Hirono Joins HSTA Protest Against Abercrombie
From Kona HSTA 10-26-2012: Tonight the Hawaii Democratic Party hosted a rally for the Kona area with the Governor and Mazie as headliners. We decided to take advantage of the opportunity to show our signs and red shirts to the governor, political leaders, and members of the community attending the rally. We had about 25 members, their children, and supporters there -Teachers Taking a Stand - as one of the signs said.
We started our sign-waving at about 4:30. The red shirts do make quite a statement. We had good responses from the public as they came to pick up their kids at school and as they were coming to the rally. Some of the folks going to the rally stopped to speak to us and also shared their disappointment in the governor.
An unassuming sedan came up honking and we are always happy to hear the supportive sounds of cars honking but elated when we saw it was Mazie. She then walked down the sidewalk to talk to us, which was such a good move on her part. There were a few photos taken with her so I hope I can post those soon. When she spoke later in the rally, we all stood and cheered for her. In fact, it was pretty much a standing ovation. By contrast, about a tenth of the audience stood for the Governor. There was quite an obvious difference in the reception towards Mazie and the Governor. That's a statement !

Back to the sign-waving: One of our teachers decided that she would walk across the crosswalk with her sign if she saw any SUV-type vehicles with tinted windows. She correctly identified these cars, the first one was driving Lt. governor Schatz. The second one was the governor's car. I didn't see this, but was told that this car did not slow down as she crossed the crosswalk, unlike every other car driving in this school zone.
read … Hirono Joins HSTA
HSTA Facebook Photos: "Greet the GOV" Rally -- Kona Chapter
History Repeats Itself: As lieutenant governor, Hirono broke ranks with Gov. Ben Cayetano and picketed in sympathy with striking public school teachers. "Her walking the picket line was about as appropriate as a backup quarterback cheering for the opposing team," Cayetano said about Hirono in his autobiography.
VIDEO: Hirono Walks HSTA Picket Line as Lt Governor |