Entries for 'Grover Norquist'
Thursday, September 23, 2010 |
100 days to largest tax hike in history
By Grover Norquist @ 5:30 PM :: 8714 Views :: National News, Ethics
It looks like Congress is going to scamper out of Washington, D.C. having done nothing to stop the largest tax hikes in history. In just 100 days, you will be paying higher taxes than you have in over a decade. What does this mean for you, for your family, for your small business?
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010 |
Keep It Real, Conservatives
By Grover Norquist @ 12:58 PM :: 7810 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
When you are losing—you want distractions.
When you are winning—you do not want distractions.
We are winning at present. -- we should remain the “focus like a laser on spending” movement.
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