Entries for 'John Goodman'
Wednesday, April 9, 2014 |
Why Is ObamaCare a Rube Goldberg Contraption?
By John Goodman @ 3:45 PM :: 4193 Views :: Health Care
The biggest risk to reform has always been that the scheme would founder on its complexity....
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Monday, December 2, 2013 |
War on the Poor
By John Goodman @ 1:59 PM :: 5173 Views :: Family
...the liberals I encounter are all in the academic and public policy world ― far away from the poverty population they so often talk about....
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Monday, October 21, 2013 |
Death Spirals
By John Goodman @ 2:37 PM :: 4111 Views :: Health Care
A death spiral occurs when pricing in an insurance market spins out of control....
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Monday, June 24, 2013 |
What if the Exchanges Aren’t Ready On Time?
By John Goodman @ 1:38 PM :: 4008 Views :: Health Care
[M]ost of the specs have been written, but the all wiring hasn't been laid, and what will happen when they flip the switch nobody really knows....
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Friday, May 24, 2013 |
Coming Soon: Two Tier Health Care System
By John Goodman @ 2:29 PM :: 4163 Views :: Health Care
Just as in Canada or Britain, we are going to experience rationing by waiting...
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Monday, May 6, 2013 |
Study: No Difference Between Medicaid and Uninsured
By John Goodman @ 10:01 PM :: 4098 Views :: Health Care
...as far as physical health is concerned there is no difference between being in Medicaid and being uninsured....
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Wednesday, February 27, 2013 |
What is a Progressive?
By John Goodman @ 1:37 PM :: 6686 Views :: National News, Health Care
...liberalism is not an ideology at all; it is a sociology. The same may be said of conservatism....
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Wednesday, January 2, 2013 |
Fiscal Cliff: Who Won? Who Lost?
By John Goodman @ 2:42 PM :: 6918 Views :: National News, Taxes
...real billionaires, like Warren Buffett, are going to be affected very little by the new higher rates (unrealized capital gains will still be taxed at a rate of zero), while entrepreneurs with pass-through income are going to get hosed....
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Tuesday, November 13, 2012 |
Did the Election Save ObamaCare?
By John Goodman @ 7:17 PM :: 5519 Views :: National News, Ethics
are six major flaws in ObamaCare. They are so serious that the Democrats are going to have to perform major surgery on the legislation in the next few years....
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Wednesday, October 3, 2012 |
Alaska Blue Cross Paying Patients to Fly to Seattle
By John Goodman @ 4:11 PM :: 5132 Views :: National News, Ethics
The high cost of many medical procedures in Alaska is driving a major insurance company, Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield, to offer coverage that pays airfare, hotel and other expenses for members to undergo the same treatment in Washington state at less cost....
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Wednesday, September 26, 2012 |
Personalized Medicine vs. ObamaCare
By John Goodman @ 3:16 PM :: 5587 Views :: National News, Ethics
Personalized medicine is the future. It is where the science is going. It is where the technology is going. It is where doctors and patients will want to go.
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Monday, September 17, 2012 |
As $716B in Cuts Loom, Medicare Pilot Programs not on Track to Deliver Savings
By John Goodman @ 2:32 PM :: 4961 Views :: National News, Ethics
Over the next 10 years, ObamaCare will reduce Medicare spending by $716 billion....
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Friday, August 31, 2012 |
By John Goodman @ 3:42 PM :: 5681 Views :: National News, Ethics
Lie Number Five: Health Reform Is Going to Make Medicare More Efficient....
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Friday, August 17, 2012 |
Why the Doctor Can't See You
By John Goodman @ 1:08 AM :: 5911 Views :: National News, Ethics
The health care system can't possibly deliver on the huge increase in demand for primary care services -- there aren't enough doctors....
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Monday, July 9, 2012 |
Health Contract with America
By John Goodman @ 10:53 PM :: 5567 Views :: National News, Ethics
This is a practical, realistic and workable form of universal coverage....
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Wednesday, June 20, 2012 |
Rationing Health Care by Making Patients Waste Time
By John Goodman @ 1:35 PM :: 7744 Views :: National News, Ethics
The single biggest mistake in all of health policy is the belief that the best way to make health care accessible is to make it free at the point of delivery....
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Thursday, February 16, 2012 |
Where Have All the Liberals Gone?
By John Goodman @ 9:20 PM :: 5068 Views :: National News, Ethics
There are two conservatives for every liberal in America. That’s the message of a recent David Brooks column as well as a Gallup survey. I think the imbalance is much starker. I would guess there are four conservatives for every liberal. Maybe even more....
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Wednesday, February 8, 2012 |
Obama’s Broken Promises
By John Goodman @ 11:11 AM :: 5087 Views :: National News, Ethics
Clinton was planning historic reforms during his second term. These were to include private accounts under Social Security and vouchers for Medicare.
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Friday, February 3, 2012 |
Health Care: Top 1% a Moving Target
By John Goodman @ 10:21 PM :: 5779 Views :: National News, Ethics
...a small number of people spend most of the health care dollars. True. But the small number this year are not the same people as the small number last year, or the year before....
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Wednesday, December 21, 2011 |
Are Progressives for the Little Guy?
By John Goodman @ 12:46 PM :: 5400 Views :: National News, Ethics
...most people on the left who use the word “progressive” are actually reactionaries....
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Wednesday, December 7, 2011 |
What Is a Progressive?
By John Goodman @ 12:17 PM :: 5246 Views :: National News, Ethics
To many people, the term “Progressive Era” evokes fond caricatures of Teddy Roosevelt and such reforms as safe food, the elimination of child labor and the eight-hour work day. Yet real progressivism was far more sinister....
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Wednesday, November 30, 2011 |
Healthcare: Do We Really Spend More and Get Less?
By John Goodman @ 1:17 PM :: 6234 Views :: National News, Ethics
This judgment is repeated so often and so forcefully that you will almost never see it questioned. And yet it may not be true....
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Saturday, October 29, 2011 |
Imagine the Outrage if a Private Insurer Cut Benefits the way Abercrombie Does
By John Goodman @ 3:55 AM :: 7809 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
What if you are in Hawaii and you need 15 days of hospital care instead of 10? Apparently you must pay out of your own pocket or forgo needed care.
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