Sunday, January 9, 2011 |
UK Lib-Dems push for end of “libel tourism”
By Andrew Walden @ 4:29 PM :: 8679 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics, World News, Family
Threats of libel actions in UK courts were used to silence coverage of the financial connection between Barack Obama, Tony Rezko, and Iraqi ex-Baathist billionaire and lifelong Saddam Hussein associate Nadhmi Auchi during the 2008 campaign. Hawai’i Free Press was one of the few news sources anywhere on Earth willing to defy the threats.
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Saturday, January 8, 2011 |
Djou “Shocked and saddened by shooting of Rep Giffords”
By Rep Charles Djou @ 5:01 PM :: 11643 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
Former Rep. Djou served on the House Armed Services Committee with Rep. Gifford. The two of them co-sponsored the Truth-in-Spending bill in the 111th Congress and co-authored editorials together advocating for restraint in Federal government spending. Djou and Gifford’s bipartisan cooperative relationship was a subject on televised debates in Hawaii and Arizona.
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Friday, January 7, 2011 |
Stalemate Broken: House Republican Caucus backs Calvin Say for Speaker
By Andrew Walden @ 9:10 PM :: 7178 Views :: Energy, Environment
Rep Gene Ward: "The eight of us have heard directly from our constituents, from Oahu to Maui, about the importance of not raising the general excise tax (GET), providing favorable pro-small business initiatives that will create jobs and ensuring improvements are made to state infrastructures."
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Friday, January 7, 2011 |
Rep. Marumoto Bill to mandate DNA collection from arrested suspects
By News Release @ 3:07 PM :: 8264 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment
Honolulu – Representative Barbara Marumoto submitted the following bills for inclusion in the Women’s Caucus Legislative Package.
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Friday, January 7, 2011 |
Hiram Bingham IV, the secret rescuer
By Selected News Articles @ 1:23 PM :: 13322 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics, World News, Family
Did you know that an idealistic U.S. diplomat disobeyed his Washington superiors early in World War II and saved 2,500 Jews in southern France, before Nazis could ship them to death camps?
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Wednesday, January 5, 2011 |
Hanabusa: One Day on the Job, One Broken Promise
By Jonah Ka`auwai @ 11:28 PM :: 11619 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
Rep. Hanabusa and Senator Inouye assured voters last October that she would get a seat on the powerful Appropriation Committee if elected and that has turned out to be nothing more than an empty campaign promise.
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Wednesday, January 5, 2011 |
Djou: Our hard-fought battle allowed the GOP to gain 3-5 additional seats on the mainland
By Rep Charles Djou @ 11:20 PM :: 10796 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
I believe that a vibrant two-party democracy is better at preserving liberty than monolithic one-party rule.
I believe that open and responsive elected officials are better at ensuring an accountable government than an old-boy network.
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Wednesday, January 5, 2011 |
WaPo: Futile, Discouraging, Depressing -- Hanabusa joins the lowest of the low
By Selected News Articles @ 3:39 PM :: 10293 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
"The Congress is the most futile place in the world, and the most discouraging, and the most depressing" for people in this position....
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Wednesday, January 5, 2011 |
Tuesday, January 4, 2011 |
Instant Runoff Voting debunked
By Selected News Articles @ 7:44 PM :: 13734 Views :: Office of Elections
Because voters in the Dec 29 special election for Honolulu County Council Dist 1 elected a Republican, Tom Berg; the billion dollar Progressives at Civil Beat have concluded that the system of elections must be changed, “to prevent such an election in the future.”
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Tuesday, January 4, 2011 |
Birthers “Born Again” thanks to Abercrombie
By Selected News Articles @ 4:20 PM :: 7926 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
That’s some favor Abercrombie did his old pal; he took a non-issue that was as settled as it’s ever going to be and fired it up all over again.
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Tuesday, January 4, 2011 |
$126M Giveaway: Abercrombie quietly boosts spending on Public Employees’ Insurance
By News Release @ 3:50 PM :: 11443 Views :: Energy, Environment
UHPA: After a series of meetings with Governor Abercrombie, a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) was signed on December 23rd, 2010 that increased the employer’s contribution to 60% of the premium costs for the coverage selected by individual public employees.
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Tuesday, January 4, 2011 |
VIDEO: Steele Faces Rivals in RNC Chair Debate
By Video @ 2:23 AM :: 6437 Views :: National News, Ethics
for all their criticism in print and on-line of incumbent Chairman Michael Steele, none of his four opponents in the race (which will be decided at the RNC winter meeting next week) landed a knock-out blow or even roughed up the embattled RNC chief….
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Monday, January 3, 2011 |
Robert Iwamoto trust sued over Maui Ponzi scheme
By Andrew Walden @ 8:31 PM :: 28628 Views :: Hawaii County , Maui County, Ethics, Law Enforcement
Lloyd Kimura, a Democrat donor, gambler, and brother of Hawaii County Prosecutor Jay Kimura, pled guilty December 28 in State Court to operating a multi-million dollar Ponzi scheme known as Maui Industrial Loan & Finance Co. or Maui Finance Co. (MFC). He could face up to 20 years in prison. But Kimura’s admission of guilt is just the beginning....
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Monday, January 3, 2011 |
Calif. EIS shows plastic bag ban harms environment
By Selected News Articles @ 5:59 PM :: 13812 Views :: Kauai County, DHHL, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
Maui’s County-wide plastic bag ban goes into effect January 11, 2011. No EIS has been required. Here’s what they are hiding:
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Monday, January 3, 2011 |
WaPo: Abercrombie “taking the pole position of political surrealism ”
By Selected News Articles @ 2:27 PM :: 9021 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
Hawaii is taking the pole position of political surrealism in the far-flung states. The new governor, Neil Abercrombie, an iconic longhair and college pal of Barack Obama's father, has decided to make knocking down Obama birther conspiracies his top political priority.
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Sunday, January 2, 2011 |
Birther War Year Two: Hey Neil, Don't feed the trolls
By Selected News Articles @ 11:48 AM :: 8720 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
This truism is lost on the ignoramuses at the Seattle Times, who published an editorial this morning applauding newly-elected Governor Neil Abercrombie's declared intention to do something to squelch the conspiracy theory....
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Saturday, January 1, 2011 |
Abercrombie’s Birther War named in top ten Flubs of the Year
By Selected News Articles @ 2:26 PM :: 9455 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
It is easy for Seattle Times editors to cheer on the war effort from comfort of their offices, but many on the front lines are starting to think this is not a winnable war—a quagmire. Some are even calling for negotiations with the birthers.
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Saturday, January 1, 2011 |
Hawaii Land trusts merge to finance grab for thousands more acres
By News Release @ 12:27 PM :: 7284 Views :: Energy, Environment
Currently in active negotiations with landowners on Kauai, Oahu, Maui and Hawaii Island, HILT expects to announce thousands more conservation acres within the first quarter of 2011. The Hawaiian Islands Land Trust central office is based initially on Maui.
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Friday, December 31, 2010 |
AFP: 2011 brings tougher challenge, greater rewards
By News Release @ 5:34 PM :: 6705 Views :: National News, Ethics
At Americans for Prosperity, we're asking you to join us once again as we fight three key public policy battles during the coming year....
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Friday, December 31, 2010 |
Hartford Courant: Who’s Abercrombie kidding?
By Selected News Articles @ 11:47 AM :: 9820 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
In case you’ve been hiding under a rock since just before Christmas, Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie has committed our lives and our treasure to a Sacred Cause. Our New Governor is heroically leading the State in a Holy War to defeat the Diabolical Birthers. On Day Seven of this Fight to the Death, the national and international media continue to react while the local media focuses intently on the price of ahi, hoping against hope that Aoki and Asselbaye will quiet The Abercrombie down and get him to pretend to refocus on the budget or something….
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Thursday, December 30, 2010 |
Thursday, December 30, 2010 |
Rep Djou announces US Service Academy Nominations
By News Release @ 9:09 PM :: 10878 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
Honolulu, HI — Congressman Charles K. Djou (HI-01) personally congratulated selected nominees for respective United States Service Academies at the Prince Kuhio Federal Building today. The following individuals will be nominated by Congressman Charles Djou of Hawaii’s First Congressional District:
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Thursday, December 30, 2010 |
HuffPo: Abercrombie on a fool’s errand
By Selected News Articles @ 3:22 PM :: 11048 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
The new governor of Hawaii, Neil Abercrombie, has big issues to handle, including a substantial budget deficit that threatens to grow exponentially in coming years.
On top of all his headaches, though, Abercrombie has piled on another, bigger conundrum that he says he is committed to resolving.
Yes. He's taking on the birthers.
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Wednesday, December 29, 2010 |
Council on Revenues forecasts $44M more revenue
By News Release @ 11:46 PM :: 6538 Views :: Energy, Environment
Representative Gene Ward (R-Hawaii Kai – Kalama Valley) tonight expressed cautious optimism about the State of Hawai'i’s economic future today following the Council on Revenues' announcement of a projected $44 million increase in general-fund revenues for this fiscal year.
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Wednesday, December 29, 2010 |
GOP: Berg's years of service to community recognized
By Jonah Ka`auwai @ 11:25 PM :: 9106 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment
As many of you know, Tom has proudly represented the values of our party for years as a volunteer in the community, member of the Ewa Neighborhood Board and as a candidate for the State House. His years of dedication and service to his community have clearly been recognized by voters in this Special Election.
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Wednesday, December 29, 2010 |
Republican Tom Berg wins Council Special Election
By Andrew Walden @ 11:18 PM :: 10409 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12
The results are in. With 100% of the votes counted in the all-mail in special election for Honolulu Council District 1, covering Ewa and Leeward Oahu, Republican Tom Berg has been elected.
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Wednesday, December 29, 2010 |
2011 Legislative Agenda: ERS benefits to be slashed, “all eligible members to retire”
By Andrew Walden @ 9:59 PM :: 9426 Views :: Energy, Environment
Hawai has an unfunded pension liability to the government Employees Retirement System estimated by the American Legislative Exchange Council in excess of $5 billion dollars. But a September 9, 2010 Procurement exemption request filed by State vendor KMH LLP suggests that liability will be cut by reducing benefits during the 2011 legislative session.
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Wednesday, December 29, 2010 |
Theme of Prison Audit lifted from Kat Brady commentary
By Andrew Walden @ 9:01 PM :: 11553 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
With the UPW desperately hoping to somehow magically repatriate the Hawaii convicts being held in mainland prisons, State Auditor Marion Higa has graciously obliged with an audit of Hawaii’s private prison contracts....
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Wednesday, December 29, 2010 |
Audit fuels “clinically psychotic” HGEA effort to strangle tax collection
By Andrew Walden @ 8:17 PM :: 16564 Views :: Health Care, Labor, Taxes
The inevitable failure of DOTax to replicate CGI’s tax collection frenzy should cut revenues by about $27M per year. How many government union jobs will be lost or furloughed due to the bumbling HGEA leaders’ choice of targets?
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Wednesday, December 29, 2010 |
Hawaii’s Leftist Governor Seeks Birther Revival
By Andrew Walden @ 3:14 PM :: 11062 Views :: Republican Party, Obama
Birtherism was almost in the grave, but only three weeks into his term, Hawaii’s newly elected Democrat governor Neil Abercrombie is scheming to resurrect it....
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Wednesday, December 29, 2010 |
Abercrombie’s Birther Crusade: Day Five
By Selected News Articles @ 12:22 PM :: 9601 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
More news from around the country as Governor Neil Abercrombie, implementing a "top priority” of his administration, heroically crusades against the “demonic, eviscerating” Birther hordes.
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Wednesday, December 29, 2010 |
Hawaii Legislature doesn’t know difference between entrepreneurs and Crony Moguls
By News Release @ 11:49 AM :: 10009 Views :: Hawaii County , Akaka Bill, Energy, Environment
Rather than create wealth, crony moguls form a coalition with political officials to plunder wealth from taxpayers and other citizens.
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Tuesday, December 28, 2010 |
Judge Samuel King funeral Wednesday
By News Release @ 7:16 PM :: 9636 Views :: Maui County, Energy, Environment
December 28, 2010 ---(Honolulu, Hawaii) The funeral service for retired federal Judge Samuel Pailthorpe King will be held tomorrow at St. Andrews’s Cathedral. A gathering will begin at 1:30pm, followed by the service at 2:30pm with the Order of Kamehameha entering the Cathedral on Beretania and Queen Emma/Alakea St.
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Tuesday, December 28, 2010 |
111th Congress Added More Debt Than First 100 Congresses Combined: $10,429 Per Person in U.S.
By Selected News Articles @ 1:58 PM :: 5046 Views :: Energy, Environment
The federal government has accumulated more new debt--$3.22 trillion ($3,220,103,625,307.29)—during the tenure of the 111th Congress than it did during the first 100 Congresses combined, according to official debt figures published by the U.S. Treasury.
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Tuesday, December 28, 2010 |
USA Today: Neil Abercrombie, the friend you don’t need
By Selected News Articles @ 12:24 PM :: 10883 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie’s “top priority” – leading Hawaii in Holy Crusade to slay the Birther dragon – continues to make national and international news. Google News reports over 2000 articles have been published and more are coming out by the hour. Here are some of the latest….
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Tuesday, December 28, 2010 |
Monday, December 27, 2010 |
Abercrombie’s Weird Priority: Raising profile of birtherism
By Selected News Articles @ 12:52 PM :: 9153 Views :: Obama
More national media reaction to the Abercrombie Administration’s “Top Priority”….
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Sunday, December 26, 2010 |
NYT: Inouye pushes Exemption from Terror Embargo after $2000 contribution
By Selected News Articles @ 8:16 PM :: 11467 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics, World News, Family
Several ... American businesses were permitted to deal with foreign companies believed to be involved in terrorism or weapons proliferation. In one such case, involving equipment bought by a medical waste disposal plant in Hawaii, the government was preparing to deny the license until an influential politician intervened....
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Sunday, December 26, 2010 |
Abercrombie: Hawaii business leaders are ideologically rigid and cliche-ridden
By Andrew Walden @ 2:23 PM :: 9681 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
"In off the record conversations, business leaders expressed concern—even fear—about what Abercrombie might do if elected. Their focus had been less on the specifics of his platform than on how he might treat the business community."
Abercrombie’s response? Hawaii business leaders have nothing to fear and if they think otherwise they are just ignorant knuckle dragging Neanderthals.
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Saturday, December 25, 2010 |
VIDEO: Rep George Fontaine plays Santa at Kihei Youth Center
By Video @ 9:34 AM :: 10762 Views :: Kauai County, DHHL, Energy, Environment
Representative George. Fontaine plays Santa for the Kihei Youth Center. Council member Don Couch helped out along with Kihei Youth Center Director Leh...
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Friday, December 24, 2010 |
NYT: Abercrombie doubles down on Birther battle
By Selected News Articles @ 7:27 PM :: 10862 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
Abercrombie is facing a $71 million deficit this year and 10 times that amount in the years to come.... Even so, the new governor said he was having the time of his life. “If I was having a better time,” he said, laughing, “I’d have to be arrested.”
But on the matter of the birthers, Mr. Abercrombie grew serious....
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Friday, December 24, 2010 |
Federal Cash Giveaway: Wind Energy Developers get one-year extension
By Andrew Walden @ 6:12 PM :: 9871 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
December 31, 2010 might have been “lights out” for wind energy, but when President Obama on December 17 signed the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization and Job Creation Act of 2010, the bill did more than extend the Bush Tax cuts and unemployment benefits.
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Friday, December 24, 2010 |
A New Day In Hawaii: For Abercrombie, discrediting 'birthers' is a top priority
By Selected News Articles @ 12:07 PM :: 10964 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
LA Times: Democrat Neil Abercrombie, who knew Obama's parents, is determined to torpedo the conspiracy theory.
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Friday, December 24, 2010 |
Abercrombie names Legislative policy team
By News Release @ 1:32 AM :: 8036 Views :: Energy, Environment
Wendy Clerinx, of Hilo, serves as Policy Director, Tammi Oyadomari-Chun and Michael Ng as Policy Analysts and Debbie Shimizu as Legislative Liaison.
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Thursday, December 23, 2010 |
Hawaii Congressional delegation: How they voted December 20-22
By News Release @ 6:42 PM :: 7637 Views :: Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
The 111th Congress adjourned sine die on Wednesday, December 22, 2010. The first session of the 112th Congress is scheduled for Wednesday, January 5, 2011 at 12 p.m.
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Thursday, December 23, 2010 |
Thursday, December 23, 2010 |
The Dangers of Mail-In Ballots
By Selected News Articles @ 3:31 PM :: 9675 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment
As Equal Justice Foundation puts it, “Mail ballots are the method of choice for election fraud. For years now the [we have] pointed out that you can have an honest election, or you can have a mail/absentee ballot election, but you can't have both at the same time.”
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Thursday, December 23, 2010 |
US Department of Justice can't call a Christmas Party a Christmas Party
By Heritage Foundation @ 11:28 AM :: 5284 Views :: National News, Ethics
Last weekend NPR legal correspondent Nina Totenberg inadvertently created a mini-controversy when she said on Inside Washington: "I was at -- forgive the expression - a Christmas party at the Department of Justice." Some thought that Totenberg added "forgive the expression" as a cave to political correctness. But in fact Totenberg was actually mocking the Obama Justice Department.
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