Entries for 'Michael Hansen'
Tuesday, May 7, 2013 |
Puerto Rico Senate adopts Jones Act reform resolution
By Michael Hansen @ 10:21 AM :: 4690 Views :: Jones Act
...resolution was adopted by the Puerto Rico Senate on Monday, May 6, 2013....
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Thursday, May 2, 2013 |
Reuters columnist disparages the Jones Act, but can’t see any way to repeal it
By Michael Hansen @ 10:59 PM :: 4170 Views :: Jones Act
...we believe that the Jones Act can be modified to greatly lessen its currently negative impacts on the nation’s economy....
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Tuesday, April 9, 2013 |
Jones Act in the News
By Michael Hansen @ 1:32 PM :: 7309 Views :: Jones Act
The past week was busy with coverage of the Jones Act....
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Saturday, March 30, 2013 |
Star-Advertiser Backs Jones Act Reform
By Michael Hansen @ 2:32 AM :: 5915 Views :: Jones Act
the Star Advertiser Thursday endorsed Jones Act reform resolutions introduced in the Hawaii State House ....
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Tuesday, March 26, 2013 |
Big Media Splash for Launch of Hawaii House Jones Act Resolutions
By Michael Hansen @ 7:50 PM :: 5731 Views :: Jones Act
...introduction of the resolutions garnered substantial press coverage in Hawaii, Guam and nationally....
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Monday, March 25, 2013 |
Request Hearings for Jones Act Reform Resolutions
By Michael Hansen @ 1:42 PM :: 6167 Views :: Jones Act
...the resolutions have been referred to four committee for hearings, but none of the committees have yet scheduled a hearing....
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Wednesday, March 20, 2013 |
GAO Releases Jones Act Puerto Rico report
By Michael Hansen @ 7:11 PM :: 6575 Views :: Jones Act
"Resident Commissioner intends to introduce legislation in light of report’s findings"
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Tuesday, March 19, 2013 |
New Governor Seeks Jones Act exemption to grow Puerto Rican Economy
By Michael Hansen @ 1:54 AM :: 7491 Views :: Jones Act
...15 initiatives, many of which depend upon more efficient seaborne transportation....
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Sunday, March 17, 2013 |
Jones Act: Five House Reps Introduce Resolution Urging Reform
By Michael Hansen @ 7:28 PM :: 6131 Views :: Jones Act
A bipartisan group of five Hawaii State Representatives introduced in the current session a pair of resolutions calling on the U.S. Congress to enact reform ....
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Thursday, March 14, 2013 |
Horizon Lines Loses $94.7M for 2012
By Michael Hansen @ 5:13 AM :: 5433 Views :: Jones Act
Net loss decreased by approximately 48% to $94.7 million from $229.4 million in 2011....
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Wednesday, March 13, 2013 |
Chevron Drives Kitimat LNG Export Project Forward
By Michael Hansen @ 7:38 PM :: 7001 Views :: Energy, Jones Act
...the several planned LNG export terminal projects at Kitimat are probable sources of LNG for Hawaii....
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Thursday, March 7, 2013 |
GAO Jones Act Report to be Released Next Week
By Michael Hansen @ 5:40 PM :: 5328 Views :: Jones Act
GAO is now indicating that they will issue their long awaiting report on the economic impact of the Jones Act on Puerto Rico, on Thursday, March 14, 2013....
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Thursday, February 14, 2013 |
Jones Act shackles Puerto Rico; No Jones Act frees Jamaica to grow its economy
By Michael Hansen @ 3:07 PM :: 7829 Views :: Jones Act
The proposed Jamaica logistics hub would act as a transshipment point for the Caribbean, Latin America and the U.S. East and Gulf Coasts....
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Thursday, February 7, 2013 |
World Economic Forum: Reform Jones Act to Grow Economy
By Michael Hansen @ 2:55 AM :: 9427 Views :: Jones Act
“Although the US Jones’ Act fleet only accounts for 10% of the total capacity of containerships used in cabotage trades, its impact is disproportionately higher due to the requirement for vessels to be US-built, unlike most other countries...."
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Friday, February 1, 2013 |
New York Fed Recommends Jones Act exemption for Puerto Rico
By Michael Hansen @ 10:50 PM :: 11953 Views :: Jones Act
...the New York Fed identified the Jones Act as a major impediment to the Island’s prosperity....
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Wednesday, January 30, 2013 |
Would a Jones Act exemption lower the cost of electricity in Hawaii?
By Michael Hansen @ 10:02 PM :: 6169 Views :: Jones Act
The type of ship needed to transport LNG is a highly-specialized kind of tanker ship known as an LNG Carrier, none of which have been built in the U.S. since the mid-1970’s....
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Wednesday, January 16, 2013 |
Will LNG become a widely-used marine fuel?
By Michael Hansen @ 5:19 PM :: 8002 Views :: Energy, Jones Act
...rising cost of petroleum fuels coupled with strict new international air pollution regulations for ships are causing ship owners and operators to look seriously at the use of LNG ....
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Monday, January 14, 2013 |
A Coherent Cabotage Critique
By Michael Hansen @ 7:50 PM :: 6223 Views :: Jones Act
...commentary not only addresses the primary U.S. cabotage statute – i.e., the Jones Act – but also the pernicious effects of cabotage laws in other countries....
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Monday, January 7, 2013 |
Lloyd’s List endorses U.S. Build exemption for Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rico
By Michael Hansen @ 4:00 PM :: 6005 Views :: Jones Act
“Any action that weakens the protectionism of the Jones Act will ultimately be to the long-term benefit US shipping.”
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Saturday, January 5, 2013 |
Matson, TOTE Ship Orders Timed to Influence Federal Jones Act Study?
By Michael Hansen @ 3:10 AM :: 7683 Views :: National News, Jones Act
...influential British maritime journal Lloyd’s List published three articles today regarding the long awaited US. Government Accountability Office release of a report on their study of the impact of the Jones Act on Puerto Rico....
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Wednesday, January 2, 2013 |
Bloomberg Editorial Blasts Jones Act
By Michael Hansen @ 4:53 PM :: 7615 Views :: National News, Jones Act
Bloomberg calls for major Jones Act reform in two parts: elimination of the U.S. build requirement for ships engaged in domestic coastwise trades; and, a more controversial proposal to allow foreign ship owners to compete....
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Friday, December 21, 2012 |
U.S. East and Gulf Coast dock strike may threaten Islanders
By Michael Hansen @ 5:55 PM :: 5661 Views :: National News
A major dock strike could shutdown work on the U.S. East and Gulf Coasts when the current longshore contract covering container cargoes on those coasts expires at midnight Saturday, December 29, 2012....
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Monday, December 17, 2012 |
Jones Act union official calls islands “off-mainland threat”
By Michael Hansen @ 12:15 AM :: 6000 Views :: Jones Act
“the remote states and territories.”
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Wednesday, December 12, 2012 |
Jones Act U.S.- build requirement is a sham
By Michael Hansen @ 8:30 PM :: 11921 Views :: Jones Act
A leading Jones Act shipowner said last week they will build two containerships in the United States that were designed by a foreign shipbuilder and will be fitted with foreign manufactured components....
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Tuesday, November 27, 2012 |
Matson Fires Shot Across Consumers’ Bow
By Michael Hansen @ 12:57 PM :: 10172 Views :: Jones Act
...Matson is planning to acquire, within the next five years, two new mainline ships for the extravagant price of U.S. $400 million....
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Monday, November 19, 2012 |
Joni’s Jones Act Plea
By Michael Hansen @ 3:40 PM :: 6950 Views :: Jones Act
Perhaps the most important upcoming development in respect of Jones Act reform will occur early in the first quarter of 2013. That is when the federal Government Accountability Office (GAO) is expected to release a Jones Act study requested by the resident commissioner of Puerto Rico, Representative Pedro Pierliusi (D).
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Wednesday, November 7, 2012 |
Jones Act Shipbuilding Burdens Hawaii, Alaska, Guam, and Puerto Rico
By Michael Hansen @ 9:58 PM :: 11675 Views :: Jones Act
...the “prices for new ships have fallen to an eight-year low” and may be pushed down another 15 percent....
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Friday, November 2, 2012 |
Obama Administration Waives Jones Act For Hurricane Sandy
By Michael Hansen @ 10:37 PM :: 6519 Views :: Jones Act
The Jones Act Waiver was requested by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo ....
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Saturday, September 8, 2012 |
Liquefied Natural Gas for Hawaii: Sourcing and Transportation Options
By Michael Hansen @ 8:26 PM :: 10771 Views :: Energy, Jones Act
To go beyond supplying their current gas customer base in Hawaii, it will be necessary for Hawaii Gas and the other players to look at a very much larger scale program....
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Friday, August 24, 2012 |
How Jones Act May Swing Presidential Election
By Michael Hansen @ 6:58 PM :: 8575 Views :: Jones Act
The long predicted fight over the foreign flag carriage of crude oil from the U.S. Government’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) on the U.S. Gulf Coast to refineries on the U.S. East Coast seems set to begin in earnest ....
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Friday, August 17, 2012 |
Murder at Pier 23: The Death of Hawaii Animal Agriculture
By Michael Hansen @ 10:41 PM :: 8655 Views :: Agriculture, Jones Act
"...it’s come to the point where we are wondering whether it’s worth continuing the business...."
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Thursday, August 2, 2012 |
Hawaii Congressional Candidates on the Jones Act
By Michael Hansen @ 3:52 AM :: 6992 Views :: Jones Act
The Star-Advertiser asked all 24 candidates running for three federal offices 6 questions including, “Should Hawaii be exempt from the Jones Act, the federal law that protects the domestic shipping industry from foreign competition?”
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Thursday, July 26, 2012 |
Shipowners Add New Bunker Surcharges for Low Sulfur Fuel
By Michael Hansen @ 4:22 AM :: 10824 Views :: Energy, Environment, Jones Act
...additional costs to be incurred by carriers switching to low sulfur ship fuels as required by an international convention, which the United States Senate has not ratified but is being imposed anyway by President Barack Obama’s administration beginning on August 1, 2012....
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Thursday, July 12, 2012 |
Hawaii Dems and Mr Jones
By Michael Hansen @ 2:31 PM :: 10580 Views :: Democratic Party, Jones Act
“Dems and Mr. Jones, they got a thing going on. They both know it’s wrong. But it’s much too strong to let it cool down now.”
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Tuesday, July 3, 2012 |
Will Matson Survive?
By Michael Hansen @ 4:17 PM :: 8535 Views :: Jones Act
...trapped in a protected and proscribed market, surrounded by customers who don't like paying its exorbitant rates and unable to afford modern ships....
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Friday, June 8, 2012 |
Naval Shipbuilding and Repair goes Awry
By Michael Hansen @ 7:49 PM :: 8661 Views :: Jones Act, Military
The Navy released its preliminary findings yesterday in the case of the fire aboard the Los Angeles Class fast attack nuclear submarine USS Miami (SSN 755) that may result in the vessel being assessed as a total constructive loss....
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Thursday, May 24, 2012 |
Mazie's Adventures in a Jones Act Wonderland
By Michael Hansen @ 7:11 PM :: 8100 Views :: Jones Act, Politicians
Rep. Hirono states that the Jones Act has created 10,000 maritime jobs in Hawaii, and the Hawaii maritime industry generates an annual turnover of more than $4.7 billion and provides wages of $1.1 billion. These are extravagant numbers ...
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Wednesday, May 23, 2012 |
Jones Act Reform Key Element of Guam's Economic Plan
By Michael Hansen @ 3:48 PM :: 7553 Views :: Jones Act
The Governor of Guam, the Honorable Eddie Baza Calvo’s Council of Economic Advisors has recently released the outline of their new economic plan, and Jones Act reform is a key element of that plan....
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Thursday, May 17, 2012 |
Insolvent Horizon refits old Jones Act ships in foreign shipyards
By Michael Hansen @ 4:49 PM :: 12267 Views :: Jones Act
...in a direct rebuff to U.S. shipyards, it will refit three of its ageing containerships in Asia hypocritically skirting the so-called “second proviso” of the Jones Act....
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Sunday, April 29, 2012 |
Will Horizon Lines go down with the Jones Act?
By Michael Hansen @ 11:35 PM :: 9107 Views :: Jones Act
Horizon wishes to assure the Jones Act industry of its fidelity and that it will not succumb to the siren call of Jones Act reform even if that means it will never have a chance to rationally renew its fleet of dreadful old clunkers....
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Saturday, April 28, 2012 |
The History of Natural Gas in Hawaii
By Michael Hansen @ 4:20 PM :: 16158 Views :: Energy, Hawaii History, Jones Act
In response to my article, a reader asks: “We get all the natural gas we need now. How does it get here? The article makes it sound impossible, but it’s here.”
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Tuesday, April 24, 2012 |
Clinton’s chief economist supports Jones Act reform for Hawaii
By Michael Hansen @ 6:16 PM :: 14647 Views :: Jones Act
Professor Stiglitz explained that the first time the Jones Act came to his attention is when he worked on the President’s Council of Economic Advisors and it was identified as a major impediment to the national U.S. economy....
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Monday, April 16, 2012 |
No Natural Gas for Hawaii with Jones Act Ships
By Michael Hansen @ 8:20 PM :: 10304 Views :: Energy, Jones Act
There are no Jones Act ships available to transport the LNG from the contiguous United States or Alaska to Hawaii. No deep draft LNG carrier has been built in a U.S. shipyard for at least 30 years....
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Friday, April 13, 2012 |
Hawaii Shippers Council Outlines Jones Act Reform Proposals
By Michael Hansen @ 6:48 PM :: 14322 Views :: Jones Act
The NTJAR initiative would exempt just the Jones Act noncontiguous domestic trades – Alaska, Guam, Hawaii and Puerto Rico – from the U.S.-Build requirement of the Jones Act and only for large self-propelled oceangoing ships....
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