Entries for February 2014
Friday, February 28, 2014 |
February 28, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:03 PM :: 4235 Views
- Slom: Djou to Announce Congressional Campaign?
- Judge Elwin Ahu Announces Campaign for Lt Governor
- Grim scenario for Hawaii's Obamacare plan: The numbers don't add up
- As Health Exchange Implodes, Abercrombie Releases ‘Transformation Plan’
- UHERO: 2013 Hawaii Growth 'Disappointing', 2014 'Marked Down'
- Residents in States With Troubled Exchanges Can Still Get Subsidies
- Maui: Huber's Anti-GMO claims lack evidence
- More questionable social engineering comes to Hawaii’s public schools
- FACE Ad campaign pushes minimum wage hike
- SB2487: Small Business Regulatory Review Board to be Abolished?
- Fallen Marine Rafael Peralta's family accuses reporter of playing 'race card'
- House Bill 14: Mandatory Kindergarten, Lowering Compulsory School Attendance Age to 5
- Honolulu Firm Selected to Represent Kauai County in GMO Suit
- HTA: Tourism Down 5th Month in a Row
- DBEDT App Displays Demographics of Hawaii House, Senate Districts
- Illegal Gambling Operators Give $20K to Clayton Hee Campaign
- Hee vs Fale: Same-sex marriage fight apparently not over yet
- Governor mum on PUC appointment
- Kenoi: Signing GMO bill was to end ‘shouting’
- Kauai Idiots Protest Against Dairy farm
- To Placate Anti-GMO Hallucinations, SB2777 'Narrowed'
- Star-Adv vs Hawaii: Military draw-down long overdue
- Poll — Oahu Voters Don't Like Mufi
- Negotiations Over Hawaii Minimum Wage Go Down to the Wire
- Waipahu First of Many to be Transformed for Rail TOD
- Study Questions Benefits of 'Medical Home' Programs for Chronically Ill
- Senate Budget Committee Advances Four Key Education Bills
- SB894 would allow for a forced sale of Turtle Bay property
- Hawaii Supreme Court Takes Up Lawsuit Challenging Koa Ridge Project
- Next Steps for the Geothermal Request for Proposal
- Prison Guard's Wife Gets Federal Prison Time
- DLNR Plan to Kill Owls, Egrets Blasted
- Three Killed in Lanai Plane Crash
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Thursday, February 27, 2014 |
February 27, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:19 PM :: 4191 Views
- Matsuda: Fate of Prepaid Health Care Act Depends on Hawaii Health Connector
- LA Times: Hawaii Health Connector Refused to Cough up Secret Budget
- HI leaders worry military cuts will compromise Pacific security
- Auditor: 11 Special Funds Do not Meet Criteria
- Health Connector May Convert itself into Telemarketing Business to Make Money
- Health Connector Abandons Enrollment Goals, Seeks new Funding Sources
- How Abercrombie, Schatz Can Win Easily
- Complaint Filed Against Hee for Acting Like Hanohano
- Measures on food labeling appear doomed
- House Defers Minimum Wage over Tip Credit
- Effort to Save Oahu Residents From Rail Failed Despite Valiant Effort
- Can the Legislature save HECO?
- Council committee scraps Caldwell's $20M Garbage Tax
- Caldwell wants Honolulu to spend $25M to encourage transit oriented development along rail line
- Honolulu Mayor wants significant increase in programs for homeless
- Kauai Councilman Scores $250K Settlement from Former Prosecutor
- Poll — Voters Want Higher Minimum Wage, Reject Legal Pot
- Should Hawaii Let Public Schools Raise Money for Private Nonprofits?
- Many Oahu Schools Miss Basic Food Safety Checks
- Tax Foundation of Hawaii opposes proposed electric vehicle tax
- Sovereignty Activist Loses Neighborhood Board Committee Chairmanship
- Liquefied natural gas could play key role in isles' energy transition
- Trask Geothermal Scammers Demand Meeting
- Bill to allow online gun registration makes headway despite police opposition
- Drone bill could affect Maui missing women search
- Judge finds accused rapist mentally unfit for trial
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Wednesday, February 26, 2014 |
February 26, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:25 PM :: 6152 Views
- Duke Aiona: Great News for the Campaign
- Clinton’s chief economist supports Jones Act reform for Puerto Rico and Hawaii
- Looks Like Hawaii Won't Need To Count All Those Soldiers, Sailors, And Marines In The Next Reapportionment Anyway
- BLS: Hawaii Union Membership Rate 22.1%
- VIDEO: Aloha Obamacare Wipeout
- Honolulu tops list of America’s Most Overpriced Cities
- Hawaii's Choice: Let the Fleecing Continue or Bring on the Competition?
- Full Text: State of the City Address
- Rep Fale to Challenge Clayton Hee for Senate
- Tranny Supports 'Racist' Hanohano
- Progressives Mock Sovereignty Activists
- Trench Warfare: Schatz vs Hanabusa
- Poll: Kim, Takai Lead Race for Dem Nomination in CD1
- AARP: Health Connector needs a sustainability plan
- HSTA can learn from students
- Hawaii Lawmakers May Give Counties Millions of Dollars in Extra Hotel Tax Money
- Kauai Gives Anti-GMO Whackos the Test Case they Need to Uphold GMO Bans
- SB2777 May Face Amendments to Satisfy Anti-GMO Activists
- Kauai Idiots: Proposed Dairy Farm is 'Mind-boggling Environmental Disaster'
- Ag Board to End State Milk Price Fixing Scheme?
- Former prosecutor can’t prevent Undisclosed Bynum settlement
- Don't Destroy Police Disciplinary Files Just Yet, Hawaii Lawmakers Say
- Back pay on the way for Hawaii substitute teachers
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Tuesday, February 25, 2014 |
February 25, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:14 PM :: 6292 Views
- Kanoho Helm Debunks 'Developer-Driven' Big Cable Scheme
- Senate Minimum Wage Bill Will Fail Hawaii's Low-Wage Earners
- Hawaii Charter School Law: Measuring up to the Model?
- Union Contractors to get Exclusive Deal on NAVFAC Project at Hawaii Marine Corps Base?
- Can they get up? HI Legislature to fund coordinator to help seniors avoid falls
- DBEDT Reduces Projected Growth Rate
- Abercrombie Releases $62.4M in DoE CIP
- Poll: Schatz - Hanabusa Tied 40% Each
- Disrespectful Schatz Hasn't Earned it
- Hirono: Proposed military cuts are 'Good News'
- Abercrombie Holding $2500/head Fundraiser in DC
- Hanohano, under siege, has talking-to
- Hospitals, Airports, 5th Floor: State Funding Emergency Festers
- Honolulu Electric Bill Jumps to $91.8M
- Failed California Anti-GMO Initiative Backers Conspire to Impose themselves on Maui
- Federally funded sex ed program teaches Hawaii middle schoolers that butts are genitals
- CD1 Candidates Argue over how to Raise Taxes
- Minimum Wage to Boost Hawaii's Already-High Labor Costs
- Legislators Use Lobbing Rules to Harass Pro-Family Activists
- Full Text: Judge releases documents in Deedy murder case
- NFL may move Pro Bowl to Arizona
- More rail transit traffic woes in store for Oahu drivers
- 'Car To Go' Isn't Here Yet, But Legislators Scheme to Tax it
- 13 Security Breaches in 7 years at Unprotected Iolani Palace
- SB72: Even More Excuses to Let Murderers and Rapists out of Prison Early
- Alleged Manoa Harasser Released, Supposed to be in Drug Treatment
- Star-Adv: Troubled youth need treatment, not a prison bed
- Mainland Quacks Seek to Retake Control of Hawaii Medicated Marijuana Business
- SB2270: Sue Your Neighbor for Zoning Violations
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Monday, February 24, 2014 |
February 24, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:36 PM :: 4290 Views
- CD1 Poll: Good News for Charles Djou
- Poll: Ige-Abercrombie Tied at 37% Each
- 1000 Friends: Stop residential development adjacent to Kakaako Waterfront Park
- SB2938: Online Gun Registration to be Heard Feb 25
- Alec Baldwin Flees to Hawaii Seeking Transsexual Dry Cleaning?
- Abercrombie's Big Cable Designed by Dick Cheney's 'Energy Cabal'
- Abercrombie Heckles Governor Jindal at White House
- The Usual Nuts Launch GMO Ban Ballot Initiative in Maui County
- $48M Given to 18,000 in Hawaii Welfare Overpayments
- 4,200 Mentally Ill Children in Hawaii With no Treatment Facility
- Agencies Struggle With Pilot Program for 10 Mentally Ill Children
- Troubled youths may get chance at treatment
- Haunted, Court Psychiatrist Retires After 22 Years
- Hanohano Censure among items on lawmakers’ agenda
- SB2426: Streamline HTA Marketing Plan
- Abercrombie Wants $132K for Travel, Buyouts, Membership Fee
- Hawaii's Pricey Claims Settlements Include Paying Out $30K for Sun's Glare
- Mollway: Raising the state ethics bar?
- Maui Farms Fined for Violating Minimum Wage
- Hagel to propose big cuts in Army in 2015 budget
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Sunday, February 23, 2014 |
February 23, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:08 PM :: 5073 Views
- For Supporting Mufi: Up to 1/3 of Democrats Could be Expelled
- Can We Best Help the Poor by Making Their Lives Complicated?
- Anti-GMO Industry Responsible for Death on Maui
- Big Cable Will Soak Ratepayers for $1.5B
- Creation of the Hawaii Electricity Reliability Administrator
- Lessons of past losses could help Hannemann
- Renewed rivalries and rants are like watch, wince, repeat
- Minimum Wage: Clayton Hee Preparing to Screw it up -- Again
- Health Connector to be funded by $15M Tax on Insurance Policies?
- Briefing will address fixes for Connector
- Kakaako Development Opposed by Global Warmers
- Current UH regent skipped as gov appoints 4 to board
- Give judges and probation officers tools needed to help juvenile offenders
- Teachers protest new program
- Pono Madness & Condom Festivals
- Inspections begin soon for new restaurant ratings
- Star-Adv Flies Reporter to Puna to Chart Course for Defeating Hanohano
- Kenoi: Assessments Will Go Up, But not Tax Rates
- Obama Wasting Troops’ Sacrifice
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Saturday, February 22, 2014 |
February 22, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:51 PM :: 5700 Views
- Full Text: Legislators Challenge Abercrombie over Morita Dismissal
- February 21, 2014: Election Commission Releases Updated Candidate List
- 300 Republicans Celebrate Lincoln Day, Launch New YouTube Ad
- Feds: Hawaii's High Energy Costs Drive Push for 'Clean' Energy
- Does Hawaii Need An "Environmental Court?"
- No Surprise: DoE Includes Tranny on Pono Choices Review Panel
- Hawaii Health Connector Website: 41% of Defects Still not Corrected
- Shutdown of Coal Plant will Boost Electric Rates 3%
- Hawaiian Electric executives 'earned' higher salaries in 2013
- Alleviating Poverty Through Tax Policy Modifications
- Perfect Timing: Anti-GMO Activists 'Honored' as ‘The Daily Show’ films GMO segment in Kona
- SB2375: Anti-GMO Activists Attack Local Produce Bill
- Money grubbing Atheists Try Again for $1M from Hawaii Churches
- 1,900 Kiddie Porn Leads in Hawaii--Will Legislators Approve Funding to Investigate?
- Law Prevents Police from Helping Mentally Ill Person
- Panel to scrutinize cost of government, Propose More Tax Hikes
- Queen’s Medical Center shares patient data with Hawaii HIE
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Friday, February 21, 2014 |
February 21, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:07 PM :: 5061 Views
- Carpenter: Complaint Must be Filed Before Democrats can Expel Mufi
- Supreme Court Nominee Wilson's Written Opinions
- How Hawaii Will Achieve Food Sustainability: Jail a Farmer!
- A Major Hurdle for Student Veterans
- Honolulu Ethics Commission Calls for Audit of Water Board
- Is your baby carrying excess fat? Hawaii wants to know
- Free Speech on Campus? Grassroot Institute Interviews FIRE
- See it Live: Famed Nimitz' WWII 'Diary' to be Unveiled Online Monday
- Abercrombie Names UH Regent Nominees
- Hawaii Supreme Court: How Do You Solve A Problem Like ... Appellate Mootness? More Process!
- Big Cable Plan: Spend $800M to 'Save' $423M
- Not rehiring Morita at PUC dicey move for Abercrombie
- SB2777: Farmers Still Have Chance to Free Themselves from Anti-GMO Oppressors
- Health Connector Blames DHS 'Bottleneck' For Worst-in-the-Nation Performance
- HB2529 Amended: Hawaii Health Connector to Remain Private Nonprofit
- Oahu man waits nearly 2 months for Obamacare insurance
- Rail: City restarts property acquisition process
- VIDEO: Geothermal bills debated in House Committee
- High cost oil fired generation creates potential for shift in Hawaiian electric sources
- HB1796: Clearer Rules for Schools With Uncontrollable Kids
- New policy eliminates hidden fees at UH
- Shakedown: Billion Dollar Telescope in Court Again
- Caldwell Ignores Committees on Women, Disabilities
- Future Caucus debuts to engage young people
- Who Are Hawaii's U.S. Senate Candidates' Biggest Donors?
- Honolulu Inflation only 1.7%
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Thursday, February 20, 2014 |
February 20, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:54 PM :: 3847 Views
- Sabato: Hawaii Governor's Race no Longer 'Likely Democratic'
- VA Mortgages Again Available as DoH Reverses Catchment Tank Rules
- DBEDT: Shortage of Housing Supply Contributes to High Prices
- Matson Raising Fuel Surcharge 5%
- SB2147: Silver Alert
- Gallup: Hawaii Drops to 8th in Well-Being
- "Is there a way to allow a person to end his life without making someone else a criminal?"
- Spoiler: To run for Governor, Mufi forming "Independent Party" Today
- Hanohano Targeted because She Opposes Pre-K Initiative?
- Aila: Hanohano Accused DLNR Staffer of 'Genocide'
- Tip credit stymies accord on raise
- Lobbyists Test Another Path to Influence
- Hawaii Ethics Commission Examines How Lawmakers Spend Their Allowances
- Will Land Swap Restore Ag in Wahiawa?
- Prison pitch includes new facility in West Oahu
- EPA seeks tougher safety standards for farmworkers
- Anti-GMO 'Home Rule ' Reso Passes Hawaii Co Council
- 5.5 percent raise sought for police chief, deputies
- Kauai Police commissioner resigns: Is Target of Federal Gambling Investigation
- After Killing Them, Pflueger Cuts off Farmers Water
- City Council gives initial OK to $10 trash pickup fee
- Easing the housing crunch for low-income citizens
- Opponents of planned Kakaako condo want permit revoked
- A second chance for vets
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Wednesday, February 19, 2014 |
February 19, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:28 PM :: 5014 Views
- Say NO on SB 2521 ~ Do Not increase Food costs for Hawaii
- BoE Reaffirms Commitment to Hawaiian Language and Culture
- FDA: ‘Natural Supplements’ Industry Victimizes Korean Community with Hidden Chemicals
- Hawaiian Electric Reports 2013 Earnings
- Growing Inequality? Hawaii Ranks #8 in USA
- Today at the Legislature
- Abercrombie: Wilson Promises to be Activist Judge
- Mile Wide, Inch Deep: Poll Shows that GMO Labeling is Backed by Know-Nothings
- Organic Profiteer: Sen Ruderman Rakes in $1M/year Profits from 'Natural Foods' Store
- DLNR: Hanohano Blames Malihini for 'Genocide'
- Mainland Homosexuals Spent $509,900 to Marry Hawaii
- FBI Investigates Kauai Police Commissioner for Bookmaking
- Feds Grab for Control of all West Hawaii Water Resources
- Rail opponents give up fight after Two court decisions
- Pacific Resource Partnership’s media campaign targets Kakaako
- HHSC: $109M for Electronic transition of Health records
- Morita: Abercrombie Preparing to Dump me as PUC Chair
- Kahuku Wind Project Faces Blowback
- The Future Electric Utility Ratepayer
- HB2116 Help Young Energetic Criminals Get Back out of Prison Even Quicker
- Big Island Rally Remembers Murder Victims
- California Mother of 6 Stole Dead Father's Disability Payments for 21 Years from Hawaii Government
- Federal Contractors Relieved at Metcalf Ruling
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Tuesday, February 18, 2014 |
February 18, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:31 PM :: 4817 Views
- 9th Circuit Court: Honolulu Rail Project On Track
- KOS: Ward Poll Shows Aiona is Winning on His own Popularity
- Abercrombie Names former BLNR Chair Wilson to Supreme Court
- Survey: UH Manoa Offers 13th Best Return on Investment in US West
- Hawaii Among 10 Least Expensive Insurance Markets
- Ethics Comm. to Discuss 8 Bills Before Legislature
- OHA and Kakaako Makai
- UH Med school leads nation in funding
- Today at the Legislature
- Rail: Effect of Ansaldo Restructuring 'Remains to be seen'
- Democrat: Aiona's Popularity Shows Need for Cleansing of Voter File
- Cayetano: A lot of Angry Voters out There
- Preschool, GMOs, Kakaako, and Homelessness: More Poll Results
- Friday Deadline for Kauai County to Respond to Suit against Anti-GMO Law
- Anti-GMO Activists Still Talking about Ousting Kauai Mayor
- Hawaiian Immersion Schools Flood DOE Lawn to Rally for Policy Changes
- Fired Honolulu Police Officer’s File Destroyed Before Discharge Revealed
- Political Radar: Arguments for Public Funding not Square with Record
- HB2590 Same Day Voter Registration Chaos
- Hee: Only Police Should Have Drones
- Council revisits ethics proposal
- Lockheed Martin Builds $475K Tech System for Governor's Office
- Open Data Institute Signs Up Hawaii Affiliate
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Monday, February 17, 2014 |
February 17, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:52 PM :: 4818 Views
- GMO Labeling Could Add $800/yr to Hawaii Grocery Bills
- Honolulu: Highest Taxes in USA for Low Income Residents, 9th Lowest for High Income Residents
- Quid pro Quo? HSTA Endorses Ige for Governor
- Ige: Polls, Endorsements Show Momentum
- Stung by Star-Adv Poll, Schatz Releases his Own Numbers
- National Republicans Meet With Grassroots Volunteers in Hawaii
- Supreme Court: Damage To Unique Property Subject To Unique Rules
- Poll: Aiona 48% - Abercrombie 40%
- Nobody Wants Obamacare: 60% say Changes Needed, 24% want Repeal
- Caldwell Approval 72% to 19%
- Star-Advertiser: Caldwell's Garbage tax Goes too Far
- Lingle chief of staff returns as consultant to Honolulu City Council Chair
- The Perfect Storm: Tsunami of Forces Threatening HECO
- Don't let privacy fears ground Hawaii's well-established hobby aircraft community
- Getting the Right Balance on Drones
- New police cameras note license plates
- N Shore Residents Protest Ernie Martin's Bill 47
- Marine families in Hawaii worry soil under base housing may be toxic
- House bill due for a floor vote would ban tobacco (but not marijuana) at UH
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Sunday, February 16, 2014 |
February 16, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:35 PM :: 6779 Views
- Election 2014: Candidate Filing List Now Totals 14 Pages
- Caldwell's Latest Scheme: Garbage Tax
- 13 Nominated for UH Board of Regents
- Applicants Sought for Ethics Commission
- Die on Medicaid? State Could Seize Your House
- Poll Shows Deep Ethnic Divide: Hanabusa 48% -- Schatz 40%
- Poll: Kim Leads Pack for CD1
- Poll reveals Profound Ethnic Split
- Once a beacon, UH dulled by the dim bulbs in politics
- State budget depends on continued private-sector growth -- which has slowed
- Star-Adv: Let Kakaako Get Crowded with Skyscrapers, But Give Lawyers a Chance, too
- 5 things ahead in the Hawaii Legislature this week
- 600 Homeowners Victimized by Solar Scammers: Paying $305/mo for Nothing
- SB3049 Ruderman Panders to a Key Constituency -- Fukushima Radiation Conspiracy Theorists
- The Misnamed State Agency: The Consumer Advocate
- Governor Lingle Regales Students Over Shabbat Dinner
- Medical Marijuana Triples Auto Crash Fatality Rate
- The Interconnection Nightmare in Hawaii and Why It Matters to the US Residential PV Industry
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Saturday, February 15, 2014 |
February 15, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:54 PM :: 3424 Views
Friday, February 14, 2014 |
February 14, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:42 PM :: 3926 Views
- Bad Company: Honolulu Rail Car Supplier Ansaldo Breda May be Sold, Liquidated
- Atheist Scores $200K from New Hope Lawsuit Settlement
- How They Voted: House Rejects Religious Freedom Restoration Act
- Video: Legislators Debate Religious Freedom Restoration Act
- Slom: SB2160 Should be called Peter Boy Kema Bill
- SB2196: Barrel Tax Snatches $80M out of Consumers Pockets
- First Wind Dumps Battery System to Restart Kahuku Windfarm after Fire
- House Committee May Consider Expulsion of Hanohano after Cannibalism Remarks
- HCDA Reform? House is Just Faking it to Look Good for Voters
- Underground Pesticide Market Secretly Serves Hawaii Vegetable Farms
- Trask: Elected Officials Should be Censured for Spreading anti-Geothermal Hysteria (LOL!)
- HHSC Privatization proposal advances
- Experts Fret over Abject Failure of Hawaii Obamacare
- Caldwell's Garbage Tax Would Hit Nonprofits, Small Business Hard
- Rail facility redesign costs $4.25M
- Bills may weaken Sunshine Law
- Bill to legalize pakalolo dies but bill to decriminalize lives
- HB1899 Would Make Homeless into Sacred Cows
- HCDA Schedules Hearing for Residents Protesting New Condos on Ala Moana Blvd
- Iolani Palace releases surveillance video of vandalism suspects
- Hawaii Among 10 Places Where Health Insurance Costs The Least
- SB2126 Allows Schatz to Resign so Abercrombie can Appoint Hanabusa after she wins General Election
- UH Hilo Pharmacy school in peril
- The Conversation: Carl Bonham on Raising the Minimum Wage
- KFVE-TV ownership transfer challenged
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Thursday, February 13, 2014 |
February 13, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:06 PM :: 4142 Views
- Bhagowalia Quits Abercrombie Administration, Flees State
- Caylee’s Bill Up For Public Hearing Today
- VIDEO: Pono Choices Forum at State Capitol
- SB2999 SD1: Dissolve Failed Hawaiian Roll Commission
- Xtreme Bankruptcy: Burned out Wind Farm Battery Maker to be Auctioned off
- Study: Wind Farms Die After 10-15 years
- Hawaii legislators reject Azerbaijani Resolutions
- Hawaii Boasts Most Expensive U.S. Destination for Presidents' Day Weekend
- Hawaii pesticide data: Homes not fields found to be source of most problems
- Today's Legislative Agenda
- HUD: $4,200 Contribution to Ernie Martin Buys $1.2M Loan Forgiveness?
- Star-Adv: Use LNG to ease ratepayer costs
- Caldwell's Latest Trick: $120 Garbage Tax
- Senate panels OK OHA plan to develop Kakaako parcels
- PHOCUSED, Hee Demand Legislators Use Minimum Wage to Screw Restaurant Industry
- Thanks to Supreme Court ruling, VOG is now Basis for Lucrative Workers Comp Suits
- Fraud: Hawaii Pays $400K Disability to Daughter of Dead Man for 2 Decades
- U6: Hawaii's Real Unemployment Rate 11.5%
- Pine, Arakawa Top GOP Fundraisers
- Atheist Trash Score $200K from New Hope Settlement
- $100K Raise for DoE Sup't?
- Homeless program coming to Hawaii
- Open-government advocates are alarmed at advancing legislation
- Ethics: Hawaii County takes a Page from Caldwell's Playbook
- Under Senate Proposal, Parents Could be Prosecuted for Unreported Missing Children
- Moving in the Legislature:
- Did the Legislature Learn anything from 'Islam Day' Fiasco?
- Fire: After 18 Months, Kahuku Wind Farm Finally Repaired
- Attorney Gen. to investigate palace break-in
- Niu Valley SPED Teacher's aide investigated for stabbing student with pencil
- Internet Access to Patient Records Now Available
- Hawaii Among Most Satisfied with Standard of Living
- Gingriches to sign books in Lahaina
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Wednesday, February 12, 2014 |
February 12, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:21 PM :: 4381 Views
- Anti-GMO Activists Welch on Promise to Provide Pro-Bono Defense for Kauai County
- Fiscal watchdog disputes Hawaii governor’s surplus claims
- Schatz v Hanabusa: Vituperative, Byzantine Contest Hottest in USA
- HB2148 Would Allow Military Pistol Training to Satisfy Handgun Training Requirements
- Justice Reinvestment: Hawaii Reduces Prison Population by 4%, Increases Costs by $900K
- I Aloha Molokai opposes HB1942 & SB2754
- Guard soldier adored his family and the ocean
- Attorney: Creagan Appointment Rigged
- 20,000 Hawaii Medicaid Applicants May Lose Subsidies because of State's Inability to Complete paperwork On Time
- House Committee shelves plan to kill HCDA
- Hawaii Senate Committees Advance Dole Land Exchange Proposal
- Hawaii Legislature Moves Closer to Raising Minimum Wage
- Ige: We Have Minimum Wage Bill from Last Years Conference Committee
- Hawaii Legislature to Hear Bills Decriminalizing Pot
- In Motion in the Legislature
- Star-Adv: Pono Choices is Anti-Gay
- Kalbert Young: Sustainability = More Spending
- Schatz and Hanabusa strut their credentials as liberals
- Lawmakers attempt to reopen popular rock climbing site
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Tuesday, February 11, 2014 |
February 11, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:26 PM :: 4763 Views
- Senator Sam Slom Appointed to Special Investigative Committee
- Hawaii In The Eminent Domain Spotlight
- Abercrombie Creates Lucrative New Positions for Bhagowalia, Lieutenants
- PUC Decision and Order in Decoupling Case
- City Blames ORI for Failed HUD Negotiations
- SB2521: Clayton Hee Sneaks GMO Labeling Bill past angry Farmers
- Senate considers new take on partnerships for HHSC
- Behind the ballooning medical e-records cost
- Abercrombie Chaos: State to be temporarily without health director
- Forgetful Abercrombie Was Two Days Late With Supreme Court Nomination
- State contract issues lead to foreclosure process for residential care providers
- State paying $5 million for airport screening that airlines used to pay for
- Killer of Japanese visitor could walk free Thanks to Abercrombie's Soft on Crime Parole Board
- Forbes: Woman Criticizes Honolulu's Government, Has Her Protest Signs Bulldozed
- Legislators Consider Legalizing Hashish
- Lawmakers Consider Whether the Public Should Inhale .... or Not
- Proposed legislation would crack down on Hawaii mortgage fraud, fake liens
- Bill targets home births
- Why Do Takai and Cabanilla Care So Much About Azerbaijan?
- The Many Reasons Why a City or County Attorney Should Not Provide Ethics Advice
- Judge Orders Release of Police Disciplinary Records
- Judge to Decide on Releasing Deedy Trial Transcripts
- Iolani Palace vandal suspects appear in court
- Grid Modernization is a Multi-Edged Sword
- Number of solar photovoltaic permits issued on Oahu drops 25%
- Bill could restore funding cuts for high school sports
- Patsy Mink's Legacy Guts UH Athletic Finances
- Retaliation is #1 as Discrimination complaints up in 2013
- These Maps Show The Geography Of Interracial Marriage
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Monday, February 10, 2014 |
February 10, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:46 PM :: 4892 Views
- UPDATE: Did McManaman Quit Abercrombie Administration or Not?
- Republicans Build Momentum in Legislative Races
- Is inequality actually lower in Honolulu?
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted February 10, 2014
- Blake Oshiro Charges 'Health Spa' expenses to taxpayers
- Senate panel OKs 3 housing measures
- Style beats Substance: Is Tulsi Gabbard Hawaii's Invincible Rep.?
- Hawaii Electric Rates up 56% in Three Years
- The Unraveling of Hu Honua Biofuels
- Liquefied natural gas site proposed, Sierra Club Opposed
- Federal agency wants $8 million returned
- Police Release Names of Vandals Who Allegedly Smashed Door at Iolani Palace
- More than 100 people express frustration over Niihau proposals
- Banning officers from drinking alcohol while carrying a loaded gun
- Pothead Losers Head for State Supreme Court
- Panel passes bill to Throw Tobacco smokers out of public housing
- Senators Worry Marijuana Pipes are being used for Tobacco
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Sunday, February 9, 2014 |
February 9, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:43 PM :: 3986 Views
- Election 2014: Dozens Pull Papers in First Week of Candidate Filing
- You Like Tax Credits, Why Don’t We?
- Minimum Wage Fraud Revisited–Again and Again
- Defending Liberty: Grassroot Institute Interviews Ilya Shapiro
- Abercrombie's Soft on Crime Parole Board Cuts Sentences for 14 Murderers, More Coming
- HART Begins Deploying Excuses for Rail Cost Overruns
- Shapiro: Caldwell Hedges Bets on Rail Cost Overruns
- Since we're flush, it's time to refill rainy-day reservoir
- Residents demand HCDA change or die
- 'Affordable' housing
- Statewide system of mobile medical facilities stands to lose a third of its funding
- Sovereignty Activists? Police, Media Protect Anonymity of Vandals who Smash Door at Iolani Palace
- Caldwell Admin Questions Anti-hoarding proposal
- Renewed Push for Tax Hike on Waikiki TVRs?
- Power usage dropping on Kauai
- Waikiki Bike Share to Cost $7000 per bike plus another $1882 per bike per year
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Saturday, February 8, 2014 |
February 8, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:07 PM :: 4282 Views
- Did McManaman Quit Abercrombie Administration or Not?
- Taken: HI convict pleads guilty to stealing $200,000 in gov’t welfare
- HB1624: Religious Freedom Not a Priority for House Judiciary Committee
- SB2149: Combat Fraudulent Liens and Mortgage Filings
- Natalie Iwasa Makes City Council Run Official
- Guilty: Mainland Bisexual Moves to Maui, Adopts and Rapes Foster Boys
- Report: PV customer credits Driving Up Electric Rates
- Maui News: Arakawa Deserves Credit for Business-friendly Atmosphere
- Dozens testify to restrict power of HCDA
- State may yank 990 acres from UHWO for TOD
- More than $1 billion in rail contracts scheduled to arrive in 2014
- Sen. Kim warns UH, student fees not a bailout
- Sen. Dela Cruz Advocates for New Agency to Facilitate Public-Private Partnerships
- Honolulu Officials Give Up on Central Oahu Nonprofit Embroiled in Scandal
- Niihau Fishing Bill Will Redefine Rights of Shoreline Property Owners
- Liquor panel too slack, DUI councilman complains
- 10,000 Rental Units Needed for Homeless
- DoD to Defend Oahu Electrical Grid Against Attacks by Green Energy Scammers and Terrorists
- Anti-GMO Lawyers Not Quite Pro-Bono
- Compact Impact: Guam Frustrated With Abercrombie's Lack of Leadership
- Mass layoff at Kaiser Permanente Hawaii
- Kihei Rejects Naming HS After Patsy Pink
- Obama, Bethany Hamilton urge nations to allow religious freedom
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Friday, February 7, 2014 |
February 7, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:28 PM :: 4922 Views
- Flags Fly at Half-Staff for Chief Warrant Officer Edward Balli
- China Will Deploy Subs that Could Nuke Alaska or Hawaii This Year
- Clayton Hee: “We give notice we cut you at the knees”
- HI lawmakers: Obamacare exchange failures warrant state takeover
- Epic Fail: Where Four State Health Exchanges Went Wrong
- Schatz 93% More Liberal Than Average Senator
- Taxes, Transparency, Initiative, Referendum, Recall, Children and More Supported by Legislative Minority
- SB2153: Follow the Tax Credit Money
- SB 2169: GE Tax Cut Would Help Working Families and the Poor
- Another $19.1M CIP for HHSC Hospitals
- Reagan Dinner Attracts Sellout Crowd
- Today's Legislative Agenda
- Only 3,614 Sign up for Hawaii Health Exchange
- Federal judge to rule in Honolulu rail case ‘as soon as I can’
- Pre-K Initiative Requires $50M/year
- Star-Adv: Reject DHHL's arrogant, shameful bid for secrecy
- Bill Would Exempt OHA Board from Open Meetings Law
- OHA renews push to lift ban on residential development
- What Should Lawmakers Do With Hawaii's Development Authority?
- Three Bills: Will Hawaii Lawmakers Pass the Charter Schools Test?
- Hu Honua Bioenergy replaces Hawaiian Dredging as contractor
- Keeping pot, gaming illegal is police chief's plan
- Blame Game: Sen English points finger at cops for enforcing his cellphone law
- HB1804: Lawmakers advance bill that would criminalize lying to police
- Health Savings Accounts to be Promoted for Hawaii LTC Savings
- Sierra Club Attacks HC&S Biomass Facility
- HB2226: West Hawaii Reps Attack Small Business
- Guilty plea expected in 200K Hawaii welfare fraud case
- Could this be the solution to America's probation problem?
- Niihau County?
- Pastor sues Maui County over religious pamphlets distribution
- Contractor warning came 5 months before brakes failed on ZipperLane
- Hawaii in World War II was civil rights black hole
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Thursday, February 6, 2014 |
February 6, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:41 PM :: 4462 Views
- Schofield Engineers Return from Afghanistan
- KOS: Abercrombie Terrible, Vulnerable, Deeply Unpopular–And Headed for Landslide Reelection
- Lawsuit Alleges Abuse at Kauai Prison
- Bills on their way to becoming laws that promote fiscal transparency
- Faleomavaega still missing; American Samoa in legislative Danger
- Full Text: Maui Mayor Arakawa State of the County Address
- Hanohano Committee Votes to Exempt DHHL from Open Records Laws
- Honolulu Risks Losing Millions on Affordable Housing Projects
- SB2728: Sen English Behind Unconstitutional Grab for title to Hawaii Roads, Trails
- Will Hawaii Go To Pot – Or What?
- Estimated Water billing Down to 3,000 per Month
- Lawmakers to debate bills aimed at Hawaii Community Development Authority
- OHA pledges not to build condos on Kewalo Basin waterfront
- Tax relief brewing
- HB1999: Pretend to Protect ratepayers
- Victims of Solar Scammers Blame HECO
- Honolulu solar PV industry showing mixed signs so far this year
- SB2924: Let Public Utilities Commission Keep More Special Fund Money
- Higher Athletic Fees Coming? $2 million shortfall forecast for sports
- HB2454: GMO regulation task force bill moving in Senate
- SB2433: Anti-GMO Activists Cheer Effort to Harass Farmers Market Vendors
- HB2022: Enviros Harass Restaurants over Styrofoam Again
- HPD sergeant facing demotion for confrontation with Occupiers caught on video
- Automatic jail time proposed for repeat car break-in thieves
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Wednesday, February 5, 2014 |
February 5, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:03 PM :: 4075 Views
- Hawaii Shippers Council testifies to Puerto Rico Senate in support Jones Act reform
- UHPA Files 'Prohibited Practice' Charges Against UH Administration
- "You Brainwashed Me": Victim Confronts Alleged Homosexual Child Molester
- Lloyd Lim: A Theory of Business Regulation
- Ten Steps for a Market-Oriented Health Care System
- Services scheduled for fallen Kapolei soldier
- DoE Announces New Review of Pono Choices Curriculum
- Green Energy Scammers Angered by Abercrombie's Refusal to Sign 242 pages of Rules Which Would Force Gasoline and Electricity Prices Even Higher
- PV systems eat into HECO sales, but not Profits
- Matayoshi Reward for Imposing Gay Agenda: $250K/year
- SB2837 Would Expand Secrecy of DHHL Leases
- Child protective cases to stay closed
- Bid to Override County GMO Restrictions Is Dead — for Now
- Biotech-Aided Farming Should Not Be a Crime
- Kihei Charter School plans new $21M campus as Maui awaits start on state’s $130M public high school
- Oil Export Debate Renews Fight Over Protections for U.S. Shipping
- Big Cable: PUC Holds Non-Disclosed Legislative Briefing
- Hawaii may nudge its people to save early for care
- Hawaii County to Issue New RFP for Waste to Energy
- Proposed drone regulations draw fire from Users
- Hawaii County police probe death of man in custody
- SB2591: Can Misconduct Bill 'Validate' Public Trust in Hawaii Police?
- Violations at federal building where employees claim mold is causing serious illness
- Hilo Bay: Shark Gobbles Up Delicious Turtle in Front of Startled Tourists
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Tuesday, February 4, 2014 |
February 4, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:16 PM :: 4083 Views
- Bitter Abercrombie Bickers With 'Irresponsible' Legislators over CAFR Credit
- Gallup: Hawaii Liberals Outnumber Conservatives by Paltry 0.7%
- HI lawmaker renews fight to end or revise controversial sex ed program
- UHERO: Hawaii's minimum wage, poverty, and job creation
- Lagging Health Connector Launches New Ad Buy
- In Search of the Glass Ceiling: Deciphering Data on Gender and Wages
- DOE reports on school year and instructional time
- Hawaiian Electric deactivates Honolulu Power Plant
- HB452: Hawaii House Unanimously Passes Election Fraud Bill
- Multiple Gun-Related Bills to be Heard in state Senate Committee Today
- Rep Thielen Pushes Hemp Legalization
- Today's Legislative Agenda
- Cronies give Caldwell $449K, 2nd only to The Abercrombie
- Caldwell Pushes Massive GE Tax Hike
- HB1999 Challenges HECO Monopoly
- Good News: House Panel Defers Child Molester Protection Bill
- SB110 to Protect Agriculture from Anti-GMO Lunatics?
- U.S. Supreme Court Justice Scalia's Surprising Advice for UH Law Students
- Atheist Trash to Re-File Lawsuit Against Churches
- Sen. Chun Oakland Seeks $220M for Affordable Housing
- Honolulu Councilman Wants To End State Control Of Kakaako Development
- More coordination with state urged for rail planning
- PUC Quietly Moves on Solar Permit Rules
- Funding for cooler schools advances
- Star-Adv: Lift secrecy veil on child-abuse proceedings
- State places Kaneohe preschool on 'probation'
- The Jones Act is an ‘expensive luxury’
- Hawaii Supreme Court rejects sovereignty defense
- Union complaint delays UH smoking ban
- Bills aim to help homeless into private homes, Kick Smokers out of Public Housing
- Hu Honua faces nearly $37M in liens
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Monday, February 3, 2014 |
February 3, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:37 PM :: 3403 Views
- Candidate Filing Opens Monday Feb. 3
- Hawaii Republicans are active and working hard for a better Hawaii
- LIUNA, UniteHere 'Bitterly Disappointed' With Obamacare
- WaPo: Hanabusa is 4th Biggest Loser in Politics
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted February 3, 2014
- Today's Legislative Agenda
- Stop Rail Suit will be heard Thursday
- Secret Document: 'Decoupling' Costs Rate Payers $161 per Year
- Usual Crooks, Cronies Top List of Abercrombie Max Donors
- Big Turnout for GOP Caucuses
- Mental health cuts linked to violence
- Bill would open child abuse hearings
- Bill would allow undocumented residents to acquire driver’s license
- Fruitful Lessons From Papayas to Oranges
- Predictable: Kauai Activists begin Attacking Dairy Farm Proposal
- SB2938 Calls For County Online Registration of Firearms
- Star-Adv: Use Solar, Batteries to cool schools
- Surfer girls, Philadelphia freedom and newbuilding finance
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Sunday, February 2, 2014 |
February 2, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:23 PM :: 4450 Views
- Anti-GMO Activists Claim Kauai Mayor’s Office has been Legally Vacant since 2010
- Regressive Taxes: State Hypocrisy on Minimum Wage
- Feb 4-5: Pono Choices or Poor Choices?
- Faleomavaega on Hillary’s Hit List?
- I Need a Gun, Mommy, but I won't use it (now)
- ACU Chair Al Cardenas to Speak at Maui TEA Party Event
- Caldwell announces new economic development team
- Living History Day: USS Missouri Celebrates Double Anniversary
- Kim vs Chang in CD1 Money Race
- Only the law blocks OHA from makai development
- Star-Adv: Don't throw out HCDA
- Bills Would Create State Groups to Advise Honolulu’s Transit-Oriented Development
- Ige, Abercrombie Maneuver over GMOs
- Farmers are the 1 percent we need
- Maui Fund Race, Carroll, Ing, Woodson, Cochran Short on Campaign Funds
- This Week's Attractions at the Legislature
- SB2344: Trans-Agency Climate Change Council to Rule Your Life
- HB1684: Popular manta ray dives may see strict regulations
- Housing comes first: A Proven Way to Help the Homeless
- A new probation program in Hawaii beats the statistics
- Slim, casual memoir offers enriching look at late judge
- Solar panel installations push electric utilities to the brink
- DoH, Cane not Corn top User of Atrazine
- Scammers impersonating deputy sheriffs, state warns
- 2nd Tranny Convicted of Manslaughter in buttocks-injection trial
- Families Make Up 69 Percent of Hawaii Households
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Saturday, February 1, 2014 |
February 1, 2014 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:24 PM :: 4100 Views
- Sen. Sam Slom Introduces Legislative Package
- Marijuana Group Poll Shows More Support for Legalization
- Bird Group: Survey Shows 90% in Hawaii Want Cat Control
- Fundrace: Abercrombie $533K, Ige $56K
- SB3088: Big Cable to Service Wasteful Offshore Wind Farms
- Grabbing for TAT, Mayors Push GE Tax Hike
- HSTA Rejects Bills to lengthen school year, set instructional hours
- OHA pursues plan to double revenue from Kakaako land
- HB1654: More Administrators to Administrate the Administration
- Lobbying filings offer look at cost of gay-marriage fight as Legislators Continue to Seek Retaliation
- Sierra Club Joins Anti-GMO Whackos on Maui
- Health Dep't: Supermarkets Responsible for Cleanliness of Customers Dirty Reusable Bags
- IAC: Judge Hara Should Have Recused Himself
- Couple faces $15K fine for turning mill into residence
- SB234 Iwi reburial bill riles Native Hawaiians
- Foundation Headed by Chicagoans taking bids for Obama library
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