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Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Hanabusa: "Ed Case not forgiven, should bow out"
By Andrew Walden @ 1:50 PM :: 15918 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

The fight continues over whether Democrats have forgiven former Rep Ed Case (D-HI) for implying Sen Dan Akaka (D-HI) was a feebleminded, ineffectual, ultra liberal during Case's failed 2006 primary campaign.  

Case just before Christmas called upon Senate President Colleen Hanabusa (D-Koolina) to drop out of the race and called her "clueless".  Hanabusa has responded in a December 26 interview with The Hill by calling on Case to drop out and calling him "not forgiven", "not a team player" and "not a consensus builder." 

Hanabusa has drawn Rep Neil Abercrombie into the melee, claiming that he is distancing himself from Case. 

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Monday, December 28, 2009
Pelosi enjoys privacy at Hualalai after Palin is hounded off Maui
By Andrew Walden @ 5:55 PM :: 135765 Views :: Hawaii County , Energy, National News, Ethics

Guarded by US Capitol Police bolstered by officers on loan from the Hawaii County PD, Pelosi is enjoying what Hollywood Reporter calls: "...a picture-perfect stretch of beach on the Big Island's chic Kona Coast....a private Jack Nicklaus-designed golf course and Pahu'ia, an award-winning oceanfront restaurant, $40 million worth of enhancements...20 new suites and ... its lauded Hualalai Spa."

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Monday, December 28, 2009
Heritage: Napolitano's "Idiocy" at heart of Obama's War on Terror
By Heritage Foundation @ 12:21 PM :: 7954 Views :: National News, Ethics, World News, Family

Yet despite the facts that PETN is easily detected and Mr. Abdulmutallab’s father warned the U.S. embassy in Nigeria about his son this November, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano had the audacity to go on television yesterday and say “the system worked” and that the suspect was properly screened. The “system worked?” The 278 passengers on flight 253 could be dead today but for a faulty syringe and the Obama administration considers that a success? That is pure idiocy. Idiocy that is a direct threat to the security of this country and that goes to the heart of the Obama administration’s approach to the war on terror.

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Monday, December 28, 2009
NYT Exposes Obama's secret war in Yemen
By Selected News Articles @ 12:02 PM :: 9989 Views :: National News, Ethics, World News, Family

WASHINGTON — In the midst of two unfinished major wars, the United States has quietly opened a third, largely covert front against Al Qaeda in Yemen.  A year ago, the Central Intelligence Agency sent several of its top field operatives with counterterrorism experience to the country, according a former top agency official. At the same time, some of the most secretive Special Operations commandos have begun training Yemeni security forces in counterterrorism tactics, senior military officers said.

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Monday, December 28, 2009
Confronting the Reality of Homegrown Jihadist Terror in 2009
By IPT News @ 11:25 AM :: 11294 Views :: National News, Ethics, World News, Family

In 2009, homegrown American Islamist terror became impossible to ignore. Two fatal attacks on the U.S. military – one killing an Army recruiter, the other a mass murder of soldiers; an intercepted plot considered the biggest domestic threat since 9/11 and a series of conspiracies to blow up synagogues, office buildings and other targets made 2009 the year homegrown American Islamist terror became a clear, serious threat.

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Friday, December 25, 2009
Jumped by passengers while lighting fuse: Islamist fails to blow up Detroit-bound flight Christmas Day
By Selected News Articles @ 6:06 PM :: 12379 Views :: National News, Ethics, World News, Family

Syed Jafry of Holland, Mich., a U.S. citizen who had flown from the United Arab Emirates, emerged from the airport and said he was a passenger on the flight. He said people ran out of their seats to tackle the man.

Jafry was sitting in the 16th row when he heard "a pop and saw some smoke and fire." Then, he said, “a young man behind me jumped on him.”

Jafry said there was a little bit of commotion for about 10 to 15 minutes.

He said the way passengers responded made him proud to be an American.

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Friday, December 25, 2009
Christmas 1776: The Providential Gift of America
By Heritage Foundation @ 1:51 PM :: 5516 Views :: National News, Ethics

On Christmas Day, 1776, a small band of colonial forces under the command of Gen. George Washington, having retreated all the way from New York, again crossed the Delaware River and brought battle at Trenton, New Jersey. Washington not only won the battle but regained the initiative and turned the war in the patriots’ favor. One week later, Washington defeated the British at Princeton and forced the enemy to withdraw, preventing its advance on Philadelphia, seat of the Continental Congress.

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Friday, December 25, 2009
Exterminated: Ft Hood shooter's favorite Imam?
By IPT News @ 12:18 AM :: 11059 Views :: National News, Ethics, World News, Family

KELLY WRIGHT: Well, two sources telling Fox News that U.S. intelligence believes a radical Muslim preacher with ties to the suspected Fort Hood shooter is likely dead after an airstrike this morning on Yemen. Yemeni authorities still working to confirm what took place and that Anwar Al-Awlaki was killed along with 29 other militants at a suspected Al Qaeda hideout.

The American-born imam [is] believed to have corresponded with suspected Fort Hood shooter, Nidal Hasan, before the mass shooting at Fort Hood back on November 5th.

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Thursday, December 24, 2009
Senate's Gift to America: A lump of Obamacare
By Andrew Walden @ 12:15 PM :: 7225 Views :: National News, Ethics

This morning just after 7 AM EST, the United States Senate passed, again on a straight party-line vote, President Barack Obama’s health insurance bill. Originally scheduled for a 9 PM vote tonight, the bill’s Senate passage is a welcome Christmas gift for a beleaguered White House. However, as the First Family jets off for Hawaii, the American people, liberals, moderates, and conservatives are all saying this bill is closer to a lump of coal in their stocking than real health care reform.

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Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Obamacare’s Constitutional Problems Proliferating: Senate vote today lays groundwork for court challenge
By Heritage Foundation @ 1:19 PM :: 5397 Views :: National News, Ethics

The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) wrote in 1994: “A mandate requiring all individuals to purchase health insurance would be an unprecedented form of federal action. The government has never required people to buy any good or service as a condition of lawful residence in the United States.”

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Tuesday, December 22, 2009
DJOU: GOP Pick-up in Obama Country? (Human Events)
By Selected News Articles @ 11:22 AM :: 12156 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

The first special U.S. House election of 2010 will be held in the 1st District (Honolulu) of the state that claims Barack Obama as a native son. And this is what makes the upcoming contest most interesting: It could well be won by a Republican.

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Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Six Key Issues the House Must Cave On Before Obamacare Becomes Law
By Heritage Foundation @ 10:44 AM :: 5546 Views :: National News, Ethics

This morning at around 8 AM, the Senate passed, again on a straight party-line vote, Majority Leader Harry Reid’s (D-NV) manager’s amendment to the Senate’s version of Obamacare. This keeps the Senate on pace to pass the bill at 9 PM on Christmas Eve despite the fact that Americans overwhelmingly opposed the legislation. But even after the Senate gives President Barack Obama his $2.5 trillion Christmas present, the bill, assuming it is to be considered in regular order, still must go through a House and Senate conference.

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Monday, December 21, 2009
Ed Case announces candidacy -- for SENATE: Calls Hanabusa clueless
By Andrew Walden @ 10:04 PM :: 14902 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

Interviewed by The Hill, December 18 Case says: "I’ve never ruled out the Senate.  If there is that opportunity, I’m not going to sit here at the end of 2009 and say I’m not going to be a candidate.”

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Monday, December 21, 2009
Heritage: The Health Care Fight Has Just Begun
By Heritage Foundation @ 8:36 PM :: 5748 Views :: National News, Ethics

This bill will only make every single problem with our health care system worse: higher spending, higher deficits, and worse care. Former-Democratic National Committee Chair Howard Dean said on Meet the Press yesterday, “[This bill] simply sets us on a track in this country which is expensive and where we’re going to have lots more political fights.” Dean is dead on. President Barack Obama’s signature on this health care bill settles nothing: it is only the beginning of a much larger health care fight.

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Monday, December 21, 2009
One down, two to go: Obamacare passes first cloture vote 60-40
By Heritage Foundation @ 12:56 AM :: 13763 Views :: National News, Ethics

A cloture vote limits debate to 30 hours.  The next vote can be held as early as 7am (EST) Tuesday morning (2AM HST).  A third vote would be held thirty hours later at 1PM (EST) Wednesday (8AM HST) followed by the final vote, which requires only a simple majority at roughly 7PM (EST) Christmas Eve (2PM HST).  Each of the two remaining cloture votes requires that all 60 Democrats show up.  If one Democrat misses the vote or changes his vote, the entire bill fails.

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Saturday, December 19, 2009
Obamacare Senate Vote 1AM Monday -- Reid still short on votes?
By News Release @ 1:31 PM :: 5498 Views :: National News, Ethics

FreedomWorks has learned that it is Reid's intention to bring up the decisive cloture vote for the Left’s proposed government takeover of America’s health care system at 1:00 AM (EST) Monday Morning  (8PM HST).

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Friday, December 18, 2009
Human Events: Only 34 Percent of Hawaii Supports Akaka Bill
By Selected News Articles @ 4:42 PM :: 9985 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

With President Bush no longer wielding a veto and a Hawaiian in the White House, Democrats would need to stumble badly to botch the passage of the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act. Fortunately for conservatives, that's exactly what's happening.

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Friday, December 18, 2009
Show me the money: The Hugo Chavez Case for Cap and Trade
By Heritage Foundation @ 11:09 AM :: 7739 Views :: National News, Ethics, World News, Family

Throughout the conference, one of the biggest obstacles to an agreement was the insistence of developing nations that rich countries sign a binding treaty that included a large transfer of wealth to the developing world. If there were any doubts that wealth distribution was at the heart of climate cap-and-trade agreements, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Hugo Chavez put them to rest when he delivered his anti-capitalist diatribe that drew thunderous applause from the convention’s delegates Wednesday....

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Thursday, December 17, 2009
Senate Indian Affairs Committee passes amended Akaka Bill--could exclude majority of Hawaiians from Tribe
By Andrew Walden @ 7:21 PM :: 10604 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

Like the failed House amendments, the new version of S1011 creates a previously unknown category of "Qualified Native Hawaiian Constituents" which will exclude tens of thousands of Native Hawaiians from membership in the Akaka Tribe while at the same time opening the doors to people who are not ethnically Hawaiian.  It is likely that the vast majority of Hawaiians living outside of Hawaii will be excluded from becoming the Akaka Tribe under the rules laid down in Section 12 of the S1011.

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Thursday, December 17, 2009
Senate Indian Affairs Committee to hear Akaka Bill at 9:15AM HST
By Andrew Walden @ 11:31 AM :: 8134 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

Will Dan Akaka introduce the existing version of S1011 or will he introduce a new version of S1011 modeled on the version of HR2314 which blew up in Neil Abercrombie's face yesterday?    

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Thursday, December 17, 2009
Obamacare: Conservatives, leftists unite against the Individual Mandate
By Heritage Foundation @ 11:09 AM :: 5475 Views :: National News, Ethics

Explaining why he would vote against the Senate version of Obamacare if he were a Senator, former-Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean told MSNBC last night: “You’re going to be forced to buy health insurance from a company that is going to take on average of 27% of your money … and there is no choice about that. If you don’t buy that insurance you are going to get a fine.” For this heresy, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs suggested Dean was irrational....

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Howard Dean Is Right, This Is Not Health Care Reform
By Heritage Foundation @ 5:34 PM :: 5165 Views :: National News, Ethics

This is essentially the collapse of health care reform in the United States Senate. And, honestly, the best thing to do right now is kill the Senate bill and go back to the House … You have the vast majority of Americans want the choices, they want real choices. They don’t have them in this bill. This is not health care reform and it’s not close to health care reform.

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Rejected: Akaka rewrite blows up in Abercrombie's face--but original version passes
By News Release @ 4:21 PM :: 11422 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

At the outset of the hearing, Republicans expressed their fundamental constitutional concerns with this effort to create a separate governing entity for Native Hawaiians, and served full notice to Committee Democrats that we intended to use every House rule and parliamentary tool available to us to insist our concerns be heard.  Until Representative Abercrombie stated his intentions to not push forward the proposed changes, Republicans demonstrated their dedication to using all tools available to them.

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Hearing stalls as Democrats attempt Markup of rewritten Akaka Bill
By Andrew Walden @ 1:19 PM :: 9851 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

Over the years, they’ve both traveled here to Washington, D.C. and testified to Congress in favor of the original text of the bill.  Now that the bill has been substantially rewritten behind closed doors, they’ve been compelled to send a five-page letter expressing opposition to the proposed changes the Committee is scheduled to consider today.  The Attorney General and Governor have only had the full text of the proposed changes for a matter of, literally, hours. Postponing until February 24th will allow them time to fully review the changes and have their concerns understood and considered by this Committee.

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Live Webcast: House Natural Resources Committee hearings on the Akaka Bill
By Andrew Walden @ 2:17 AM :: 11064 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

The live webcasts will begin approximately 10 minutes prior to the start of the hearing.  Hearing begins at 5AM HST (10AM EST) Weds December 16.

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Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Zogby: Majority of Hawaii voters against Akaka Bill
By News Release @ 8:15 PM :: 12558 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

A new poll of registered Hawaii voters, conducted by Zogby International, has found that a majority of those surveyed oppose the Akaka Bill. The poll was conducted from November 18 to 23, 2009.  Zogby International surveyed more than 500 registered voters in Hawaii.

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Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Did Inouye Lie? National Review confirms "Akaka Bill Sneak Attack" claim
By Selected News Articles @ 5:43 PM :: 11712 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

For years (since 1999), Daniel Akaka has been trying to make the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act law. On Friday afternoon, the minority on the House Natural Resources Committee got word that there will be a mark-up on it on Wednesday. Apparently there's an agreement on the bill, but Republicans on the committee haven't seen it.  The Hill rumor is that Democrats plan to attach Akaka to the Department of Defense funding bill before this session ends — basically, sneaking it in at a busy, contentious time of year to avoid full debate.

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Tuesday, December 15, 2009
House Republicans call for Akaka Bill to be removed from Markup
By News Release @ 5:12 PM :: 11693 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

Early last week, an agreement was reached with the Democrat Majority that Wednesday’s markup would consist of non-controversial bills that could be considered quickly.  Democrats issued notice on Friday that the Native Hawaiian bill would be added.  The Majority has had no communication with Republicans regarding this legislation since they canceled a markup on this bill without explanation in early July....


The magnitude of the changes being proposed deserve careful consideration and an opportunity for all those who may be impacted, especially the people and elected leaders of the State of Hawaii, to properly review the rewritten text.  The proposed changes have only been available to the Republican side of the Committee for a matter of days, and the State of Hawaii has had the full text of the proposed changes for only a matter of hours.

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Tuesday, December 15, 2009
HSTA playbook copied: NY Teachers unions also sabotage efforts to win "Race to the Top" dollars
By Selected News Articles @ 12:05 PM :: 10677 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

New York’s stubborn resistance to the data revolution not only harms the education our children receive; it leaves hundreds of millions of federal dollars on the table during a massive budget crunch. The Obama administration’s Race to the Top grant competition will distribute $4.35 billion to states that pursue modern education reforms. According to the competition’s rules, however, any state with a law that prohibits the use of test-score data to evaluate teachers is immediately disqualified from consideration. A state’s application also becomes more attractive under the guidelines if its data set matches students to teachers. Currently, New York fails on both counts.

And so does Hawaii....

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Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Copenhagen: They Can’t Even Run A Conference, Let Alone the Global Economy
By Heritage Foundation @ 11:44 AM :: 7267 Views :: National News, Ethics, World News, Family

The climate treaty negotiations inside Copenhagen’s Bella Center at the United Nations Climate Change Conference ground to a halt yesterday when the G-77, the largest group of developing nations, walked out. These poorer nations demanded that richer nations sign a treaty that includes a large transfer of wealth to the developing world to compensate for the developed world’s historical contribution to global warming. The G-77 countries ended their walkout after less than two hours, perhaps because global warming has had no apparent impact on December Copenhagen temperatures.

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Monday, December 14, 2009
The Battle Over Obamacare’s Obituary Has Begun
By Heritage Foundation @ 12:41 PM :: 5273 Views :: National News, Ethics

Obamacare is not dead yet. Speaker Pelosi has signaled that she will quickly pass anything that comes out of the Senate, so Reid could still cave on almost everything and get a terrible bill from everybody’s prospective on the President’s desk by New Years. But Senators thinking about moving quickly should remember that the public strongly opposes this bill, and that opposition is only rising.

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Monday, December 14, 2009
Cayetano: Hanabusa's Broken Trust connections lead to Ko Olina
By Andrew Walden @ 12:09 PM :: 50052 Views :: Democratic Party, Ethics, Hawaii History, Politicians


SB Photo 1999: Jeff Stone's sister Mari Stone Wong and his then-brother-in-law, ousted Bishop Estate Trustee Dickie Wong, needn`t be as worried as they look--they're on trial in the courtroom of Judge Michael Town.

About Hanabusa's 2002 push for developer Jeff Stone to receive $75 million in Ko Olina tax credits, Cayetano writes:

"As I watched all of this, I wondered if there were any legislators who had the guts to ask the hard questions.  There was not a peep from the Democrats--or from conservative Republicans like Slom and Hemmings who had made careers in opposing social programs for the needy, or from young legislators who were learning quickly the politics of "going along to get along."  The only legislators who raised questions about the credibility of Stone's claims were Republicans Charles Djou of O`ahu and Jim Rath of Kona, Hawai`i."

If Hanabusa enters the congressional race and defeats Democrat Ed Case in the Primary, she will face off with Charles Djou in the General Election next November.

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Sunday, December 13, 2009
Sovereignty activists protest Akaka Bill "Sneak Attack" -- Bill could be inserted into "must pass" legislation
By Selected News Articles @ 10:00 PM :: 11873 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics


  • WHEN – MONDAY, DECEMBER 14th @ 7 AM to 9 AM
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Saturday, December 12, 2009
Akaka Bill to be voted by House and Senate Committees
By Andrew Walden @ 12:44 AM :: 10918 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

On Wednesday December 16 Abercrombie's House Natural Resources subcommittee will vote on HR 2314, the "Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act of 2009" better known as the Akaka Bill.  The committee will meet at 10AM EST (5AM HST) in room 1324 Longworth.

The following day at 2:15PM EST (9:15AM HST) the Senate Indian Affairs Committee, meeting in Dirksen room 628, is scheduled to vote on the companion bill--S1011.  The vote had been originally scheduled for December 9 but has been rescheduled to the 17th. 

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Friday, December 11, 2009
CBO report questions constitutionality of Obamacare
By Heritage Foundation @ 7:30 PM :: 4779 Views :: National News, Ethics

A mandate requiring all individuals to purchase health insurance would be an unprecedented form of federal action. The government has never required people to buy any good or service as a condition of lawful residence in the United States. An individual mandate would have two features that, in combination, would make it unique. First, it would impose a duty on individuals as members of society. Second, it would require people to purchase a specific service that would be heavily regulated by the federal government.

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Friday, December 11, 2009
Your family could owe $187,000 federal debt
By Heritage Foundation @ 10:11 AM :: 4708 Views :: National News, Ethics

Next week Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is expected to attach a provision to the Department of Defense appropriations bill that would increase our national debt limit by $1.925 trillion. This debt limit raise would authorize the U.S. Treasury to borrow as much as $14 trillion, which is 30% higher than the $10.8 trillion limit that was in place when President Barack Obama took office.

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Thursday, December 10, 2009
Chicago Muslim charged in Danish cartoon attacks, Mumbai bombing
By IPT News @ 9:05 AM :: 8779 Views :: National News, Ethics, World News, Family

Headley originally was arrested in October on charges he planned attacks on high profile targets in Denmark and India that included the Danish newspaper facilities of Jyllands-Posten, the Danish newspaper and its employees. The new charges filed in the Northern District of Illinois accuse Headley, an American citizen born in Pakistan, of helping facilitate last year's deadly Mumbai attacks that killed approximately 170 people, including six Americans, and injured hundreds.

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Thursday, December 10, 2009
REPORT: Washington, DC Muslim Student Assoc President joins jihadi terrorists in Pakistan
By IPT News @ 8:27 AM :: 8215 Views :: National News, Ethics, World News, Family

A Pakistani newspaper reports the arrest of five foreign nationals after a raid in a town called Sargodha. The raid took place at the home of a member of the Jaish-e-Muhammad, a Pakistani movement designated as a terrorist group by the U.S. Treasury Department in 2001.  According to the report, "The DPO told that these people had been living in Sargodha since Nov 30 and it was quite a possibility that they were engaged in acts of terrorism."

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Wednesday, December 9, 2009
UNRAVELING: denounces Democrats' health care deal
By News Release @ 7:56 PM :: 7873 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

HEALTH DEAL UNRAVELING:  This fight isn't over yet, no matter how many times the media tries to declare the death of the public option. It'd only take one or two senators to unravel this deal, and progressive senators Russ Feingold and Bernie Sanders both indicated last night that their support can't be taken for granted.   ( sad...)

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Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Democrats Reach Deal on Health Plan? Don’t believe it
By Heritage Foundation @ 1:21 PM :: 4458 Views :: National News, Ethics

If you are one of the few Americans who still subscribes, your morning newspaper probably has a headline like this: Democrats Reach Deal on Health Plan. Don’t believe it.  Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) is still light years away from producing the 60 votes necessary to pass Obamacare out of the Senate. And the few details that have leaked out about this new “broad agreement” only reveal just how desperate Reid is to get any bill on to President Obama’s desk by the New Year.

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Wednesday, December 9, 2009
OPM Director: Agency not up to task of running public option health program
By News Release @ 1:07 PM :: 4506 Views :: National News, Ethics

“Former OPM Director Linda Springer told FederalNewsRadio it will literally take an act of Congress to pull that off. ‘I flat out think that OPM doesn't have the capacity to do this type of role,’ said Springer. ‘Furthermore, I don't believe that OPM has the statutory authority to do it as well. But on both those counts, I don't think it would be a good call….”’

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009
WSJ: Senators Strike Health Deal (Deal struck on backs of Doctors, Hospitals)
By Selected News Articles @ 9:44 PM :: 4817 Views :: National News, Ethics

Sen. John Barrasso (R., Wyo.) said expanding Medicare "is putting more people in a boat that's already sinking."  The American Medical Association said it opposes expanding Medicare because doctors face steep pay cuts under the program and many Medicare patients are struggling to find a doctor. Hospitals also said expanding Medicare and Medicaid is a bad idea.

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009
EPA now regulates your breath
By Heritage Foundation @ 8:57 PM :: 6930 Views :: National News, Ethics, World News, Family

Yesterday, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) declared carbon dioxide to be a dangerous pollutant under the Clean Air Act, granting itself authority for an enormous, unprecedented regulatory undertaking that would greatly expand the EPA’s power. Because 85 percent of the U.S. economy operates on fossil fuel, the EPA would essentially have the ability to regulate every aspect of life in America – and it would be able to enact draconian climate-change policies without any accountability to American voters.

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Monday, December 7, 2009
The Copenhagen Climate Comedy
By Heritage Foundation @ 7:07 PM :: 7375 Views :: National News, Ethics, World News, Family

Plutocrats from around the world have marshaled over 1,200 limos and 140 private planes to travel to and around Copenhagen over the next two weeks. When they are not participating in the world’s oldest profession, conferees will be negotiating over a successor treaty to the 1997 Kyoto Protocol which obligated most developed nations to reduce their greenhouse emissions by 5 percent below 1990 baseline levels by 2012.

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Sunday, December 6, 2009
HSTA using furloughs to keep “Race to the Top” dollars—and reform--out of Hawaii schools
By Andrew Walden @ 3:25 PM :: 13741 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics

The HSTA has conspired with the DoE and BoE to make the furloughs as damaging as possible in order to put Hawaii schools so far out of the competition that the Hawaii Legislature will see no point in trying to enact the education reforms which could help win “Race to the Top” funding.

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Saturday, December 5, 2009
A Third "Stimulus": The Definition of Economic Insanity
By Heritage Foundation @ 1:25 PM :: 4513 Views :: National News, Ethics

Undeterred by the complete failure of their past job creation efforts, leading leftist luminaries are again calling on the liberal majorities in Congress and President Obama to approve billions more in government spending for a third stimulus. Yesterday, President Obama hosted a “jobs summit” where academics, union leaders, and select big business leaders made their pitch for government largess. Among the ideas reported: Teamsters leader James Hoffa called for higher barriers to trade, President Obama insisted that all future aid to states go to preserving government jobs and not tax cuts, and others pushed to bring the “success” of Cash for Clunkers to a new Cash for Caulkers program.

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Friday, December 4, 2009
Senate Obamacare debate: A look at the first week's amendments
By Heritage Foundation @ 10:20 PM :: 4628 Views :: National News, Ethics

The Senate began debate on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (H.R.3590) this week. Senators on both sides of the aisle offered amendments to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s huge, 2074 page health care bill. The first votes to take place concerned preventative services for women.

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Thursday, December 3, 2009
The Road to Recovery Begins with the End of Obamacare
By Heritage Foundation @ 2:30 PM :: 7105 Views :: National News, Ethics

Dan DiMicco, CEO of steelmaker Nucor Corp, who told the Wall Street Journal: “Companies large and small are saying, ‘I am not going to do anything until these things — health care, climate legislation — go away or are resolved.’” Or Porta-King CEO Steve Schulte who tells USA Today his company is not investing because “proposals in Congress to tackle climate change and overhaul health care would raise costs.”

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Wednesday, December 2, 2009
McChrystal: 20,000 troops "high risk of failure" -- Obama sends 30,000
By Heritage Foundation @ 12:38 PM :: 8612 Views :: National News, Ethics, World News, Family

During the month of November, while President Barack Obama was dithering on whether or not to embrace General Stanley McChrystal’s strategy for winning in Afghanistan, something unexpected happened in American public opinion on the war. According to Gallup, the American public switched from 42% for and 44% against sending more troops to Afghanistan, to 47% for and only 39% against a troop build up. It is unclear why the American people came to support an increase in troops last month, but it is safe to rule out strong leadership from the White House as the cause. Hopefully the President’s incoherent address to a muted West Point audience will not reverse America’s growing support for victory.

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Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Reaction: "The President has finally made up his mind to confront the Taliban and defeat Islamic radicals"
By News Release @ 4:42 AM :: 11629 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics, World News, Family

A U.S. Army cadet shows off a book that he is reading entitled ...Cadets await speech at West Point

"After vacillating for months, I am happy the President has finally made up his mind to confront the Taliban and defeat Islamic radicals.  This is the right decision and deserves our nation's full support," stated Djou.  "The war in Afghanistan is a fight we must win."

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