamilo Housing Phase 2A, Increment 1, will construct 83 residential lots (instead of 160 residential lots). Increment 1 combined with Kawaihae Road Improvements at South Kohala Distribution Road project.
Notice to Bidders for Construction, IFB-12-HHL-008 Lalamilo Housing Phase 2A, Increment 1 and Lalamilo Housing Phase 2A, Kawaihae Road Improvements at South Kohala Distribution Road advertised February 17, 2012. Bids Opened 4/2/12.
Contract awarded to low bidder Goodfellow Bros., Inc. 4/20/12 (Total Bid: $11,266,518.15, DHHL: $10,805,788.15, SIC: $460,730.00.
Of the $10,805,788.15 portion, 80 percent DHHL Trust ($8,644,630.15), 20 percent NAHASDA ($2,161,158.00).
As of 6/29/12, DAGS certifying construction contract.
CM consultant contract (SSFM International, Inc.) executed 1/25/11. Includes other Lalamilo construction projects in scope of work.
Working with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE) to address possible existing munitions and explosives in the project area.
Coordinating project with rancher (general lessee) Fred Rice who currently ranches within project limits.

BID OPENING DATE: April 2, 2012
(NOTICE TO PROCEED DATE: November 2012 (Tentative)

CONSULTANT: Design: Community Planning & Engineering, Inc. Construction Management: SSFM International, Inc.
CONTRACTOR: Goodfellow Bros., Inc.
1. First phase (Increment 1) will construct 83 residential lots instead of 160 residential lots. Also includes one archaeological preservation lot, one easement lot for new HELCO Substation, and one park. Procurement of a new design consultant will be required to complete the remaining phases of the project.
2. Construction Time (Increment 1): 365 Calendar days. Low Bid of $11,266,518.15 includes electrical, roadway lighting and Sandwich Isles Communications costs ($460,730.00), but does not include possible costs to address UXO unexploded ordinances (sweeping, subconsultant, training, escort, etc.).
3. Possible future Lalamilo Phase 2 Development Projects. (Dependent upon DHHL budget and number of interested and qualified lessees.):
A. Lalamilo Housing Phase 2A Increment 1 Housing
* 83 Residential Houses
* House Construction Start: October 2013, Complete September 2015
B. Lalamilo Housing Phases 2A Increment 2
* 77 residential lots, 2 preservation lots.
* Infrastructure Construction Start 2015, Complete 2016
* House Construction Start 2016, Complete 2018
C. Lalamilo Housing, Phase 2B
* 134 Residential Lots
* Infrastructure Construction Start 2017, Complete 2018
* House Construction Start 2018, Complete 2020
D. Lalamilo Housing, Phase 2C
* 124 Residential Lots
* Infrastructure Construction Start 2019, Complete 2020
* House Construction Start 2020, Complete 2023

4. Phase 2 Area Breakdown:
Phase 2A, Increment 1: 34.7 acres
Phase 2A, Increment 2: 28.0 acres
Phase 2B: 45.2 acres
Phase 2C: 47.9 acres
Open Space: 10.4 acres
Preservation Area: 42.6 acres
Stream Lot Buffer Area: 11.2 acres
Total: 220.0 acres
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