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Hawaii Daily News Read

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Entries for April 2017

Sunday, April 30, 2017
April 30, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:10 PM :: 3100 Views
  1. Rail 'Solution': Hammer Waikiki Hotels
  2. SB501: Mandatory Abortion Promotion -- Final Reading House and Senate
  3. Hawaii Family Forum Legislative Week in Review
  4. Making Money at the County Level
  5. State’s labor costs must be controlled
  6. Rail stress caused legislative leaps
  7. Aloha Stadium: On to the Next Boondoggle
  8. Ishii: Insider Prepares Ige Reeelection Campaign
  9. Hawaii Dems Should be a Private Club—Keep Fukumoto Out
  10. Star-Adv: Repair Mental Health safety net to protect public from violence
  11. Hawaii County Transit: Junkyard of Dead and Dying Buses
  12. Kauai Ag Loses Water--Eco-Lawyers Celebrate
  13. New Stalling Tactics from Anti-Telescope Protesters
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Sunday, April 30, 2017
April, 2017 Letters to the Editor
By Letters to the Editor @ 3:24 AM :: 4533 Views
Rail 'Solution': Hammer Waikiki Hotels
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Saturday, April 29, 2017
April 29, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:50 PM :: 4111 Views
  1. Fake Methodology: Health Department Claims 11% of Hawaii HS Students are LGBTQ
  2. Proposed revocation of Jones Act rulings for the offshore industry
  3. Visitor Spending Up 12.3% in March 2017
  4. HB209: Legislators Approve Massive Income Tax Hike on Small Businesses
  5. Public Employee Contracts Cost $460M so Far
  6. HGEA Principals strike 13.5% pay raise deal with state
  7. SB501: Mandatory Abortion Promotion Passes Conference Committee
  8. Victory: Internet Tax, Red Light Cams, TVR Tax, Mandatory Sick Leave – ALL DEAD
  9. NextEra Payback from HECO: Senate Rejects Gorak
  10. High Tides to be Used for Global Warming Propaganda this Summer
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Friday, April 28, 2017
April 28, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:33 PM :: 3738 Views
  1. And the Winner is—Not Hawaii
  2. Are local families fleeing Hawaii taxes?
  3. State not exempt from family budgeting principles
  4. To What Extent Does Your State Rely on Sales Taxes?–Hawaii 7th
  5. US should rethink migrant aid in West Pacific
  6. The Hill: How the Jones Act drives up the cost of food and gasoline for millions of Americans
  7. Rep Beth Fukumoto Democrat? “Still waiting”
  8. HGEA Contract Award 7% Pay Hike, 2 Years—Matches HSTA Per Year
  9. House Proposes Using Hotel Tax To Finance Honolulu Rail Project
  10. Too Little Too Late: Council Pretends to Take Step To Allow Use Of Property Tax For Rail Construction
  11. HB407: Legislators Table Health Savings Account Bill
  12. Lawmakers 'disappointed' at lack of local finalists for DOE superintendent job
  13. HB1534 Lawmakers Advance Bill Allowing Mainlander To Be Police Chief
  14. Oahu’s Neighborhood Boards Are ‘The Pulse Of The Community’
  15. HB1536: Enviros Freak Out Over Water Bill
  16. OHA vs Sovereignty on Obama Tuna Monuments
  17. Soft on Crime: Harass a Monk Seal, Win $30K for Resisting Arrest
  18. Humane Society Claims it Cannot Take Vicious Dogs from Tweeker Camps
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Thursday, April 27, 2017
April 27, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:40 PM :: 3801 Views
  1. OHA Chair Tries to Limit Beneficiary Input—Discussion Deleted from Video
  2. OHA hires new Chief Financial Officer
  3. HART: Even 10-year Rail Tax Extension Is Not Enough
  4. Budget $1B bigger, even with ‘trim’
  5. State transportation director: 'I've failed' to properly maintain airports
  6. Hawaii Voters Wise up to Failed Government Projects
  7. Arakawa Running for Lt Governor?  Bernard Carvalho for Governor?
  8. Honolulu Council Votes Unanimously to Pretend to Give Sanctuary to Criminal Illegal Aliens
  9. Council Votes to Raise Property Tax Rates, Hike Fees on Handicapped and Bus Fares
  10. Ditch Rail Now
  11. Another Water Rate Hike Coming Soon
  12. City Council passes sit-lie ban for Kapalama, Iwilei
  13. Officials closer to determining future of overcrowded OCCC
  14. California Legislators Advance Socialist ‘Health’ Insurance System
  15. Dispatches from Duckburg: Land of 10,000 Quacks
  16. Father reportedly said he disposed of Peter Boy’s body in ocean
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Wednesday, April 26, 2017
April 26, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:06 PM :: 5490 Views
  1. Trump Orders Interior Department to Review Obama Tuna Monuments
  2. Free Speech Crackdown on Hawaii Pregnancy Centers Passes House Vote
  3. City unveils new apartments for homeless
  4. Second Lady Sees Art Therapy in Action at Hawaii Base
  5. Hawaii: 4th-Highest Gambling Related Arrests Per Capita
  6. Hawaii’s Best Public High Schools—How did your School Rank?
  7. Hawaii Business Tax Burden -- 7th Highest in USA
  8. HSTA Expensive?  Just Wait Until HGEA/UPW/UHPA Cash In
  9. Search for Hawaii public schools leader down to 2 finalists
  10. Hawaii threatened by North Korea now, U.S. commander tells Congress
  11. Hanabusa: FTA will Give HART More Time to File Recovery Plan
  12. Sick Leave: Legislators Advance Massive Unfunded Mandate Against Small Business
  13. HB1580: Car Dealers Eager to Force You to Buy an Electric from Them
  14. In Legislature’s Waning Days, Some Bills Vanish Without Explanation
  15. Former Cocaine Dealer is Most Absentee Legislator
  16. Soft on Crime: To Help Criminals Avoid Deportation, Honolulu eyes sanctuary city status
  17. Enviros Sue to Force Legally Present Foreign Fishermen out of Hawaii
  18. Legislature’s attacks on judges tied to past failure to fund Hawaiian Homes
  19. HUD: $83,700 a year is now considered low-income in Honolulu
  20. Father takes police to where he left Peter Boy’s body
  21. Another Domestic Violence Case for Infamous Ex-HPD Officer?
  22. Tour Busses to be Banned on North Shore
  23. Is a DLNR officer harassing a North Shore businessman?
  24. Rat Lungworm: Suddenly the Antis Like Pesticide
  25. Moved Here from Mainland, Homeless Drug Addict Allegedly Tries to Run Over Maui Bicyclist
  26. Big Island Residents Step Up Resistance To Solar Project
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Tuesday, April 25, 2017
April 25, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:26 PM :: 3455 Views
  1. Conference Committee Agrees on State Budget
  2. Talking GMOS at the March for Science
  3. Maui Council to Consider 7.6% Property Tax Hike
  4. Emergency Preparedness? Hawaii Below Average State
  5. Oral Health: Hawaii Kids Rank 49th in USA
  6. Legislature: Rail Tax Hike Next on Agenda
  7. More raises likely following teachers’ contract agreement, but how will the state pay for them?
  8. Son of HGEA President: Fired state cop sentenced to 10 years for sex assault
  9. Honolulu Prosecutor Could Be A Witness For The Defense
  10. PUC: Secret Testimony Shows Gorak Being Punished for Opposing NextEra
  11. Honolulu To Open Makiki Apartments For Homeless
  12. Hawaii: Second Highest Paid RN in USA (not counting Cost of Living)
  13. Hawaii Better Business Bureau to be Used to Promote Liberal Agenda?
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Monday, April 24, 2017
April 24, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:47 PM :: 3535 Views
  1. Tracking Eleven Tax Hike Bills into Secretive Conference Committees
  2. Don’t Compel Doctors to Promote State-Favored Programs
  3. Vice President Mike Pence Visits Am Samoa
  4. HB1580: Fake Ban of Gasoline and Diesel Vehicles Statewide
  5. Advocates had high hopes at the Hawaii Legislature, but some condo bills died and others were watered down
  6. Biomess: Hu Honua ‘Green’ Energy at $0.21 per kwh – $435M out of Ratepayers Pockets
  7. Rat Lungworm: Fear of Losing Tourism Squelches Public Health
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Sunday, April 23, 2017
April 23, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:09 PM :: 3154 Views
  1. IRS: Hawaii Legislature Voted to Destroy Employee Retirement System
  2. HSTA Contract Agreement: 13.6% Raise, ‘Streamlined Evaluations’
  3. Best Small Cities to Start a Business? Kaneohe Ranks 1176th
  4. HECO Touts Green Energy Progress on Earth Day
  5. Democrats Blocking: Fukumoto ‘Akin to Our Most Regressive Corporatists’
  6. Reelection? Ige Has Very Little Money in Campaign Account
  7. SB505: Urine Test for Opioid Prescriptions
  8. Child Abuse Bills Before Legislature
  9. Hawaii Co Budget worries fueled by firefighter raise, hotel tax in limbo
  10. Hawaii County Bus System in State of Collapse
  11. In Spite of Anti-GMO Activists’ Boycott, 1000s ‘March for Science’
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Saturday, April 22, 2017
April 22, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:46 PM :: 4139 Views
  1. Ira Einhorn, Earth Day's Dirty Secret
  2. Crichton: Environmentalism is a religion
  3. HB165: How Lawmakers can Deal with Annoying Citizens
  4. Hawaii Family Forum Legislative Week in Review
  5. Kouchi Wants 20% Rail Skim—10-Year GE Tax Hike
  6. Desperate to Sway Conference Committee, HART Claims Recovery plan for rail required by FTA ‘is not complete at this stage’
  7. DOT disregards its duty to public
  8. Telescope: Ige says his involvement in the case is limited to administrative actions
  9. Anti-GMO Activists Boycott ‘March for Science’
  10. Will FEMA Cancel Hawaii’s access to federal flood insurance?
  11. Incompetent Lazy HGEA Members Leave ‘$1B Sitting on the Floor’
  12. Vexatious Stene: Public communications with DPW staff stymied
  13. Gays Won’t be Forcing Your Insurance Rates Higher This Year
  14. Head of Police Commission Has Ties to SHOPO Pres, Samoa
  15. Committee Rejects Governor’s Choice For Utilities Commission—Senate hearing Next
  16. Soft on Crime: Homeless Lunatic Allegedly Slashes Haliewa Grocer
  17. Lawyers Field Day: Supreme Court Rules Impaired drivers entitled to lawyer before taking alcohol, drug test
  18. Hawaii's medi-juana dispensaries prepare for license renewals as state delays continue
  19. Affordable Housing? Lawmakers consider more rules that would add Cost to new homes
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Friday, April 21, 2017
April 21, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:17 PM :: 5140 Views
  1. Cayetano to Trump: Cancel Federal Rail Funding
  2. Desperate to Influence Conference Committee, Caldwell Pretends to Take Responsibility for Massive GE Tax Hike
  3. Conference Committee to Hear SB501: Mandatory Abortion Promotion
  4. TMT Contested Case Deadline Set
  5. Hawaii Officially Proclaims Children of Fallen Patriots Day
  6. Are Enviros Finally Ready to Accept Fish Farming?
  7. HTA: Without TVRs Hawaii Would Lose 15% of Tourists
  8. HTA: Tamp Down all this Rat Lungworm Talk
  9. The day when America moved toward becoming a global power
  10. Victory: HSTA’s $500M Property Tax Slush Fund Killed
  11. Poison Pill? Hawaii Senate To Propose 10-Year Extension On Rail Tax
  12. Nobody Responsible for Rail Mess: HART Board Nears 100% Turnover
  13. It Begins: Firefighters to Get 5% Raise
  14. Judge Blocks Access To AG Investigation Of Hawaii Auditor
  15. Health Beat: Why We All Need Health Savings Accounts
  16. HCR50:  Hawaii Progressives Urge Legislators to DROP ‘Corporate Personhood’ Issue
  17. Ex-policeman ‘No Contest’ to road rage assault case
  18. Mother disturbed over DOE employee's lewd messages with 11-year-old student
  19. DOE has change of heart after first denying classroom space to Christian group
  20. After 2 brutal attacks, some call for greater efforts to ensure the mentally ill get treatment
  21. Enviros Begin to Walk Back Coral Bleaching Hysteria
  22. Bought n Paid For: Schatz, Hirono Rolling in Cash
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Thursday, April 20, 2017
April 20, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:58 PM :: 3868 Views
  1. Punish Judiciary? House Censors Legislator
  2. Ciber: Company Behind 7-Year HDOT Software Failure Files Bankruptcy
  3. To What Extent Does Your State Rely on Corporate Income Taxes?
  4. School tax plan’s problems pile up
  5. Health Care Lobby Push Back on Hawaii Gay Child Mandate
  6. HB552: State Obamacare Bill to become Study?
  7. Competing Airbnb Bills Set Off Lobbying Battle
  8. Wind power raises Maui electric bills
  9. Silicon Valley Corporate Welfare Queens Finally Admit Algae Energy was just a Scam
  10. Allow new homeowners to build equity in workforce housing
  11. HPD, SHOPO Sign Body Cam Agreement
  12. Honolulu Police Commissioner Finds Cool New Way to Help Cops Get off Easy
  13. It took the state nearly 12 hours to alert the public about 3 escapees
  14. Kahauiki Homeless Village to add preschool, day care center
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Wednesday, April 19, 2017
April 19, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:50 PM :: 6543 Views
  1. ‘30-35’ Applications for Honolulu Police Chief—Will Outsiders be Allowed to Compete?
  2. Rich States-Poor States: Hawaii Ranks 43rd
  3. FBI Investigating Muslim Terrorists in Hawaii
  4. What will happen to Food for Peace cargo preference?
  5. Schatz Gins up Phony Investigation to Help Hotel Industry Beat Airbnb
  6. Accountability? DoE Releases ESSA Plan
  7. New Hawaii Veterans Affairs Chief Tied to Falsified Medical Wait Times, 13 Deaths in Arizona
  8. 72% Support Telescope
  9. Tax Hikes: Legislators Begin Secret Negotiations
  10. TVR Tax Bills Head to Conference Committee
  11. Union Says Suspensions Shouldn’t Stop Prison Guard Promotions
  12. Hawaii Medicaid Shortchanges Nursing Homes
  13. Critics: Safeguards added in wake of 'Peter Boy' case aren't enough
  14. Recently Released from Lunatic Asylum, Homeless Male Accused in Assault of 80-yr-old Woman has long rap sheet
  15. Sit-Lie Expansion Forces Five Homeless Meth Addicts to Accept Shelter
  16. Homelessness Bills in Conference Committee
  17. Another HSTA Member Convicted: Pleads guilty for soliciting minor for prostitution
  18. Latest Details on Misconduct by HSTA Members
  19. Prosecutor Defends Domestic Abuse Safe House
  20. Deal Reached In Dispute Over Waimea River Ag Water Diversion
  21. Manoa Residents Willing to Fix the Roads in Caldwell’s Holes
  22. Waimanalo: Caldwell’s Decaying Rec Facilities Closed Due to Rusting, Collapsing Ceiling Panels 

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Tuesday, April 18, 2017
April 18, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:33 PM :: 4118 Views
  1. Hawaii: April 19 is Tax Freedom Day
  2. Kawananakoa Letter Debunks OHA LLCs Claim to be Immune from UIPA
  3. Race for Hawaii Republican Party Chair—Interviews with Ostrov and Tupola
  4. Video: Free Market Solutions for Hawaii's Economy
  5. Office of Maunakea Management awarded 2017 Preservation Commendation
  6. Nearly half of likely voters say Hawaii is moving in wrong direction
  7. The word on the streets is that they are horrible
  8. Anti-GMO Losers Take over Hawaii County Democratic Party
  9. Anti-GMO Activists to Focus on Denying Water to Agriculture
  10. Billionaires Pay City to Impose ‘Resiliency’ Officer of the Eco-Religion 
  11. Gabbard Rakes in $2M, Hanabusa Pays Herself $200K
  12. 'We should be angry': Attorney says state liable for Peter Boy's death
  13. Kauai PD: Positive Experience With Body Cameras
  14. State Supreme Court hits some bank foreclosures
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Monday, April 17, 2017
April 17, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:35 PM :: 3869 Views
  1. Tracking Eleven Tax Hike Bills into Secretive Conference Committees
  2. Tax Hikes: What Your Lawmakers Are Getting Away With
  3. Star-Adv: Rail Broken Promises Corrosive
  4. Poll: Residents Support Legalizing TVRs 63% to 36%
  5. Legislators Want to Pressure Counties to Legalize vacation rentals
  6. Poll Looks at Airport Authority Proposal
  7. Ige still considering HCDA picks
  8. Will President Donald J Trump Liberate Hawaii, Am Samoa, and Guam from Obama Legacy Tuna Monuments
  9. Pandering to Dem Base: Legislators Consider More Fake Sanctuary State Resolutions
  10. 3% of State’s Natural Gas to Come from Sewage
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Sunday, April 16, 2017
April 16, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:27 PM :: 4200 Views
  1. Tax Casualty? Maui County Carnival
  2. Poll: Rail Tax Hike Rejected 57-41%
  3. Rail Tax: ‘They Think We’re Liars’
  4. Rail Tax Extension: Will Conference Committee Bow to Caldwell’s Cheap Theatrics
  5. Bill 41: Eliminate ‘Residential A’ Property Tax
  6. Hawaii: 48% Support Trump Travel ban
  7. Gabbard faces questions about Syria and Trump
  8. Airport Incompetence
  9. Kauai police chief wants to change public perception with transparency
  10. Hawaii County Prosecutor Mitch Roth Ended Timidity of Prosecutors, Solved Peter Boy Case
  11. In Medicare, states are far from equal
  12. Another Big Money Cash Giveaway for Hawaii Hi Tech Schemers
  13. Tests find no DU threat (Again)
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Saturday, April 15, 2017
April 15, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:52 PM :: 4351 Views
  1. Hawaii Family Forum Legislative Week in Review
  2. Free Speech Crackdown on Hawaii Pregnancy Centers Passes House
  3. Connect to Careers: Preparing next generation of Hawaii workforce
  4. Study: House GOP Blueprint Would Put $5613 in Your Pocket, Hawaii
  5. Josh Green for Lt Gov? “I’ve already found my own way.”
  6. White Nationalists Dump Trump Want Gabbard to Run
  7. Rat Lungworm: Hawaii accused of downplaying parasite that struck SF couple
  8. Lab: DoH Lying About Marijuana Testing Progress
  9. Indictment: Most Successful Company at NELHA is a Giant Scam
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Friday, April 14, 2017
April 14, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:41 PM :: 3830 Views
  1. Hawaii's Good Friday Holiday - What's Up With That?
  2. House Approves Massive Rail Tax Hike and 37 Other Bills
  3. To What Extent Does Your State Rely on Property Taxes?
  4. Willes Lee Fills Vacancy on NRA Board
  5. How to Change the Jones Act
  6. Telescope Solution: Maunakea World Park?
  7. U.S. May Launch Strike If North Korea Reaches For Nuclear Trigger
  8. North Korea attack?  House Passes a Resolution
  9. Full Text: PUC Commissioner Gorak vs Anonymous Complaint
  10. Darryl Perry for HPD Chief?
  11. Kauai police use body cam footage to clear officers of misconduct claims after recent protest
  12. HNL Hangar: More Finger-Pointing in HDOT’s Latest Disaster
  13. Will Private-Public Partnership Make New Stadium Possible
  14. HART: Feds Help us Shift Blame for Rail Mess
  15. 100,000 Pounds Of Debris Hauled Out Of Papahanaumokuakea—No Mention of Plastic Bags
  16. Volunteers Build Ewa Beach Skate park After Caldwell Refuses
  17. ‘Booster’ Accused of Stealing $10K from School Club
  18. Court report: State never should have returned 'Peter Boy' to his parents
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Thursday, April 13, 2017
April 13, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:44 PM :: 3879 Views
  1. Those Life Saving Facts
  2. GE Tax Hike and Property Tax Hike: A double-whammy of taxes to pay for Honolulu’s ‘over priced, over budget’ rail system
  3. Counties, Tourism Industry Challenge HSTA Slush Fund Tax
  4. Public may get more say on Oahu wind farms
  5. HB165: Bring Sunshine Law into 2017 with online notices, postings
  6. Musings: Real and Imagined Dangers
  7. Hawaii Fishing Fleet: Enviros Try New Angle of Attack
  8. HSTA Homosexual Child Molester Gets Probation
  9. Your Tax Dollars paid for Transsexual Propaganda Film
  10. 100 Potheads Per Day Register to Feel Medicated
  11. Not in Good Standing: Nonprofit could get extended lease at Kewalo
  12. How HNL compares to America's best-run airports
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Wednesday, April 12, 2017
April 12, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:30 PM :: 4047 Views
  1. Robin Danner Writing OHA’s Budget
  2. How They Voted: SB501 Mandatory Promotion of Abortion
  3. Conservative Rankings of Hawaii Legislators—2016 Session
  4. Family Prosperity Index: Hawaii Ranks 41st
  5. UH 2017 legislative budget update
  6. Leapfrog: Hawaii Among States With Most ‘A’ Grade Hospitals
  7. How They Voted: House Approves $792M GE Tax Hike 41-10
  8. Rate Hike Coming: Gays Demand You Pay to Give Them Children
  9. Senate approves Health Savings plans in insurance bill
  10. Hawaii County tax, fee hikes on table
  11. Under Fire In DC, Gabbard Is Still A Hit On The Big Island
  12. Rep Ing to Run for Maui Mayor, Arakawa to Run for Governor
  13. Veterans: Choice program a good option, but needs improvement
  14. Time to accelerate audit on Tourism Authority
  15. SB562: House Wants to Eliminate Lifeguards, Replace Them with Lawyers in Speedos
  16. $270K to be Wasted on Honolulu Climate Change Office
  17. Homeless Shelters Sit Empty Because Homeless Choose to Refuse Shelter
  18. Star-Adv: Clear out Homeless Camps Before They Burn Freeway Down
  19. Need a Meth Pipe?  Hawaii Legislators are Trying to Help You Get One
  20. Former inmates sue DPS, claim they were held too long at HCCC
  21. Why Condo Associations Are Sweating After A Judge’s Ruling
  22. Suit claims school, DOE complicit in sex assault
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Tuesday, April 11, 2017
April 11, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:52 PM :: 4988 Views
  1. SB501: AG Slaps Senators for Censoring Testimony opposing Anti-Free-Speech Bill
  2. Caldwell Signs Tax Hikes, Spending Bills
  3. Desperate Caldwell Threatens to Raise Property Taxes
  4. Abercrombie: People not Introspective Enough to Understand Tulsi Gabbard
  5. Pandering to Dem Base, but Hawaii is one of just seven states that fully complied with federal requests to hold illegals
  6. Prosecutor: Corruption rampant at HDOT boating division
  7. HDOT Scapegoats Contractor over airport hangar job
  8. Health bills legislators will be talking about after second decking
  9. Police camera bills die in legislative session
  10. SB1240: Anti-Aquarium Hysteria Still Alive in Legislature
  11. Caldwell, Council Refuse Community Volunteers Offer to Repairs Waianae Rec Center Shut for Three Years
  12. More Homeless Caught on Diamond Head, New Garbage Dumps Found
  13. Hawaii High Tech Tax Credit Money invested in Cattle Ranch, Slaughterhouse
  14. More Asian-American Drug Addicts in Hawaii than on Entire Mainland
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Monday, April 10, 2017
April 10, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:19 PM :: 4792 Views
  1. Tracking Eleven Tax Hike Bills at Second Crossover
  2. Research surveys Jones Act costs and effects
  3. Top Dems Attack Gabbard After She Fails to Blame Assad for Gas Attack
  4. Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted April 10, 2017
  5. Specialists think North Korea poses nuclear threat to Hawaii
  6. HB407: Health Savings Accounts to Reduce Health Insurance Costs
  7. GEMS: Bill would tap fee on Your Electric Bill and Transfer it to Billionaire Elon Musk
  8. Hawaii is poised to pass universal mail-in balloting
  9. Lawyers Want Their Legislators to Let Them Sue Lifeguards
  10. SHOPO Wants HPD Chief to Remain an Inside Job
  11. Hawaii Youth Correctional Facility Reverts to Type
  12. Caldwell Allows Historic Ewa Battlefield to become target of trash dumping
  13. Civil Beat: The Center for Rat Lungworm News
  14. Meet The New Leader Of Oahu Republicans
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Sunday, April 9, 2017
April 9, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:11 PM :: 3937 Views
  1. CreditAbles
  2. After Appealing to Supreme Court, State Wins Right to Forcibly Medicate Psycho Killer
  3. SB501: House Set to Vote on Bill Forcing Pro-Life Centers to Promote Abortion
  4. City taxpayers in for bevy of tax, fee raises
  5. Dead in the Water: Bumbling Ige Petty, Political, Lacks Imagination
  6. Homeless Tweekers Burning H-1: Officials ‘Concerned’, Urge ‘Mindfulness’
  7. Red light cameras could soon be a reality in Hawaii, but major concerns remain
  8. State Can’t Come up with Enough Money for Affordable Housing
  9. Hawaii County Council Wants to keep Slush Fund
  10. Doctor Shortage Grows Worse on Sister Isles
  11. Hawaii Healthcare Leaders Still Hope National Republicans Will Save Them from Obamacare
  12. Rate Hike Coming to Buy Surrogates to Produce Children for Homosexuals
  13. SCR16: Private Sector Retirement Plan
  14. Senate Votes: State to Invade Your Property Murder Your Cats and Trees
  15. Politically Connected Dude Fights With Airport Security, Now Seeks Retaliation 
  16. Will Mauna Kea ‘World Park’ Be Enough to Buy off Protesters?
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Saturday, April 8, 2017
April 8, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:24 PM :: 5535 Views
  1. Schatz-Connected Developer building ‘Shopping Center’ at Pupukea
  2. Time for change at Hawaii’s airports
  3. DLNR: Waikiki Eco Confab Cost Taxpayers $8M
  4. Hidden LLCs: OHA CEO Lies to Ethics Panel?
  5. HGEA Tech Footdragging Costs State $1.72B per Year in Lost Tax Revenue
  6. HB424: UH tuition freeze effort abandoned
  7. UH Admin Not Intelligent Enough to Figure out Why Dorms are Vacant
  8. Will Legislators Kill Vote by Mail in Conference?
  9. Former HPD Narcotics Div Chief Now Selling Medicated marijuana
  10. Hawaii Police Corruption Like Philippines
  11. Advocates of police records reform lament lack of 'significant change'
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Friday, April 7, 2017
April 7, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:40 PM :: 4240 Views
  1. Good Citizen or "Vexatious Requester"?
  2. HB1022: $10M for Latest Honolulu Airport Mess
  3. Ige Energy Code: Increase Home Construction Costs by $4700 per unit
  4. Dairy: Billionaire Developer Omidyar Creates More Precedents Farmers Can’t Follow
  5. Hawaii Family Forum Legislative Week in Review
  6. Vice President Mike Pence to Visit Hawaii
  7. Will Tsutsui Resign Soon Enough to Entice Souki to Become LG?
  8. Medicaid Plus Bills to watch
  9. HB1479: Hilo to Escape DLNR Join HCDA?
  10. New stadium? UH Wants Cut of the Action
  11. Hawaii bill would criminalize trespassing on state lands
  12. SB804: Anti-GMO Hype Fails in Legislature
  13. SB1150: Anti-Sunscreen Hysteria Loses in Legislature
  14. Hawaii AG To Review Toddler Abuse Case That Kaneshiro Refused to Prosecute
  15. Child welfare settlements costing the state more than $5M
  16. Hi Tech Tax Credits Fund Womens Clothing Store at Ala Moana Mall
  17. Operating an illegal vacation rental? Beware, your neighbor could sue
  18. Chin Defends Suit Against Trump Travel Ban
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Thursday, April 6, 2017
April 6, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:39 PM :: 5540 Views
  1. Hawaii 2nd-Highest Tax Burden in USA
  2. Hawaii Pensions Underfunded by 39%
  3. Who lives longer: Hawaii life expectancies examined in research study
  4. SB501: House Judiciary Passes Bill Forcing Pro-Life Centers to Promote Abortion
  5. Deal Announced to Preserve Ka Iwi Coast
  6. $792M GE Tax Hike for Rail Passes House Finance Committee
  7. Princess Kawananakoa criticizes OHA LLCs, demands transparency
  8. Prosecutors: We Know where Peter Boy’s Body was Left
  9. Star-Adv: State Taxpayers Must Give More Money to ‘Green’ Billionaires who fund National Dems—and Pander to the  Anti-GMO Morons who Make up the Dem Base
  10. Union Organizer: Please Start Paying Home Caregivers so unions can Scoop up their Dues Money
  11. Women's March Organizer: Please help Insurance Companies Make More Money by Killing off Expensive Oldsters
  12. Legislators Reject Assisted Suicide due to Lack of Safeguards
  13. Council Drops Caldwell’s Garbage Tax in order to Slip other Tax Hikes Thru
  14. $300K more OK’d for firms defending in Kealoha suit
  15. Applications Closed for Honolulu Police Chief
  16. Pandering to Squatters on Kauai
  17. State reaches settlement in case where 4 year-old was stomped to death
  18. Company says meth users down, while fake urine up
  19. Medicated Marijuana Dealership Bristling with Spy Cameras
  20. HR136: Ing’s Animal Liberation Hype Debunked
  21. Borlaug’s dream is being realized
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Wednesday, April 5, 2017
April 5, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:06 PM :: 5183 Views
  1. Full Text: Arab Newspaper Describes Trump Role in Gabbard Syria Trip
  2. Who’s Hiding Behind Homes for Hawaiians?
  3. Hawaii: Monsanto is First Farm Awarded Zero Waste Certification
  4. Congressman Jason Chaffetz to Address Hawaii Republican Fundraiser
  5. Speaker Souki to Resign?
  6. Taxation Without Legalization? 2 vacation rental tax measures advance
  7. Lawmakers consider raising the cost of living in Honolulu
  8. HB209: Sales Pitch for Massive Income Tax Hike
  9. HB1580 Gasoline Ban Morphs into Another Tax Credit Scheme
  10. HART Borrows Another $20M, Now Owes $60M
  11. Latest HIDOT Fiasco: AG seeks $10M to pay airport subcontractors
  12. Aloha Stadium Authority Deploys Sales Pitch for New Stadium and Condos
  13. Police Take Down Hanalei Shakedown: 4 Sovereignty Squatters Arrested on Kauai
  14. City council considering expansion of sit-lie ban to some Kalihi, Iwilei streets
  15. Peter Boy's father takes plea deal in son's 1997 death
  16. Cover-up for Homosexual Child Molester? Hearing of former Kamehameha Schools teacher accused of voyeurism to be public
  17. UPW Prison Guard Denies He Exposed Himself
  18. Makers of diet pill blamed for sickening dozens
  19. Hawaii Gender gap 16 cents
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Tuesday, April 4, 2017
April 4, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:49 PM :: 3959 Views
  1. Caldwell Appoints Banker to be Deputy Director of Budget and Fiscal Services
  2. Hawaii Cannabis Tracking System Designed By Feds, Silicon Valley Billionaires
  3. Green Energy Schemers: Hawaii success story because of the high price of electricity, state tax credits
  4. More Rate Hikes Coming: Green Energy Forcing Shutdown of State’s Cheapest Energy Source
  5. Homeless Nonprofit’s ex-leader jailed for embezzlement
  6. SB249: Gil Keith Agaran Continues Undeclared War on Judges After DHHL Funding Ordered
  7. Ige Misses Deadline on UH Regents Nomination
  8. Kauai utility considers exit from state regulatory rule
  9. Want $1M?  Can You Pretend to be a Tech Entrepreneur?
  10. HB488: $150M for Affordable Housing?
  11. HB2: No Farms, Just Big and Tiny Houses
  12. Hundreds turned away after free rent program loses funds
  13. Organizations unite to move 30 homeless people into apartments by June
  14. Homeless Addicts Trash Maui Canoe Club
  15. Honolulu Police Chief Applications Are Rolling In
  16. Lawsuit: Police Officers, Union Tried To Cover Up Bar Shooting
  17. Former HPD officer convicted for stealing drugs, guns in Kentucky – Gets 12 Years
  18. Tupola vs Ostrov for Hawaii GOP Chair
  19. State GOP Must Open Doors To Change
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Monday, April 3, 2017
April 3, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:48 PM :: 3790 Views
  1. Carnival Cancelled Thanks to OHA Money Grab?
  2. 13 Tax Hike Bills Set for Vote in Next Few Days
  3. Brian Schatz and the Story of How Senate Dems Went Anti-Israel
  4. Survey: Hawaii Stressed over Money, not Family
  5. Star-Adv Website Down 
  6. SB376: Big Cable Authorization to be Revoked?
  7. Like a Cancer, Anti-Dairy Activism Spreads After Omidyar Paves Way for EIS Requirement
  8. ‘Terrible’ Report On Care Home Inspections Is Finally In
  9. Suicide Squad: Force Doctors to Kill
  10. How The Hawaii Police Union Is Helping Keep Bad Cops On The Job
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Sunday, April 2, 2017
April 2, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:22 PM :: 3435 Views
  1. Economic Nexus: Solving the Online Tax Dodge
  2. Hawaii Family Forum Legislative Week in Review
  3. Putting Patients First by Reducing Administrative Tasks in Health Care
  4. Million Dollar Banker Caldwell Collects More Big Payoffs
  5. State gov’s practice of low expectations mires us from moving forward
  6. Castle: Why We’re Involved in Superintendent Search
  7. Prosecutor’s facility for abuse victims criticized over ethical and legal issues
  8. HCDA Considering New ‘Affordable Housing’ Rules for Kakaako
  9. Jobs for the Homeless Advancing in Legislature
  10. Incompetent HIDOT Airports Division Burns Millions Because it Cannot Make a Decision
  11. West Hawaii Republicans hold rally, convention
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Saturday, April 1, 2017
April 1, 2017 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:27 PM :: 3885 Views
  1. Murthy: Rail Will Make Voters Approve Tax Hikes
  2. Con-Con Needed to Save County Home Rule from HSTA Property Tax
  3. Star-Adv: We Like Legislators’ Latest Tax Credit Scam—Eliminate Gasoline
  4. Internet Sales Tax: ‘The State is always trying to get more of our money’
  5. Shakedown: Homeless Sent to Occupy Coco Palms Site, Demand Payoff
  6. Lawsuit: Three Cops involved in Accidental Shooting of Bartender
  7. HGEA: They Shoot Dogs, We Hire Child Molesters—Pick Us
  8. Phony UH ‘Research’ Designed to Boost Tax Credit Schemer
  9. Star-Adv: Congress Lets Hawaii Keep the Federal Abortion Money Flowing
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