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Sunday, March 21, 2010
Socialist health care passes 219-212: Honolulu voters will be first to pass judgment
By Andrew Walden @ 9:02 PM :: 7843 Views :: National News, Ethics

Obama advisor Al Sharpton on Fox News tonight: “Americans voted for socialism when they elected Obama.”

GOP Chair Michael Steele: “We intend to do everything in out power to reverse this.”

Hawaii voters will be among the first to pass judgment--Honolulu Special Mail–in Congressional Election: May 1-22. 

Both Ed Case and Colleen Hanabusa are pledged to support Obamacare.   Charles Djou has pledged to oppose it.

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Sunday, March 21, 2010
Bought and paid for, will Hirono cast the deciding vote for Obamacare?
By Andrew Walden @ 1:40 PM :: 22808 Views :: Hawaii County , Akaka Bill, Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Kauai County, DHHL, Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

For months, Mazie Hirono pledged to vote against the Senate version of Obamacare.  For her, Senate Obamacare just wasn’t socialist enough.  Along with 56 other “progressive” members of Congress, she demanded a program with a public option and denounced the Senate bill as a multi-billion dollar giveaway to the insurance companies.

Hirono’s July 30, 2009 letter explained:

“Any bill that does not provide, at a minimum, for a public option with reimbursement rates based on Medicare rates--not negotiated rates—is unacceptable…. (T)his agreement will result in the public, both as insurance purchasers and as taxpayers, paying ever higher rates to insurance companies.  We simply cannot vote for such a proposal.”

Hirono has maintained this position as recently as February 2, but at the last minute, barely noticed by her “progressive” base, Rep Mazie Hirono has changed her mind....

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Saturday, March 20, 2010
GOP’s Ramsay Wharton to challenge Hirono for Outer Islands Congressional Seat
By News Release @ 8:43 PM :: 24779 Views :: Hawaii County , Akaka Bill, Honolulu County, Democratic Party, Kauai County, DHHL, Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

Now, more than ever, we need to bring balance to our nation’s capitol.  For too long, Hawaii residents have been underserved with only “one” viewpoint represented in Congress.  This out-of-balance system has failed our citizens and allowed for policies that have stifled our creativity and economic growth and burdened us with heavy taxes, wasteful, out of control government spending, and inefficient bureaucratic growth.

The people are speaking, but Washington isn’t listening.  That’s why we need new leaders who will listen and provide “common sense” approaches to get our country back on track.  Join me in the “good fight” and allow me the honor to represent you with “a strong voice and presence” in the halls of Congress.  

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Friday, March 19, 2010
Raw Deal: What Were Dems Thinking When They Let Neil Abercrombie Retire?
By Selected News Articles @ 12:50 PM :: 10806 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

"I think Neil was determined to get moving on his gubernatorial race," DCCC chairman Chris Van Hollen told me yesterday...."Once a person makes up their mind to do something, this is America, they're free to do it."

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Friday, March 19, 2010
Attorneys General: Obamacare “deem and pass” will lead to “protracted litigation”
By Heritage Foundation @ 12:24 PM :: 5359 Views :: National News, Ethics

Former U.S. Attorneys General Edwin Meese III and William P. Barr released the following statement:

The convoluted and questionable method under discussion by both Houses of Congress for final passage of the long-debated health care legislation raises serious constitutional concerns, which, at best, will lead to protracted and wholly avoidable litigation and continued doubt about the bill’s validity.

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Thursday, March 18, 2010
Obamacare: More taxes, higher premiums, and more welfare (ILWU's Health Plan to be taxed?)
By Heritage Foundation @ 12:00 PM :: 5726 Views :: National News, Ethics

Another day, another no-show for the Obamacare reconciliation bill. House Democrats were quick to shift blame to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) with Rep. Robert Andrews telling The Hill that the delay "has been much more technical than substantive. ... It’s not like what tax has to go or what spending has to go." Which is an interesting claim, since Politico reported that AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka was summoned to the White House yesterday afternoon "to discuss a higher-than-expected excise tax on some health care plans." In fact, Politico added: "A labor source said Trumka's meeting would focus on the entire bill, not just the excise tax question." Sounds like more than just technical details are still in flux.

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Thursday, March 18, 2010
Only 36% think Obamacare is a”good idea”
By Heritage Foundation @ 1:17 AM :: 4530 Views :: National News, Ethics

The Senate health bill is so unpopular, even among House Democrats, that the leftist House leadership is desperately trying to trick the American people into believing that the House can pass the Senate bill without voting on it. Hence the Slaughter Rule which would deem the Senate bill passed at the same time the House would approve a new reconciliation bill. Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was crystal clear on her motives this week telling a group of leftist bloggers: "It's more insider and process-oriented than most people want to know. But I like it because people don't have to vote on the Senate bill."

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Thursday, March 18, 2010
Maui TEA Party protest against Obamacare Thursday
By News Release @ 1:07 AM :: 10737 Views :: Kauai County, DHHL, National News, Ethics

Protest Rally

  • Thursday March 18th
  • 4pm-6pm
  • Front Sidewalk of Queen Ka'ahumanu Mall
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Wednesday, March 17, 2010
VIDEO: Obama says “Louisiana Purchase” will help with “Earthquake in Hawaii”
By Selected News Articles @ 9:53 PM :: 8638 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

Puzzling Statement: Obama Says ‘Louisiana Purchase’ Will Help With the Earthquake in Hawaii....

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Hawaii DoE: Cost of waste, fraud, and corruption between $191M and $431M per year
By Andrew Walden @ 7:18 PM :: 16274 Views :: Education K-12, Ethics

Hawai`i Free Press and others have, over the past few months, identified millions of dollars of waste, fraud, and corruption in the DoE budget.  Add it all up....

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Birtherism: Hawaii Legislature set to "fuel the fire"
By Selected News Articles @ 2:14 PM :: 9608 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

"Do we really want to be known internationally as the Legislature that blocked any inquiries into where President Obama was born?" asked Rep. Cynthia Thielen, R-Kaneohe-Kailua. "When people want to get more information, the way to fuel that fire is to say, 'We're now going to draw down a veil of secrecy.'"  (Which is precisely why Hawaii Democrats are doing this—to fuel the fire.)

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010
VIDEO: Djou files for election, releases first commercial
By News Release @ 1:31 AM :: 12223 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

The Office of Elections has set May 22nd as the date of the special election and has determined that the election will be an all mail-in special election.  Ballots will be mailed to every registered voter in the district on Friday, April 30.  The deadline to register to vote is April 22.  If you are not registered, click here to download the form.  Please remember to look for your ballot in the mail and return it to the Office of Elections as soon as possible...

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Hawaii GOP calls on Hirono to vote “no” on Obamacare
By News Release @ 11:13 PM :: 6309 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

Despite the failed attempts last fall to pass a health care overhaul bill through Congress, a bill that time after time Americans have fought against, Speaker Nancy Pelosi is trying to shove the U.S. Senate bill through the House this week.

Charles Djou, Republican candidate for Congress, has already vowed not to vote for this bill or any health care overhaul that places further burden on American taxpayers.  But, if Speaker Pelosi has her way, this vote will take place BEFORE Hawaii's special election ballots are due on May 22, 2010.

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Heritage: Is Now Really the Time To Create a New $2.5 Trillion Entitlement?
By Heritage Foundation @ 3:37 PM :: 4465 Views :: National News, Ethics

In theory, the federal government has $2.5 trillion stashed away in a nondescript office building in the sleepy little town of Parkersburg, West Virginia. That is where the Treasury Department keeps stacks of nonnegotiable Treasury bonds payable to the Social Security Administration. But as the Associated Press reported yesterday, for the first time since the 1980s, the federal government will not be adding to that stack.

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Monday, March 15, 2010
Combating Islamist Lawfare
By IPT News @ 1:46 PM :: 13529 Views :: Hawaii County , Akaka Bill, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics, World News, Family

Federal courts are slowly becoming a new battlefield in the war on terror, with combatants setting aside traditional weapons and arming themselves instead with domestic and international laws. Responding to this phenomenon, the inaugural meeting of The Lawfare Project convened last week in New York to discuss The Use of the Law as a Weapon of War.

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Monday, March 15, 2010
Vermont Schools to Celebrate Islamic Feast Sept 10
By Andrew Walden @ 11:27 AM :: 7220 Views :: National News, Ethics

The Burlington, Vermont School District does not give students a day off to commemorate the September 11 attacks, but on Friday, September 10, 2010 Burlington schools will close early for the weekend to celebrate an Islamic Feast.

Chaired by once-disbarred lawyer and admitted embezzler Fredrick Lane, the Burlington School Board on March 9 voted 8-1 to add Eid al-Fitr and Yom Kippur to the school calendar starting this Fall.  School officials claim it is all about maximizing attendance....

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Sunday, March 14, 2010
Campaign poster touts: “The Incrdible [sic] Story of Neil Abercrombie”
By Selected News Articles @ 3:01 PM :: 9322 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

Is that nutty poli-sci graduate assistant really running for the U.S. Senate?  The question was asked across the U.H. Campus back in 1970. As this pot-fueled manifesto is testament to, the answer was yes.

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Saturday, March 13, 2010
Am Spectator: Djou Hopes for Hawaiian Surprise
By Selected News Articles @ 10:38 AM :: 11572 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

If a Republican can win in the district representing Obama's birthplace, "then no Democratic seat in the U.S. Congress is safe," Djou said in an interview on Tuesday at a gathering of reporters in downtown Washington, trying to emphasize the significance of his race.

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Friday, March 12, 2010
Obamacare vote count: 189 of 216 needed for House passage
By Heritage Foundation @ 11:48 AM :: 8698 Views :: National News, Ethics

Once Abercrombie quit, the whole House of cards fell down….

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Thursday, March 11, 2010
Hawaii congressional candidate Djou warns against ‘the nutcase in Pyongyang’
By Selected News Articles @ 10:27 PM :: 13180 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics, World News, Family


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Thursday, March 11, 2010
Heritage: $50B Wall Street slush fund would make TARP permanent
By Heritage Foundation @ 10:54 AM :: 4658 Views :: National News, Ethics

Federal bureaucrats, possibly the FDIC, will be given new "resolution authority" powers backed by a permanent $50 billion slush "resolution fund." If this new power is given to the FDIC, it would be the first time the FDIC's authority was extended beyond the banks that it directly insures. But more importantly, these provisions would establish a permanent TARP - the radioactively unpopular $700 billion Wall Street bail out slush fund.

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010
School Vouchers: The Up or Down Vote Our Country Really Deserves
By Heritage Foundation @ 10:40 PM :: 4390 Views :: National News, Ethics

While Democrats are trying to create the legislative text for President Obama's "new" health care proposal, Senate Democrats are also pushing to include student lending provisions in the reconciliation bill. What does student lending have to do with health care you might ask? Nothing. But the Senate routinely attaches seemingly unrelated matters to must-pass legislation.

That is what makes Majority Leader Harry Reid's (D-NV) refusal to honor Sen. Joe Lieberman's (I-CT) request to offer an amendment funding the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program (DCOSP) to the American Workers, State and Business Relief Act so transparently hypocritical.

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Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Obamacare: Dead Legislation Walking
By Heritage Foundation @ 1:07 PM :: 4518 Views :: National News, Ethics

As we pointed out last week, there is one not-so-minor difference between the Senate bill and the President's new proposal: the Senate bill actually exists. Now, Democrats may be telling their conservative counterparts that they will have reconciliation legislative text in front of the Budget Committee by tomorrow, but don't hold your breath.

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Monday, March 8, 2010
Sessions: Obama 9th Circuit Nominee “believes the Constitution is something judges can manipulate”
By Selected News Articles @ 9:09 PM :: 8224 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

Ed Whelan, a one-time clerk to Justice Antonin Scalia and now president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, echoed those concerns.

“Liu believes that judges have the authority to impose their views … using clever verbal camouflage to disguise what they’re doing.”

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Monday, March 8, 2010
Iraqi Democracy: A First Step Toward Freedom in the Middle East
By Heritage Foundation @ 12:45 PM :: 7498 Views :: National News, Ethics, World News, Family

Despite as many as 100 explosions which killed at least 38 people in Baghdad, Iraqis defied a desperate insurgency yesterday and turned out in strong numbers to choose a new Parliament. According to The New York Times, "turnout was higher than expected, and certainly higher than in the last parliamentary election in 2005. ... Sunnis who largely boycotted previous elections voted in force, and an intense competition for Shiite votes drove up participation in Baghdad and the south." The NYT went on to describe the election as "arguably the most open, most competitive election in the nation’s long history of colonial rule, dictatorship and war."

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Sunday, March 7, 2010
Was the Pentagon Shooter an Obama-approved Pothead?
By Selected News Articles @ 8:32 PM :: 4770 Views :: National News, Ethics

Bedell was not only a heavy marijuana user and had been busted for possession and growing the drug, but dedicated much of his life to glorifying the substance.

He had declared cannabis "to be one of the most useful plants known to humanity" and said that he looked forward to the day when "billions and billions of carefully cultivated, highly valuable cannabis plants [are] growing throughout the United States with complete security of property." He said he envisioned "the use of cannabis as a monetary system."

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Sunday, March 7, 2010
American al Qaeda captured in Pakistan: Not Gadahn
By Selected News Articles @ 2:01 PM :: 7870 Views :: National News, Ethics, World News, Family

CBS News: U.S.-Born al Qaeda Arrest News Incorrect--Confusion Over Militant's Identity Sparked Reports of Gadahn Arrest; Some Media Say It is Another U.S.-Born Terrorist 

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Friday, March 5, 2010
36,000 more unemployed: So, How's That Pivot to Jobs Going?
By Heritage Foundation @ 11:28 AM :: 4738 Views :: National News, Ethics

If out economy is losing fewer jobs this time, then why is our unemployment rate so much higher under President Obama's stewardship of the economy? The answer: job creation. Or actually the lack thereof. Back to the BLS data: through the first six quarters of the 2001 recession 47.6 million jobs were created, while only 40.3 million jobs have been created through the second quarter of 2009. That's a 7.9 million jobs gap.

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Thursday, March 4, 2010
Heritage: Obamacare's Kabuki End Game
By Heritage Foundation @ 2:27 PM :: 5328 Views :: National News, Ethics

There is one huge difference between the Senate bill and what the President kept referring to as my/our proposal: the Senate bill actually exists. For all the talk in Washington about Democrats in the Senate using reconciliation to pass a final version of Obamacare, one key fact has been overlooked: no reconciliation bill exists. Not in the House. Not in the Senate. Nowhere. It simply has not yet been written, and there are plenty of reasons to believe it never will.

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Thursday, March 4, 2010
Will Hawaii take TWO House votes away from Senate Obamacare?
By Selected News Articles @ 1:21 PM :: 8250 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

Neil Abercrombie has finally stepped up to do something great for the American people—he resigned.  Rep. Mazie Hirono has pledged not to support the Senate version of Obamacare because it is not socialist enough for her taste.  So with your help, Hirono can stand strong in her rejection of Senate Obamacare (which is a huge giveaway to insurance companies) and Hawaii will produce a double win for freedom, justice and the American Way.

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Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Obamacare: No Votes Until the People Speak
By Heritage Foundation @ 10:14 AM :: 4662 Views :: National News, Ethics

On March 5th of last year, firefighter Travis Ulerick, of Dublin, Indiana, introduced President Barack Obama at a White House summit on health care. Upon hearing the first rumblings of dissent about the President's plan, Ulerick tells USA Today he thought at the time: "I definitely think it's going to have to be a huge consensus."

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Akaka Tribe “eligibility guidelines are essentially meaningless”
By Selected News Articles @ 6:05 PM :: 6639 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

While still fixated on race, national commentators are getting a little closer to understanding that the Akaka Bill will create a tribe which has nothing to do with representing Native Hawaiians.  Here are the latest examples of the conflicting description of the Akaka Bill as “race based” and the realization that because it has no blood quantum, the Akaka Tribe—or is it the Abercrombie Tribe--will exclude the vast majority of Native Hawaiians while admitting non-Hawaiians who just happen to be property developers.

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Warren Buffett: Scrap Senate Obamacare Bill
By Heritage Foundation @ 12:45 PM :: 5537 Views :: National News, Ethics

Obama promised to “cut taxes for 95% of workers and their families,” expand the Army by 65,000 and the Marines by 27,000, and enact “a net spending cut” for the federal government. Obama promised lower taxes, a strong defense and shrinking the size of government. No wonder independents in nine states that went for President George Bush in 2000 and 2004 switched their vote to Obama in 2008 (CO, FL, IN, IA, NV, NM, NC, OH and VA). But now those independents are beginning to reassess. Public Policy Polling (a liberal polling firm) notes that Obama now has a negative approval rating in every state that he flipped from the Bush column to his in 2008.

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Monday, March 1, 2010
Abercrombie farewell gift: “redistribute an entire state's wealth” --WSJ
By Selected News Articles @ 1:01 PM :: 8626 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

In an effort to dispel concerns that the creation of a race-based tribe violates the Constitution's Equal Protection Clause, Mr. Abercrombie added a six-page list of membership criteria that could include non-Hawaiian state residents. But the provision contains a self-destruct clause—as soon as the tribe is officially recognized, it can extend and deny membership based on any criteria it sees fit.

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Monday, March 1, 2010
Climategate: Al Gore Speaks, The Edifice Falls
By Heritage Foundation @ 11:06 AM :: 7533 Views :: National News, Ethics, World News, Family

The latest attempt to force the U.S. economy to turn away from readily available, affordable fuels and leaving it to the tender mercies of untried, experimental and expensive technologies is a bipartisan effort by Sens. John Kerry (D-MA), Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Joseph Lieberman (I-CT). A legislative package from them, according to The Washington Post on Saturday, would individually cap how much traditional energy the main pillars of the American economy would be able to use. This would of course cripple our economy....

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Sunday, February 28, 2010
Pohakuloa: Double defeat for anti-DU scammers
By Andrew Walden @ 5:14 PM :: 17895 Views :: Hawaii County , Akaka Bill, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics, World News, Family

Big Island elected officials arriving to meet with Army representatives at Pohakuloa Training Area got a eye-opening surprise Wednesday morning  In addition to the usual gaggle of anti-Semites and 9-11 trooothers protesting against the military, they were greeted at the front gate by a dozen Big Island residents rallying to support the troops.

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Sunday, February 28, 2010
TEA Party movement celebrates first anniversary
By News Release @ 12:48 AM :: 10340 Views :: National News, Ethics

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Saturday, February 27, 2010
Djou, Aiona, Lingle joined by Karl Rove to rally 1000 at Hawaii Lincoln Day dinner
By News Release @ 1:38 AM :: 8838 Views :: National News, Ethics

Hawai'i traditionally hosts the largest Lincoln Day Dinner in the nation.  Attendees heard from Charles Djou, Candidate for Congress, Lt. Governor Duke Aiona and Governor Linda Lingle.  The keynote speaker was Karl Rove, former Senior Advisor and Deputy Chief of Staff to President George W. Bush. 

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Saturday, February 27, 2010
VIDEO: Environmentalists allowing millions of barrels of oil to leak into ocean off California
By Heritage Foundation @ 1:18 AM :: 5558 Views :: National News, Ethics

Stop Oil Seeps California has a documentary on the problem of natural oil seepage, which, according to the Natural Resource Council, is a far bigger source of oil emissions into the ocean than man-made oil spills. Allen’s group contends that along with more drilling for oil would come more control over these natural seepages. Their film, which was screened this week at The Heritage Foundation, is called A Crude Reality.

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Friday, February 26, 2010
Heritage: Someone Needs to Tell the President His Health Care Plan is Dead
By Heritage Foundation @ 2:15 PM :: 5153 Views :: National News, Ethics

The day before yesterday's White House health care summit, Sen. Kent Conrad (D-ND) told reporters: "The only way this works is for the House to pass the Senate bill and then, depending on what the package is, the reconciliation provision that moves first through the House and then comes here." When Conrad was reminded that Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has repeatedly insisted that the House will not pass the Senate bill until the Senate passes a second bill that fixes the first, Conrad replied: "Fine, then it's dead."

This was the dynamic that President Barack Obama was trying to alter with his eventually-seven-hour meeting. And judging by pretty much every major news outlet, he completely failed.

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Thursday, February 25, 2010
Statements: Abercrombie, Hanabusa back new Akaka Bill over Governor’s objections
By News Release @ 12:58 PM :: 8758 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

First Congressional District candidate Colleen Hanabusa praised the U.S. House of Representatives today for approving H.R. 2314, the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act of 2009.

Also Abercrombie floor speech, news release and media roundup of coverage on Akaka bill.

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Thursday, February 25, 2010
Heritage: A Sham of a Summit for a Sham of a Bill
By Heritage Foundation @ 12:15 PM :: 5183 Views :: National News, Ethics

Today's White House-sponsored health care summit is an insult to the intelligence of every honest American. President Barack Obama's communications minions are still trying sell his plan as an "opening bid" in the health care debate. But as Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus asks: "With whom is he bidding?

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Hawaii Congressional special election “expected” for Saturday, May 22--Djou "ready"
By Selected News Articles @ 10:36 PM :: 15494 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

The election will be mail-in with a proposed ballot deadline of Saturday, May 22, 2010.  This tentative date is included in bid sheets issued or voting equipment by the Hawaii Office of Elections. 

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Doc Hastings: “Rewritten Akaka Bill strikes at the heart of the State of Hawaii’s authority”
By News Release @ 1:11 PM :: 9469 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

There’s nothing more troubling about the House voting on a fundamentally rewritten bill than the position made public by the Governor of Hawaii.  Something is very wrong when that Governor, a longtime vocal advocate of Native Hawaiian recognition, feels compelled to issue a statement last night, that she can’t support the rewritten bill.

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Doc Hastings: Hawaii deserves to vote, not just Congress
By News Release @ 12:57 PM :: 7075 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

Fifty-one years ago, 94.3 percent of Hawaiian residents voted to join the United States of America, surely this Congress owes the citizens of the State of Hawaii the ability to cast their vote on whether or not to create a new race-based governing body within their own state.  Hawaii voted to join the union as one unified state, if Congress is going to divide them, then the people of the State of Hawaii deserve to have their say.

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Heritage: President Obama's "Pro-Business" Policies Are Killing the Free Market
By Heritage Foundation @ 12:39 PM :: 5612 Views :: National News, Ethics

The President told BusinessWeek: "[T]he irony is, is that on the left we are perceived as being in the pockets of Big Business. And then on the business side, we are perceived as being anti-business."

What the President fails to understand is that there is no irony here. It is entirely consistent for big government policies that favor select and politically connected big corporations to hurt the economy as a whole.

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010
DeMint: “I will use all the tools available in the Senate to ensure that Akaka Bill does not become law”
By News Release @ 12:12 PM :: 9117 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

"The House vote this evening is deeply disappointing.  We should stand together in opposition to racially divisive and discriminatory laws like this. The Native Hawaiian bill is unconstitutional and violates the national unity of E Pluribus Unum.  I will use all the tools available in the Senate to ensure that this bill does not become law."

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Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Akaka Bill passes House 245-164
By Selected News Articles @ 7:20 PM :: 11227 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

Akaka Bill passes House (again).  Passage in Senate is doubtful as several GOP Senators have placed "holds" on bill or have pledged to do so.

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Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Can They Make Obamacare Worse? Yes They Can!
By Heritage Foundation @ 1:12 PM :: 5477 Views :: National News, Ethics

Flacking for President Barack Obama's "new" health care plan, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters assembled for yesterday's press briefing: "The president posted ideas of his on the White House website today. We hope Republicans will post their ideas either on their website, or we'd be happy to post them on ours, so that the American people could come to one location and find out the parameters of what will largely be discussed on Thursday." And this might have been a small bit of successful Obama administration gamesmanship on health care and transparency in government except for one small problem: reality. Not only do House Republicans already have their own health care plan, not only is it already available online, but the White House's own website already links to it!

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Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Analysis: Fundamental Changes in Final Text of Native Hawaiian Bill
By News Release @ 12:14 PM :: 8026 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
  • New, Undefined Sovereign Powers
  • Immunity from lawsuits
  • New Membership Criteria
  • Lack of Definitions
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