Entries for September 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009 |
UPDATE Tsunami: "More than 100" Deaths in Western, American Samoa, Tonga
By Selected News Articles @ 2:12 PM :: 9235 Views :: Energy, National News, World News
The Parks Service had heard from Mike Reynolds, superintendent of the National Park of American Samoa. Reynolds told a Yellowstone dispatch operator that four tsunami waves, each 15ft-20ft high, reaching half-mile to a mile inland on island of Tutuila, where Pago Pago is.
“The National Park of American Samoa visitor centre and its offices appear to be destroyed completely,” Bundock said. Mr Reynolds reported deaths but had no confirmation of numbers, she said. “He’s completely cut off from the rest of the island,” Bundock said.
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Tuesday, September 29, 2009 |
Back from Iraq: 150 soldiers from 25th Infantry return today
By Andrew Walden @ 1:49 PM :: 8952 Views :: Maui County, Energy, National News, World News
DETAILS: The 25th Infantry Division's Special Troops Battalion (25STB) begins returning home, Tuesday, after serving as the command headquarters for Multi-National Division North (MDN-North) in Iraq, since December 2008.
Tuesday's flight of 150 Soldiers paves the way for the remaining 700 headquarters Soldiers returning before the Thanksgiving holiday. A homecoming ceremony will take place at Wheeler Army Airfield, Tuesday, at 1:35 p.m.
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Monday, September 28, 2009 |
Kaauwai: DoE political opportunism at expense of keiki
By Jonah Ka`auwai @ 5:15 PM :: 5863 Views :: Energy, Environment
Hawai`i’s teachers and students are pawns in a larger game of political power and control. The discussion today should be about the DOE’s massive waste and ways to trim it instead of what our children will be doing for the 17 days off.
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Monday, September 28, 2009 |
Obama Must Lead On Afghanistan (Abercrombie debunked)
By Heritage Foundation @ 2:09 PM :: 11794 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
According to President Obama, victory against the Taliban in Afghanistan is not only essential for the security of the United States, but for “the safety of people around the world.” We couldn’t agree more, which is why it is so alarming to learn that President Obama is considering a different strategy advocated by Vice President Joe Biden. Just as Biden opposed the successful surge in Iraq, Biden now opposes a surge in Afghanistan, instead favoring withdrawing most U.S. troops leaving only special forces and predator drones to strike al Qaeda cells. Biden was wrong about Iraq and he is wrong about Afghanistan.
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Monday, September 28, 2009 |
Inouye's DoD Pork: "Paid for by raiding Iraq and Afghan maintenance, food, & fuel"
By Selected News Articles @ 1:05 PM :: 12219 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
The bill contains typically huge piles of pork - much of it not listed in the committee's list of earmarks - paid for by raiding the spending needed to support the fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is the usual atrocious funding mechanism the Appropriations and Armed Services Committees have employed for years - they use the Operation and Maintenance account of the bill as an "offset" to pay for the billions in pork added throughout the bill. Put simply, the parts of the bill that support training, spare parts, maintenance, food, fuel and much else the troops at war need the most are reduced to enable the money added for earmarks.
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Monday, September 28, 2009 |
Kawamura on budget: Hooser "out of touch with reality"
By News Release @ 12:54 PM :: 13150 Views :: Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Energy, Environment
Hooser prefers that we hold hearings and community discussions to debate the type and size of government we should have. Lawmakers can hold such hearings during the next legislative session, or even schedule them now while the Legislature is on its break. Frankly, the Legislature should have held such discussions three or four years ago, when the State had money to invest in our long-term future.
While Hooser is busy debating options, the Administration is facing up to our fiscal responsibility and obligation to the people of Hawai‘i by taking immediate steps to address the current financial crisis. Many of the decisions that are being made are not ones that we want to make, but we are doing what needs to done in order to ensure the State government does not run out of money, which will happen if we wait as Hooser suggests.
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Saturday, September 26, 2009 |
Dishonorable Watada: Military should overthrow Congress, President
By Andrew Walden @ 10:40 AM :: 12038 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
Watada implicitly calls for the United States Armed Forces to impose its will on the elected civilian leadership of the nation saying, "If soldiers realized this war is contrary to what the Constitution extols – if they stood up and threw their weapons down – no president could ever initiate a war of choice again."
Watada closes by calling on soldiers to stop "allowing" the U.S. government this liberty. "Those who called for war prior to the invasion compared diplomacy with Saddam to the compromises made with Hitler. I say, we compromise now by allowing a government that uses war as the first option instead of the last to act with impunity."
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Saturday, September 26, 2009 |
Obamacare: Buy insurance, pay $1900/year fee, or go to jail
By Selected News Articles @ 1:56 AM :: 7929 Views :: National News, Ethics
Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.) received a handwritten note Thursday from the House-Senate Joint Committee on Taxation Chief of Staff Tom Barthold confirming the penalty for failing to pay the up to $1,900 fee for not buying health insurance.
(This fee would be added to your federal taxes each year if you do not buy health insurance. If you refuse or fail to pay this portion of your taxes, that would be misdemeanor tax evasion and here is what happens....)
Violators could be charged with a misdemeanor and could face up to a year in jail or a $25,000 penalty, Barthold wrote on JCT letterhead.
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Friday, September 25, 2009 |
Hawaii Islam Day organizers celebrate with brand new excuse for holding event on September 11 Julian
By Andrew Walden @ 10:00 PM :: 7398 Views :: Energy, Environment

Its late in the game, but Hakim Ouansafi, head of the Muslim Association of Hawaii has yet another excuse for steering the Legislature to celebrate Islam Day on September 24, 2009--a day which just happens to correspond to September 11, 2009 in the old Julian calendar. Talking to the Honolulu Advertiser, Ouansafi says: "Yesterday was selected because it marked the end of Ramadan...."
But a quick glance at an Islamic calendar shows that Ramadan ended on September 19, 2009. The next day, Eid al-Fitr, September 20 is an important annual Islamic feast day. There is nothing significant about September 24.
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Friday, September 25, 2009 |
GOP: Hooser's only idea--"increase taxes"
By Jonah Ka`auwai @ 6:53 PM :: 10779 Views :: Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Energy, Environment
Read between the lines of Sen. Hooser’s commentary and you will see the only idea he has is to increase taxes on Hawai'i’s already overtaxed citizens. We need elected officials who can make difficult decisions and solve complicated problems, not hope someone else will find a solution.
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Friday, September 25, 2009 |
Wisconsin Teacher accused of sexual misconduct working at Kamehameha
By Selected News Articles @ 1:41 PM :: 16234 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
Accused 1992 of sexual misconduct with St. Lawrence Seminary HS students. Reportedly fired in 1988 for similar allegations then rehired. Criminally charged 1/93 with enticing child for immoral purposes and intimidating victim. Judge dismissed case, but noted evidence that Gardipee had disrobed in front of boy. Lawsuit 4/93 cited sexual abuse, harassment, and stalking of teen; expanded 1994, accusing Capuchins of racketeering; dropped 1995 due to WI S.C. ruling Pritzlaff v. Arch. of Milwaukee.
Milwaukee, WI.
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Friday, September 25, 2009 |
Statehood Conference to hit local airwaves
By News Release @ 12:05 PM :: 3514 Views
HONOLULU – The Hawai‘i 50th Anniversary of Statehood Commission is proud to announce that its successful conference, “New Horizons for the Next 50 Years,” will be broadcast on ‘Olelo channels 49 and 52 throughout October and November. The one-day conference, which took place on August 21, drew more than 2,200 attendees to look back at Hawai‘i’s history and accomplishments and discuss the direction of the state for the next 50 years.
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Friday, September 25, 2009 |
UPDATE: Taking Islamism to the Streets
By Andrew Walden @ 11:31 AM :: 12376 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics, World News, Family
Attorney and "main organizer" of “Islam on Capitol Hill”, Hassen Ibn Abdellah is President of the Elizabeth, New Jersey Dar ul-Islam, Inc. Abdellah was, described October 25, 1993 by the New York Times, as the “most aggressively combative of the lawyers” representing the terrorists who staged the 1993 World Trade Center attacks. His client, the Egyptian-born Mahmud Abouhalima, was convicted of helping to manufacture and transport the bomb detonated in the 1993 attack and is now incarcerated in the Federal "Supermax" prison at Florence, Colorado.
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Friday, September 25, 2009 |
VIDEO: "Just a little bit more" 1,000 at Governor's Women's Conf
By News Release @ 10:10 AM :: 3128 Views
HONOLULU – Almost 1,000 women and men from across the state were drawn to the sixth annual International Women’s Leadership Conference on Tuesday, September 22 to hear women leaders from eight nations share their stories of success. The majority of the event is now viewable online....
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Thursday, September 24, 2009 |
Hubris, Weakness, and Naivete at the U.N.
By Heritage Foundation @ 11:14 AM :: 9018 Views :: National News, Ethics, World News, Family
The United States elected 43 presidents before the current occupant graced the office with his presence. We fought, and won, two world wars, liberated millions of people worldwide from tyranny, and worked cooperatively with other sovereign nations to rebuild entire continents. Some might even say the character of our nation is well established considering we have been a democracy for just over 230 years now.
Not President Barack Obama, who told the United Nations General Assembly yesterday, “For those who question the character and cause of my nation, I ask you to look at the concrete actions we have taken in just nine months.” 230 years versus just nine months. No wonder, the New York Times reports, were UN delegates not only applauding Obama, but snapping photos of their hero like tourists.
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Wednesday, September 23, 2009 |
Lingle: "Overwhelming majority of teachers demonstrated leadership"
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 6:05 PM :: 5791 Views :: Energy, Environment
“The Department of Education, Board of Education and the Hawai‘i State Teachers Association, along with the overwhelming majority of teachers who ratified this contract have demonstrated leadership in dealing with the current financial crisis. They understand that everyone must make a shared sacrifice to help our state get through this difficult period and for State government to live within its means."
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Tuesday, September 22, 2009 |
On the trail to Hawaii Islam Day: Saudi money, Libyan assassins, Palestinian Jihad, London bombers, Malaysian sodomy, and laughing Islamists
By Andrew Walden @ 12:46 PM :: 26530 Views :: National News, World News, Religion
Is Hawaii, "an unlikely flashpoint for debate about Israeli military action in the Gaza Strip?" The Honolulu Advertiser says so.
Islamists and their supporters have planned a week of propaganda activities in Hawaii leading up to "Islam Day"--declared by the Hawaii State Legislature to be Thursday, September 24, 2009--a day which corresponds to absolutely nothing on the Islamic calendar but is September 11, 2009 on the old Julian calendar.
Saudi money, Libyan assassins, Palestinian Jihad, London bombers, Malaysian sodomy, and laughing Islamists: Click here to connect the dots ....
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Sunday, September 20, 2009 |
Abercrombie and Hirono co-sponsor Gay Marriage Bill (The Broken Trust connection)
By Andrew Walden @ 2:54 PM :: 19217 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
Co-sponsored by Rep Neil Abercrombie (D-HI) and Rep Mazie Hirono (D-HI) and their comrades in the Congressional Progressive Caucus, Rep Jerrold Nadler, September 15, introduced H.R. 3567, a bill that would repeal the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).
HR 3567 would require Hawaii and all other states, territories, and Indian Tribes to recognize same-sex marriages performed in jurisdictions where such marriages are now legally recognized.
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Sunday, September 20, 2009 |
The Blago Code
By Andrew Walden @ 1:43 AM :: 10806 Views :: National News, Ethics

Rod Blagojevich has a message to his former political cronies: "If I'm going down, I'm taking all of you with me." And given his close, 14-year relationship with Barack Obama and Tony Rezko, this can only be bad news for the White House.
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Saturday, September 19, 2009 |
Back from Iraq: 1,050 Soldiers Returning to Hawaii
By News Release @ 2:34 PM :: 8837 Views :: Maui County, Energy, National News, World News
The brigade was instrumental in helping the Iraqi government during a pivotal period of security and governmental transition and infrastructure reconstruction. The Soldiers return home with 230 projects completed and 140 more in progress that are vital to the economic revitalization of this burgeoning nation. The Soldiers' efforts are affording the people of Iraq with a better quality of life by providing them with better power distribution and infrastructure; 67 new and renovated educational facilities; transportation projects to improve road and rail systems; and the revitalization of market areas to stimulate economic growth.
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Saturday, September 19, 2009 |
SB: Why are we in Afghanistan? (Debunked)
By Andrew Walden @ 12:52 PM :: 9292 Views :: Military
Wash Times: Unfortunately, the most important strategic factor is the same: a liberal Congress working to undermine the U.S. war effort. The U.S. military had won the Vietnam conflict by 1970, but when Democrats in Congress cut aid to South Vietnam in 1974, our trusting allies in Saigon were left helpless before the communist onslaught. Mr. Obama might want to consult with Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. on the spirit of those times. Mr. Biden was a freshman senator and one of the cosponsors of the Case-Church Amendment, which stopped aid to Cambodia and opened the way for the Khmer Rouge takeover and the killing fields that followed.
(And Neil Abercrombie at UH Manoa was one of the hippie protesters who helped Biden make the Pol Pot killing fields possible.)
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Friday, September 18, 2009 |
UPDATE: Hirono votes for ACORN funding after child prostitution scheme exposed
By Selected News Articles @ 6:27 PM :: 13219 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
UPDATE: If you needed help with your ... uh ... "business", the Hawaii ACORN office is was located at 949 Kapiolani in Honolulu right next to the offices of the leftist Hawaii People's Fund. But you can't pull on your beaverskin fedora and hop in your '73 Coupe Deville and cruise on over--because they've abandoned their office. But be sure to thank Mazie Hirono for her support anyway.
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Friday, September 18, 2009 |
Defeating the "homelessness industry" before it gets a grip on Hawaii
By Andrew Walden @ 12:17 PM :: 23020 Views :: Honolulu County, Homelessness, Tourism
The ACLU is threatening a lawsuit against the City of Honolulu after the City Council voted to ban sleeping on sidewalks. Today's Star-Bulletin editorializes:
Councilman Charles Djou introduced the bill because of concerns about how the homeless sleeping on Waikiki sidewalks is affecting tourism. Djou maintains that refusing to allow the chronically homeless to sleep on sidewalks would "put the hammer on people getting the help they need."
Djou needs to cite a precedent where such tough compassion has actually worked.
The answer is embarrassingly simple: Los Angeles.
This leads to an obvious question the Star-Bulletin editorialists must answer:
Where has your laissez-faire attitude towards homelessness ever produced anything but more homelessness?
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Thursday, September 17, 2009 |
Missile Defense: Surrender and Betrayal Do Not Make Us Safer
By Heritage Foundation @ 1:30 PM :: 8314 Views :: National News, Ethics, World News, Family

If this is how Obama handles missile defense for Europe, what will he do to protect Hawaii?
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Wednesday, September 16, 2009 |
Gov Lingle hosts Int'l Women's Leadership Conference
By News Release @ 8:39 PM :: 14454 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics, World News, Family
One of the speakers, Michelle Rhee, is the chancellor of the District of Columbia Public Schools System, the seventh person to hold the post in the past 10 years. Intent on reforming the D.C. school system, Rhee has fired non-productive teachers, principals and central office administrators, and proposes to make D.C. teachers the best paid in the country by partnering with private philanthropists to create financial incentives for improved teacher performance. The daughter of immigrants from South Korea, in 1997, Rhee founded the New Teacher Project, which in 10 years has recruited 10,000 teachers for hard-to-staff inner-city schools in 20 states.
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Wednesday, September 16, 2009 |
Gay Marriage: "Hannemann won't divulge positions on hot issues"
By News Release @ 6:27 PM :: 14301 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment
HONOLULU — Honolulu Mayor Mufi Hannemann, who earlier this year raised almost $660,000 for an expected gubernatorial campaign in 2010, refused Monday to disclose his positions on same-gender civil unions, gay marriage and abortion rights.
Hannemann campaign spokeswoman Elisa Yadao was asked to provide the mayor's positions on the three hot-button issues. She responded in an e-mail: "As Mufi is not an official candidate, we are not participating in stories featuring candidates who have announced their intention to run for governor."
"That's a pretty lame defense," said University of Hawaii political scientist Dan Boylan....
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Wednesday, September 16, 2009 |
Valerie Jarrett: The Next Van Jones
By Selected News Articles @ 1:05 PM :: 12761 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
Many have wondered how ANYONE AS EXTREME AS Obama’s “Green Jobs Czar” Van Jones – a self-described “Communist” obsessed with racial conspiracy theories – could have been named to head a federal agency. David Horowitz described the radicalization of the Democratic Party as the appointment’s subtext. Closer to the fore, Jones owed his elevation to another new factor: the unparalleled influence of Valerie Jarrett.
To call Jarrett a presidential adviser, even a close adviser, is misleading. She is an alter ego, an inner conscience, a touchstone of clarity for both President Obama and first lady Michelle. In the frenzy of the presidency, she reminds both Obamas of their identity and deepest-held beliefs. In exchange, the president makes no decision without her and has said she can “speak for me.” Unfortunately, she is also a racially polarizing elitist.
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Tuesday, September 15, 2009 |
Big Island Mayor Eyes 'Deep and Painful' Budget Cuts
By News Release @ 7:32 PM :: 7268 Views :: Hawaii County
The county’s projected budget shortfall is more severe than ever, the mayor said. The county already faces a $44.8 million hole in next fiscal year’s budget, which combines $33.8 million less in projected revenues and $11 million more in projected expenses.
Projected revenue losses include 10 percent of real property taxes, the county’s largest source of revenue, amounting to about $17.9 million. The county also expects to see a loss of interest on investments amounting to about $1.6 million.
If the state were to take the county’s $17.9 million share of the Transient Accommodations Tax on hotel rooms, the situation gets much worse, Mayor Kenoi said. Next fiscal year’s budget shortfall would be closer to $64 million without the county’s share of the TAT.
“That’s $100 million taken out of our budget over two years -- gone,” Mayor Kenoi said. “That is a real possibility.”
Finance Deputy Director Deanna Sako also warned that the Employer Union Trust Fund may add to the budget difficulties by increasing health insurance premiums for employees after Jan. 1.
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Monday, September 14, 2009 |
Gov. Lingle reviewing HSTA-DoE settlement
By News Release @ 7:35 PM :: 8576 Views :: Energy, Environment
“I appreciate the Department and Board of Education taking the lead in these negotiations, in coordination with my negotiation team, to work toward reaching an agreement with the HSTA that is in the best interest of teachers, our students and the general public, and that recognizes our growing budget shortfall. My negotiation team, including the budget director and the attorney general, are currently reviewing the proposed contract and I hope to reach a decision soon."
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Monday, September 14, 2009 |
PHOTOS: Hundreds in Hawaii protest Obamacare
By Andrew Walden @ 2:37 PM :: 17049 Views :: Health Care, TEA Party

Photos from rallies in Hilo, Kailua-Kona, Lahaina, Kahului, Lihue . . . .
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Saturday, September 12, 2009 |
Friday, September 11, 2009 |
UPDATE -- SIX RALLIES Sept 12 -- Taxed Enough Already? TEA Party Rallies Honolulu, Hilo, Kona, Lihue, Lahaina, and Kahului
By Andrew Walden @ 7:17 PM :: 14528 Views :: Taxes, TEA Party
Hawaii TEA Party invites everyone to local rallies in solidarity with the National TEA Party March on Washington September 12. This is our opportunity to speak up against State and Federal Tax increases, the government takeover of health care and the cap and trade carbon tax.
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Friday, September 11, 2009 |
Don’t Let 9/11 Become Just Another Earth Day
By Heritage Foundation @ 2:06 PM :: 5818 Views :: National News, Ethics
One would think that President Obama would take the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks as an opportunity to educate Americans about the link between the fight in Afghanistan and the still very real threat posed by al-Qaida today. No such luck. Instead, President Obama has chosen to use 9/11 to promote his own domestic policy agenda.
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Friday, September 11, 2009 |
Patriot Day: Flags to fly at Half-Staff
By News Release @ 2:00 PM :: 8041 Views :: Energy, National News, World News
The Governor’s action is in conjunction with a proclamation issued today by President Barack Obama ordering that the U.S. flag be flown at half-staff on September 11 in memory of the victims. By a joint resolution approved on December 18, 2001, the U.S. Congress designated September 11 of each year as “Patriot Day.” This year, the President also declared September 11 as a National Day of Service and Remembrance.
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Friday, September 11, 2009 |
Lingle: 5% revenue decline steeper than projections
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 1:47 PM :: 6083 Views :: Energy, Environment
“While the State has already reduced spending by over $2 billion over the past year, without impacting labor costs, the reality is we can no longer afford to maintain the current level of labor expenses. I am continuing to work toward reaching a negotiated settlement with the public employee unions, rather than wait for a binding arbitration decision in December.”
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Friday, September 11, 2009 |
Hawaii “Islam Day” secretly marks September 11
By Andrew Walden @ 11:25 AM :: 30226 Views :: Military, Religion
Islamists have just tricked the Hawaii Legislature into celebrating Islam on September 11.
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Thursday, September 10, 2009 |
Hawaii Republicans respond on Health Care: Tort reform, more competition in insurance market
By News Release @ 11:39 AM :: 8094 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
Charles Djou: "But we need to do healthcare reform right. The continued push for a massive $1 trillion government healthcare insurance program is the only key aspect of the address I disagree with. Our nation should focus on real reforms that make sense without breaking the taxpayers’ bank including medical malpractice tort reform, allowing the inter-state sale of health insurance and equalizing the tax treatment of corporate and individual health insurance.”
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Thursday, September 10, 2009 |
The President Learned Nothing From August--"significant details to iron out"
By Heritage Foundation @ 9:39 AM :: 5885 Views :: National News, Ethics
“There remain some significant details to iron out.” Thus spoke the President of the United States last night, in an address in which, with a straight face, he told an awaiting nation that he was finally delivering not lofty rhetoric, but his grand plan on health care....
In fact, while he kept referring to “our plan” he never explained whose plan he meant. One of the two House plans? The one Senate plan that exists or the Finance one that’s under construction? What’s he actually for? What’s the President against?
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Wednesday, September 9, 2009 |
TRANSCRIPT: Republican response to Obama on Healthcare
By News Release @ 9:25 PM :: 5603 Views :: National News, Ethics
Most Americans wanted to hear the president tell Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader Reid and the rest of the Congress that it's time to start over on a common-sense, bipartisan plan focused on lowering the cost of health care while improving quality.
That's what I've heard over the past several months, in talking to thousands of my constituents.
Replacing your family's current health care with government-run health care is not the answer. In fact, it will make health care much more expensive.
That's not just my personal diagnosis as a doctor or a Republican. It's the conclusion of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, the neutral scorekeeper that determines the cost of major bills.
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Wednesday, September 9, 2009 |
TRANSCRIPT: President Obama addresses Congress on Healthcare
By News Release @ 9:24 PM :: 5526 Views :: National News, Ethics
When I spoke here last winter, this nation was facing the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. We were losing an average of 700,000 jobs per month. Credit was frozen. And our financial system was on the verge of collapse.
As any American who is still looking for work or a way to pay their bills will tell you, we are by no means out of the woods....
...And while there remain some significant details to be ironed out, I believe -- (laughter) -- I believe a broad consensus exists for the aspects of the plan I just outlined....
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Wednesday, September 9, 2009 |
Honolulu Meth-Dealer Protection Racketeer tied to Mehau, politicians
By Selected News Articles @ 12:18 PM :: 36877 Views :: Law Enforcement, Politicians, Drugs
Here are some news articles which--strung together--tell the story you won't be able to read anywhere else. The story ends with a Governor, a Party Chair, a Congresswoman and more....
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Tuesday, September 8, 2009 |
Washington Times: Shakedown at the luau--Congress tries to carve up Hawaii
By Selected News Articles @ 4:14 PM :: 8490 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
As for the legislation's promise of "reconciliation," we are wondering what or who exactly is in need of reconciliation. When Hawaii accepted statehood in 1959, a mind-bending 94.3 percent of Hawaii voters cast ballots in favor of joining the union. They did so because statehood brought great benefits, not burdens meriting reconciliation.
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Monday, September 7, 2009 |
The Blogger Who Nailed Van Jones
By Selected News Articles @ 9:17 PM :: 9504 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
If the Van Jones resignation is blamed on his statements about Republicans and 9/11, a great lesson will have been lost. As we argued in a previous column, "It's the communism, stupid." If people don't recognize the dangers of having a communist in the White House, then the nature of the scandal will not have been understood. Blogger Trevor Loudon of New Zealand broke the story on April 6 and has some thoughts on what happened and where this story is heading.
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Monday, September 7, 2009 |
It’s September--Do you know where your Akaka Bill is?
By Andrew Walden @ 3:26 AM :: 13159 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
Since the June 11 House Committee on Natural Resources hearing on HR 2314, the Akaka Bill has been the subject of an intense battle--largely un-reported in the pages of the Honolulu Advertiser and Star-Bulletin, even as the various players battle it out with op-eds. The August 6 hearing of the US Senate Indian Affairs Committee showed no progress in resolving the dispute.
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Sunday, September 6, 2009 |
Under the Maha Bodhi Tree, thinking of Mecca: Islam's War Against Buddhism
By Selected News Articles @ 7:04 PM :: 13245 Views :: World News, Family
“Allahu Akbar”! The tinny P.A. system tore asunder the pre-dawn peace and quiet. I was jolted in my mind, almost like experiencing a car wreck, suddenly and without any warning. This totally incongruous sound intruded upon and encompassed everything, causing even the birds to rustle in the darkness.
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Sunday, September 6, 2009 |
Lingle on recovery: Politicians don’t stop and consider the ramifications
By Gov. Linda Lingle @ 1:03 PM :: 9120 Views :: Energy, Environment
...because we have been suffering an economic decline over the past at least year-and-a-half, two years, it gives us an opportunity to prioritize our actions.... It means to put what’s most important first. And then what’s second important next, and don’t get these things mixed up.... It also gives us the chance to reflect on the fact that our actions have consequences.
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Saturday, September 5, 2009 |
International Women's Leadership Conference Honolulu Sept. 22
By News Release @ 10:23 PM :: 14098 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics, World News, Family
Register today and join over 1,000 of Hawai`i's women from fields of business, marketing, media, health care, government, international relations, and community service at the Sheraton Waikiki Hotel and Resort September 22, 2009.
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Saturday, September 5, 2009 |
President Obama’s Failed Stimulus
By Heritage Foundation @ 4:51 PM :: 6175 Views :: National News, Ethics
When President Barack Obama sold his $787 billion stimulus package to the American people, he set one metric for success: jobs. Specifically, President Obama promised the American people he would create 4.1 million jobs by the end of 2010. According to the President’s plan, the stimulus should have lowered the nation’s unemployment rate below 8% by this August. That is the objective standard the President set for himself.
And according to objective data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics this morning, President Obama’s policies, and his stimulus package, have been complete failures. BLS reports that the number of unemployed persons increased by 466,000 in August raising the nation’s unemployment to 9.7% … the highest it has been in 26 years.
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Saturday, September 5, 2009 |
Raycom Honolulu TV Deal: Honolulu Community Media Council has its own issues with "media control"
By Andrew Walden @ 1:13 PM :: 16930 Views :: First Amendment, Higher Education, Obama
The Honolulu Community Media Council (HCMC) is working with Georgetown University attorneys from the so-called "Institute for Public Representation" to challenge the Raycom Media deal linking the news operations of KGMB, KHNL and KFVE.
According the the HCMC, the Raycom deal is "nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to avoid regulatory scrutiny by the FCC and that Raycom will exercise control over all three stations in defiance of the FCC ownership rules."
But the Honolulu Community Media Council has its own decades-long history of "thinly veiled attempt(s)" to "exercise control" over the media....
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Friday, September 4, 2009 |
Furloughs vs Layoffs: The union no-solution strategy
By Andrew Walden @ 12:41 AM :: 20473 Views :: Education K-12, Labor
The Democrats’ electoral strategy for 2010 is an attempt to manufacture chaos knowing it is Lingle who “needs to make the tough call." Their goal: to replicate the labor-management strife of the Cayetano era—and blame Lingle--so a Democrat can re-take the Governor’s seat in 2010. Their playthings? Government employee jobs--and your wallet.
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