Entries for August 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008 |
Billy Kenoi at Shooters—and the Pali shooter—the connections
By Andrew Walden @ 1:25 AM :: 37342 Views :: Hawaii County , Ethics, Law Enforcement, Military
All the newspapers have missed the connections between convicted Pali shooter Ethan Malu Motta, his codefendants, and the incident at Shooters Bar and Grill....
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Thursday, August 21, 2008 |
Incumbents get little homegrown support
By Andrew Walden @ 1:24 AM :: 3958 Views
Entrenched incumbents are relying on donations from corporations which do business with the state, lobbyists, political action committees (PACs) and labor unions. But unlike elections over the last few decades, these incumbents are facing well-funded challenges whose contributors include many fresh faces coming largely from within the electoral district.
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Thursday, August 21, 2008 |
September 20 Election PRIMARY ALERT
By Andrew Walden @ 1:23 AM :: 3936 Views
Many Hawai`i County Council races will be decided in the September 20 primary election.
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Thursday, August 21, 2008 |
Ka`u donations boost Enriques
By Andrew Walden @ 1:11 AM :: 14279 Views :: Hawaii County , Greenmail, OHA, Politicians
After years of thuggery and intimidation by Bob Jacobson’s Ka`u Preservation, Inc supporters, Council District 6 residents are fighting back....
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Thursday, August 21, 2008 |
A nurse says goodbye to Hawai`i
By Shane K. Pule, Sr. @ 1:10 AM :: 3463 Views
All the peoples of Hawai’i need to awaken and realize that what the American Democratic Party was calling for – the need to have government insurance for all people – is the same thing that is happening today in Hawai’i; and it is failing!
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Thursday, August 21, 2008 |
Expand Trade and Vocational Education
By Patrick Walsh @ 12:16 AM :: 3601 Views
We are at a crossroads of employment training here in our Hawai`i Public Schools. Our direction must follow more career technical training (vocational training) and secure the jobs that are coming online for our children.
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Thursday, August 21, 2008 |
Letters to the Editor August 21, 2008
By Andrew Walden @ 12:04 AM :: 3707 Views
Misinformation on Takamine Donors--Who is to judge?--Spaceport pipedream--Son kept out of school--Barack McGovern Obama--3rd in costs, 47th in rank--Finish the road already
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Thursday, August 7, 2008 |
Billy Kenoi helped Pali Shooter
By Andrew Walden @ 10:13 PM :: 32610 Views :: Ethics, Law Enforcement, Politicians
Admitted Pali Golf Course shooter Ethan “Malu” Motta apparently had a lot of friends in Hilo—including politicians....
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Thursday, August 7, 2008 |
Death of a Bakery
By Andrew Walden @ 3:24 PM :: 4567 Views
For thirteen years, Jim O’Keefe has delivered fresh-baked specialty breads to retail customers, restaurants and hotels on the Big Island. But the pressures which give Hawai`i a reputation as the nations’ worst business environment have taken their toll.
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Thursday, August 7, 2008 |
Sierra Club: Fence Mauna Kea, kill animals
By Tom Lodge @ 11:36 AM :: 15745 Views :: Hawaii County , Environment, Second Amendment
Sheep eradication has failed at affecting Palila numbers—but it sure has killed a lot of sheep.
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Thursday, August 7, 2008 |
Puna CDP: Eliminate affordable housing
By Andrew Walden @ 10:21 AM :: 8786 Views :: Hawaii County , Environment, Greenmail, Hawaii Statistics, Cost of Living
Puna is one of the very few places in Hawai`i where young local families can afford to buy their own home and begin life as a family. But environmentalists are working hard to put a stop to the inflow of locals and replicate the success they have had in making Maui and Kaua`i into exclusive havens for rich mainland transplants.
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Thursday, August 7, 2008 |
Governor’s Int’l Women’s Conference
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 1:45 AM :: 4575 Views
Our fifth annual conference is taking place Wednesday, September 24, 2008 from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Sheraton Waikīkī Hotel and Resort.
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Thursday, August 7, 2008 |
Anti-smoking fight for Hawai`i teens
By Lt Gov Duke Aiona @ 1:33 AM :: 3557 Views
Since 80% of smokers start by the time they are age 18, prevention is the key.
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Thursday, August 7, 2008 |
Charter conversion to save Hawai`i schools
By Patrick Walsh @ 1:27 AM :: 3546 Views
With legislators threatening to close Hilo, Laupahoehoe, Honoka`a, Waimea, and Waikoloa schools, today some parents are working to establish new conversion charter schools.
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Thursday, August 7, 2008 |
Six Million paper bags
By Andrew Walden @ 1:18 AM :: 10672 Views :: Environment
The plastic bag ban has a certain lucrative logic to it. It turns out that plastic bags gum up plastic recycling machines and reduce the resale value of bundled used plastics. So what is the solution? Improve the recycling machines so they don’t become gummed up? No. Instead recycling companies are using their clout with City and County governments all over the world to impose plastic bag bans. They will inconvenience the public rather than improve their technology.
Waste-to energy plants don’t have a problem with plastic bags. So a council decision to ban plastic bags is just another step towards rejecting waste-to-energy, which is a more efficient method of recycling than bundling up paper and plastic and shipping it to the mainland.
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Thursday, August 7, 2008 |
Letters to the Editor August 7, 2008
By Andrew Walden @ 12:08 AM :: 4420 Views
Puna doesn’t need CDP--Lay off the bureaucrats--Queen of the Tree People blocks WTE--Commission violates rules for HD24--The People’s Rights-- ‘Banana patch’ to be cleared for rail project?
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