Sunday, June 7, 2015 |
Can OHA Keep Na'i Aupuni from Stealing $2.6M?
By Andrew Walden @ 11:01 PM :: 11050 Views :: Akaka Bill, Ethics, Greenmail, OHA
Na'i Aupuni's five directors have close ties to Kana'iolowalu including Pauline Namuo, wife of Roll Commission Executive Director Clyde Namuo....
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Saturday, June 6, 2015 |
Supreme Court Seizes Control of Telescope Case, Will Decide Who Gets Payoffs
By News Release @ 4:38 PM :: 8208 Views :: Greenmail, Higher Education, OHA
Now, appeals from both the TMT and ATST CDUPs are under review by the Hawaiʻi Supreme Court....
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Tuesday, June 2, 2015 |
Communist Party: 'Aloha' best Hollywood feature about Hawaiian sovereignty movement
By Selected News Articles @ 4:10 AM :: 5979 Views :: Greenmail
...The duo has come to ask Kanahele and his group to perform a blessing at a new project's gate. This leads to wheeling and dealing, with Kanahele negotiating a land swap - and cell phone service - in exchange for performing the traditional ceremony....
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Thursday, May 28, 2015 |
Hawaiian 'Aloha' movie foes are 'perpetually aggrieved' 'delicate flowers'
By Selected News Articles @ 4:26 PM :: 6906 Views :: First Amendment, Greenmail
Bumpy Kanahele got paid. Walter Ritte did not. Note to Next movie maker: Pay Ritte and avoid these problems... or don't pay any of them and reap the free publicity.... decisions, decisions....
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Tuesday, December 16, 2014 |
A&B President Elected Chair of Hawaii Nature Conservancy
By News Release @ 9:31 PM :: 9686 Views :: Environment, Development, Greenmail
Benjamin has served on the Hawaiʻi Board since 2007 and has worked closely with Conservancy staff....
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Wednesday, October 2, 2013 |
Mainland Anti-GMO money flooding into Molokai, funding “grassroots” protests
By Selected News Articles @ 2:40 PM :: 6811 Views :: Greenmail, GMOs
Ritte and activist organizations have collected more than a million dollars from anti-GMO advocacy groups on the mainland....
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Monday, August 19, 2013 |
Investors Submit Plan to Reorganize Hokulia Project
By News Release @ 11:47 AM :: 8187 Views :: Hawaii County , Development, Greenmail
A hearing on the plan’s disclosure statement has been scheduled for Sept. 16, 2013....
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Sunday, April 21, 2013 |
How A&B Wins Big From Environmental Litigation
By Andrew Walden @ 3:08 AM :: 14599 Views :: Environment, Development, Greenmail, Land Use
Why would one of the state’s largest developers fund so-called anti-development groups?
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Sunday, January 22, 2012 |
Molokai Video: 160 Officers Outnumber 80 Protesters, Cruise Ship Enters Harbor
By Selected News Articles @ 3:14 PM :: 11226 Views :: Maui County, Greenmail
Tragically, the opportunity to liberate Molokai from Ritte's roving gang of welfare bums has been lost, no arrests were made....
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Saturday, April 9, 2011 |
Abercrombie: State could seize 1/3 of Molokai for Wind Farm
By Selected News Articles @ 3:38 PM :: 12764 Views :: Maui County, Energy, Greenmail
If the Molokai landowner is incapable of participating in a viable plan for the island, the state is willing to exercise its right (sic) to condemn lands for this public (sic) purpose....
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Tuesday, August 31, 2010 |
Sierra Club Vice Chair: “Killing TMT will cause another drop in Sierra Club membership and stature; it is the Superferry all over again”
By News Release @ 1:10 AM :: 12082 Views :: Hawaii County , Greenmail
I am troubled by the anti-TMT attitude. We are about to reward unprecedented respectful and responsible behavior by the TMT project with open opposition and legal action intended to stop construction. Many are saying the Sierra Club is anti-astronomy while others claim that the TMT is caught in the cross-fire of some long standing anti-UH vendetta.
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Sunday, August 8, 2010 |
Individual right to sue for “clean and healthful environment”? State moves for reconsideration
By Robert Thomas @ 10:38 AM :: 8342 Views :: Greenmail
The State argues: ...the Court has made new law that will significantly affect multiple sectors of our community, all levels of state and county government, and countless administrative and judicial proceedings that are pending in the courts and before state and county land use and environmental regulatory agencies."
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Tuesday, July 21, 2009 |
Thirty Meter Telescope Selects Mauna Kea -- Let the looting begin!
By News Release @ 8:41 PM :: 27222 Views :: Hawaii County , Greenmail, Higher Education, OHA

(SB Headline is "GOTCHA!". After OHA's rent-seeking lawsuits begin, it will become more clear what that means. For now everybody is celebrating ....)
HONOLULU – Governor Linda Lingle today praised the decision by the board of directors of the TMT Observatory Corporation to select Mauna Kea as the preferred site for the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT)....
"Having the most advanced telescope in the world on the slopes of Mauna Kea will enhance Hawai‘i’s high-technology sector, while providing our students with education and career opportunities in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields."
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Monday, April 6, 2009 |
Hilo rallies for telescope
By Andrew Walden @ 8:00 PM :: 9005 Views :: Hawaii County , Greenmail
Thursday, April 2, 2009 |
Hawaii Island Chamber of Commerce backs Telescope
By News Release @ 9:02 PM :: 8827 Views :: Hawaii County , Greenmail
The Hawai`i Island Chamber of Commerce, Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Hawaii, and Kanoelehua Industrial Area Association unite to support the passage of the Office of Mauna Kea Management’s (OMKM) Comprehensive Management Plan (CMP). We need the vocal majority to show that we support the plan!
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Tuesday, March 17, 2009 |
Unperplexing Opposition to the Hawaii Superferry
By Andrew Walden @ 7:25 AM :: 20177 Views :: Environment, Greenmail
As Pacific Business News editorialized January 12, the Superferry opposition and obstruction, “continues to perplex us as yet another group of politicians, this time senators from Neighbor Islands, make noise….”
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Tuesday, March 10, 2009 |
Why Hawaii needs $2 million “for the promotion of astronomy”
By Andrew Walden @ 12:35 AM :: 12208 Views :: Greenmail
It was such a simple question. Debating earmarks on the Senate floor, John McCain demanded of Dan Inouye: "We're going to spend $2 million for the promotion of astronomy in Hawaii….Why do we need $2 million to promote astronomy in Hawaii when unemployment is going up and the stock market is tanking?"
Reporters soon determined the $2 million was for the Imiloa Astronomy Center in Hilo, Hawaii. But the usual liberally deficient commentators have proven completely unable to answer the question “why”?
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Tuesday, October 21, 2008 |
Hokuli`a Settlement Exposed
By Andrew Walden @ 11:55 PM :: 18462 Views :: Development, Greenmail
Is the County of Hawai`i subject to secret agreements which direct the passage of future legislation? Is the Legislature? Did the plaintiffs get money?
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Tuesday, October 7, 2008 |
Telescope: The Shakedown begins
By Andrew Walden @ 8:14 PM :: 19366 Views :: Hawaii County , Greenmail, Higher Education, OHA
Some may have thought this problem was settled when activists were given plum jobs at Hilo’s shiny new Imiloa Astronomy center, but shakedown is the foundation of Hawai`i’s so-called economy and when Dan Inouye plops a $1.2 billion money bag on the top of Mauna Kea, the grasping begins.
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Tuesday, September 23, 2008 |
Moloka`i activists seek control of ranch
By Andrew Walden @ 11:31 AM :: 17318 Views :: Maui County, Development, Greenmail
Ritte’s phony “Save La`au” campaign has been falsely portrayed as an anti-development battle, but in reality it is a battle between two competing developers each tied to a different government group.
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Thursday, August 21, 2008 |
Ka`u donations boost Enriques
By Andrew Walden @ 1:11 AM :: 14286 Views :: Hawaii County , Greenmail, OHA, Politicians
After years of thuggery and intimidation by Bob Jacobson’s Ka`u Preservation, Inc supporters, Council District 6 residents are fighting back....
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Thursday, August 7, 2008 |
Puna CDP: Eliminate affordable housing
By Andrew Walden @ 10:21 AM :: 8793 Views :: Hawaii County , Environment, Greenmail, Hawaii Statistics, Cost of Living
Puna is one of the very few places in Hawai`i where young local families can afford to buy their own home and begin life as a family. But environmentalists are working hard to put a stop to the inflow of locals and replicate the success they have had in making Maui and Kaua`i into exclusive havens for rich mainland transplants.
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Saturday, March 22, 2008 |
Molokai Ranch: Protesters to Cash in with Takeover Plan?
By Andrew Walden @ 2:49 PM :: 21720 Views :: Maui County, Agriculture, Greenmail
Molokai’s largest private employer is closing operations. With unemployment already at 7 percent, 120 more Molokai residents (on an island of just over 7,000 residents) are losing their jobs. In a state where politicians pretend to be obsessed with “saving agriculture,” cattle ranching will end on the 1/3 of the island owned by Molokai Ranch.
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Wednesday, June 28, 2006 |
"I Trusted Jim Medeiros"
By Selected News Articles @ 2:37 AM :: 7482 Views :: Hawaii County , Family, Development, Greenmail, Land Use
...That was the biggest mistake I ever made in my life....
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Wednesday, May 3, 2006 |
'Lost Malihini Tribe' and PASH Aim to Take Over County Council
By Andrew Walden @ 6:50 PM :: 13334 Views :: Hawaii County , Greenmail
This contradiction goes to the root of the bizarre political coalition Kona-side. People who were likely conservatives when they lived on the mainland are electing left-wing extremists to the Council. One of their first acts was to install Sierra Club attorney David Frankel as County Legislative Auditor. Frankel had selected Jack Kelly (now PKO Vice-President) as the Sierra Club’s employee to target the Hokulia development. Kelly is one of the four plaintiffs who have demanded $4 million in personal “compensation” from Hokulia according to documents released by Hokulia developer Oceanside 1250.
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Thursday, August 18, 2005 |
Beyond Greenmail: Extortion Becomes Expropriation
By Andrew Walden @ 12:58 PM :: 8104 Views :: Hawaii County , Greenmail, Land Use
The Hokulia case is becoming a bald-faced attempt....
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