Democratic Party
Friday, December 9, 2011 |
Pay to Play Fines Unpaid: Hirono for Governor Campaign Closes Owing State Elections Fund Over $98,000
By Andrew Walden @ 11:00 AM :: 20118 Views :: Democratic Party, Ethics, Development, Politicians
The assessments were levied after the Campaign Spending Commission investigators uncovered thousands of dollars in illegal campaign contributions, contributed to Hirono as a part of Hawaii's extensive "Pay to Play" scandal....
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Tuesday, November 8, 2011 |
Kauai Workshops Will Demystify Legislative Process
By News Release @ 9:31 AM :: 8569 Views :: Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Energy, Environment
Kaua`i – Between November 12 and November 18, the Public Access Room (the "PAR") will conduct a series of free neighborhood workshops entitled, "We the Powerful!"
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Thursday, October 6, 2011 |
KIUC: In Race for Tax Credits, Solar Beats Wind, Biofuel
By News Release @ 7:11 PM :: 9501 Views :: Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Energy, Environment
A Request for Proposal to contractors to build the PV facility was released this week. “We are on a very short timeline to qualify for the federal incentives,” said Brad Rockwell, KIUC manager of production.
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Wednesday, September 28, 2011 |
A&B: “Entitled land in a great place with high barriers to entry is good”
By Selected News Articles @ 2:52 PM :: 15906 Views :: Hawaii County , Akaka Bill, Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Energy, Environment
...everyone else is dying off," he said, referring to several other projects in the Islands that have stalled or been halted altogether....
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Tuesday, August 30, 2011 |
Mufi’s Republican Army: The Bush Family Connection
By Andrew Walden @ 9:19 AM :: 20555 Views :: Democratic Party, Ethics, Politicians, Republican Party
For someone seeking the Democratic Gubernatorial nomination, Mufi Hannemann’s campaign sure has a lot of current or former Republicans among its leadership. In fact, Mufi’s GOP connections lead straight to the Bush family—the locus of Democrat seething and hatred for eight years....
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Sunday, August 28, 2011 |
Video: Abercrombie Faces off with Teachers on Kauai
By Video @ 1:30 PM :: 9867 Views :: Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Energy, Environment
“The only place you’ve gone is to the Labor Board and you’ve put in one motion after another to even keep the Labor Board from being able to make a decision.” (said Abercrombie)…
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Saturday, August 13, 2011 |
Tax Cheat linked to Holocaust Deniers is Source for National Democrats’ Attack on Lingle
By Andrew Walden @ 9:47 PM :: 10760 Views :: Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
Widely panned by local political commentators, the DSCC screed bizarrely tagged Lingle as a “hyper partisan…Republican bomb thrower.”
But there is a ticking time-bomb buried at the bottom of their rambling diatribe.....
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Friday, May 13, 2011 |
Hawaii State Republican Convention to Meet this Weekend
By Andrew Walden @ 8:47 PM :: 10320 Views :: Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Energy, Environment
Hundreds of Hawaii Republicans will meet Saturday and Sunday at the Kauai Beach Resort for the GOP state convention. But the top of the agenda—selecting new Party leadership--is a foregone conclusion....
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Friday, April 15, 2011 |
No New Taxes! Rally April 15--Honolulu, Kona, Hilo, Kahului, Lihue
By News Release @ 8:27 AM :: 24224 Views :: Hawaii County , Akaka Bill, Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Kauai County, DHHL, Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment
Hawaii has one of the highest State Tax Rates in the United States, and yet the State Legislature is considering many new increases in taxes including income, excise, and other fees. Are you Taxed Enough Already?
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Thursday, April 7, 2011 |
SB1363 10-cents-per-bag Tax: Greens, Big Business, Big Government team up to Rip Off Consumers
By Andrew Walden @ 1:07 AM :: 21755 Views :: Hawaii County , Akaka Bill, Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Kauai County, DHHL, Energy, Environment
After two years of marketing the alleged horrors of the non-existent “Pacific Garbage Patch”, environmentalists, big business, and big government are ready to cash in.
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Wednesday, April 6, 2011 |
Recktenwald appoints Acoba Kauai District Court Judge
By Andrew Walden @ 12:28 AM :: 10023 Views :: Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Energy, Environment
Chief Justice Mark E. Recktenwald has appointed Edmund D. Acoba as District Court Judge in the Fifth Circuit (Kauai). Acoba fills the vacancy created by the retirement of Judge Calvin Murashige.
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Monday, April 4, 2011 |
Abercrombie gets around to announcing appointment of Kawakami to State House
By News Release @ 9:58 PM :: 8602 Views :: Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Energy, Environment
Governor Neil Abercrombie today announced the appointment of Kaua'i Councilman Derek S.K. Kawakami to represent House District 14 in the State House.
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Wednesday, March 23, 2011 |
Hilo, Kapaa top list of Drunkest Cities in America
By Selected News Articles @ 3:04 PM :: 16819 Views :: Hawaii County , Akaka Bill, Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
For the city of Kapaa in particular, it’s all too telling that a simple search for the phrase “Kapaa alcohol” on Google doesn’t turn up a list of fun bars to hang out at but rather a long list of drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers.
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Wednesday, March 9, 2011 |
Recktenwald seeking comment on Judicial Nominees for First, Fifth Circuit
By News Release @ 10:52 AM :: 11707 Views :: Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment
Chief Justice Mark E. Recktenwald announced today that he is seeking written comment on judicial nominees for three vacancies at the District Court of the First Circuit and one vacancy at the District Family Court of the First Circuit (Oahu).
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Wednesday, February 9, 2011 |
First Morita, now Hooser: Abercrombie appoints another anti-Superferry protester
By News Release @ 3:41 AM :: 10612 Views :: Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Energy, Environment
Honolulu – Governor Neil Abercrombie today announced appointments for the following positions: Chief Negotiator, Department of Human Resources Development (DHRD) Deputy Director, and Director of the Office of Environmental Quality Control.
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Wednesday, February 9, 2011 |
Sen. Gary Hooser campaign website linked to Holocaust deniers
By Andrew Walden @ 12:28 AM :: 22186 Views :: Democratic Party, Kauai County, Politicians, GMOs
Hooser invites readers to look at his campaign website www.GaryHooser.com. Listed on the right column of his site are links to other websites described as “Senator Gary Hooser’s Regular Reading Regime.” The 25 links include the Kailua, O`ahu-based anti-Semitic 9-11 conspiracy website www.WhatReallyHappened.com (WRH).
At WRH “Regular Readers” like Hooser may peruse an article from a Holocaust denier publication asserting: “(only) two to three hundred thousand Jews perished in Nazi concentration camps, but none in gas chambers.” Another WRH article touts a 1928 communist scheme to send Russian Jews to Siberia. There are literally hundreds of such articles interspersed between a selection of articles about Jewish child molesters, Jewish swindlers, and any other—mostly Jewish or “Israeli”--wrongdoing.
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Saturday, February 5, 2011 |
Sen Schumer Demands Investigation: Reusable Bags Contain Harmful Chemicals and Harbor Bacteria
By News Release @ 10:33 AM :: 18225 Views :: Hawaii County , Akaka Bill, Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Kauai County, DHHL, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
Senator Charles Schumer and other congressional leaders have called on government safety agencies to investigate why such elevated levels of lead are coming into contact with our food and leaching into the environment. Perhaps even more alarming, a University of Arizona study found fecal coliform bacteria and E. coli in some of the bags.
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Saturday, February 5, 2011 |
KTA, Safeway, Walgreens: Excessive Amounts of Lead Found in Reusable Grocery Bags
By News Release @ 10:29 AM :: 21418 Views :: Hawaii County , Akaka Bill, Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Kauai County, DHHL, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

EPA standard for lead in packaging materials is 100ppm. Safeway tests 6.72 times the EPA limit. Walgreens is 2.98 times, KTA Superstores 2.85 times, and Defense Comissary Agency tests 2.35 times the EPA standard.
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Thursday, February 3, 2011 |
Abercrombie names anti-Superferry protester Morita to head PUC
By News Release @ 9:17 PM :: 10173 Views :: Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Energy, Environment
Governor Neil Abercrombie today announced the appointment of State Representative Hermina Morita as the chair of the Public Utilities Commission (PUC).
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Wednesday, December 22, 2010 |
Abercrombie names Shimabukuro and Solomon to State Senate, doesn’t mention meth
By News Release @ 7:21 PM :: 9124 Views :: Democratic Party, Politicians, Drugs
HONOLULU - Governor Neil Abercrombie today announced two appointments to the State Senate: Rep. Maile Shimabukuro to represent Senate District 21, and Malama Solomon, Ph.D., to represent Senate District 1.
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Thursday, October 28, 2010 |
Wednesday, October 27, 2010 |
Rep Roland Sagum (D-Kauai) endorses Duke Aiona for Governor
By News Release @ 5:22 PM :: 13064 Views :: Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Energy, Environment
“Duke is the best person to serve as the next Governor of Hawai‘i,” said Rep. Sagum. “He is a true leader with integrity and good judgment who is not afraid to make tough decisions, and he has bold plans that will move Hawai‘i forward; that’s why I am willing to cross party lines to show my support and help elect Duke as our next Governor.”
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Sunday, October 24, 2010 |
The Segregated Sisterhood of Neil Abercrombie and Nancie Caraway
By Andrew Walden @ 11:47 PM :: 21060 Views :: Democratic Party, Higher Education, Politicians
"Well, yes, there are crucial times when loquacious white mouths need to stay shut...." -- Segregated Sisterhood P197
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Wednesday, October 20, 2010 |
Hawaii Republican endorsements for County races, initiatives
By Selected News Articles @ 6:19 PM :: 13184 Views :: Akaka Bill, Democratic Party, Kauai County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment
The Hawaii Republican Party has released its endorsements and recommendations for non-partisan County Council and Mayor races, County-level charter initiatives, and the two proposed Amendments to the State Constitution.
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Wednesday, October 20, 2010 |
Kauai Debate: Cut programs, raise taxes, or fail?
By News Release @ 3:47 AM :: 9655 Views :: Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Energy, Environment
"Behind our opponents' plan is the fact that they would either cut more programs, raise taxes or fail to deliver on their promises. They simply cannot provide the types of government programs for which they advocate without raising the cost of living for Hawai‘i's hard-working families and businesses."
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Saturday, October 16, 2010 |
Slumping in the polls, Abercrombie now says Nazis are after him
By Andrew Walden @ 9:53 PM :: 15126 Views :: Democratic Party, Politicians
In a shocking report, Neil Abercrombie denounces his opponents as Nazis and enemies of civil rights. He points to ousted Broken Trust Trustee Dickie Wong as an example of “people coming together.”
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Thursday, October 14, 2010 |
Kauai’s Baptiste family endorses Aiona-Finnegan
By News Release @ 3:08 PM :: 10270 Views :: Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Energy, Environment
"I am endorsing Duke Aiona and Lynn Finnegan because they will provide a hopeful, balanced vision for our island and citizens," said Annette Baptiste. "My family is fully supportive of their campaign for Governor and Lieutenant Governor. At this critical point, I feel that, under their leadership, Duke and Lynn are best suited to address the big issues facing the people of Hawai‘i."
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Wednesday, October 13, 2010 |
Court declines to expand meaning of "preserve in place" in Naue burial case final disposition
By Selected News Articles @ 8:59 PM :: 10246 Views :: Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Energy, Environment
...in a hearing on the State’s motion for summary judgment, the Native Hawaiian Legal Corp. argued that the court should interpret “preserve in place” as used in the State burial law and administrative rules as prohibiting building over burials. There is no such prohibition explicit in the statutory language and the Court declined to impose such a meaning....
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Sunday, October 10, 2010 |
Neil Abercrombie's slavery problem
By Andrew Walden @ 6:44 PM :: 24166 Views :: Democratic Party, Labor, Politicians
...when it comes to the civil rights violation known as slavery, Neil Abercrombie has remained silent as his key supporters organize and lead the defense of Democratic donors Mike and Alec Sou of Aloun Farms entangled in the "largest human trafficking case in US history."
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Sunday, October 3, 2010 |
Kauai Mayor Carvalho refuses to endorse Abercrombie
By Selected News Articles @ 2:31 PM :: 10522 Views :: Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Energy, Environment
Asked if he would endorse any gubernatorial candidate now that Hannemann is out of the race, Carvalho said, “As for further endorsements, I’m not prepared to do so at this time but may at a later date.”
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Friday, September 24, 2010 |
Rep Karl Rhoads, Oahu Co Democrats try to knock Iraq War Vet off HD 28 ballot
By News Release @ 7:20 PM :: 11821 Views :: Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Office of Elections, Republican Party
“People of House District 28th should know who the ‘residents’ filing these petty complaints are. Lynne Matusow is an Oahu County Democratic Party official who has developed a habit of filing complaints against Mr. Chang to distract the campaign away from Karl Rhoads’ record of raising taxes and hurting small business. Anthony Chang is a former staffer at the Democratic Party who was paid to do one of the dirtiest jobs in politics-- follow opposing candidates around with a video camera. These people are not concerned residents and this is not an honest complaint.
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Sunday, September 19, 2010 |
Congress.org: "Abercrombie is a follower"
By Andrew Walden @ 12:36 AM :: 20514 Views :: Democratic Party, Congressional Delegation
UPDATE Aug 4: Hannemann commercial "Abercrombie is a follower"
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi defends: "Neil Abercrombie was an outstanding member of Congress and he will be an outstanding Governor."
Abercrombie campaign responds: Neil’s Record in Congress
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Friday, September 17, 2010 |
Find Your Polling Place -- Polls open 7AM to 6PM Saturday Sept 18
By Selected News Articles @ 5:12 PM :: 19976 Views :: Hawaii County , Akaka Bill, Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Kauai County, DHHL, Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment
Primary Election Vote on Saturday, September 18, 2010 -- 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
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Monday, September 13, 2010 |
Hawaii Democratic Convention renews call for closed primary
By Andrew Walden @ 8:01 PM :: 11660 Views :: Democratic Party, Office of Elections
Hawaii Democratic convention delegates meeting at the Hilton Hawaiian Village May 29 approved a resolution calling for closed Democratic primaries.
Hawaii State law now mandates that political parties’ primaries be open to any voter who wishes to participate. But many Progressive Democrats feel that their ideological soul mates are having a tough time winning Democratic Primary races due to voting by non-Democrats.
Any move away from Hawaii’s current open primary system would require party line registration, causing tens of thousands of new voters to become enrolled members of both Democratic and Republican parties.
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Tuesday, September 7, 2010 |
Gov Lingle appoints Figuera and Kouchi to Senate
By News Release @ 8:47 PM :: 13567 Views :: Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment
HONOLULU – Governor Linda Lingle today appointed Laura Figueira to fill the vacant O‘ahu North Shore Senate seat and Ronald Kouchi to fill the vacant Kaua‘i Senate seat. They will serve on a temporary basis until new Senators are elected in the upcoming General Election and take the oath of office. The two vacancies were created by the resignation of Robert Bunda and Gary Hooser in July.
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Friday, September 3, 2010 |
Early Voting sites open now across state
By Andrew Walden @ 4:48 PM :: 21388 Views :: Hawaii County , Akaka Bill, Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Kauai County, DHHL, Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment
VOTE EARLY! Here is a complete list of Walk-in absentee/early voting sites and hours for all four counties.
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Wednesday, August 18, 2010 |
Governor seeks public input on candidates to fill two Senate vacancies
By News Release @ 7:31 PM :: 12244 Views :: Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment
The three names submitted by the Democratic Party to fill the vacant Senate District 22 (Mililani Mauka, Wahiawa, Hale‘iwa, Mokule‘ia, North Shore) seat are: Laura Figueira, John Kampfer and Lei Learmont.
The three names submitted by the Democratic Party to fill the vacant Senate District 7 (Kaua‘i and Ni‘ihau) seat are: Ronald Kouchi, Barbara Robeson and Sandra Wright.
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Wednesday, August 11, 2010 |
Abercrombie part of Democratic Socialists of America Caucus at Democratic National Convention
By Selected News Articles @ 8:45 AM :: 10417 Views :: Democratic Party, Politicians
Despite a categorical denial, evidence is mounting that leading Hawaii gubernatorial candidate Neil Abercrombie, is a covert socialist. What is worse, he may be lying about it.
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Friday, August 6, 2010 |
Mufi does it again in Debate: “Screaming, yelling, ranting, raving, finger pointing, name-calling” Abercrombie: I am Dan Inouye
By Selected News Articles @ 1:46 PM :: 11180 Views :: Democratic Party, Politicians
Mufi to Neil: "You can't know the private sector...."
Neil on Mufi: "...name-calling and finger pointing there..."
Neil on Birthers: "(Obama) was born yesterday in Kapiolani Hospital in 1961, I can assure you...." (Defeating birthers to become Gubernatorial priority???) ... and much, much more....
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Sunday, July 18, 2010 |
Abercrombie denies membership in Democratic Socialists of America, blames ‘birthers’
By Andrew Walden @ 4:36 PM :: 16303 Views :: Democratic Party, Hawaii History, Politicians
Neil Abercrombie’s campaign is responding to reports that Abercrombie has been a secret member of the Democratic Socialists of America.
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Sunday, April 25, 2010 |
With federal law at stake, Paid activists attack Hawaii fish farmers
By News Release @ 3:21 PM :: 22731 Views :: Hawaii County , Akaka Bill, Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Kauai County, DHHL, Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment
A highly funded, Washington, DC lobby organization, Food and Water Watch (FWW), is mounting a frontal attack on Hawaii State policy that supports open ocean mariculture. They have rallied a motley crew of rag tag environmental groups, and paid many of them to attack a growing sector of our economy that is on the verge of showing the world a way to produce seafood that is environmentally responsible.
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Friday, April 16, 2010 |
Photos: 2,000 Rally against Tax Hikes at Capitol, 300 in Kona, 150 in Hilo, 100 in Lihue, 100s in Kahului
By Andrew Walden @ 3:01 PM :: 20327 Views :: Hawaii County , Akaka Bill, Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Kauai County, DHHL, Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment
SB: The Hawaii rally was aimed squarely at state lawmakers—majority Democrats who approved this week an increase in the tax on a barrel of oil. The increase from a nickel to $1.05 per barrel is expected to increase the cost of gas and energy bills….
One candidate, Republican Charles Djou, attended the rally and took the occasion of tax deadline day to launch an appeal for votes....
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Thursday, April 15, 2010 |
April 15 No New Taxes Five Rallies on Four Islands: Honolulu, Hilo, Kona, Maui, Kauai
By Andrew Walden @ 12:10 AM :: 23648 Views :: Hawaii County , Akaka Bill, Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Kauai County, DHHL, Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment
Hawaii Legislators want to raise the GE Tax by as much as 25%. They propose to raise the barrel tax on fuel 3000%. But they refuse to even consider abolishing the BoE and placing the DoE under the direct control of the next Governor. On April 15, Hawaii voters will have their say at rallies planned for Honolulu, Kahului, Kailua-Kona, Hilo and Lihue. Here are the details and contact information for each rally.
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Sunday, March 21, 2010 |
Bought and paid for, will Hirono cast the deciding vote for Obamacare?
By Andrew Walden @ 1:40 PM :: 23995 Views :: Hawaii County , Akaka Bill, Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Kauai County, DHHL, Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
For months, Mazie Hirono pledged to vote against the Senate version of Obamacare. For her, Senate Obamacare just wasn’t socialist enough. Along with 56 other “progressive” members of Congress, she demanded a program with a public option and denounced the Senate bill as a multi-billion dollar giveaway to the insurance companies.
Hirono’s July 30, 2009 letter explained:
“Any bill that does not provide, at a minimum, for a public option with reimbursement rates based on Medicare rates--not negotiated rates—is unacceptable…. (T)his agreement will result in the public, both as insurance purchasers and as taxpayers, paying ever higher rates to insurance companies. We simply cannot vote for such a proposal.”
Hirono has maintained this position as recently as February 2, but at the last minute, barely noticed by her “progressive” base, Rep Mazie Hirono has changed her mind....
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Saturday, March 20, 2010 |
GOP’s Ramsay Wharton to challenge Hirono for Outer Islands Congressional Seat
By News Release @ 8:43 PM :: 25975 Views :: Hawaii County , Akaka Bill, Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Kauai County, DHHL, Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
Now, more than ever, we need to bring balance to our nation’s capitol. For too long, Hawaii residents have been underserved with only “one” viewpoint represented in Congress. This out-of-balance system has failed our citizens and allowed for policies that have stifled our creativity and economic growth and burdened us with heavy taxes, wasteful, out of control government spending, and inefficient bureaucratic growth.
The people are speaking, but Washington isn’t listening. That’s why we need new leaders who will listen and provide “common sense” approaches to get our country back on track. Join me in the “good fight” and allow me the honor to represent you with “a strong voice and presence” in the halls of Congress.
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Thursday, March 4, 2010 |
Obama voters a no-show at Hawaii Democratic caucuses
By Andrew Walden @ 12:30 PM :: 8714 Views :: Democratic Party, Obama
Two years ago, 37,000 people showed up to vote in the Democratic caucuses.... This year, if the House District 2 and 3 attendance is reflective of the whole, fewer than 2,000 people will have shown up Statewide.
It takes skill to drive away that many people, and the old-boy faction of Hawaii Democrats definitely has that kind of skill. They don’t want idealistic liberal types interfering with their power games.
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Thursday, February 4, 2010 |
Hint to Hawaii: Plastic Bag Ban overturned by Calif. court -- no EIS
By Selected News Articles @ 4:07 PM :: 25281 Views :: Hawaii County , Akaka Bill, Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Kauai County, DHHL, Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

Hawaii Legislature's own papermill. Built by feeeel-goood fake environmentalism.
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